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Autoers: Are they now aware of us stopping them?


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iv been on an autoer reporting spre the last week




just switch worlds reporting everyone who dosent respond when i talk to them at the yews behind varock castle




You don't get rewarded in any shape or form doing this. I've reported 600+ Varrock Yew Autoers, and I've gotten one, yes only one, thank you letter from a Jagex Staff Member




also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.




rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers.




You sir are wrong. There's been a fabled "Chinese" Bot for quite awhile now and one of my RL friends discovered it. We didn't download it or anything, not that we could understand it, but he found the link and images of it on a forum.




Also, I've heard talk that all the Yew Cutters are from a program called Rs Demon or something. It could be a nickname though



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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It's because the majority of lvls 3s chopping yews and such are not autoers they're gold farmers who don't speak a word of english. I agree they are ruining it for the rest of us but their trying to get paid by their boss so leave them alone..


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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iv been on an autoer reporting spre the last week




just switch worlds reporting everyone who dosent respond when i talk to them at the yews behind varock castle




You don't get rewarded in any shape or form doing this. I've reported 600+ Varrock Yew Autoers, and I've gotten one, yes only one, thank you letter from a Jagex Staff Member




also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.




rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers.




You sir are wrong. There's been a fabled "Chinese" Bot for quite awhile now and one of my RL friends discovered it. We didn't download it or anything, not that we could understand it, but he found the link and images of it on a forum.




Also, I've heard talk that all the Yew Cutters are from a program called Rs Demon or something. It could be a nickname though




sorry, i meant most chinese gold farmers don't use autoers, if you know about china's economy you'd understand why. i'll edit it right now.



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also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.




rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers.






I wasn't being entirely serious when i wrote that :P






Edit:Lets see Chinese people are either above using autoer programs or they are incapable of programing them.....



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also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.




rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers.






I wasn't being entirely serious when i wrote that :P




yes, but you can't hear someone's tone over the internet :wink:



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also NUKE China so theres no goldfarmers.




rascist comment much? not all goldfarmers/autoers come from china. a good many gold farmers come from the U.S. and the chinese aren't runnning autoers.






I wasn't being entirely serious when i wrote that :P




yes, but you can't hear someone's tone over the internet :wink:




Yes but you can probably infer that the person isn't being serious when they suggest NUKING a country over a GAME.

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We should make an auto autoreporter XD. (joke from someone from my clan).


What about a "report X"?




i lol'ed in real life when i read that :XD:

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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Yes, and after we nuke China, let's nuke the Middle-East, since many terrorists come from Arabic countries. :roll:




Oh, and here is what would happen if we nuked China.








DISCLAIMER: There is severe profanity in that video, so click at your own risk. :ohnoes:

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Yes, and after we nuke China, let's nuke the Middle-East, since many terrorists come from Arabic countries. :roll:




Oh, and here is what would happen if we nuked China.








Dude, he already said he was joking.... :roll:



Come, be my light.

Mingle with my darkness

May we mix to create

Our own twilight sunset

The dusk breeze

Spreading clouds

On our murky horizon


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I just go to areas that require huge amounts of quest time to unlock. Out of sight, out of mind.




Jagex has been doing this more and more to make getting things yourself easier than the autoers can do it for you--flax at lletya, monks at piscatoris, etc.

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The increase in Autoers came at a brilliant time (for the autoers)




Straight after the 99 capes came out, and they increased on purpose no doubt. They knew more people would need yew logs and bowstrings for fletching so they set up those type of autoers.




Plus they knew more people would want RAW lobster and shark for Cooking.


The increase was because of us, and because so many of us want to go for the easier skill capes which autoers can hunt the resources for easily. If it wasn't for autoers, raw sharks and yew logs would be very very rare right now and people wouldn't be getting their capes or paying ridiculous prices for them.




I'm not saying i support Autoers and Farmers, but the people going for these capes should stop and think whether for them personally it would be better if autoers stayed or went.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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All this talk about autoers/macroers/gold farmers and their effect on RS always evolves round their effect on the "precious" RS economy. No-one has hit on the the "real" problem. This problem is that each of the cheaters uses up a space on the RS server making one less space for a genuine player. If the number of these cheaters keeps increasing at the current rate it will soon be impossible to find a world to log in to.

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Yeah autoers are catching on fast, they are coming up with ways to beat us every day, I am sure some of them browse our forums and the rs forums and everywhere trying to figure out how to stop us. But the auto haters will win!!!


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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I think only some know how to open doors. But yikes, macoers at Barrows are bound to come. When that happens, I'll quit Runescape.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Also, I've heard talk that all the Yew Cutters are from a program called Rs Demon or something. It could be a nickname though




RSdemon is a 'legal' tool, it tracks you (and your friends) highscores and has other features like clue help, graphs and calculators etc.


There used to be an autoing program based on the pascal language that I found whilst looking for help in programming pascal lol. It was called SCAR, but I doubt they use it anymore.

Matthew T-D

Whip drops: 9

Abyssal head drops: 3

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Of course they would try to fight back to some extent, its always been a battle between us and them. The more we try to eliminate them through several methods (one of which is luring), they only become more aware of this and try to adapt. I doubt all autoers can open doors and such, but if they haven't now, they will, eventually.




When will this battle end? :x

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Autoers can more than easily get past luring, from the research I've done into autoing, alot of it is done by "leechers", people who take the code written by others and use it, while contributing no code of their own, these people don't usually have access to the best autos, the one which can defeat luring, however as I saw, when a "script" does get out, everyone has it. The autoing community is so large, (And filled with quite intelligent people) That unfortunately they're easily winning the war.




In 2005 Microsoft got into a huge fight with Sun Microsystems (the makers of Java) over 3rd party software in Vista. Ever since then the number of autoers has increased tenfold. Bill Gates is finally using his geek empire for evil by attacking the largest Java-based game on the internet!! :shock:

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It's because the majority of lvls 3s chopping yews and such are not autoers they're gold farmers who don't speak a word of english. I agree they are ruining it for the rest of us but their trying to get paid by their boss so leave them alone..




Lol its people like you that dont get it.




Its not LEGAL to do so. Thats like saying




"I agree, murdering someone for there money is wrong, but there trying to get paid, leavem alone..."


Controversy and Chaos!!!

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