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Funny lure attempt


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I suppose theres leftovers of people still (despite the ditch update) attempting to do a cheap lure. I was selling mith bolts and this dude pms me saying he'll buy 1 mil worth. He then asks me where the spirit tree by varrock is. I say its kinda south of wildy. Then pfft, he tells me to meet him there. I can't believe I actually went to the spirit tree, but then there was the giveaway. "O im north, by the glitched tree. North of ditch :X" Didn't fall for it of course, im sure some sucker could though. The guy was a lvl 55 range/mage pure, he then apologized and said he lost 43 mil to a hacker.




Anyone ever come across these people post-ditch update?

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rofl at below post :thumbsup:



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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A guy tells me to go to edge bank so i go nothing wrong with that. Then he says come to the Monestary figuring i would walk pover ditch and back over to get to it but i didn't i walked back to Barbarian village and back around.




So i kinda ruined his plan them he tells me to jump ditch and trade him because he's cutting logs. I'm like -.- "wow dude thats a lure pfft! noob!"


He says how shallow are you i guess you don't wanna trade fine noob!"




I was about to die laughing when his bud lvl 88 with 94 mage comes and out of hiding and says "hey dude did he come yet i wanan barrage the noob, You split 50/50 right?"

Click for My Blog



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I have seen a few vidoes of people dropping things like 10k (looks like alot) over the ditch and people running in and grabbing it then getting barraged and speced. but all you need to do is tele grab so its pretty funny if they drop something good.

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A guy tells me to go to edge bank so i go nothing wrong with that. Then he says come to the Monestary figuring i would walk pover ditch and back over to get to it but i didn't i walked back to Barbarian village and back around.




So i kinda ruined his plan them he tells me to jump ditch and trade him because he's cutting logs. I'm like -.- "wow dude thats a lure pfft! noob!"


He says how shallow are you i guess you don't wanna trade fine noob!"




I was about to die laughing when his bud lvl 88 with 94 mage comes and out of hiding and says "hey dude did he come yet i wanan barrage the noob, You split 50/50 right?"




rofl dat is hilarious

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It would be awesome to start a clan soley for finding these lurers and killing them. You set up a "buy" and wear a piece or two of like dragon or guilded armor. You pot up before getting there then jump the ditch, switch clothes and kill the [bleep]er. Even bring teleport runes, they always use ancients.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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^Wait... So you're gonna' lure the lurers? Wouldn't that like... Still be against the rules? Or is it like that thing where it's okay to scam a scammer?




What the hell are you talking about, they think there going to lure you but you just come prepared and kill them, your not luring at all.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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^Wait... So you're gonna' lure the lurers? Wouldn't that like... Still be against the rules? Or is it like that thing where it's okay to scam a scammer?




....run in, entangle, tb, dds spec like crazy.

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lol such a noob lurer by the sound of it




Ummm. All Lurers are noobs :|




Not really.




yes really... :notalk:

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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lol such a noob lurer by the sound of it




Ummm. All Lurers are noobs :|




You must be the king of noobs then to know them all so well? :/




ohw and lol XD a very patethic attempt indeed...


Wow lol, i think the lurers are stupid because they think they can lure with the ditch...lol...

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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lol such a noob lurer by the sound of it




Ummm. All Lurers are noobs :|




You must be the king of noobs then to know them all so well? :/




ohw and lol XD a very patethic attempt indeed...


Wow lol, i think the lurers are stupid because they think they can lure with the ditch...lol...




Yep... <.< (I am king of the one-word answers)

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A guy tells me to go to edge bank so i go nothing wrong with that. Then he says come to the Monestary figuring i would walk pover ditch and back over to get to it but i didn't i walked back to Barbarian village and back around.




So i kinda ruined his plan them he tells me to jump ditch and trade him because he's cutting logs. I'm like -.- "wow dude thats a lure pfft! noob!"


He says how shallow are you i guess you don't wanna trade fine noob!"




I was about to die laughing when his bud lvl 88 with 94 mage comes and out of hiding and says "hey dude did he come yet i wanan barrage the noob, You split 50/50 right?"




lol i think i met the same guy as u. What were u trying to buy lol?


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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lol such a noob lurer by the sound of it




Ummm. All Lurers are noobs :|




You must be the king of noobs then to know them all so well? :/




ohw and lol XD a very patethic attempt indeed...


Wow lol, i think the lurers are stupid because they think they can lure with the ditch...lol...




Yep... <.< (I am king of the one-word answers)






lol i do think they all are noobs \' i thought everyone knew that :-k



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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