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Linkin Park!


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I enjoy their music.




And the reason you're all hating on them is because of the lyrics? O.o




I don't listen to the lyrics in any of these sorts of songs. Hell most metal/nu-metal you can't even understand what they're saying most of the time. Who gives a [bleep] if they're singing about religion and devils, or some big-[wagon] fluffy bunny who likes to rape children. I certainly don't. I listen to the MUSIC not the words. So seriously, stop hating. :P




LP haters annoy me, because there's nothing to hate. >.<


Notoriously Trollish.

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I enjoy their music.




And the reason you're all hating on them is because of the lyrics? O.o




I don't listen to the lyrics in any of these sorts of songs. Hell most metal/nu-metal you can't even understand what they're saying most of the time. Who gives a [bleep] if they're singing about religion and devils, or some big-[wagon] fluffy bunny who likes to rape children. I certainly don't. I listen to the MUSIC not the words. So seriously, stop hating. :P




LP haters annoy me, because there's nothing to hate. >.<




The lyrics are just the tip of the iceberg, I don't like how they actually sound either.

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They are overrated, something that hasnt been mentioned before in this thread.


I wont say I 'hate' them, I understand alot people like this kind of music.


and its just way too mainstream in my opinion.




tbh i think they've gone even further than mainstream...

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They're pretty catchy. I like 'em. You don't have to have meaningful lyrics unless you think you do, and if that's the case, then...make with the meaningful lyrics lol.




I have an LP hoodie and t-shirt!!!!1!!11 :o \'




The point is they try and make meaningful lyrics and fail, hard.


That's probably about right.




But the question is: Do they think that they have meaningful lyrics?




Read their lyrics for one second, its pretty obvious.

I don't quite understand you're argument, what exactly makes a songs lyrics meaningful? I can't understand half the lyrics of any of my songs anyways but that doesn't take away from it. I like music that makes me feel something with the overall sound, I never listen to a song for it's words or give them much attention anyways.
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You think LP's lyrics are meaningless? Look at the ones you posted:




Open wide the gate, friend


the king will come


blow the horn and praise


the highest Lord


who'll bring the dawn


he's the new god


in the palace of steel


persuade the fate of everyone


the chaos can begin


let it in




What the heck does that mean? Either this guy works at the renaissance fair or he was high.




LP's are meaningless? Would you think that if I told you about how the lead singer, Chester, had his parents divorced when he was a kid, was sexually abused by his father, was addicted to many drugs like cocaine, and worked at a burger king and was really poor most of his life. Don't you think if he had something to say it would be exactly what the lyrics are?




And yea they're mainstream... but how's that a bad thing? You think you're being different because no one has ever heard about your favorite band, but really your just following one of the crowds, and that crowd happens to dislike mainstream.




I think you guys are just jealous that they're so successful, and you think they don't deserve it.

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You're right, obviously I must be jealous! :roll:






Did you ever think that some people just don't like a band because they sound poor? I don't give a rats [wagon] if they're popular or not -- if they sound bad I won't listen to them. On the upside if they sound good and I enjoy their music I will listen to them.






It has nothing to with popularity for me.










Also just because the singer has gone through all that does not mean its actually a part of the lyrics.

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I enjoy their music.




And the reason you're all hating on them is because of the lyrics? O.o




I don't listen to the lyrics in any of these sorts of songs. Hell most metal/nu-metal you can't even understand what they're saying most of the time. Who gives a [bleep] if they're singing about religion and devils, or some big-[wagon] fluffy bunny who likes to rape children. I certainly don't. I listen to the MUSIC not the words. So seriously, stop hating. :P




LP haters annoy me, because there's nothing to hate. >.<




You're right. Hating them solely because of their lyrics is silly, and people who do so usually just ride the crazy-awesome-Linkin-Park-hating-bandwagon and their only excuse to "hate" the band is because their "lyrics suck", since that's a valid enough reason (in their mind) which generally doesn't require a whole lot of explanation or knowledge about music in general. It's easy to get away with such comments.


I mean sure, their lyrics might not be top notch, but jesus christ there are way worse.




The reason I don't like their music (note: I didn't say "hate") is because there's just nothing interesting about it at all. The guitar parts are basically just made up of powerchords in drop D and very basic drumming. It seems as though the only person in that band that has an ounce of talent is Hahn. So their music just sounds really poor in my opinion.


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You're right. Hating them solely because of their lyrics is silly, and people who do so usually just ride the crazy-awesome-Linkin-Park-hating-bandwagon and their only excuse to "hate" the band is because their "lyrics suck", since that's a valid enough reason (in their mind) which generally doesn't require a whole lot of explanation or knowledge about music in general. It's easy to get away with such comments.


I mean sure, their lyrics might not be top notch, but jesus christ there are way worse.




The reason I don't like their music (note: I didn't say "hate") is because there's just nothing interesting about it at all. The guitar parts are basically just made up of powerchords in drop D and very basic drumming. It seems as though the only person in that band that has an ounce of talent is Hahn. So their music just sounds really poor in my opinion.




