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The degrading community


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Tip.it, the first ever Runescape fansite, and a great place to hang out and chat with friends, seems to me to be too overlooked to me. Once a great community, I feel, is slowly degrading.




Ever since I joined in September of 2005 there have been topics that really don't spark any form of intelligence(i.e. "What's your favorite god?", topics that ask some simple question to the community). This is presumably one of the main problems causing this communityÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s deterioration. I am looking on the General boards now, and 20 of the 43 topics I see are what I consider uninteresting/simple question topics. Unfortunately, most are not considered spam and have no reason under the tip.it official rules to be removed.




These topics could even be traced back to the users themselves- the ones who actually make the topics. Once great leaders roamed the lands of tip.it forums, ones who others looked up to and were respected for their intelligence and maturity. They would say, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅOh look itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s lightning!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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To be really truthful yeah it is, I myself have stopped coming on


but the main reason for that is I don't like the new General Discussion


I miss my General P2P, just puts me off posting.. :cry:




I don't think the organisation of the boards has anything, if not little, to do with the problem.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I agree, I don't know how many threads I have read lately that are A.) Plain 'ol stupid B.) Have been answered in a thread 2 down from the top or C.) riddled with bad grammar, and useless +1's.




Now I have done all three of those things myself(who hasn't?) but I try to keep them at a bare minimum. The scum of runescape are slowly leaking to Tip.It and its only a matter of time till we see, "zomg look I dropperd a feather!!one!!!11" posts increase.




The only way I can see tip.it negating this spiraling effect would be to start a new forum and have it invite only. That way the mature tip.iters won't have to deal with the increase of morons.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Yea, zot said the same thing a few hours ago.




I know, I read his post. I believe he feels the same way I do right now, just think of my article as an extended version of his quitting paragraphs.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Yea, zot said the same thing a few hours ago.


Yeah, i overreacted a bit though, i realized that a while after the post, causing drama isn't gonna help the community. And yes you're right Mario, i agree with most of the things, allthough i don't think Tip It is in a decent shape.

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To be really truthful yeah it is, I myself have stopped coming on


but the main reason for that is I don't like the new General Discussion


I miss my General P2P, just puts me off posting.. :cry:




I don't think the organisation of the boards has anything, if not little, to do with the problem.

I think general p2p usually had more intelligent discussions. I also hate how quickly a topic can die now that the board moves twice as fast.




But yes, I do agree. Topics are getting worse and most of the "leaders" are retiring.




Tip it still beats the official forums by far, so I'll stick around. :thumbsup:

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Yea, zot said the same thing a few hours ago.


Yeah, i overreacted a bit though, i realized that a while after the post, causing drama isn't gonna help the community. And yes you're right Mario, i agree with most of the things, allthough i don't think Tip It is in a decent shape.




Decent yet degrading, and I meant that in the past it was great, better than 'decent' today.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I think general p2p usually had more intelligent discussions. I also hate how quickly a topic can die now that the board moves twice as fast




I never really posted in General for that reason


I always found the discussions better in P2P, helped a lot


but the fact new content was a great new topic each week


about he latest update, which is now swamped with questions


from F2P players each week.

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Tip it still beats the official forums by far, so I'll stick around. :thumbsup:




Is that an accomplishment? The official forums are a corrupt cesspool, now. Regardless, I do think this place needs a bit of policing.

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Tip it still beats the official forums by far, so I'll stick around. :thumbsup:




Is that an accomplishment? The official forums are a corrupt cesspool, now. Regardless, I do think this place needs a bit of policing.




:lol: I never said that fix your quote please :lol:

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I agree with you Mario, some of the stuff posted is just trying to help people get a post count more than discuss things that really matter. I don't know of anyone who actually cares if Player A likes Santa's or Halloween masks better. Some of the garbage, I mean threads *cough* on here are barely able to hold a discussion as the board suggests. -.-




I saw a thread in off-topic a while ago, Whats your eye color?...


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Oscar Wilde

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Tip it still beats the official forums by far, so I'll stick around. :thumbsup:




Is that an accomplishment? The official forums are a corrupt cesspool, now. Regardless, I do think this place needs a bit of policing.




The TIF don't need policing in my opinion. In fact, I think Tip.It is well kept enough. In the first page, five topics have already been locked, and I'm sure alot more moved to their appropriate board all thanks to the Tip.It's moderators, who are working hard to complete their job.




But what I think the forums really do need, are more helpful topics (as Mario Sunny pointed out) and somemore maturity coming from more of the posters. That, as well as the use of proper capitalization, spelling and grammar is what I think makes a board good. I mean, look around. Some of the topics in this board don't even make use of capital letters of proper spelling for that matter, but its good to see that most do.




