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Best friends in RS


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Merloc Tg =D


I met him one time as a new player when I was f2p. I went into the wild and saw one of his pkers (asxdaxsad) and said, (you have to remember I was new) "Hello, fellow rangers!"


And then we kinda just talked for hours in the wild and killing some people together (although at the time he was 20 lvls under me xD)


After that, he went on his other pker (asxdaxasd) who was the same level as me and pked for days. It was very fun :D




I remember walking through Varrock and I got a private message saying: "From Merloc Tg: Boo! =P" and I laughed at that because I had no idea who that was at the time. When he told me who he was and came to where I was, I was amazed. My best rs friend, level EIGHTY!!! (Keep in mind I was level 56)


Since then we've become awesome friends. I watch him pk sometimes on his pure (asxdaxsad, now in the 70s... or 80s?). I remember this one time I was watching him pk this one mith pure. The mith pure was calling him a "noob", and Merloc, being the good sport he is, laughed and hit 25-26 with his dds, and a 30 something with his d scimmy.




A couple months back I got hacked. BAD. Merloc gave me a rune pic and I went and mined, getting me a nice starting 100k which I used to merchant. Without that pic (which I still have, btw!), I would have quit RS forever and never talked to him again.





There are 3 kinds of people in this world:

1)People who can count;

3)People who can count.


I am lucky to be one of those 6 people who can count. =D>

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delim and slayslay are my 2 greatest friends i got heres a pic of me and delim (pretty old didnt feel like uploading any atm) getting me 77 hitpoints at duel arena.










me and delim try to do something every day which we ussually do and have done tons of stuff with slay and jagger, from mb pking to 99 parties and delim and me tons of barrows runs together which we both made a good amount of money from :D idk what rs would be like without them

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i got 4 real good friends that ive had many good times with




Mrpez600- one of my best rs friend , had many good times, like just messin around in w99 edge (btw were selling red chins for 25.5m ea now!)too bad him and some others dont play much anymore :D :D :D




Michaelaaa (non-tip.it)- long time friend, only person who helped me get back into rs when i had gotten hacked, real good friend :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




T C D- Some people are born to make others laugh, hes one of them, he can turn a angry person into a laughing hyiena by just uttering a single line, always fun to talk too <3:<3:<3:<3:




Xcyclone (none tip.it) a great friend, always have good convos about metal bands, been a long term friend, and always makes me laugh when he puts down people :-$ :? 8-) :wall:






Too bad only xcyclone is the only real frequent player out of the 4 of them anymore.... :( makes rs no fun

Budd Dwyer was the most sensible man in the world.

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i got 4 real good friends that ive had many good times with




Mrpez600- one of my best rs friend , had many good times, like just messin around in w99 edge (btw were selling red chins for 25.5m ea now!)too bad him and some others dont play much anymore :D :D :D




Michaelaaa (non-tip.it)- long time friend, only person who helped me get back into rs when i had gotten hacked, real good friend :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




T C D- Some people are born to make others laugh, hes one of them, he can turn a angry person into a laughing hyiena by just uttering a single line, always fun to talk too <3:<3:<3:<3:




Xcyclone (none tip.it) a great friend, always have good convos about metal bands, been a long term friend, and always makes me laugh when he puts down people :-$ :? 8-) :wall:






Too bad only xcyclone is the only real frequent player out of the 4 of them anymore.... :( makes rs no fun




I love you man, you, Mrpez, and Mike are like the only reasons I play. I've had best friends before I met you guys, and until I met Peter that day he was asking for help with Desert Treasure, I never truly knew what it was like to have true friends. They were all rather immature, didn't really give a mooses feicies about much, and it's kinda easy to forget about them after they quit.




These guys accually care about me, love me through my faults, and it just gives me the best feeling inside. These are the kind of people who I NEVER can get mad at, or hold a grudge, and if I lost them, I'd never forgive myself.




Mrpez600 and Meowcat 2, you are the BEST friends I've ever had, even better than those I have in real life, you're never jerks to me, get mad at me, or make me feel bad in any way. It's hard to think that if I had something to do that afternoon, if I hadn't agreed to help another person with a quest, I would have never met ANY of these people.





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<3: My rl sister, shadowgrl67, she's hyper half the time =P and she mostly always has the answer to stuff I ask her and helps me alot. \'




Zoey Grl95, another one of my sisters, she always does quests with me. :P O:)




Drigerbladej, he's smart, he always know what to do when I ask him for advice. :D =D>




Beenkacked10, My rs best friend and (rs)sister, she's always fun to be around, she doesn't like quests but she does 'em with me and Zoey when we ask her to. ^.^ ::'




Kunoichi444, my rs mom, she's always saying stupidly funny things and is fun to talk to. O:)




Halodemon3, he's like a brother to me :P, he's ALWAYS saying stupidly funny things lol. :thumbsup:




I wub 'em all!! <3:

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i only really have 2, one is pyro sk8er, who without i would not hav even knowin about runescape, hes a good budd, lov skillin with hiom and hes always pushin me to do somthin new :P, the other is eclipse, he dosen't playt much any more..well neither do really, but eclipse used to do all kinds of quest with me, i got into heros, defeated dragnoth and became a ferminkin jus to name a few with him, so we hav been on some adventures :)


Sig by thru,yaff, ty both :)

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Just a shout out to Makilio, even though I know he doesn't read these forums. :P




You've been there whenever I needed you, though I don't know that you can say the same of me. You put up with my sporadic switching of games, you surpassed me in almost every way possible (except the crown :P), and yet you're still kind to me. You still give me advice on the quests I'm stuck on, you let me borrow the things I need to finally get that goal achieved, you're actually semi-excited when I gain a level I've been working for for a long time (or you fake it fairly well :P). You've always been there for me, even though I haven't been for you. So thanks. I'll always remember your kindness.

