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Why Jagex Why?


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Can someone answer me this.




The top ten spoken languages in the world are...




Mandarin Chinese






















And Jagex makes Runescape German.




Why the Hell Did they make it German.




I understand that some of those languages aren't the weathiest countries and can't afford computers and etc.




But Spanish, French, Portugese, Russian, and some Arabic speaking countries



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Can someone answer me this.




The top ten spoken languages in the world are...




Mandarin Chinese






















And Jagex makes Runescape German.




Why the Hell Did they make it German.




I understand that some of those languages aren't the weathiest countries and can't afford computers and etc.




But Spanish, French, Portugese, Russian, and some Arabic speaking countries

Germans have a harder time adjusting to english, they are also in europe closer to jagex, and runescape is biggest in european countries.
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i will admit that before the german server the most spoken language i saw on the game was german(besides english), so perhaps they went not by percentage of total speakers, but the speakers who play runescape......i dont remember if they did a poll or not

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Because german players play rs more than players who speak the other languages?




Becuase Jagex is European(English) and they wanted to cater to somewere closer to home for thier FIRST TRY at rs in another language?

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Mandarin Chinese




















The bold ones are the most likely to play RuneScape (not sure about Russia). Asian countries probably play Korean and Japanese games.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Mandarin Chinese




















The bold ones are the most likely to play RuneScape (not sure about Russia). Asian countries probably play Korean and Japanese games.






What ur not shure about Russia?




Come on I speak Russian I would love to have a server like that

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Mandarin Chinese




















The bold ones are the most likely to play RuneScape (not sure about Russia). Asian countries probably play Korean and Japanese games.






What ur not shure about Russia?




Come on I speak Russian I would love to have a server like that




Yes but you also speak English. new language servers would be better for gamers who don't speak the main language of the current servers.




to be honest, the german servers are a flop, 1/2 of the users speak english. IMO jagex needs heavy german adertising to get german players.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I enjoy how alot of you say Jagex is European based so lets go German because its in Europe




Last time I checked France, Spain, and Portugal are all closer than Germany to Cambridge.



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There are probably 10x as many people that speak German in the UK than speak any of the languages you listed* Almost all kids learn German at school here and very few learn the other languages you mentioned. So good luck getting a team of translators for that.




*Except French but hardly any French speaking people play.

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Mandarin Chinese




















The bold ones are the most likely to play RuneScape (not sure about Russia). Asian countries probably play Korean and Japanese games.




Starcraft is a national sport in Korea. :D :D :D




Okay fine that's a bit of an exaggeration... but Starcraft is VERY popular in Korea lol. And when I visited Taiwan, Warcraft (Not World of Warcraft) is one of the most popular games there. I wouldn't be surprised if loads of people there play Runescape.

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Jagex probably picked German because personally i saw the most players speaking german who couldn't speak english. People who i see speaking spanish, french or dutch more often know english. Out of the group of players who don't know english there is probably the most who know german.

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Probably for the large dutch and German population that plays the game. Honestly, have you ever seen players speaking in French in RS?




Try a Canadian server. You'll see it sometimes, people from Quebec and (to a lesser extent) New Brunswic (provinces if you dont know canadian geography). since Quebec is offically the only french province and New Brunswic is the only bi lingual one. On any other server though no, you dont see french. Many of the peopel who speek those other languages also speek english, so its not a big deal for them.

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I see people speaking Dutch more than i see people speaking any other non-English language, but really every person in Europe learns English as a primary subject at school, you'd have a hard time finding a European who couldn't speak passable English. So i don't think they need any different language servers, but its good experience for the company to work on a full translation.


I don't think that Jagex will make a Chinese/Portuguese(language) etc.. server because regardless of how many people speak those languages in the world that figure wont translate to people playing the game.

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I enjoy how alot of you say Jagex is European based so lets go German because its in Europe




Last time I checked France, Spain, and Portugal are all closer than Germany to Cambridge.

The majority or french and spanish can also speak english.
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Can someone answer me this.




The top ten spoken languages in the world are...




Mandarin Chinese






















And Jagex makes Runescape German.




Why the Hell Did they make it German.




I understand that some of those languages aren't the weathiest countries and can't afford computers and etc.




But Spanish, French, Portugese, Russian, and some Arabic speaking countries

Germans have a harder time adjusting to english, they are also in europe closer to jagex, and runescape is biggest in european countries.




Actually English deprived from the German language. You'll find many words in german that have much similiar spelling to their counterparts in english. Also considering the rules are a bit looser in grammar in English than German(e.g. setence structure, in german a statement must always come Subject, Verb, ect.), I don't think taking English as a second language in German should be as challenging as the other languages out there.




I think everyone is getting the wrong idea. German is just the first of many; jagex simply chose German to be first. You may find that popular languages will follow such as Spanish, Chinese(eek all the characters!), and French.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Dutch+German and very common in Runescape. Also most people who speak french speak english.........

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For French, It's easy to find them in the Canadian servers, since half of the time you see people speak in french in there. As a french canadian myself, I think it would be nice if some could have the game in french, as some don't speak any english (I have a few friends constantly asking me to translate -_-). Most those asking me to translate are from France though.




As for what I think they chose German to be first, I would be for the easyness. As english is not my first language, I can easily see that these 2 languages are very similar, the german I have heard is almost the same thing as english!

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