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Who are Runescape players?


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Im a regular guy


Im 14 years old, I go to school, Play rugby for my school :D and on the weekends i go to partys, get pissed :thumbsup: lol, go out with my friends.




Im not a nerd at all, im part of the ''popular'' group in school, I do well in school but i dont study, like playing sports, messing with fireworks, listening to music, getting with girls, pretty much the usual stuff any kid my age dos.




when i first joined RS i imagined it being fool of losers, no-lifes and computer freak.... I have seen a fair few of these but mostly i find people on RS are just like me, just the regular kid.




Ps.. Great idea for a post

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Not to follow what seems to be the trend of this post, but I would call myself pretty normal, yet abnormal in some respects.




Username: Enjoi88




I am a 19 year old student attending a technical college in Washington(state), going for my AAS in Computer Security and Network Administration. With my first year down, my sights on a career are being solidified.




I like to play Runescape off and on, taking breaks every few weeks but have been a loyal player since the days of free roam PK'ing (PK'ing outside of cities) and Party Hat duping. Love the game and how it has progressed over the years, and hope to see such an imaginative community grow in the future.




My MySpace if you feel so inclined to see the face behind a name [bEST VIEWED IN FIREFOX]




Happy Skilling :)

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Everybody on this topic is saying the exact same thing :lol:




I'm not so much a nerd as a person of exceptional intelligence, poor hand-eye coordination, and a social demeanor such that I don't get invited to many parties. :roll:




Rs is just a hobby for me - if you got to know me irl you really wouldn't suspect that I harbor such a terrible secret :-w

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Well, just to change it, I'm an RS girl :P.




So, stereotypical RS girl is like, what, obese, ugly, friendless, nerdy...and that about covers it, right?




Well, I'm not obese, like 5'4" and 125lb [no idea in metric...], nothing to drool over but nothing to puke over, I have friends but I talk to a lot of people at school that aren't a ton like me and I probably wouldn't hang out with outside of school, and for nerdy...well, grade-wise, yeah...but I don't act it, and I don't dress it...whatever "it" and "nerdy" are...




K I'm done and bored, and you probably are too...bye bye :D

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Well, just to change it, I'm an RS girl :P.




So, stereotypical RS girl is like, what, obese, ugly, friendless, nerdy...and that about covers it, right?




Well, I'm not obese, like 5'4" and 125lb [no idea in metric...], nothing to drool over but nothing to puke over, I have friends but I talk to a lot of people at school that aren't a ton like me and I probably wouldn't hang out with outside of school, and for nerdy...well, grade-wise, yeah...but I don't act it, and I don't dress it...whatever "it" and "nerdy" are...




K I'm done and bored, and you probably are too...bye bye :D




We're both from MN :). Wow there's a lot of Minnesota people on TIf :thumbsup:


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We are people who want to have fun after a long days work ::'

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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Ive gone to school with a lot of Runescape players ...


most are always playing in the Library at lunch/recess.




Most are what i define as a "nerd", i think a lot of people


play but dont tell people because it is quiet a lame childish


game. Ive told people that i play but now say i have "quit"


and only go on to annoy other players which is not entirely


true. I enjoy this game except if it gets in the way of real


life i stop playing for a day or two and then keep going.




Am i a "nerd" people say that i am at school i dont see


my self as one i sit at school scribbling crap in my books


and staring blankly at a wall .

563rd to 99 mining on 15/08/07

99 Farming

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Well, I got nerdy tendencies, such as, I obsess about stuff til I'm completely trough with em. It might be a game, learning an instrument, reading a certain authors works or whatever. Social relations are excluded, and I'm percieved as a rather relaxed individual (!). I used to be into martial arts but quit when I realised 20 hours a week wasn't enough to be the best, and I felt that my studies and work had earned some attention. It's hard to study and work when you are physically exhausted, digital entertainment and music doesn't limit me in that way :) I don't share other nerdy attributes tho, I'm socially capable and I priorotise my real life in front of my digital one (altho it does get a lot of attention :wink: ) like the stereotype seems to do.




