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Jagex promoting exercise?


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I dont think this will ever happen. Jagex dont want to lose money or players , so limiting the time they play would be doing this. Also people pay for this game and have the right to choose how long they play.

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It's the same with alcohol. You can buy as much as you want, but just don't drink it too much. Play runescape as much as you want, but don't let it take over your life/health. How much you drink is none of the store's bussines, how much you play runescape is none of jagex bussines IMO


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

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It would be a big step for Jagex to do this but it seems as if they're already trying to get on that path with one of their daily tips that said something along the lines of taking a break when playing for long periods of time.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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I don't think adding a time-limit would be a good idea, but some kind of a counter like on WoW would be good.

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I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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I don't think Jagex should do this.




It would be an unfair step/precaution.




In some cases I can play in excess of 10 hours a day due to being stuck at home with nothing to do. If there was a limit what would I do when I have nothing to do for a full day?




Also as you said it is down to your choiceand assertion of self control.




If you really wnated to spend time with your friends and family you would make yourself, or if you are truely addicted your freidns and/or family should notice and impose restrictions on you personally.




Its not Jagex job as a company to do that.




Its like saying McDonalds should restrict how much food you can buy from them per day in order to promote healthy eatting. Not gonna happen and not their place, such a restriction would be a infringment upon the human right to free choice. As long as its not illegal we have the right to decide how much of what we do and when.




I'm thinking that's exactly the problem. Everyone depends on Runescape.


Jagex needs to take steps to cut off that dependancy. Go buy a treadmill or just go outside...

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Guest sandhill5


Its like saying McDonalds should restrict how much food you can buy from them per day in order to promote healthy eatting. Not gonna happen and not their place, such a restriction would be a infringment upon the human right to free choice. As long as its not illegal we have the right to decide how much of what we do and when.


Look what free choice has done to America. It's like 40% that are obese, or something like that. What if a parental unit could set the limit? That would be a good compromise.

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I don't think Jagex will do this.Some people would probalby quit, which would make Jagex lose money. And I don't think they want to do that, do they?




They will probably lose more money in the future because some fatass sues them when he gets a heart attack because they didn't limit his playing time. Either way it's a lose/lose situation for them. But WOW has a good idea in their game, increasing the amount of xp you get for killings things by "resting". So you can actually save time by not playing! :mrgreen:




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I can see both sides of this argument, but it would be a better option if limiting game time was optional.




Sure it will drop profits if they put a compulsary time limit on the game, but it will show parents of the children that the company cares about the youth of today.




This is a idea that was semi introduced by McDonalds, they offered a Healthy Range of food, but this of course is optional.




I am in no way linking McDonalds and Jagex together, I'm merely showing a example of where it has be implemented and is successful.

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the max will bve around 6 hours... and that wont stop me...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I can see both sides of this argument, but it would be a better option if limiting game time was optional.




Sure it will drop profits if they put a compulsary time limit on the game, but it will show parents of the children that the company cares about the youth of today.




This is a idea that was semi introduced by McDonalds, they offered a Healthy Range of food, but this of course is optional.




I am in no way linking McDonalds and Jagex together, I'm merely showing a example of where it has be implemented and is successful.




Maybe you should have started this post off by saying that in the first place?




Only thing is where time restrictions are placed on people is usually children by their parents and if they parents cant get the kid off of the game by their own means and really did need that x amount of hours timer to kick the kid off the game for them...well that just says something about the quality of parenting being provided to that child there.




But perhaps maybe an option to limit your amount of hours per day....maybe...

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3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

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this is a ridiculous idea. i play rs 6 to 10 hours a day, and still get plenty of exercise. i am 20 pounds underweight and eat like a pig. i am in good shape, yet i play for so long. this is not needed, the problem is not exercise, but people's diets. sitting on your butt all day only makes you fatter if you're already overwieght. therefore, any problems with your health cannot be blamed on the game.



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I think that idea is good on some terms, but I don't think Jagex should do it. Maybe it would help the people that play to much but I don't think they should do it because after all, it's their choice. Now if McDonalds would stop serving fat people, that would solve some problems... but Jagex doesn't work like that.


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I don't think Jagex should do this.




It would be an unfair step/precaution.




In some cases I can play in excess of 10 hours a day due to being stuck at home with nothing to do. If there was a limit what would I do when I have nothing to do for a full day?




Also as you said it is down to your choiceand assertion of self control.




If you really wnated to spend time with your friends and family you would make yourself, or if you are truely addicted your freidns and/or family should notice and impose restrictions on you personally.




Its not Jagex job as a company to do that.




Its like saying McDonalds should restrict how much food you can buy from them per day in order to promote healthy eatting. Not gonna happen and not their place, such a restriction would be a infringment upon the human right to free choice. As long as its not illegal we have the right to decide how much of what we do and when.




I'm thinking that's exactly the problem. Everyone depends on Runescape.


Jagex needs to take steps to cut off that dependancy. Go buy a treadmill or just go outside...




Outside? Where I live not an option.




I have no friends in my village and the small children around my village yell emo at me at every given oppourtunity as wellas throwing things at me, which includes and is not limited to water, balls and dog poop.




As for buying a treadmill Iaman active dancer and take part in many musical productions. Plus in an average day I do a hell of alot of walking around the city centre and to and from various locations such as college ormy gr8 aunts house. When at home Idon;t want to go on a treadmill, I want to relax and recover my energy,especially when I am not engaged incollege work.


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welcome to Sovietscape, comrades.




you WILL enjoy your alloted 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 32 seconds of game time every day.






But still dont be so harsh on the Soviets, they had more of any empire than u'll ever have :lol:.








Jagex would never want to cut there profits and make lots of customers unhappy. not gona happen.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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why isnt this topic locked....


i mean...............




ive been here for 5 years on runescape...




and ive never heard anything more stupid than this.




if everyone plays the same amount of time, EVERYONE is basically a zezima, what is the point exactly?


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I would not keep paying to play if Jagex set a time limit




Also as i would do, and so would many others, i would have like 5 or 6 accounts, so when one got time up, i just log onto another one, i would prolly have like 5 pures then, none mems jagex would be outa buisness




Also the very reason i bought membership was so i wasnt just in my room for ours by myself, that is very unhealthy, at least on runescape i can be socially healthy (also i am in great shape, and i play like 10 hours a day)




If Jagex did put a limit i would also just go to other things (http://www.addictinggames.com has tons of stuff to do and is very addicting, there is everquest and WoW, also Runescape Spoofs out there 2) like Yahoo pool, which i did before runescape, all it would do for jagex is lose them money




SAY NO TO COMUNIST JAGEX!!!!!!! :ohnoes:

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