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Am I crazy?


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Quit being a brat. I don't mean to sound mean but honestly, I would never talk to my parents like that. Its horribly disrespectful.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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No, I don't think you're crazy. There's no plain logic to the actions you mentioned, more like arbitary displays of power in order to remind you of what they think is your proper place in the family. Which isn't all that uncommon when parents try to figure out how to deal with their children growing up. So you can take some small comfort in knowing that you're not alone.




Hearing about it just makes my finger's itch with a desire to do something. But at the same time, I don't really feel qualified to give you advice along those lines because I don't know you, nor do I have any idea how your parents would react if you followed them. Still, trying to at least talk to them about it in a pre-arranged, calm, discussion seems like a good idea. Try to make them realize how it makes you feel when you're treated that way.




(About not having music player to school because they "might be stolen"... ??? Who's friggin' problem is that then, if not the guy who lost it? All of the schools I've attended have given us frequent reminders not to leave anything of greater value in our lockers because they might get broken into. And one-way hallways is just plain asinine. Really.)

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Ok, so your parents were pretty unfair but you aren't helping yourself by being cynical and sarcastic back at them.




Last time my parents told me a time to be back by at stupidly short notice I stayed out to the time that I intended being unable to make my way home safely before then. When I got home and was confronted I simply said I had a choice between staying late and getting home safe, or leaving early and being at risk.




Just be reasonable, even if they aren't, chances are once they cool down they will see you are right.

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Most parents are like it to be honest.




My mother talks down to me all the time, needlessly, but then expects me to keep my mouth closed and sit their looking sorry about what I've supposedly done 'wrong' (Which generally isn't anything, or anything major).




She also keeps my bank card from myself (meaning also my money) which means I have to request it to use it.




She then proclaims that I must first discuss with her what I will be spending my money on, for example a game. Then after buying something (Like a games console) with my own money, she feels she has the right to remove it from my room/me if I do something 'wrong' simply because it is in her house.




But ah well, I have friends with worse parents. Most parents have their good sides, they're just generally over-shadowed by their annoying sides. :P

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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It seems as if a topic like this comes round every few months from you. Just on the basis of that you gotta wonder if the way you're handling things is right. I think the best course of action (in general, not specific here) is to bite the bullet and just do what they say, without the sarcasm. It's not the greatest situation, but it might improve things a little.




Also, rules like no music and one way systems are enforced in lots of schools, they're quite common health and safety rules.




Darn right it does! And I commend you for reading each one.




I realize that from everybody's end I do seem a bit whiny and such but I totally disagree with the comment that Hawk said about people deserving respect because they're your parents. That's like saying your government deserves respect because it's your government, or saying that they have a right to spy on you because they need to protect you (I'm trying to draw a parallel with the whole Patriot Act thing).




The bottom line in my mind is that if they want me to treat them nicely then they should stop doing things like calling people "dingleberries" on the highway for no apparent reason other than frustration, telling me how I can spend MY money that I make at MY job, stop telling me that I suck at music, and stop putting me in a position to fail.




Once again I kept asking for the conversation to be over but my dad kept trying to pick it up. I don't believe I can be faulted for that.




Come to mention it Barihawk, I don't recall my saying that I am "righteous" anywhere. I'm far from perfect, but at the very least I can admit when I'm wrong. I screw up every day and say 100 things I don't mean to say. I don't pretend to know everything about anything, even though I know I used to. I can think of 100 times I've said brash things to people I care about and respect, including my teachers, coworkers, and various other adults.




On the other hand, my parents see it fit to pretend that they know all about everything. My dad tried to tell me that if I played jazz instead of rock on guitar that I could make 2000 dollars a night playing at clubs, and he is no sort of musician. My mother told me that Crazy Train has a "double beat." These once again are just minor examples, but it serves to point out the fact that while they seem to get on their high horses and say things like "You must think you're right all the time!" they fail to realize that to no matter what degree I possess that attitude they have it worse.




