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What would you do if you became a JaGex Staff?


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Andrew would probably sack me for being cool




I would then go to his Mums house , go down to the Basement where he lives, Id then would haxx his computer and report him to The Child Porn protection service

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Andrew would probably sack me for being cool




I would then go to his Mums house , go down to the Basement where he lives, Id then would haxx his computer and report him to The Child Porn protection service




I lol'ed at the one.




I'd ask for a raise :D


+1 <3:

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See if I can find a good fish and chips stand.. impossible to find on this side of the pond. :D





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Delete Lumbridge and Pest Control. Noobs of many varieties would hate that.




Where would all the *new* players go? :shock:






They would all be stuck on Tut Island , That is a really beautiful idea ::'

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1. I would ban every single autoer I see.


2. I would get completely rid of Pest Control.


3. I would make the censor a LOT less strict.


4. I would ban people for being incredibly stupid.


5. I would put in a test that you have to pass in order to create an account. This test would be designed to prevent stupid people and Chinese goldfarmers/autoers from being able to make an account.

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My priority would be fixing many skills...






Adding extra spawns to the packed out areas. Removing/adding certain assignments. Increasing/decreasing number of monsters assigned per task.




Focus on skills that aren't being used up to lvl 99. For example, crafting, farming and hunting etc...




Reduce the frequency of randoms. It's clearly not an effect macroer deterrant.




Employee a new member of staff whose sole responsibility is to pay attention to the Suggestions and Rants forums and make sure the appropriate issues/ideas are being brought the attention of the developers.

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4. I would ban people for being incredibly stupid.


5. I would put in a test that you have to pass in order to create an account. This test would be designed to prevent stupid people and Chinese goldfarmers/autoers from being able to make an account.




Youd be fired for banning half the rs population and theres stricter schooling in china so theyd probably be smarter than most the regular playersand if stupid people cant make accs and smart people cant make accs there goes runescape.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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First thing i would to do definetly ban some bots. Chicken whacking idea then a ban is hilarious. Then if i get bored i might add a mugger who only attacks level 3's in a specific clothing.




Maybe have a drop party with phats and 3rd age then have a roll back just for the hell of it.

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get rid of pc , macros , noobs (if posible) make begging against the rules but swearing and "adult themed" chat welcome (or an on off button for the filter) id delete all tradeable rares (or make them none trade) - id love to see the rants forums the second after (it would have to be a hidden update) then i would proly nerf most of f2p and make cook and flec harder to get by 1/4 the xp given and lowering the high alk value of bows (not popular but it would be better)

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The difference between most of you folks and the real Jagex is that you care first and foremost about the quality of the game, while Jagex cares about that only second to their primary goal of making money.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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id go through runescape and iron out a few things like decreasing the affect of wild pies and other armours or improving them.




take the guy who should be finishing off mep3 for a drink or sweeten him up so he will allow us to finally do that sequal.




create a few new lvl 85 slayer monsters like abbysal demons dropping dragon boots as an uber rare drop or dragon pick.special slayer items would be required.




get to work on the fremenik achievement diaries.varrock ugh:(




banning autoers as a level 3 in autoer clothing with untrimmed slay cape and full guthans :P.if that doesnt get a response then theyre all banned.

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i would bake cookies for all the people in jagex towers

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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mass bot ban.


let's see what would happen to the economy. Oh yeah, DEATH TO SANDWICH LADY!!!

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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i'd make some of the mem only options avalible to non-mems like houses and etc. i wouldn't do anything to the noobs because if i like trap all of them on tut island the rs population will be like 100 players because ppl eventually quit. oh and i'd make the ents attackable also i'd put in an option to be able to raid other pplz houses and claim it.




[hide]also i'd demand a promotion and a raise. :D[/hide]

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I'd imagine that I will most likely spend the sorting out my desk, setting up an account, meeting everyone, and learning how to use the proprietary software. Then I'd take a sneak peek at all the updates being developed. Then I might get on with some actual work.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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make toilets(i have been holding it in for 5 freaking years :-X )

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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