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Think I'm gonna hold off on bandos til sara brews go down more. I really suck at it, 10-12 kills a trip whereas most get 20. Must be cuz I don't time my overloads very well..

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Think I'm gonna hold off on bandos til sara brews go down more. I really suck at it, 10-12 kills a trip whereas most get 20. Must be cuz I don't time my overloads very well..

lmfao steel titan, never heard of that used anywhere but arma solo

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It helps against crashers and the sergeants. I prefer it over uni.

the minis are meant to be soulsplitted and are one of the reasons people you mentioned get to last that long, as for crashers just bring 8 spec recovers in place of 1-2 rests and 6-7 brews

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It helps against crashers and the sergeants. I prefer it over uni.


You wonder why you don't get many kills... and you don't use unicorns... something is wrong here #-o


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Squisher. It's pretty easy to survive with welf gear. I usually survive with ee and about maybe 10 sharks. They'll be dropping sharks that you can use to heal too. You can bring a t bird or something and juggle the food. It gets pretty easy once they become unaggressive.

maxed gear and im getting torn apart, also all the guides are worng, they say unagro after 10:30, well on my best inv i lasted 13:30 and tehy where still agro.....


but i got 38 crims in 13:30 so im pulling 175 crims/h with my nooby stats



Are you bringing cantristenons brew inventory (look at his guide p3 or 4)

Are you using piety and protect from ranged during agressive phase

Are you using your sgs specs wisely

Are you making sure you stay in one part of the room. If not, agressiveness will reset.

Are you trying to avoid attracting other waterfiends unnecessarily (to pick up a drop for instance, while you can wait till that fiend is wandering off)

Are you piling the same fiend as your familiar, so less fiends are alive at once

Are you using a low populated world for low respawn times


You are right though ath aggro phase is sometimes longer for some reason.

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ok, so that got me completely by surprise, anyone care to explain? :P



/edit: ok nvm, found what it was :P


"The foyer contains two altars. It also contains Brother Omad who, when talked to after the quest, will start a mini-party for you with balloons dropped from the ceiling. Popping a balloon is an easy task for the Ardougne Diary."

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Screw Regicide... <_< I was on my way to find the tracker when I fell through those annoying leaves and I ended up being stuck in a wall. I couldn't move so I had to teleport out. Now I have to walk through the underground pass again... you can still see the tip of my Staff of Light sticking out.



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Next time you walk up to the leaves, walk right up to them, then click directly in front of you on the leaves. I just did it and had no problems at 61 agility. :thumbsup:


Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature!

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Squisher. It's pretty easy to survive with welf gear. I usually survive with ee and about maybe 10 sharks. They'll be dropping sharks that you can use to heal too. You can bring a t bird or something and juggle the food. It gets pretty easy once they become unaggressive.

maxed gear and im getting torn apart, also all the guides are worng, they say unagro after 10:30, well on my best inv i lasted 13:30 and tehy where still agro.....


but i got 38 crims in 13:30 so im pulling 175 crims/h with my nooby stats



Are you bringing cantristenons brew inventory (look at his guide p3 or 4)

Are you using piety and protect from ranged during agressive phase

Are you using your sgs specs wisely

Are you making sure you stay in one part of the room. If not, agressiveness will reset.

Are you trying to avoid attracting other waterfiends unnecessarily (to pick up a drop for instance, while you can wait till that fiend is wandering off)

Are you piling the same fiend as your familiar, so less fiends are alive at once

Are you using a low populated world for low respawn times


You are right though ath aggro phase is sometimes longer for some reason.


sorry i took a while to reply, was asleep and that.... anyway, after they unagro, which takes like 15 mins sometimes it gets alot easier. to tank it out until then i take brews and super restores though, with like 4 super sets, easily lasts through a 40 min trip. I piety them till there un agro, with titan out using scrolls as much as possible, normally try to attack the same one my titan is so that it dies faster. but once there unagro, as long as your praying range the sharks they drop will be enough, with ee/sgs specs atleast.

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Next time you walk up to the leaves, walk right up to them, then click directly in front of you on the leaves. I just did it and had no problems at 61 agility. :thumbsup:


I know, but you can fail and still fall which is what happened to me. The problem is that I got stuck in a wall when I fell lol.

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Next time you walk up to the leaves, walk right up to them, then click directly in front of you on the leaves. I just did it and had no problems at 61 agility. :thumbsup:


I know, but you can fail and still fall which is what happened to me. The problem is that I got stuck in a wall when I fell lol.

In the 3 times I've done that quest, I've never fallen into the trap, except once when I clicked on the corner instead of right in front of me.


Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature!

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Squisher. It's pretty easy to survive with welf gear. I usually survive with ee and about maybe 10 sharks. They'll be dropping sharks that you can use to heal too. You can bring a t bird or something and juggle the food. It gets pretty easy once they become unaggressive.

maxed gear and im getting torn apart, also all the guides are worng, they say unagro after 10:30, well on my best inv i lasted 13:30 and tehy where still agro.....


but i got 38 crims in 13:30 so im pulling 175 crims/h with my nooby stats



Are you bringing cantristenons brew inventory (look at his guide p3 or 4)

Are you using piety and protect from ranged during agressive phase

Are you using your sgs specs wisely

Are you making sure you stay in one part of the room. If not, agressiveness will reset.

Are you trying to avoid attracting other waterfiends unnecessarily (to pick up a drop for instance, while you can wait till that fiend is wandering off)

Are you piling the same fiend as your familiar, so less fiends are alive at once

Are you using a low populated world for low respawn times


You are right though ath aggro phase is sometimes longer for some reason.







doesnt matter when several are on you


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Levon, string and I went and trioed zammy this is the outcome:




For splits we got 2 steam staves, 2 DDS's, 1 shield left half and a dragon spear. We should have had like 3 hilts tbh. We also got 4 gem drop. Most fail trip ever stll got 1.3m total.

Levon did get 3 arrow drops lol.

Slayer; it's just what I do.
Thanks Hugger 88 for the awesome siggy!

Click show if you want to see achievements.

Achievments: Maxed/Comp'd 7th of August 2012. 120 Dungeoneering sometime early december 2011. 99 Slayer achieved October 22nd, 2010. 99 Prayer achieved September 99 18th 2010. Summoning achieved September 14th 2010. 99 Defence achieved May 8th 2010. 99 Constituton achieved April 24th 2010. 99 Attack achieved on January 29th 2010 at 8:00 PM. Questpoint Cape on August 30th 2009.99 Strength (11:47 P.M. August 17 2009).

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