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What am i going to do with my life?


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I know where you get these problems with society from, but just because you get a job, say as a telemarketer,a trucker, a teacher, or anything it really doesnt mean you have to "fuel the machine" or anything.




the telemarketer, the trucker and the teacher.. each of them fuels the machine..




But you will need a job to even co-exist with society, if not take apart in it, so just find a job that doesnt drive you insane, and maybe find out about some alternative lifestyles that there are out there.




I'm already beyond the point of insanity.




Click on the link in my signature. If you spend a decent time looking over that forum, I can garantee you will find something life changing.




I'll browse a bit sometime, but i'm not into conspiracy theories, because i just think things are going somewhat wrong, but not because of anybodys conscencious effort. I do think btw that 9/11 wasn't a terrorist attack, because it seems more plausible otherwise. Everybody knows that the Us government is corrupt. To some degree it's even openly corrupt and nobody minds. Then again.. i don't spend too much thought on these subjects.




You probably won't make up your mind until you are faced with the end of your funding for college.




I don't have to pay for college. Government gives me money as long as i'm on university.






I got to get off. It's already 5 in the morning and i'm a bit too tired to write more then monosyllabic responses. I'll continue where i left of later on. Sorry for double post btw.

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Ah! I used to feel the same way, though not to that extreme, seeing as I'm 17 and still in high school, but I think I know what you mean. I've contemplated different jobs, and never really thought of anything I'd really like to do, cause it seems like all people care about is just making money, not helping the world and all that. I'd actually very much rather just stay in high school for the rest of my life.




I read your other thread, and I can say that I havn't had nearly as bad of problems as you have. I'd first recommend kicking drugs/cigs. I mean I can understand occasional use of them could be alright, but from what I've read, it looks like you're using them to try and get rid you problems than for like relaxation...




just a suggestion.




Anyway, thats just the minor part of your problems it seems. It looks like the root of your problem is that you have no motivation to do anything because you feel that the world is a bad place that you think needs like radical changes and you want solutions of the problems rather than contributing to them. I often feel the same way and am nervous about what profession I am to go into.




Here is what I plan to do:




I'm going to first remember that money means absolutely nothing and is basically the single worst thing in the world. I'm going to pursue a profession that I like and I don't care how much money I make from it as long as I know I'm helping the world, not hurting it. One profession I'm seriously thinking of pursuing is a librarian. I know people will laugh at me cause they make next to no money, but I think it is a very honorable profession, as you are helping people who want to learn about the world but don't have access to materials. I'm also considering being a professor or teacher, or maybe a psychologist. Or, though highly unlikely, perhaps a career in music. I'm thinking of these professions because I believe these are professions I think would help the world most, not hurt the world, and I don't care how much money I make out of them.




Also, after reading your older post it seems you've had some really crappy stuff happen to you in your life. I think you've lost faith in society and humanity. But what I think is this: Yes, I will agree with you that there is a ton of crap and greed and selfish people in the world, but there are also good people and good things in the world, it is just much harder to find them than the bad things. There can always be a good side to anything, and this is what you fail to see, I think. Once you have seen some of the good in life, you will start to realize you can live in a bad society, but still live your life trying to make it better! That is what life is all about, trying to make things better. If everything is already perfect, then theres no point in living.




Also what you need is some inspiration. I came across this guy via youtube named 'Isto'. I think he is a really great songwriter and guitarist, though many people on these boards will probably disagree, seeing as he does mostly acoustic style music and everyone here seems to like death metal. But the best thing about this guy is that he does everything independently, and does not buy into record companies or let the world corrupt him, so his message stays pure. Here is one of his CDs, that he allows people to listen to for free in their entirety on his website.




http://lumberjackisto.com/Music/Voyage% ... 7Isto.html




I really enjoyed track 6: Trancendentalisto


and that 12: The Sky is Not a Ceiling


and that 18: I Always See Rainbows




I think I've been in a similar problem as you, and these 3 songs have done a lot to inspire me that maybe there is a reason to live in this world.

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Find your passion. Everybody has a passion... for some it's harder to find.




I'd also suggest Buddhism, it may interest you and it can certainly open your mind to a variety of new concepts.




We are drowned by media and advertisement, where everybody is always happy. The manipulation is so clever that although people know that they get manipulated, they still buy into it.


