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Woman turns in $65,000.


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Good karma.




I'd probably turn it in. I'm not so sure but I don't think it's the most legal thing in the world to claim finders keepers on anything, especially if it's 65 grand. As far as I know, you can turn it in and if no one claims it within a certain time, it's yours.

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Instead of making this a common News thread, why not make a bit of debate about it? If it had been you, would you have kept (part of) the money? Would you at least be expecting a juicy reward from it?

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that would be a hard decision wether to keep it or turn it in but im all for the sticky :)


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Instead of making this a common News thread, why not make a bit of debate about it? If it had been you, would you have kept (part of) the money? Would you at least be expecting a juicy reward from it?




That wouldn't be so bad, but I don't really see it going very far. But the OP just posts too many news articles as it is..

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I probably would have kept it. Yes, im a greedy *******, but at least i admit it.


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I don't know what I would do, sometimes I'm nice and sometimes I'm not :P




I do believe what you give you get back 3 fold though - each to their own.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I don't mind the News Reports. What else would we post. It is off-topic.


Anything that can lead to some sort of discussion really, that's why I proposed him to at least raise some polemical questions with the next News Thread he makes.

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I don't mind the News Reports. What else would we post. It is off-topic.


Anything that can lead to some sort of discussion really, that's why I proposed him to at least raise some polemical questions with the next News Thread he makes.




He did ask what you would do with it.




I don't mind the News Reports. What else would we post. It is off-topic.




I'm sure the topic about ties is far more exciting than these news topics.




I would have to agree actually.

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If it were a hundred dollar bill I just found lying on the ground, I'd probably take it, and wait a bit, and if anyone was like "I just lost 100 dollars OMGWTFBBQ!", I'd probably give it back. But 65 grand? That's a lot to just dump into a bank account and have it go unnoticed. (The limit before it's checked out is like 10 grand, right?)

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Another random news story. Awesome.




Yeah, I'm sure we can all read a paper or watch the news ourselves. We really don't need a new topic for every article that pops up. How about we get a sticky for this?




I actually kinda like this one because its more of a prompt of discussion, whereas the other random news stories were kinda just there to make us go 'ugghg, this is outrageous!'

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I don't know what I would do, sometimes I'm nice and sometimes I'm not :P




I do believe what you give you get back 3 fold though - each to their own.




Same. Good philosophy. :)






But 65 grand? That's a lot to just dump into a bank account and have it go unnoticed. (The limit before it's checked out is like 10 grand, right?)




Depends who you are really. So if your a "nobody" you'd be going to get a Swiss Bank account asap. :wink:

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I kind of respect craig for continuing to post, even though he's getting flamed by 3/4 of the OT, even I am a little cranky of the news threads. But he is persistent. :-#




I would have have taken that money and would be halfway from buying all the lottery tickets in Southern Ontario. ^^

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