If they did anything at LEAST positive, like say "Gee we're proud of you for pulling a 3.5 and taking all the highest classes," or "Wow we think it's great that you decided to try and play music even if we don't like it" (even if I am incredibly mediocre) instead of "You need to get a 4.0" or "You can't buy a new amplifier despite the fact you worked 5 extra hours per week over the summer and got a $500 bonus expressly for that purpose" I might be nicer to them. But right now all they seem to be able to muster is contempt, scorn, and blame in the form of "Alex, you are the reason this family is disintegrating." That's an exact quote regarding the possibility of my parents splitting up, and it came after I didn't check to see if a sheet of stickers went upside down or right side up in a printer.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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That was certainly a much more insightful post than the original. TBH, your dad sounds like mine (always trying to sound wise, and not knowing or caring that on the subject about which he is talking I in fact know a vast amount more than he does), but I've never had either of my parents tell me I'm bad at something. They have tact, at least.




I don't know what to tell you dude, other than use reason and logic for your arguments and keep a level head. If they continue to be like that, at least you'll know that you've done your best. Which it seems like you have done already, for the most part.


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Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.




You slap your kid in the face....

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Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.




You slap your kid in the face....




Barihawk you really should be shot :roll: , You choose to have a child, You're not ment to slap and hit your kids, your ment to love them.




I live with my Aunty, If I was sarcastic like that, she would also have a massive go about it, mabye not for a week though, just say sorry

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Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.




You slap your kid in the face....




He doesn't have a kid, it what hypothetical. :roll:

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Even if parents act irrationally sometimes, you have to understand them. If answering with sarcasm doesn't work, try talking in a serious, calm way to them. I'm not like the best person to give this kind of advice, but it's what I'd do.






Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.




You slap your kid in the face....




He doesn't have a kid, it what hypothetical. :roll:


*sighs in relief*

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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Well, honestly, I'd would have been smacked, banned off the computer, and banned from football practice (NOOOOO! :ohnoes:).




Personally, it's both your fault, you disrespected your father, and he pretty much disrespected you. He tried to change your opinion, you gave him a smartass remark.




All in all, you both lose/win.

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Wow, idiotic parents. If they were my parents, with my fiery temper, they'd learn their lesson pretty quickly that their ego-driven stupid "punishments" are unacceptable. But, my parents are cool, and pretty clever, they don't do dumb things like that. Stinks for you, if I were you, I'd face them front on, and make them understand they can't abuse of their virtual parent "authority" to force punishments on me because we have different opinions, that's stupid, very stupid and lowly. It's as if you and a a parent have an argument, and your parent punishes you because you don't have the same opinion as them and that you "continued" the argument. Wow, stupid, very stupid and immature. Just yell at them until they catch it, sometimes people need to be shaken up to understand there is an attitude problem, that needs to be solved.

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Right, well on the basis of your last post - Your parents are terrible. Assuming you know who I am (I don't know if our past arguments have been based on a different account of mine) you'll know that I don't particularly like you. However, I do sympathise with this situation, as I had no idea parents were actually ever like this. My parents divorced when I was very young, and both have supported me in everything I did.




But, as long as you're living under their roof there's not much you can do. If you're too young to move out and support yourself then you're pretty much boned.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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...government deserves respect because it's your government,


Hit the nail on the head! Parent's have kids to love and care for them, to support them, and teach them the right path in life. Not this Iron Fist they're doing. Just because they're your biological parents, does not mean they are your relationship parents.




If both sides view each other as human beings, (like my parents and I) we can cooperate greatly. If kid wants something but parents doesn't have the money, the kid should relise he should wait till they do or make his own. And the parents allows the kid to choose their interests, not themselves.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Make one snide rhetorical remark about slapping a child and you get called a bad parent.




A slap across the face is hardly a punch to the face.




And my kid would have to say something really offensive to make me do that.




You slap your kid in the face....