I feel like living in some alteration of Brave new world or something.


Government and mass media have always been corrupt and one-sided. You should be happy that you aren't being manipulated by it. If you haven't already, take a look at Noam Chomsky's work. :) There is a whole community of people who feel the same as you, and they are all trying to do something about it.




I bet you'd write a good book. :)

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I am 31 and have only realised what I wanted to do in the last two years.




As others have said, don't worry that you should already know what you want to do, oneday you will realise what you want to do with your life.




Good luck and take care of yourself.








You just can't sit on your [wagon] all day just waiting for that day to come :| . Anyways, you should have started getting serious about what you were going to do when you turned 15-16 (the years of highschool). And I'm going to agree with what how2pk said; you need motivation before we can help you.




P.S. It's always good to have a list of your goals. I know a few millionaires and every one of them had a list of their goals by the time they were 17.




P.P.S. One of them was in special education classes and his teachers went as far as to tell him that he wouldn't amount to anything. (Oh the irony when he went back when he was 40 :roll: :lol: ) So if he can do it, you can too.




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Hey man, Listen up:




1) Smoking can be Quit. Its hard, but it can easily be quit. GET OFF IT Immedately, before you shorten the years of your life. Id imagine u havent been smoking for a while, as thats where peopel strt abouts, but whatever it is, stop right now, theirs alot of ways look it up




2) Work out- I started about 4 months ago, Im way bigger rite now many. Sign up for membership, work out, exercise is always good for you.




3) At 25, Don't worry " I havent found the women of my dream " " will i ever get married ."YOur still young, theirs LOTS of time.




4) Basically, what you want to do with your schooling/future occupation I think is up to the location ur in. I say try to do the best you can. Finish school man, its worth it in the long run.




Their are other choices if you dont finish/or dont know what to do after, well atleast in my country, probably yours to(mine canada)




-> Theirs always secondary jobs that dont need muchschooling, if any. Work at a bank, Real Estate, etc. Real Estate only need about 1-4 months of schooling in Canada, and trust me man, if you be good at it(it takes time) you can be very,very rich.Cars/Houses whatever it is man, commision is a high risk high reward thing. Tell us ur strengths man, and stuff, and ill give you more help if possible.




Good luck & Take Care

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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Your going to waste it posting on the OT section of TIF asking what you should do with you life.



Disclaimer: Sorry if this has been said, i only read the first few posts. Im lazy.




Haha you are easily the funniest guy alive, where should we pick the grapes from.




Get the hell off, no one likes you.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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If you're serious about wanting to change your life and are willing to make it happen, send me a PM with your MSN and we can work together as a team to see results.




If you're not, I can't help you and neither can anyone else.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Landscaper, they get decent pay, if you're really good, at least $35NZD an hour, thats what I got when I did it for a while, and alot of it was simple stuff. Hard landscaping you could command upwards of $40 an hour.




Outside, very pleasing job, although I did get some incredibly rude tan lines. :D

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DÃÆÃâÃâéjÃÆÃâÃâà vu.




Didn't you post this about a year ago as well?




I knew I wasn't going crazy.








What do you want us to do though? You want a good life, but you're not willing to do anything for it. Kind of a lame attitude, sorry.




If you want to continue wallowing in your self misery, you can, because no one else is going to and no one else will stop you. What you can do is, instead of conifining yourself in the comfort zone which is slowly killing you, go out and discover new trhings, find new places and experience new sensations. Enjoying your own grief will get you know where.




Get up. Buck up. Start living.

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Strangely enough I had similar issues; I was just a bit younger. About 16-18. When all else failed I joined the military, it gave some meaning to my life.


Later on I was granted another opportunity by inheriting a significant sum of money so I decided to start putting it to good work by investing it, and I resigned from military service. I can give you details on a PM.




But since you can't join the army for medical reasons, that's out of question...




Export and import volatile and rare commodities? Buy diamonds from mine workers taking a break in Angola, South Africa etc... (It's 100% certain some of them 'borrow' a few of the small stones they find) Pay them "on the spot" and sell the diamonds in western countries for a higher price to merchants, and reap the profit. You aren't fueling "the system" and it's not necessarily illegal.




Getting a "job" is pretty much what you described it as, it "fuels the system". A job is a place where you have no say over your own salary, you're practically the slave of a corporation/company.




