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Deaf or Blind?


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Deaf, I couldn't bare not being able to see. I've gone temporarily blind before and it sucks bad, so my choice is a definite one.

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Well.. I don't know. If I was blind, I wouldn't be able to see, and I would have a hard time going to places. However, if I was deaf, my voice would sound totally idiotic like all deafs, so I wouldn't be able to speak without feeling like an idiot. So idk, in my mind it's blind or deaf + mute.








Though I'm not deaf, I am empathetic with deaf people- therefore I consider the part of the post you made which I have emboldened to be highly offensive.




Oh, don't be so bloody sensitive.. Seriously, tell me that you've ever heard a deaf person talk and not sound stupid (aside, perhaps, from someone previously mentioned in this thread). It's not being mean to the hearing impared, it's simply being honest.








There's a difference between being honest and being completely insensitive. Like if you had acne, and I told you that you had bad skin and should use Proactive, that would be honest. But if I called you pizza face and said go home and wash your face, that would be insensitive. See the difference? <.<

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Well I'd rather be deaf. Because if I was blind I wouldn't be able to post on these awesome topics. lolol. :-s








but on a serious note, I would hate not being able to see at all.


We aren't here to facilitate topics on how to get drunk without side-effects.


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Im listening to my ipod so often and people always try talking to me when im listening to it so Ive gotten into the habit of reading what people are saying by there lips, so id be used to it a little bit already! :)












Deaf > blind

Dagannoth Slayer



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I'd sooo rather be deaf.








You can only do some much without your eyesight. :oops: Whenever I see blind people I feel so bad, because they don't know how beautiful the world is.

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Thank goodness I don't have to choose, but if I did I wouldn't give up my sight, precious is the gift of sight, as of hearing, but I value sight more because you SEE the world and plus I'm partially [insert race here] so we use alot of hand motion and body movement.




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Deaf: Oh no! I cant listen to music




Blind: Oh no! I cant see where I'm going, have a normal life, have a normal job, see/have a wife, see/have [my] kids.








I choose deaf. You can probably cure deafness sooner in the future (artificial ear) anyway.

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Deaf: Oh no! I cant listen to music




Blind: Oh no! I cant see where I'm going, have a normal life, have a normal job, see/have a wife, see/have [my] kids.








I choose deaf. You can probably cure deafness sooner in the future (artificial ear) anyway.




You make it sound as though you'll be able to have a normal life and have a normal job if you're deaf. Also, you won't be able to hear your wife or kids. Lastly, you imply that being blind would lower your chances of finding a wife and having kids. That may be somewhat true but it won't lower your chances any more than being deaf would. Honestly, I think it would be easier to meet women if you're blind. Chances are, you won't find a woman who knows sign language right off. I'm not saying being deaf is worse, I'm just saying that you make it sound like a walk in the park.

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Remember that If you're deaf, you'll slowly become dumb. That is, mute. This is because if you're born deaf, you'll never know what sound is. And if you become deaf later, there's a good chance of being dumb regardless because you will forget how to speak. Remember, its really hard to talk if you don't know (or can't hear) what you're saying.


[Dumbness is a synonym for muteness, I'm not being rude].




So would you rather be blind, but be able to speak/hear?


Or would you rather force everyone around you to start signing?


Being blind wouldn't be THAT much worse than being blind, especially since it would be easier to keep communicating if you become blind later on in life.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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Take it from me, deaf is the lesser of two evils. Being hearing impaired myself (Not completely deaf, I wear hearing aids, and no I'm not old), I can definitely say that I've thought about this kind of thing and I have decided that I value my eyesight way more than I ever would my hearing. Look at us now, communicating through written word. Thankfully I can still listen to music and everything, but it wouldn't kill me to go without, not like not being able to see art, a woman I love, where the hell I'm going, etc.




TIF officially has its own resident half-deaf! Yay!


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I'd rather be blind, my dad was blinded in an accident and we all try doing things with our eyes closed to understand how he works. And I have also watched a documentary about a boy who is blind and can play video games using sound, and gets about using echo-location like a bat :D When you are blind you can read, dance, sing, listen to and play music. It's all good. ::'


Edit: silly little typo :)

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Deaf, i don't really like music, except for the music i play meself. :wink:

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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I would rather be deaf. The ear is muss simpler than the eye, so I think that would mean that there would be an operation/cure to solve the hearing problems. Not only that, but you could still do what Bethoven did, what with the vibrations and all (That's all music is, it isnt anything else, just distorted waves of matter). And while you cannot hear people. you can always learn to read lips or sign language. Deafness is much less restrictive than blindness.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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I'd prefer being deaf to being blind, because I could still watch movies having captions for the deaf and read books, what would the world be without harry potter?


You could still have Harry Potter. You'd just have to listen to audio books instead of actually reading them.

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