Actually, I've been playing games online since my early teens, and from my experience there's all kinds of people. Maybe the stereotyped nerdy gamer seeks the attention of his own kind, or maybe he's not as common as some would like to believe, but I meet all sorts of people when gaming, and there's none that sticks out more than the other. The only thing that most of us have in common is that we are male (I know there are female gamers out there, I'm not blind O:) ).

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I'm athletic. I'm a starter on my football (soccer) team. I always play 85+ minutes. I ride bmx. I love playing hockey. I can play any position in that and well.




I'm smart, but lazy I guess you could say. I hardly ever do homework (Not because of Runescape... I never did it before I started playing Runescape). I'm definitely not one of the most popular kids in school. I'm in the middle somewhere.




Myspace if you so wish to see more about me.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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I guess I'm a typical geek. :|


At pretty much at home all the time playing computer games, playing RS most of that time. I'm hardly social either and I only go to work every 4 hours a day.






omfg hahahah u asdmited dat u no lyfe!!11!! own3d!!!




Actually, I find a lot of anime kids into RS. I see so many "Naruto", (man, I hate that show.) and other anime RS games. Also, I know lots of smart people who play. Over achievers (like meh! :-# ) like to play. In fact, I just found out my school friend plays. :o But she's only like lvl 40. But man, she's SMART RL.






And, from the people I know around where I live that play RS. Might not be very popular (They may not have good looks, or just are awkarwd (sp?) socially.) But, when you go up to meet then, they are usually really cool people. Of course, I'm reminded of this group of 4-5 high schoolers at my old school who scammed people for their RS money. Its a pity I never asked for their names. Then I could get them banned. :twisted: ... O:)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Ive told people that i play but now say i have "quit"


and only go on to annoy other players which is not entirely


true. I enjoy this game except if it gets in the way of real


life i stop playing for a day or two and then keep going.




Alright, I'm not the only one! Haha I say that I quit then give them the name of my old account which I really did quit on.




Anywho, I'm not a nerd. Smart, but not a nerd. No one likes school :P . I enjoy online games, but I'd never tell anyone I still play Runescape. Don't wanna kill my reputation :-$ . I play soccer and am outside a lot. Runescape never gets in the way of my real life.


I guess cause I never saw the need. I also felt that if I moved into the version of the game that was always changing that it would in some way invalidate the work that I had already put into my account.
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I am a total nerd who happens to not be ugly and have many friends, i don't consider myself popular or anything like that, i'm just lucky :D




I don't think there's an average player in runescape, there's a bit of every kind of person and the usual 30+ year old who likes playing a hour or 2 a day to relax.

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Yeah im 17 and i got a gf and quite a few friends, if you asked any them they wouldnt know i play runescaep :anxious:




But i try to play alot, but i also race mountain bikes really seriously(training to be junior national champ next year) and very into endurance sports. So i guess im the typically computer nerd :P

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Sure, there are some "nerds" that play RS. But then again, what is a nerd?




I would not consider myself a nerd, as i would never sacrifice my social life for this game. I play roughly 6 hours a week, give or take. I play sports, have lots of friends, ect.




So as an answer to your question, people play RS. Regular normal people.




Although at school i was in the library and i saw this guy who looked about 60+ playing RS on the comp :?

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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Soon 20 years old, hah. And reading 2 subjects in school this autumn, 4h a week. But next autumn study to become a network-technician.


A bit multi-person is what i am. I guess.




Sometimes i can go totally ÃÆÃâÃâüber nerd and be on the computer for hours.. Often into the mornings.


Another time i just want to lift weights and go fishing and going into the forest.


And sometimes i just wanna drink beer, have a good time with friends and going "go to hell tech-stuff!"


I am also totally into metal (music) since i was 8 years old.. So i often find myself listening/making music...






All of these things i do.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Although at school i was in the library and i saw this guy who looked about 60+ playing RS on the comp :?




I know people who play RS and UT2004, who are 15-65 =)

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Just in case any of you would enjoy stalking me, I'm up for any new friends. I might be big, but I'm not mean at all :P




EDIT: The British folks might enjoy my profile song :D


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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