Obtained quest cape and base 92 before obtaining any 99s! Currently finishing out my 99s with the (long-distant) goal of comp cape.


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it would have to be Valon Daer 2!!!!!!


hes always up for a chat (well on his pure coz main is perm muted :cry: )


and he lends me stuff and doesnt have to worry (and vice versa :D )




and deafhlane coz irl we r always doing something stupid (note never try n jump out of a ute :-w wasnt me O:) )




and they r always up 4 a good time \:D/

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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Mondaynoon he really helped me out on my first acc (rik_wolfman) i don't think he plays anymore if he does on another acc can someone pm with his name?

38% of Tip.Iters put stupid made up statistics in their sigs. If you are one of the 62% that don't, put this in your sig.

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Bek Brok - Used to Pk with him, and we used to do quests together and train skills and do barrows together still talk with him although he's quit




Blood Atreyu - Always there for me, if I need money hes the first person to lend me some, we chat heaps and i used to barrows with him on my main




Fire Trivium - ^ Same as above, except i train my new account with his pure :D



^Click Siggy for Blog^

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well ive stayed away from this thread too much.i dont want to get too soppy :P




Andufus:well what cant i say about andufus.we met after a tet pking event and i got really miffed when he maged me to death.he pmed me and graciousley gave me my stuff back.weve been freinds ever ince.hes kept me motivated for ages and theirs probably no-other person i talk to more and have a joke with than andu.we seem to bounce off each other very well being very similar characters and i hope you and i stay together for a while~




smither sid:its weird how we met.i was hunting for guthans and sid was at about 70 hunter nervousley going for 99 hunt.i kept him motivated


through the latter stages of his goal and now keeps me motivated with my goals.weve had a lot of fun toegther and teh conversations we have are excellant.




jamie mcme:ive known this guy a few months.we met at catherby while i was inspecting my fruit tree and he was like"omg do emote please thats awesome".little did i know that he added me.i turned my p chat to on and he randoms started a conversation.i couldnt even reemeber where i met him from but from their on in weve had some great fun.whether it be suiciding,hunting or just fooling around hes great.good luck on 99 fletch you can do it :thumbsup:




sheynara:who hasnt mentioned sheynara as a best freind :lol:.amazing skiller,amazing woman and she helps me quite a lot.we dont chat nearly as much since im logging on as shes logging off but shes a great freind




rocky keane:i met him edgeville and we just clicked.we have a joke about his 99 goals and skilling but hes a great influence on me.good luck with the thieving and other skilling :D




zaideey 92:we met after he donated me a onne of iron knives for ranging and ive always kept him added since then.he has a very interesting persona and he keeps me motivated towards this game.us two really need to do something together :D




swagger g/cabbage boii:he very crazy indeed.when he was on swagger he helped me a lot and we had a lot of things to say :lol: which is what makes you stand out.good luck with the new account cabbage boii although it still doesnt give you a reason to nub around <3:




these are the freinds im closest to at the moment although theyres too many of you to mention yes all 95 of you

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Hi everyone. I've played rs for 6 years. My best friends ever with irreplacable memories?




Bam87: One of my earliest best friends in RSC. We hung out all the time on world 42 in the inn. Had so much fun, especially when we first met. RIP Bammie.




Titus 123: One of my other earliest RSC friends. Like Bam, we all met becuase we weer lazy. You on te other hand, loved to show off tones of times in hilarious ways. RIP Titus.




Compre: Tyvm for helping me getting the things I needed. Loved the exchange of sharks. TYVM for your help and RIP Compre.




Paul: My cousin. He and I started the game at the same time, and even then, we both still play. Hes like a second brother to me, and we've both have multiple accounts, so can't give a username. :)




Iv Flip Iv: I started really getting back into playing again once I decided to stick with RS for awhile. I met you in the very beginning, and through darkness to light, you stuck with me. Tyvm.




Rebornjackal: Jacky, ever since I met you on my very first day of members (I played f2p for 4 years.), You have been such a great friend even words can't describe. RIP Jacky.




Runetorch696: Torchy, met you in f2p. Started as a basic friend, became a person who I couldn't live without meeting. Doing quests and leveling together was really fun. RIP Torchy.




Gaia9111: My IRL friend, we played together for two years. Always a great pk mate and 1/3 good to ask for advice. :). GL Gaia.




Angelina69 And Princeskaren: Sorry I put your names together. But you both did the same things form me. Tones of funny RPG moments in the Inn. RIP Angelina and Karen.




