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ure funniest moment?


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Everything I say is funny.


'Cept that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


And that.


It really has

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Wow, you laughed at someone, and you farted... Congratz on discovering one of the many secrets of the human body, and good luck on getting a date who'll think that farting is funny.




Asking people to not flame your stupid thread doesn't really help much either, m'kay?






Just for the sake of not having my post hidden; Probably when our very own U.S. airport security let me take on a lighter, 2 packs of matches, and a laser pointer, but took away someone's tweezers.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...




:lol: You slap your mom on the bootay? :lol:

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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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there fault for being stupid \'




You used the wrong spelling of Their when calling people stupid?

I bet it's some totally awesome 20-stringed, dragon shaped instrument that doubles as a flamethrower/laser phaser. Or some really lame Chinese bamboo thing.

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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...




See, this kinda stuff is funny to do. Your not truely hurting anyone, and its just mistakes.




Farts arent THAT funny, but they are ok to laugh at some times. Its just the stuff like laughing at people who you really hurt or scare.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...








One time in English there was this girl who was bending over getting something. The teacher called my name and i turned around really quick with my hand out and slapped her right on the butt. Let's just say I have a few new nicknames now :XD:

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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...








One time in English there was this girl who was bending over getting something. The teacher called my name and i turned around really quick with my hand out and slapped her right on the butt. Let's just say I have a few new nicknames now :XD:




Ever called your teacher mum or dad by accident?





My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I sometimes scare my mum by going up behind her and tugging on her bag and she nearly thumps me expecting that someone is trying to take it.




Try explaining that to another woman when you thought she was your mum from behind...




Not to mention I saw her again in the shopping mall, thought she was mum and slapped her really hard on the arse and it was the same lady.




I could have died with embarrassment if I could have just stopped laughing...








One time in English there was this girl who was bending over getting something. The teacher called my name and i turned around really quick with my hand out and slapped her right on the butt. Let's just say I have a few new nicknames now :XD:




Back in, like, 9th or 10th grade we were playing flag football in PE. I went to try and grab one of the flags from one of my friend ( a girl ) but accidentally... ehm, grabbed too low from behind. :oops:







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Ever called your teacher mum or dad by accident?




That happens all the time. I can cope with being called 'Mum', but I did find it rather unnerving when one of the children called me 'Dad' one time. :uhh:


The Poison Fairy

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I had broken my arm and was going on a trip to Florida via plane. While going through security, after going through the metal detector they told me they would have to check my cast for explosives, and put in a small quarantined area, what my friends and i now call, "the Box", and this middle-aged lady came through, saw me in the quarantined area with a security guard standing beside it, and look as if she were about to die, it was hilarious, the look on her face. My laughing didn't help her much either, she must have thought I was smuggling explosives onto the plane...priceless :XD:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Well at the time it was quiet embrassing.




Anyway, I was going on vacation via airplane when I was 8. It was a medium amount of flight time, about 5hours. Anyway, I ate some suspicous chicken from a reaturant before leaving and before that at home my nonna had given me lahmacun(it was spicy, it can be either spicy or not) and when I was little spicy use to upset my stomach(now I love spicy hehe) and when we landed, I vomited over the seat, and onto a bald guy's head(I saw the sliced peppers from the lahmacun in the pool of vomit on his head). His wife is laughing so hard the whole time and this guy just gets up and wipes it off with his hand. I later saw him going back the next week, he actually wasn't mad at all, lol.




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OP's grammar is atrocious. :?






Uuhh, I was at my aunt's house and we went to go take a walk at 1 in the morning. We where walking down the road and a bunch of black people ( not that it really matters ) where having a party, and i'm assuming they where really ...really drunk. One of the women started to yell at us.








:wink: : Sorry, we don't speak Ebonics. Try english!




We kept walking and thought we where really funny and we turned around to see that the men had came progessivly closer to us. We ran home..


We were sitting in the dining room and I thought.




:?: : Amiee, do you still have that Eiffle 65 CD?




