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Still think randoms are totally random?

T. Skill

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If this is in the wrong forum please move it. Thanks.




Well today I was training at fire giants and I got a mith sq drop so I decided to alch it. As soon as I did I got the Evil Bob ScapeRune random and I thought to myself, I wonder. So after about 15 minutes or so I got a fire battlestaff. And I told the other guy there, I bet I'll get another random when I alch this. So I alched it, and lo and behold I got Niles asking me to help him out. Then I decided to test it out again with my next mith square drop and check this out:








This only worked if I hadn't alched something in about 10-20 minutes. But I still was able to call it when it happened. Are randoms really as random as they say? Three times in about an hour and a half is a little more than a coincidence I think.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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In 4 hours of cooking about 2 weeks ago in Lumbridge general store I got: 2 Drill Demon events, a Prison Pete, a Sandwich-lady. One of the certers - Nile. About 3 Mysterious boxes. Umm, the Surprise Exam by Mr.Mordaut, Quiz master, a Cap'n Hand, Evil Chicken, 2 Frog events and 2 Genies and the Grab the Evil twin.




Believe it or not, up to you. :-w

268 Quest Points

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jagex will claim its random, and it probably is after you start doing what you are doing, but its a high chance of getting a random when you start doing something new


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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Happens all the time when I'm doing Slayer tasks, also happens often when I tele.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Mainly every time you do an action you have a chance of getting a random. Alching gives more of a chance of a random, and the longer you go without a random, the higher your chance of getting one. So it used to be a surefire way that if you alched while in egg form (inable to get randoms while an egg) after 10 minutes of alching if you go back to human form and do one alch, you would get a random.

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its all random, u could have 2 random in 5 mins or 2 randoms in 6 weeks




lets take mimi for example it took me nearly 1 year for my first random, then in 3 days of smithing for a quest i got all mime and camo.


Goals: 15m Slayer xp | 85 Herblore | 75+ All Stats | Chaotic Rapier | 125k/200k Tokens

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Yes, I still think that it is random. But sometimes...it's just natural to think for a litle while that it isn't random. But they're, that's why they're called random events :). But for sure you can think about that discussion :P



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Randoms are not random. Often times, when I am just standing around in Edgeville shooting the breeze, I will see people around me get randoms, one-by-one. I can accurately call when "I am next." And sure enough, as soon as someone gets back, I get one.




Another example: I was talking to a friend in Camelot, preparing for a trip to the Bandos Lair, when I got a Pinball Random. Okay, I get back, finish gearing up and go to Trollheim Teleport. What's this?? ANOTHER pinball random????




Here's what I have to say to your randoms and your "macro detection," Jagex:




..|.. ^_^ ..|..

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Yea, if you stay in the same location for 15 minutes (ie. not loading a new section of the map) and you do an action like cutting a gem, alching, making a bow you'll get a random. I used to do this every 15 min at the fire giants but it was slowing down my training. Now I dont alch or cut gems and I'll get a random every 20-30 minutes.




Same things goes with a teleport if you've gone 15 minutes without a random and you teleport you'll get a random. I dont know if the effects vary when you doing something repeitivley (alching, teleporting, fletching) but I'd imagine its the same.

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Yea, if you stay in the same location for 15 minutes (ie. not loading a new section of the map) and you do an action like cutting a gem, alching, making a bow you'll get a random. I used to do this every 15 min at the fire giants but it was slowing down my training. Now I dont alch or cut gems and I'll get a random every 20-30 minutes.




Same things goes with a teleport if you've gone 15 minutes without a random and you teleport you'll get a random. I dont know if the effects vary when you doing something repeitivley (alching, teleporting, fletching) but I'd imagine its the same.






Off Topic :- That Clown in your picture really scares the heck out of me :uhh: , Looks like a child - murderer- eater clowny thing :ohnoes:

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I hate how people purposely search for even the tiniest thing that isn't 100% perfect. Seriously, they are random. Just let it be.




And I hate how people feel the need to flame every thread they read. I'm trying to add to a longstanding discussion about the randomness of randoms. If you aren't going to add to that discussion then there's no reason to post at all.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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There is a logical explanation for this.




Random events are NOT random because of when they appear.


Instead they are random because you never know what one will show up.




True, certain actions are tied to specific events. You will NEVER get a troll event if you are alching.




I am fairly certain that there are codes for when an event is to show up.


However there is very little coding for what one to show up.




Hopefully this will end the discussion.




Btw, I have NEVER gotten the Pious Pete and the Treasure Chest event. :cry:

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