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That's all I have to say about that...


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Because 90% of pures think their 99 str is the best and they can beat ANYONE. Basically because they are high egoed str noobs. Most are little 8 year old drop traders and MOST of ALL pures break the trading between accounts rule.




So Basically because they have a VERY bad attitude and break rules.




1. Not all pures drop trade


2. You're not much diffrent on the whole "think a certain 99 skill of theirs is the best and who ever does not have it is a noob"

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ALL pures--and I do mean all--are designed to fight other players. That's kind of the point. They gain an advantage in combat by manipulating the combat system, but that same manipulation makes them less useful in combating npc monsters. They purposefully sacrifice the ability to play this game fully in order to fight other players better. All pures are deceptive main-killers; it's not stereotyping, its the definition of a pure.




Asking mains why they hate pures is like asking gay people why they hate AIDS.




PS I'm not trying to knock pures, I'm just saying their desires are at odds with skillers.

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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that is EXACTLY why I hate people who slay green drags and complain about getting pked. Its just why would you go into the wild if you aren't willing to die? That's just like when people got lured. It wasn't thier fault you were stupid enough to fall for it. And if you get lured, even WITH the ditch there(yes, it happens a lot), then you're even dumber. It's like stepping into a fire and expecting not to get burnt... thought I do not purposefully pk people who are doing clues.
No, but it is their fault for being a jerk. Luring is the most disgraceful thing you can do. I hate the whole "Honour Code" but I do think 3 things are out of boudes. 1) Luring 2) RC pking 3)Killing people doing clues.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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Because 90% of pures think their 99 str is the best and they can beat ANYONE. Basically because they are high egoed str noobs. Most are little 8 year old drop traders and MOST of ALL pures break the trading between accounts rule.




So Basically because they have a VERY bad attitude and break rules.




There is that ALL word again :-k


And there's that MOST word just in front of it. Read stuff before you commment, please? Oh, and Master Smither, you summed the problems of pures up in a paragraph. Well done. =D>


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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That's just like when people got lured. It wasn't thier fault you were stupid enough to fall for it.




It's not Enron's fault people were stupid enough to believe the financial reports they were lying about




It's not Mattel's fault that parents stupidly buy toys with lead paint for their kids




It's not the murderer's fault that the victim was stupid enough to get in front of his bullets




It's not Michael Vick's fault that the dogs were stupid enough to fight each other




Do you see , when your logic is turned on a whole new medium, how utterly moronic that statement is? Blame the victim, that's what you're doing. You know what 90% of the laws in most countries are there for? To protect the uninformed (or as you, with your clearly infinite wisdom, call it stupid) from those who would take advantage of them and from things that don't come as common sense to most people. Fraud laws, traffic laws, federal crimes, indecency, abduction, you name it.




Get off your high horse along with the other pures, lurers, and scammers (of which you probably belong to all 3)




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My problem with pures is not that they manipulate a flaw the combat system in order to kill people easier. It is not the fact that the only pure's I have met have either been deliberately annoying me (i.e. standing around near yew trees boasting about how amazing he is. A strength pure with only 3 stats above the basics has no business at yew trees) or killing me. It is the fact that they deliberately ignore huge parts of the game and then have the gall to complain when they cannot take part in a new update.




The game is not designed for people with 1 defence. It is not designed for those with 99 hp and strength and 1 in everything else. A medium level update is designed for those with average stats in all areas of the game. A high level update is designed for those with high levels in all areas of the game. If you ignore all but one area of the game then expect to be ignored in all but one update.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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1) People sterotype pures too much, I agree it needs to stop.


2) Wilderness rules are because its so easy to just safe all your food, and just run when you are almost dead. Whats the point if everyone did that? The game is becoming less and less challenging, so, what fun is it if you can point, click, and win? None. 'Honor Code' is to make the game more interesting, because who wants a bunch of people who just run on you when you waste 30k in rune bolts, and countless sharks? Do what you want in the wildy, but dont be a noob.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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i usually shut up when killing others on rs, and i'm still called a jerk . :roll:






my point ? the losers got their panties up in a bunch because they get killed, that goes for people who whine about rc pking, and anything else that might happen in the wild.




dont be such friggin babies and try to admit defeat once in a while.




oh and no ones saying you can't take armor out on a rc'ing trip, so as not to get pk'ed. why the FLUCK do you think we got armor ?

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It all comes down to the person behind the computer. If that person is a moron, they shall act like a moron. The whole pures are immature is merely a coincidence, most immature players find pures fun to have instead of playing the game PROPERLY and THE WAY JAGEX INTENDED by training everything.




This does not mean only pures are immature, it is just that the MAJORITY of pures are immature, not all, but most. There are people that train all combat skills and are still immature, and that group has gone up recently with the addition of Miniclip.




Damn you Miniclip, Damn you... :evil:

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I'm tired of pures telling me to keep my health below 20 because they cant hit through my defence with there 60 attack because they refuse to get it higher. But of course, they are allowed to never let health below 60 as they run, while throwing an array of insults at you that normally have to do with "noob".

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