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Apparently, combat owns all.

Saru Inc

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




But when someone nice enough to give you advice BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT comes along and they're a lower level than you, you're going to blow them off, correct me if im wrong....




(glad i had a second look at this thread lol)








If I asked, I would gladly accept their advice, however if they just come and say it as if they know better, then yes, I will decline.






Well, then you can politely say "Nty, I like what I'm doing" That's all he needed to say. I for one, would hate it if someone knew a faster way of doing something, and didn't tell me.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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The level 102 and his little henchmen take RuneScape too seriously. O.o


I just advanced a spamming level!


Now I need to find a decent Signature.

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Pking is just another skill. Some are good at it, while other arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t. You were just unfortunate to find someone who thinks they are good at it, and rely on that skill to determine their prowess in RS.




Many players have a combination of skill sets (I would say a high proportion), and most do not venture into wildy on a regular basis for pking. Be glad you are one of the majority, and the knucklehead you met isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t. :)

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




I agree. I'm level 122 and when I train thieving on *anything* some noob is always sure to come up and tell me about Pyramid Plunder. Like it's supposed to be a big secret or news to me. Nothing shuts these people up even when they can see I wear bunny ears or even when I tell them I'm level 91 thieving with roughly 10x times their exp (most of the time).

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Same thing sorta happened to me before.




So I was at the duel arena funning because I was bored...


Guy:(Guy) wishes to duel with you.






So he was using Range on me and I was using Melee and we were the same lvl(102 or 103 I believe)




I didn't really get any good hits on him but I killed him then after the duel he come up and is like "Omg I only have 72 range and owned you lololol" I'm just like "Whats your problem?" and he keeps calling me a noob...And I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to take that crap from people so I challenged him to a DM.




[hide=The result of that DM if your curious =P]


He was wearing Guthans, no Spear, with a Whip, Rune Defender and Obby Cape. I agreed to let him not skull because I would get his Cape if I won at least.




I'm surprised he didn't tele :-w








I know it's not that great of an example but it just shows if someone thinks they have any kind of combat dominance over you and are arrogant enough to be a jackass and call you a noob/flame you about it, they think they "own" you.

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




But when someone nice enough to give you advice BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT comes along and they're a lower level than you, you're going to blow them off, correct me if im wrong....




(glad i had a second look at this thread lol)








If I asked, I would gladly accept their advice, however if they just come and say it as if they know better, then yes, I will decline.






Well, then you can politely say "Nty, I like what I'm doing" That's all he needed to say. I for one, would hate it if someone knew a faster way of doing something, and didn't tell me.





I'd hate it myself if they brought it up. After all if you say you know a faster way that a person doesn't know and you have brought it up, then you should tell them instead of being a little brat who thinks he is better.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.




Pretty much sums up my feelings.




If we don't ask for advice, we don't want any. I trained on Knights because I found it easier. Just leave us the hell alone unless we ask for advice.




I agree. I'm level 122 and when I train thieving on *anything* some noob is always sure to come up and tell me about Pyramid Plunder. Like it's supposed to be a big secret or news to me. Nothing shuts these people up even when they can see I wear bunny ears or even when I tell them I'm level 91 thieving with roughly 10x times their exp (most of the time).




Triple post ftl? :-X




I don't get it, what is so hard with saying "NTY I LIKE WHAT I'M DOING" Don't use the word "noob" so much. Geez. And you know what? When I was doing Pp for 3+ weeks, and I would wear my sceptre, 120+ would be like "Whats that wep?" Or, while I was Pp'ing, very high levels would be like: "Whoa, this minigame is awesome, I wish I found out about it sooner." You'd be surprised how little some 120+ know about the game. (No, I'm not saying you know nothing, just, don't use combat to figure out who is a noob; and who isn't. Some people only do PC from lvl 40-120+.)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Very well thought out rant =D>




I have to say, he is very immature, and needs to learn that theres more to rs than combat.If he wanted combat, he should have joined AQ or something like that




He's just a typical pure, and you have to remember, your better than him, regardless of what he says or says he has, you cant let it get you angry, because then its you that looks like the noob :wink:

My Goal Signature
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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.








And combat does not own all. Skills do not own all. Like you said, we know how to play, and we will play the way we want to. If you prefer combat, then great, have fun. Saru says he prefers skills, so he will train skills. I hope one day your dying from poison and no one will help you.




Annoying people piss me off.

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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you know what, combat does own all, deal with it. And why should you offer some silly advice that he likely knows? Maybe he's trying to get a lvl that's 5k away. People who give me advice annoy me to hell. We know how to play, move along.








And combat does not own all. Skills do not own all. Like you said, we know how to play, and we will play the way we want to. If you prefer combat, then great, have fun. Saru says he prefers skills, so he will train skills. I hope one day your dying from poison and no one will help you.




Annoying people piss me off.

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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Playing runescape gives you a constant reminder of how many idiots there are in the world.


lol, i just had to siggy that :P




i hate people like that. "l1k3 n00b i 0wn j00 cuz i got higher combat"


ask them their total level, and say "i own you cause i got higher levels". but i like talking to people like that, they are so ignorant and funny.

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So true, someone see my somewhat nooby 81 combat and call me a noob, then when I comment on my 83 fishing, I get challenged to a duel, I comply and he ends up getting blitzed before he can even attack me. Problem solved :thumbsup:


click my (very bad) siggy for blog

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So true, someone see my somewhat nooby 81 combat and call me a noob, then when I comment on my 83 fishing, I get challenged to a duel, I comply and he ends up getting blitzed before he can even attack me. Problem solved :thumbsup:




Ancients are a great tool for disposing of noobs.




To bad its a rather long trip to switch books.

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Some people will always believe they're higher than others, throughout history. The Nobles and the peasants, farmers and the factory owners, emos and non-emos, noobs and non-noobs...


There's no point to stop it since it will always come back. You know why? Because we actually listen to them! If we simply ignore their idiotic praising of themselves, they'll give up and leave.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The fact is that people see your combat lvl on mouse over, not your skill total, so people will judge you based on your combat level. Pretty sad truth though.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Clearly they're a bunch of idiots. IMO the saddest part is how he says like "oh he's got a girlfriend and you dont".




Haha,"girlfriend".It's probably his brother...


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Clearly they're a bunch of idiots. IMO the saddest part is how he says like "oh he's got a girlfriend and you dont".




Haha,"girlfriend".It's probably his brother...


soooo wrong...




To bad its a rather long trip to switch books.


not realy, carpet to (forgot town) then hit a right at the next carpet junction. on average takes me 5 mins to change.




ot: i would say combat owns in certain areas, as also to skills. but its how you set up your character, if your a killer thats your choice, if your a skiller thats your choice and if you do both (long time to do imo) then thats your choice. players shouldn't be judged on thier choices, its almost simular to racism.....to a degree.


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Noob1:"he said 2 stfu becuz ur just a dumb lvl 57"




Noob1:"hes muted moron he told me to tel u to stfu"




I wonder how he said to "stfu" if he's muted?




Is it posssible that you got stupider? Theres MSn, Skype and a whole lot more man.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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