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Does your school have this?


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We don;t have this exactly, but the teachers have a program where, if they believe a sentence in your paper may be plagerised (sp?) they just type it into their comp, and if it matches any site in the entire internet, even if it has little to do with your topic, you get a zero and whatever other punishment. So we can;t try to have any brain sparks that let us push new intelligence, we have to stay as smart as we always are. :?




Wait, what? Of course the school should have anti-plagiarism software, how is it unfair that the teachers actaully require you to do your own work? And don't tell me you couldn't talk it over with the teacher if your real work was considered plagiarism. If that really is the case, where your original work was deducted points since the teacher simply said it was plagiarism, and that same teacher didn't let you talk it over with her... give me her address and I will personally write and send her a letter of complaint, gladly.


Yea that didn;t come out as atriculated as I intended.....I guess it's like if you goof off in class but write incredible essays, the teacher would check the entire thing, and if 1 sentence matches anything, you get disciplined, whereas if you always do well and write well, they don;t check at all. Not entirely sure where I;m going with this.....


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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BTW, if anyone is wondering, there are some programs out there that will let you have these kinds of abilities, but I dont know where to get t hem. You install them on your computer at school, and you get some basic functions.




I co-oped at a middle school computer lab last year and was allowed to use the teacher tool. It is really fun to play around with kids.




some didn't even know it was there, so i would type and they would be all "ZOMFG, I'm being hacked, help HELP!"




I'd sit there laughing.


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Here in Hungary security measures aren't that uptight. :P




One of the things we usually do on the school comps is to bring games such as Unreal Tournament to school and install it in some hidden place where the teacher would not find it. :XD: We also usually chat on msn during the lesson.




It's not like it hurts anyone is it? :)

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We have a system similar to this but only the computer administrators can watch what your doing. I also used to browse sites while in computer class till one day the school got a firewall. No big deal I just have to use proxy sites to browse blocked sites.

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In a biology lesson we found out how to send message to each other using this like MSN. Someone tried to send one but accidently highlighted the whole list (hundreds of computers) and sent the message "I have a 12 inch penie" to every teacher including the headmaster and senior administration. So any teacher that had their laptop on got it. He got a saturday detention for it I think and the program was removed from student computers.

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We have one. Ours is called ranger.




They can lock, control, look at and send messages to our computer. It also stops us from going on most game sites. So we don't usually get a chance to play games either.




I personally couldn't care less. i don't play games without finishing my work. And after that i ask if there's anything else I can do, or if i can't, I'll ask if I can play games on the internet.




if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.

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find something to do that you dont need internet for all of the time (most java based games) simply open it up as normal then unplug the ethernet (that funny shaped phone networking cable at the back) which will stop the teacher from doing out 8-)

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In a biology lesson we found out how to send message to each other using this like MSN. Someone tried to send one but accidently highlighted the whole list (hundreds of computers) and sent the message "I have a 12 inch penie" to every teacher including the headmaster and senior administration. So any teacher that had their laptop on got it. He got a saturday detention for it I think and the program was removed from student computers.








I once sent a message to the whole school once. i help out the school library and have to send the same message to thw library computers. "Save and log off please." at the end of every lunch.




I once accidentaly sent it to the whole school. i had an ICT teacher on me in minutes. luckily my detention less record was kept. He just told me never to do such a thing again.

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In a biology lesson we found out how to send message to each other using this like MSN. Someone tried to send one but accidently highlighted the whole list (hundreds of computers) and sent the message "I have a 12 inch penie" to every teacher including the headmaster and senior administration. So any teacher that had their laptop on got it. He got a saturday detention for it I think and the program was removed from student computers.


:XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: That is hilarious. I want something like that to happen, only funnier.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.




It isn't unfair. It's a school computer, you don't have a right to play games on it. If they want to give out that privilege they can, but if they don't you aren't missing anything, you just are gaining nothing.



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That system is awesome. Heaven forbid you actually work in a class.