Your other opportunities are earning money by business (better, takes more intelligence) or crime (high profits, high risk, unethical, don't recommend this).




I don't know what you're interested in, but in case you decide to go into business, just remember that the largest profits can be usually reaped when you find valuable (expensive) commodities from people desperate to sell them, and re-sell them for even more.

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.

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Someone I knew had kind of the same issues. He packed his bags and went out to travel around the world for a year to experience new things, get to know other cultures and new people. He didn't have any money, but worked on the road whenever he needed (like picking kiwi's in New Zealand).




It was a tremendously rich experience for him, and when he came back, he did need a bit of time to readjust to life here, but at least he had figured things out better. He has gone out and done something that he'll remember and cherish for the rest of his life.




One thing is certain. You won't be getting anywhere the way you're living now, so get off that behind and do something. Anything, even if you don't like it, at least you'll know why you don't like it and maybe figure out what you'd rather be doing instead.




Tuning down on being so self-involved ("I am my favourite subject") might help. Less navel-staring, more looking around you, smell the air and realise life really can be good, and that you're simply wasting your time being unhappy, you know.

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.




Well I didn't get a PM so I guess you don't want to change your life.




That's a shame, I've successfully worked with the Schizophrenic a few times.




Keep on digging your hole, if that's what you want to do.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.




well you cant be the boss of a company without working there. if you wanted to be the C.E.O. of mcdonalds your going to have to start as the drive through guy and earn your way up.




you cant just automatically say im going to own mcdonalds one morning and then by the end of the day your going to bed with millions of dollars in your bank. just get up apply for a job at some fast food joint, stop smoking and stop feeling self pity

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.




well you cant be the boss of a company without working there. if you wanted to be the C.E.O. of mcdonalds your going to have to start as the drive through guy and earn your way up.




you cant just automatically say im going to own mcdonalds one morning and then by the end of the day your going to bed with millions of dollars in your bank. just get up apply for a job at some fast food joint, stop smoking and stop feeling self pity






Agreed. Self pitying is worse then failing--- its the constant dissappointment of failing and non-action of trying to make things right. So work your way up and one day we'll see your name everywhere and ou can say "i started off as a no-lifer and had my career started by nice people on Tipit" 8-)


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.




well you cant be the boss of a company without working there. if you wanted to be the C.E.O. of mcdonalds your going to have to start as the drive through guy and earn your way up.





Actually, you would have to start as an accountant or some other cubicle position at the corporate office. The drive-through people never really get promoted.




Fun fact: McDonald's CEO is a vegetarian and has never eaten his company's food.

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The wole thing about "fuleing the system" probably is just some [cabbage] to justify doing nothing at all. Well not really nothing, but you get the idea. Of course I don't want to be an amployee, but there are plenty reasons why.




I don't post here because i expect somebody to say something that would transform my life. I am my favourite subject, so instead of opening a thread about the black hole, teen pregnancy or whatever, i made one about my life (or the lack of one for that matter).




I appreciate all the input very much.




well you cant be the boss of a company without working there. if you wanted to be the C.E.O. of mcdonalds your going to have to start as the drive through guy and earn your way up.





Actually, you would have to start as an accountant or some other cubicle position at the corporate office. The drive-through people never really get promoted.




Fun fact: McDonald's CEO is a vegetarian and has never eaten his company's food.




well my point still stands you've got to "fuel the machine" as you call it to get anywhere in life

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Someone I knew had kind of the same issues. He packed his bags and went out to travel around the world for a year to experience new things, get to know other cultures and new people. He didn't have any money, but worked on the road whenever he needed (like picking kiwi's in New Zealand).




Haha, yum yum kiwifruit. :D




Did he enjoy his stay over here?




From what I gather you hate society, jobs and the way we live. What I think you should do is shave your head, join a cult and grow potatos.

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Landscaper, they get decent pay, if you're really good, at least $35NZD an hour, thats what I got when I did it for a while, and alot of it was simple stuff. Hard landscaping you could command upwards of $40 an hour.




Outside, very pleasing job, although I did get some incredibly rude tan lines. :D




Do you mean like landscape gardening?




Thats what I hope to go into :P It sounds like good fun, but I worry that I wont be able to find the jobs :?

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