#-o : Unfortunatly yes, why?




:-k : Are you thinking what i'm thinking?




We got in the car, turned the music up as load as we could, and drove down the road to the people's house. We drove down their long dirt driveway, spun out, yelled some nasty things, the usual. The whole time Eiffle 65 - Blue is playing as loud as could be. Freaking epic.




We drive away and park in a near by parking lot, thinking it's over, laughing and announcing the [bleep]che' " OMG DID YOU SEE THAT!?! " when we see car lights turn on.




:uhh: Uhh, Amiee




:ohnoes: : Yea, I see it..




:uhh: : Oh shi....




We drove away. Fast. We literally drove acrossed town at like 2am because we though they where going to shoot us.






We got home and just..couldn't stop laughing. Freaking epic.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

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EDIT: I'll just post it here, gimme a sec.






My brother, my two aunts and I we're bored. It's hot. So the only way we can pass the time is the beach. The beach, right? Who'd ever think we could have such a story to tell to you, at the beach.




There's the lake, Gull Lake, very nice, clear blue waters, this is going to be fun, or so we thought. We drive around the lake for 10 minutes looking for anything that resembled sand. We didn't find any. All we found where houses and stores. We drove around some neighborhood for awhile and asked some kids for directions and all we got was a simple " over there " and some aimless pointing going on. Yea, that helps, thanks alot, life-noobs.




We see this man standing on the side of a road in what looked like to be a uniform and we asked him where the beach was. He told us to follow the road down and so we did. What happened next was ..wierd. We where bombarded by what seemed at the time to be a bunch of orange-shirted Nazi trying to use magical powers by flailing their arms around and screaming and clapping at us. WTF right? Yea, that's what we said. In utter confusion, Amiee parks in some spot where we aren't even sure if it's a parking space or not, just to take in what had just happened.




:shock: : Uhh, Amiee, someone's coming.




:-s : Quick! Look busy!




One of the employees/conspirers/Nazis walked up to the car.




\' : HELLO There! Are you folks here for the Fantastic Family Camp!?




:-s : Erm, no, we're just here to go to the beach..




\' : Oh, ok, well ..blah blah (WORDS!)




:-s : ...No thanks, we just want to get to the bloody beach.






So, we get directions and start walking. But when we get there, what this was, was not a beach. This was like a water-playground from hell for Sunday school kids ( We pulled into a ministry-type place, mind you. ) And we soon after thought, HA, screw this, we're going to the other lake. But too ashamed after making a big scene, we had to Splinter-Cell our way back behind the building and into our car. And we start to drive.




:wink: : Told you we should of gone to the other beach.






After this, you'd think there couldn't possibly be anything more interesting to the story. Right? Ha.. Think again.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

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We get to this beach, yada yada, we're swimming and playing frisby and soccer and all this. We thought it'd be a good idea to bury my brother in sand, and leave him there. But at the time we didn't realized that's like trying to fit an elephant in a tubaware bowl, and eating it for dinner. So, weÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re digging up sand like a bunch of prison inmates trying to get him burried as quick as we can, and then we realized it was probably a real [bleep] move to just leave him there. So we let him up.




:anxious: : Dude, this is so awesome.




8-) : Well look here ladies and gents, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s the worlds largest chicken nugget!




Next, oh boy.. My little brother is skipping across the beach coated in sand.








Right, I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t know this kid. Where did he come from? Who was stupid enough to let him out of his asylum? Eh, who cares, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s funny, eh? Let me tell you, he sure got a lot of attention, may it be good or bad, who cares. Ever seen a fat kid covered in sand singing the berries and cream song making circles in the sand? ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a nice sight. Well, not really.




:oops: : IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never had the displeasure to say I know someone as I do right now.




:wink: : Funny thing is, you two look a lot alike, are you brothers?




-.- : ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæWho told you.




The sun was dropping, people where leaving, and the sand was slowly falling off the side of what we like to call ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Å El stomach-de-Bryco.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



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