Thanks to guys like you all the good computer classes I could take in high school seemed to be slacker courses and I never learned a thing (except for C++).

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if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.




It isn't unfair. It's a school computer, you don't have a right to play games on it. If they want to give out that privilege they can, but if they don't you aren't missing anything, you just are gaining nothing.




I hardly think it's fair for a student with nothing to do - homework and classwork - just to sit there and do nothing for the rest of the lesson. playing games is a way to avoid severe boredom. Boredom is what causes so many people try to misbehave. People want some fun. Not much to ask for.

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we have a block at our school it also states the reason. once my friend was looking for pics of deer for a report it blocked him(which made no sense) and it stated for porn. but u can still look at dirty stuff if you go to msn images. also there is an adminstrator overide on them too!

Damn!, -Bobbyx2hardy look for my myspace profile it is cc.

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Since the beginning of this schoolyear we have personal log in codes, so if you screw things up they can track the last user down and let him pay for the dammage #-o . In the (dutch: mediatheek) idk-but-its-kind-of-a-libary-thingy they can watch every screen and they always type things like: 'work harder!' :XD:




On our school we also have a kind of log in system in every classroom, you have a thing with a chip in it and you have to log in every school hour so they can see if you were where you should have been...




Not all the bad things, but a bit overdone IMO, I mean, why log in, not just.... something else...? lol the studends say things like: 'its like a jail here! :x '




Thats my school





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if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.




It isn't unfair. It's a school computer, you don't have a right to play games on it. If they want to give out that privilege they can, but if they don't you aren't missing anything, you just are gaining nothing.




I hardly think it's fair for a student with nothing to do - homework and classwork - just to sit there and do nothing for the rest of the lesson. playing games is a way to avoid severe boredom. Boredom is what causes so many people try to misbehave. People want some fun. Not much to ask for.




If you finish your work work ahead, its common sense.

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My school has it as well, if yuo are really desperate to unlock your computer while the teachers working we can just press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, logout and log back in again. I don't see why anyone would want to do that, it is probably quicker to hear what the teacher has to say about deleting cell information in Excel than going through all that trouble.

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I hardly think it's fair for a student with nothing to do - homework and classwork - just to sit there and do nothing for the rest of the lesson. playing games is a way to avoid severe boredom. Boredom is what causes so many people try to misbehave. People want some fun. Not much to ask for.




It's not unfair that you aren't allowed to do anything but schoolwork on government funded computers for learning. If you get done ahead of time, read a book or something.



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if they say i can't, it IS unfair. But i live with it and wait.




It isn't unfair. It's a school computer, you don't have a right to play games on it. If they want to give out that privilege they can, but if they don't you aren't missing anything, you just are gaining nothing.




I hardly think it's fair for a student with nothing to do - homework and classwork - just to sit there and do nothing for the rest of the lesson. playing games is a way to avoid severe boredom. Boredom is what causes so many people try to misbehave. People want some fun. Not much to ask for.




If you finish your work work ahead, its common sense.


That doesn't always work. There are some classes you can't work ahead in. I agree with darkforaster on this. I know that the teacher has every right to keep us from playing games after our work is done but I do think it's pretty stupid to prevent a student from being rewarded when his work is done. It makes school just a little more enjoyable. I'd go nuts if every teacher in my school made us do nothing but more work after finishing the days assignment.

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Our school claims to be able to re-track what you've been on.. and I know the teachers could if they knew how.. but it tends to go along the lines of:




were you on games?




I think you were..


prove it


shut up.




although i do actually work in ICT lessons now its GCSE year. Goddam coursework takes forever.




its a 3 day suspension if you get caught on myspazz or any other social networking site or message board.




Our teacher's claims of..the system screenshots your screen every 10 seconds and saves it permanently to the server is a bit crap I think.. They'd need one helluva server to cope with 500+ usernames worth of screenshots, since according to her they never get deleted.




So they have a computer with 4.5TB of storage capacity a year? Bullcrap.

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