Yeah if it was just the lyrics I wouldn't have a dislike for a band. Its everything pretty much, just a boring band and I dislike the sound.

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I've heard about 5 songs of them I think, and they all sounded the same to me.. First 1 or 2 verses sang almost crying, then a screaming yelling chorus that hurts the ear, another verse, and then repeat the yelling till the end.






But great band man :lol:

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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I enjoy their music.




And the reason you're all hating on them is because of the lyrics? O.o




I don't listen to the lyrics in any of these sorts of songs. Hell most metal/nu-metal you can't even understand what they're saying most of the time. Who gives a [bleep] if they're singing about religion and devils, or some big-[wagon] fluffy bunny who likes to rape children. I certainly don't. I listen to the MUSIC not the words. So seriously, stop hating. :P




LP haters annoy me, because there's nothing to hate. >.<




You're right. Hating them solely because of their lyrics is silly, and people who do so usually just ride the crazy-awesome-Linkin-Park-hating-bandwagon and their only excuse to "hate" the band is because their "lyrics suck", since that's a valid enough reason (in their mind) which generally doesn't require a whole lot of explanation or knowledge about music in general. It's easy to get away with such comments.


I mean sure, their lyrics might not be top notch, but jesus christ there are way worse.




The reason I don't like their music (note: I didn't say "hate") is because there's just nothing interesting about it at all. The guitar parts are basically just made up of powerchords in drop D and very basic drumming. It seems as though the only person in that band that has an ounce of talent is Hahn. So their music just sounds really poor in my opinion.




I think you're right. I'm guilty of getting on that bandwagon without thinking about it enough. #-o

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I listen to Linkin Park because I like their sound. I don't really care about the lyrics. However...




I compared them, and I still feel Linkin Park's are better. Are you telling me that this is very meaningful?




"Magic is in me


I'm the lost magic man


never found what I was looking for


now I found it but it's lost " :-s




what do you think abut their new album... i think it's way different and honestly I don't like it as much. Their songs are a lot softer than before, but they are still kinda catchy.




There are some good songs on the album, but its not as good as Hybrid Theory or Meteora. I really hope they go back to their old sound on the next album.




I agree, I miss their Nu-Metal sound very much...but their song "Behind your lies" (aka QWERTY) promises that they may be retracing their steps and regaining the loyalty of its original fanbase.


No it doesn't. They made that song before they started work on Minute To Midnight.


All against the new updates, don't log in!

But I want to play... What if I log in, but put all my chats on 'off' so they don't know I'm on.

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They're horrible.




Lyrics that mean nothing at all and they sound like crap.




And with lyrics like




I bleed it out dig in deeper just to throw it away


I bleed it out dig in deeper just to throw it away


I bleed it out dig in deeper just to throw it away




Over and OVER They suck.




They used to be good but after "What I've done" They sucked.



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You think LP's lyrics are meaningless? Look at the ones you posted:




Open wide the gate, friend


the king will come


blow the horn and praise


the highest Lord


who'll bring the dawn


he's the new god


in the palace of steel


persuade the fate of everyone


the chaos can begin


let it in




What the heck does that mean? Either this guy works at the renaissance fair or he was high.




LP's are meaningless? Would you think that if I told you about how the lead singer, Chester, had his parents divorced when he was a kid, was sexually abused by his father, was addicted to many drugs like cocaine, and worked at a burger king and was really poor most of his life. Don't you think if he had something to say it would be exactly what the lyrics are?




And yea they're mainstream... but how's that a bad thing? You think you're being different because no one has ever heard about your favorite band, but really your just following one of the crowds, and that crowd happens to dislike mainstream.




I think you guys are just jealous that they're so successful, and you think they don't deserve it.




ROFL! that was a horrible example of their lyrics. Yes LP is gettng a bit mainstream, but I've been a fan of them since Hybrid theory EP (many moons ago) so i'm quite the loyal fanboy. Simply not liking something because its popular seems to be why Linkin Park is failing now adays...but like all LP fans, i really miss their old style. This softer sound is meh, but they used to know how to send chills down my spine with their intricate melodic layering and their MEANINGFUL lyrics.




Yes i do think that their lyrics are meaningful. But not to their newer songs. But lets take a glance at some of their lyrics when they were in their prime:




"She can't hide no matter how hard she tries


Her secret disguised behind the lies


And at night she cries away her pride


With eyes shut tight


Staring at her insides


All her friends know why she can't sleep at night


All her family asking if she's alright


All she wants to do is get rid of this hell


Well all shes gotta do is stop kidding herself




She can only fool herself for so long"








"Graffiti decorations under a sky of dust


A constant wave of tension on top of broken trust


The lessons that you taught me, I learned were never true


Now I find myself in question, they point the finger at me again


Guilty by association, you point the finger at me again




I want to run away, never say good bye


I want to know the truth instead of wondering why


I want to know the answers, no more lies


I want to shut the door and open up my mind"




If you can't see the meaning behind those words, then you are truly blind.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Can someone please tell me exactly where I said that the lyrics I posted were intended to be "meaningful" rather than just suitably awesome?




