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Finally got my Bank picture taken


[hide=bank picture]f398c529.png[/hide]




But my bank has more (probably cause most of mine is junk)






I know I'm crap at taking pictures and editing it out :oops:


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Something isn't quite right here... :-k








Hmm would it be the gorilla? No that can't be you are one a money island, hmm what else oh it's the fact that you have the slave amulet on when you don't need it, no that's not it. Is it that there a big weed growing up through the stone work? No I don't think that's it either. Meh I give up.




I know what it is really you have the gangree equipped but ur not a monkey. you can tell I'm board




Lol at Howlin reply




Anyway, duh it's that your wielding a greegree \' Does it have stats?




It doesn't. :P There is a way to force it to stay on but you wont be a monkey, and when log out and in it will force itself off. ^^


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Finally got my Bank picture taken


[hide=bank picture]f398c529.png[/hide]




Very nice bank, simple but has everything you need. ::'


I wish I could do that. I can't seem to part with my precious junk.

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I feel so old when people say things like that. That picture reminds me of very recent times, dragon axes are out, skill capes for that matter. It all feels new to me still, but then again, I guess I've been around since about 3 months after RS started.. GAHHHH NOSTALGIA ATTACK! :ohnoes: <3:

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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