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They get minimum wage for a reason........


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ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the teenager at the counter. "You don't?" I replied. "We only have six, nine, or twelve," was the reply. "So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?" "That's right." So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets




TWO I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked up one of those "dividers" that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things so they wouldn't get mixed. After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the "divider", looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it. Not finding the bar code she said to me, "Do you know how much this is?" I said to her "I've changed my mind, I don't think I'll buy that today." She said "OK," and I paid her for the things and left. She had no clue to what had just happened.




THREE A lady at work was seen putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly. When I inquired as to what she was doing, she said she was shopping on the Internet and they kept asking for a credit card number, so she was using the ATM "thingy."




FOUR I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. "Do you need some help?" I asked. She replied, "I knew I should have replaced the battery to this remote door unlocker. Now I can't get into my car. Do you think they (pointing to a distant convenience store) would have a battery to fit this?" "Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have an alarm, too?" I asked. "No, just this remote thingy," she answered, handing it and the car keys to me. As I took the key and manually unlocked the door, I replied, "Why don't you drive over there and check about the batteries. It's a long walk."




FIVE Several years ago, we had an Intern who was none too swift. One day she was typing and turned to a secretary and said, "I'm almost out of typing paper. What do I do?" "Just use copier machine paper," the secretary told her. With that, the intern took her last remaining blank piece of paper, put it on the photocopier and proceeded to make five "blank" copies.




SIX A mother calls 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she needs to take her kid to the emergency room, the kid was eating ants. The dispatcher tells her to give the kid some Benadryl and should be fine, the mother says, ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅI just gave him some ant killerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Wow. I've encountered stupidity from strangers before, but never on the level you just described. Thats just plain idiocy. I hate how dumb people are getting these days. It actaully has me worried. <.<

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Wow. As Speedofsound said, I've had times with dumb people, but not as low as you described. I hate it when people say "thingy" to name something they already named, it annoys the hell out of me! :x




Not all minimum wage people are stupid though, remember that.

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I've had many accounts with dumb people...




This story isn't really about being dumb its just kind of :roll: :


Anyway, trip to Italy, a bunch of Americans ordering coffee asking for "a latte" from a guy at a cafe who they think can't speak english. After being given hot milk several times they say "we want lattes!". The guy was like "ooo you mean cafe latte" and one of the people reply "no, we don't want chocolate milk!". Hehe




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Wow. As Speedofsound said, I've had times with dumb people, but not as low as you described. I hate it when people say "thingy" to name something they already named, it annoys the hell out of me! :x




Not all minimum wage people are stupid though, remember that.




hehe yeah, wonders never cease :P




...and you are absolutely correct, everyones gotta start somewhere, I have earned thousands of hours at minimum wage, and now my wife and I do quite well, not rich by a long ways :XD: , but we do alright, what more could you ask for...and I have never forgotten how far I have come, and always tip the delivery guy, or the waiter/waitress 20%. had some good times coming up back in the day, especially as a kid working at Silver Springs Park in Ocala Florida ;) good times good times, and later at Busch Gardens, Burger King, Pizza HUt lol...oh tha days


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the teenager at the counter. "You don't?" I replied. "We only have six, nine, or twelve," was the reply. "So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?" "That's right." So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets







:oops: I was gonna write a reply stating why he might of only given you the option for only 6 nuggets and not 12 (mis read, thought you said dozen) and then i read it again and realized you asked for half a dozen, lmao. Although remember, not all min. wage people are stupid......


Sig by Ikurai

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ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the teenager at the counter. "You don't?" I replied. "We only have six, nine, or twelve," was the reply. "So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?" "That's right." So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets







......Although remember, not all min. wage people are stupid......




Absolutely, a ton of good hard working people keep this country running while earning only minimum wage....and a select few that um.....might be getting overpaid...and I say that in complete jest :XD:


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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And here I was going to come in and try and argue that we don't really need minimum wage in this country :lol: .




You have indeed convinced me otherwise.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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i have never encountered people being as stupid as your stories but i have one:




One day i was walking to the bus stop and these people were looking up at a tree (as a joke) sure enough it got other people looking at the tree as they walked past. i found it funny how some tourists stopeed and took pictures of the ordinary tree.


Thanks SkyFleet for the awsome siggy!

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Notice they all women part from the teenager who could be a girl?


Meh, blonds... :P




Those are some amusing people...I would be entertained by their stupidity for hours on end.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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TWO I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked up one of those "dividers" that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things so they wouldn't get mixed. After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the "divider", looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it. Not finding the bar code she said to me, "Do you know how much this is?" I said to her "I've changed my mind, I don't think I'll buy that today." She said "OK," and I paid her for the things and left. She had no clue to what had just happened.




You would think the divider would be part of training...




FOUR I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. "Do you need some help?" I asked. She replied, "I knew I should have replaced the battery to this remote door unlocker. Now I can't get into my car. Do you think they (pointing to a distant convenience store) would have a battery to fit this?" "Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have an alarm, too?" I asked. "No, just this remote thingy," she answered, handing it and the car keys to me. As I took the key and manually unlocked the door, I replied, "Why don't you drive over there and check about the batteries. It's a long walk."




alas, people have become to dependant on technology, and donlt realize that there are less high-tech, but equally (if not more ) effective ways to do things.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Whenever I go to Taco Bell/Burgerking/McDonald's I always pay with a C-note, because 50% of the time I end up making money from eating there.





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meh i'm going to start carrying around nothing but two dollar bills and Sacagawea coins...




reminds me of 2 years ago or so




-walks into comic/gaming store to buy yugioh cards when I was into them-




Yeah I'd like 5 packs of (forget it, I'm not even gonna bs the pack name as I don't remember lol)"yugioh cards".




Okay that'll be 21.55




-hands her a 10, 5, 4 1 dollar gold coins and a 2 dollar bill plus another dollar-




Ummm, I'm going to have to call a manager about this.








I don't think we take fake money.





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For the record, my first job was fast food, and its extremely hectic, stressful work.




Yeah making burgers badly really takes it out of you. Yet a normal Corner store which cooks you nice burgers, fish and chips managers to make it nicely. I don't know how they survive! :roll:




Yeah I've had a few occasions at fast food stores (mainly McDonald's and Hungry Jacks) where I've had pathetic food served to me. I wouldn't of been able to make it more worse if I tried - no exaggeration there.




Oh and when I see fellow teenagers doing there jobs extremely slowly (I see it quite a lot), I definitely support their bosses giving them the minimum wage.

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Funny (and exasperating) stories indeed. But I can't help to rush to the defense of (some of) these people on one point. Their jobs don't require them to think. I mean, it's not like they're getting a lot of brain practice. Uneducated people land themselves in these kinds of jobs and they haven't the slightest chance of ever getting out by doing that job. Maybe they should force these people to start their days with some sudoku's or something :D.




Another point in their defense, sometimes people just get distracted. I mean, I know I've said and done a lot of stupid things myself in the course of my life, that made me go red with shame. However, these people never seemed to come to the point of realising their sillyness... :-k

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