Bablus: Oh jeez. Bablus, you were definatly the person to party with. Definatly 100% Party Animal. RIP Bablus.




321brian132: Brian, Loved talking to you even though we didn't meet much. Was fun when I was training. RIP Brian.




Dr Chum: YOU are the real person who got me started on RS. This person has a contest in lumby of whoever could do his challenges would become his disciple. He led all lvl 3-10's to the wildy. We all fought, and who emerged as the victor/last noob remaining? ME!~ So, he gave me full iron, steel, food, and basically gave me everything I ever wanted. BTW, Full iron in rsc was SO much worth more than it is now. And so, from then on, I started playing RS. RIP Dr. Chum.




Shredar: Always there for me when I need you. When I'm falling, you catch me in your arms and help me back up. Tyvm and RIP Shredar.




Unmask Child: You and your colorful h' masks. Haha. You and the party boys rocked this world! RIP Unmasked.




Lovelylady56: Very intruging to talk with you. You helped me mature to who I am today. Thank you and RIP Ladylovely.




Dbz Kid: Fun little MAYBE 10 year old (5 years ago). Helped me show my child side. :) RIP Dbz kid.




Delete: I thank you very much for those many times in the wild you saved me. RIP Delete.




Bolin: Always going around looking for something to do. Loved following you around Bolin. RIP.






RIP does not mean that they died in real life. Just that I haven't seen/talked to them in over a LONG period of time. Just means they stopped playing RS and went on to the real world. Who knows what happened to them.

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Hm. I'd have to say Glove. I've made a pretty good set of friends in this game through the years I've played, but none as long tenured, loyal, or true as Glove.




Not to say that our friendship is perfect, as none is - but, in my other long standing RS friendships, there has been conflict and mistrust over the years such that in many cases, I'm not as close to RS friends I've known for 5 or 6 years as I used to be...with Glove, the opposite trend exists. We weren't particularly close upon first meeting but have grown close as time's passed in spite of the occasional difference in opinion :P

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Well, i have had lot's of friend, but because of my bad memory i can't remember their names. I'll name only one, the cooles guy and best friend i have ever had onRS. Elucer. We met on the deade world 49, and from that day we stayed tougether, but some day RL called and he stopped playing. Since then playing is not the same, Love you.

"hasta la victoria siempre."

Beated Monkey madness lvl76.

Beated haunted mine at lvl 77.

cmb +75 and total +930 all stats +46 before p2p.

Al f2p stats +50 (15/02/08)

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crock688: known him ages, met barrowing. he hit 99 hp on me(a great honour :P) and i tried to hit 99 attack on him, but my d hally spec only hit the next person listed...






davom69: i known him a wile, and its kinda funny how i got to LOL. i was killing guards for clues, his friend invites me to his 99 cook party. i go, at the afterparty in his house i couldnt get in >_> i waited there for 25 mins trying to get in, then he finally added me and i got in. friends ever since. had several deathmatches for fun, pking, dks, gwd. everything. 1 of my best friends






azurechaos: first tipit friend, from when i was trying to get 99 fm LOL that was ages ago




fire bird 1: my first ever friend wen i was a member, need i say more? :P




sheynara: 1 of my best friends from tipit, went ok kq chicken run with her + some other ppl. lol fun

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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this entire discussion isnt even that, its just a list of good friends




...however, im still gonna list me good mate kiwi7030, go to same school but later found out we both play rs, so weve been good friends since :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Forget all of those nuts who go with the crowd! go with your gut instinct, unless your gonna die, thats why i wrote this, cause i went with my gut

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definitly blaspphimee, aka revenga. gave him a bunch of stuff to start out with and now best buds.




cookieboo, knew her in rl. oober high mining and smithing pals are always handy.




leviel elf, known him sine f2p lvl 20, just always talked to him




light ki, leviel elfs lil sis, thes just fun to talk to

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Saustinfan would be my rs bestfriend i remember back when we were noobs in rs we were doing the watch tower quest and we'd finally gotten into the dungeon. We got the little tree thing and then we ran as fast as we could to the entrance! thinking we were safe we tried to leave thru the entrance, but to our EXTREME horror we could not we were totarly freaking out how do we get out!? Then I come up with an idea dude one of use willl trade all the stuff they have and die an come back with telerunes for us both alright? alright dude i'll do it he says we right click each other he's ready to let himself die for me, :o =D> but then we see something and we both start laughing it was the duel option #-o so anyway we duel and he loses is sent to lumby and comes back with teleport runes for us both always a noob story we remembered.

My pet Boxing Tater


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Sp0ky King...hes my Rs bro...hes been with me through thick and thin...hes my rs bro. He trusts me with anything and i trust him with anything...hes the big brother i never had.








I was a member noob...lvl 89...spent the first 5 years of my runescape life as a nonmember. I logged into the member world 89 for the first time...when i logged on he saw me and asked "Hey are you new to members?" i said i was and he showed me the ropes. He showed me all the great places to train and even helped me with the memberquests and getting my first dragon item.




Hes a true runescape hero and sp0ok if your reading this...im very glad that we are friends




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