As for the community degrading, I feel saddened that Tip.It veterans are indeed, leaving us. But that's how it is as time goes. People leave, and more people join. Though however hard it may be for us to accept, majority of these people don't make good use of spelling etc... and some don't even bother reading the rules! Though most are like this, let me point out that some of these people are also mature and nice people. Its just a matter of time before their popularity in the Tip.Iter community grows and they are recognized as one of the "better" posters and contributers.




Everything must come to an end though, but I think that Tip.it will be around quite a while before its boards are cluttered with spam, useless topics and even more arrogant posters.


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What i think is that topics with potential for discussion now in general p2p are not receivng a lot of attention in this new merged forum and are being pushed down instead of those spammy topics we hoped to push down through this change. The spammy topics are obviously more popular since it really doesn't think much to be answer the topic question. -.- Personally I have started to lose interest in coming to this new general board.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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What i think is that topics with potential for discussion now in general p2p are not receivng a lot of attention in this new merged forum and are being pushed down instead of those spammy topics we hoped to push down through this change. The spammy topics are obviously more popular since it really doesn't think much to be answer the topic question. -.- Personally I have started to lose interest in coming to this new general board.




I felt back when there were two general boards f2p had only slightly more spam that p2p. The p2p boards was not perfect, it still had it's share of spam. I'm actually finding the merge to my liking- my topics get answered by twice as many people. I do agree, though, that this merge has slightly fueled this current problem.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I am not one that does a lot of posting on Tip.it.




I am saddened by the comments made on this post. As I have heard people state, that time does move on and people come and people go, it is the way of the world. To see a site lose good members is always hard to take.




I would love to post more if in fact there were topics to discuss. If anyone has any that they feel are worthy of attention please feel free to post. I for one would very much like to have a topic that is worth the attention. This post is also a good topic in my opinion.




For those of you that have been a member for a lengthy amount of time, I sympathize with your discouragement. I hope things will work out for the best and that we don't need a topic like this one in the future.




I am in agreement with you. Peggyhill35 :(




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Tons of players asking me what my favorite God is, or what the story behind my name is... *sigh*




I usually stick to the Debate Club for a reason - a lot more of the discussion to my liking. Typically I can just stray from the RuneScape side of things and move to Off-Topic, not hard; sometimes I'll pop in General to debate with someone. But yeah, some of these topics just aren't as hard-hitting or thought provoking as they used to be. Perhaps everyone here who would actually like to see this salvaged could bring some liveliness to this forum by actually invoking thought in their posts, like this one. :P

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I honestly don't know who started this phrase, but I think it applies to this scenario very well:




Things will get worse before they get better.




Honestly I don't think it really matters, how many members actually posted more than once or twice a month?[/i]

~Fear the Fire~

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The problem is that the community used to be so great! In classic, like stated, I could play and know almost everyone in my world, literally. Tip.It was the best place to go and look for any new information. Jagex Mods would roam, and you could talk to them. Now a days, people flood Jagex with some many demands and expectations that they don't have the time or will to walk through a croud of demanding scapers.




Classic was filled with mainly, more mature players. Scammers and autoers were non-existant. "Noobs" weren't noobs because in classic, no one was maxed out or to far ahead of all the other scapers. There wasn't room for bragging rights. The thing about classic was that it was such a new game, that newer kids couldn't get their hands on it. They couldn't be exposed to the latest game. That's where the problem started.




With more people, comes more problems. More people cause more complaints and more demands. More people makes the community lose the closeness they once had. I remember some worlds have 200 people on them, and I almost wouldn't want to go in there for fear there would be too many people! Now, 2000 people is the max. 10 times as much people for each world!




The fact of the matter is, once the game became more popular, more immature members came into this world. More scammers were born along with macroers. This all really happened when RS2 was released. Due to that, a lot of users quit for a long period of time. I for one hated the new graphics, my items didn't transfer, and the community that I grew to know and love was no longer a tight nit of people whom I knew. People found fast methods of leveling, thus, the word noob was used everyday.




Tip.It is still a great forum. There are still very mature users. I rarely post on General lately, mainly because I don't see anything to discuss. I still browse General, but rarely do I post. I don't feel that I should put input in on something so useless. So, I will rarely post on What your favorite... and whatnot which makes up most of this board. I like Help and Advice, although the topics in there have lately been a little wacko also. Blogscape is my main forum. I like to check out my blog and read others blog. There are many older users in that forum, thus, that is why I hang out there. I hope all goes well for this forum, but at the moment, it seems a little bit depressing to read and think back about how everything was different back in classic. It's just a different community that I still haven't totally adjusted to, and probably never will!

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this kinna idea is shorta what we are doing to the enviroment, is it happening to slow that we just dont care, is it going to take the complete descrution of a 1st world country for the world to see what is happening.




but i do see what your saying, alot of the old leaders have left the boarders and it is leaving a void that cannot be filled it seems

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