Oh, that's right. Nowhere. So you people are making an issue out of words that I never uttered, because deep down, you know that Linkin Park could never create the mind-blowingly epic feel in their music that metallists can, either in lyrical content or music.




Like I said, lrn2metal.

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I don't agree with Nadril.(Except for a little bit in the area of lyrics not making sense :P )




They're extremely catchy, and I love the guys voice. Minutes to Midnight sucks....but their older stuff is quite nice.






Linkin Park Ftw


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Don't really care about the lyrics, their music gets me pumped :D . Havn't heard much of any good music produced by them as of recent, but their old stuff is gold.




On the topic of lyrics- relatively, especially with the majority of music nowadays, their lyrics aren't that bad :-k . I mean, they actually have lyrics, so that at least puts them in the top half for writing ability when it comes to songs :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Lol, Lyrics Mean everything to a song :roll:








And on the first page, none of those songs were anymore meaningful then their lyrics anyway.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Can someone please tell me exactly where I said that the lyrics I posted were intended to be "meaningful" rather than just suitably awesome?




Oh, that's right. Nowhere. So you people are making an issue out of words that I never uttered, because deep down, you know that Linkin Park could never create the mind-blowingly epic feel in their music that metallists can, either in lyrical content or music.




Like I said, lrn2metal.




Those lyrics aren't "suitably awesome" either IMO. They don't seem to create a "mind-blowingly epic feel" either.


All against the new updates, don't log in!

But I want to play... What if I log in, but put all my chats on 'off' so they don't know I'm on.

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You think LP's lyrics are meaningless? Look at the ones you posted:




Open wide the gate, friend


the king will come


blow the horn and praise


the highest Lord


who'll bring the dawn


he's the new god


in the palace of steel


persuade the fate of everyone


the chaos can begin


let it in




What the heck does that mean? Either this guy works at the renaissance fair or he was high.




LP's are meaningless? Would you think that if I told you about how the lead singer, Chester, had his parents divorced when he was a kid, was sexually abused by his father, was addicted to many drugs like cocaine, and worked at a burger king and was really poor most of his life. Don't you think if he had something to say it would be exactly what the lyrics are?




And yea they're mainstream... but how's that a bad thing? You think you're being different because no one has ever heard about your favorite band, but really your just following one of the crowds, and that crowd happens to dislike mainstream.




I think you guys are just jealous that they're so successful, and you think they don't deserve it.




ROFL! that was a horrible example of their lyrics. Yes LP is gettng a bit mainstream, but I've been a fan of them since Hybrid theory EP (many moons ago) so i'm quite the loyal fanboy. Simply not liking something because its popular seems to be why Linkin Park is failing now adays...but like all LP fans, i really miss their old style. This softer sound is meh, but they used to know how to send chills down my spine with their intricate melodic layering and their MEANINGFUL lyrics.




Yes i do think that their lyrics are meaningful. But not to their newer songs. But lets take a glance at some of their lyrics when they were in their prime:




"She can't hide no matter how hard she tries


Her secret disguised behind the lies


And at night she cries away her pride


With eyes shut tight


Staring at her insides


All her friends know why she can't sleep at night


All her family asking if she's alright


All she wants to do is get rid of this hell


Well all shes gotta do is stop kidding herself




She can only fool herself for so long"








"Graffiti decorations under a sky of dust


A constant wave of tension on top of broken trust


The lessons that you taught me, I learned were never true


Now I find myself in question, they point the finger at me again


Guilty by association, you point the finger at me again




I want to run away, never say good bye


I want to know the truth instead of wondering why


I want to know the answers, no more lies


I want to shut the door and open up my mind"




If you can't see the meaning behind those words, then you are truly blind.




I'm on your side <_<




Those were the lyrics he posted for one of his favorite bands, and I was saying how silly they sound.




And yea dude, Carousel along with the HT EP songs were probably my favorite. Have you heard "Part of Me" from that same album?




"It canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be frightening if youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never felt it


Once itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s been dealt with you feel like youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve been touched by something angelic


And then melted down into a pool of peace


Cease to be the animal you used to be


Remove the broken parts you know were wrong


And feel the karma when the problemÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s all gone


And then you start to see another piece of yourself that you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t let be


And that reasonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll last fight to free yourself


Take it to the depths of the bottom of the well


And now you know you can choose to lose the part in your heart


Where your insides bruise


You can live if youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re willing to


Put a stop to just whatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s killing you"

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Linkin park has a lot of views on youtube, and I mean alot... were I belong has 20m, and a few have 10m and a few 1m+




In my opinion linkin park has more lovers then haters(when I mean haters I mean thous who listened to the song they hate)




LP f t w




numb f t w


in the end f t w


breaking the habit f t w


bleed it out f t w


where I belong f t w





Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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where I belong f t w








The song is called "Somewhere I belong" :lol:


but Yes I agree, Linkin Park has much more lovers than haters




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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