Barihawk you really should be shot :roll: , You choose to have a child, You're not ment to slap and hit your kids, your ment to love them.




I live with my Aunty, If I was sarcastic like that, she would also have a massive go about it, mabye not for a week though, just say sorry




man I hate the new politically correct parents.... My dad beat the [cabbage] outta me and It worked, If you dont think a kid should be disciplined then you are the one who should be shot... Anyways Bari sad the kid would have to be really disrespectful....




oh and your parents really overreacted.... really I think your dad needs to suck it up and stop being a little whiny brat about a comment

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I saved the saving somewhere... anyway I can't find it but it was translated from arabiac and it was pretty much a funny way of saying life isn't fair.




Edit: And although your parents might have overreacted, you don't use sarcasm with your parents as they are authority and should be spoken to with respect (or at least in most cases :XD: )




P.S.: Anyone else here who knows arabiac phrases? They are hilarious, and they have a saying for anything, I know them from my grandmother because she's Italian-Greek-Egyptian-English-More stuff but she married a Lebonese man(my grandfather) and she learnt arabiac from his family. The phrases make you smile even when your POed, lol.




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I saved the saving somewhere... anyway I can't find it but it was translated from arabiac and it was pretty much a funny way of saying life isn't fair.




Edit: And although your parents might have overreacted, you don't use sarcasm with your parents as they are authority and should be spoken to with respect (or at least in most cases :XD: )




P.S.: Anyone else here who knows arabiac phrases? They are hilarious, and they have a saying for anything, I know them from my grandmother because she's Italian-Greek-Egyptian-English-More stuff but she married a Lebonese man(my grandfather) and she learnt arabiac from his family. The phrases make you smile even when your POed, lol.




so if your parents ask you a sarcastic question your not allowed ro give a sarcastic answer?

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Don't be an arse to your parents. Just because they're being a little illogical doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.




Exactly. I would have smacked my kid for such a smart-[wagon] comment.




Sarcasm tends to piss off a large portion of the population. I especially would not reccomend it on your parents, if they are not the cynical type.




And they have the right to punish you. Especially if you are going to act that way around them, then come brag about how "righteous" you are to an internet forum.




One turn deserves another. His father used a sarcastic quip, it is only fair he uses one back.




I laugh at all the people that act all high and mighty and how they treat their parents so good all the time, don't worry, puberty is a [bleep], write me a postcard when it kicks in, kthnx.




Either that your your a mommas boy and probably won't move out of home until your 30 something and going bald, but hey, to each his own.

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"Alex, you are the reason this family is disintegrating."




Nice one o.0




I'd recommend to be nice to your parents. Play along. Eat your dinner, listen to what your parents are talking about. There is no need to bring up topics that will upset them. You might be dissappointet that you can't really talk to your parents, but from my experience you can't do anything about that anyway. Maybe you even want to apologize to your father, although you did nothing wrong (although maybe that would be too much).




Well playing along works for me, although i don't live under the same roof as my parents anymore, so it's easier. I try to minimize the contact i have to my parents without being rude. When i see them though, i act as they want me to act. (At least most of the time.) Although i don't really like this prentending game, it keeps some stress out of my life. It's a charade. The hard part is not to fool yourself with it to.

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Right, well on the basis of your last post - Your parents are terrible. Assuming you know who I am (I don't know if our past arguments have been based on a different account of mine) you'll know that I don't particularly like you. However, I do sympathise with this situation, as I had no idea parents were actually ever like this. My parents divorced when I was very young, and both have supported me in everything I did.




But, as long as you're living under their roof there's not much you can do. If you're too young to move out and support yourself then you're pretty much boned.




Even if you don't like me thanks very much for teaching me modes xD (I think it was you). I was off on some arrogant tangent about something or other and you made a reply about them having different tonal centers, and at first I was like "wtf?" but after I played the mixolydian on the G string I was like "wait a second.... that's all naturals!" And then I figured out that major was C and minor was A and all that good stuff.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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