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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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That it is, that it is. I once went into a Team Deathmatch game with my friend and we convinced our team that we were a gay couple, and accused people of hacking everytime we died or missed a shot. All the while we did horribly on purpose.




Call of Duty 4: $40


Variety Map Pack: $10


Reactions after griefing: Priceless


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Is it me or has the online got easier recently, and i mean A LOT easier.




It has gotten a LOT easier, all the good players have moved onto Cod WaW. But for players who have to wait until Christmas (like me) who were just average at the game are now the best. :?




I may return during the Christmas break, not played in a while.

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D
















Can I still have that ham?


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D
















Can I still have that ham?




No you cant now. 3

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D




There's a reason why CoD4 was the best selling game of 2007 ;)

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D




There's a reason why CoD4 was the best selling game of 2007 ;)




There's a reason every CoD game sells. Like there is guitar hero. Its called a big name. ;)

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Indeed, Call of Duty 4 was an okay game, but the multiplayer is a sad excuse for bad balance (or too good, whatever floats your boat) and bad community.




I played the multiplayer, for a month. I had a reasonable kd ratio mostly (like 2:1), but [developmentally delayed]s who did nothing but spraying all around and having martyrdom(!) got the best scores and even got kills because they died :wall: . Anyone with a working mouse can get kills, so someone who has played for a month is just as good as someone who'd dedicate his whole life to it (if you don't count knowledge of the map). Also, every time I got like 4 kills with one clip, I got spammed with 'z0mg hacker pl0x' and 'r0fl a1mbot s4d l0sur!11!11!1' #-o




Greeaat multiplayer experience, really :shame: .

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^ I agree. The only reason why people play CoD online is the same reason people play RuneScape, people like the aspect of the higher level you get, the more stuff you unlock and can use to dominate people. It's not like Halo where you need skill to kill someone, it's just whoever sees someone else first will get the kill.




Yeah Call of Duty is decent, but WAAAAAAYYYY overrated, the most overrated game I've ever played.




On an ending note, people always say Halo has little kids on it...yeah my [wagon] has little kids on it! CoD has over twice as many kids on it then Halo!

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^ I agree. The only reason why people play CoD online is the same reason people play RuneScape, people like the aspect of the higher level you get, the more stuff you unlock and can use to dominate people. It's not like Halo where you need skill to kill someone, it's just whoever sees someone else first will get the kill.




Yeah Call of Duty is decent, but WAAAAAAYYYY overrated, the most overrated game I've ever played.




On an ending note, people always say Halo has little kids on it...yeah my [wagon] has little kids on it! CoD has over twice as many kids on it then Halo!




Well the reason I like CoD better than Halo is because you have to earn your weapons of mass destruction. In Halo you don't need skill to kill someone, you just need to pick up the better weapon faster.

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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D




There's a reason why CoD4 was the best selling game of 2007 ;)




There's a reason every CoD game sells. Like there is guitar hero. Its called a big name. ;)




And why do you think it became a big name?


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Cod4 > Cod5 tbh, and I own both.




So do quite a lot of people.




I don't. :> Can I have some sort of badge? Maybe a complimentary ham? I did [lolpiracy] the SP campaign for fun. It was eh.




Lol .. I dont even play either of them these days .. Just as bad as each other and a big steaming pile of rubbish of an excuse of an AAA title. And yeah they both suck. :D




There's a reason why CoD4 was the best selling game of 2007 ;)




There's a reason every CoD game sells. Like there is guitar hero. Its called a big name. ;)




And why do you think it became a big name?





Are you profesionaly stupid or just a good amatuer?


Seriously. Who owns CoD .. Activison .. Whos one of the biggest Publishers .. Activision .. A little bit of maths ..

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I love CoD4 and CoD5: Outstanding graphics and addictive online multiplayer. The campaign is fun, too. Of course, this is all just my opinion.




"Outstanding" graphics dont happen on consoles. It just doesnt. Only the top of the range graphics cards playing Crysis or a moded to hell Oblivion or something is "Outstanding" graphics.

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I love CoD4 and CoD5: Outstanding graphics and addictive online multiplayer. The campaign is fun, too. Of course, this is all just my opinion.




"Outstanding" graphics dont happen on consoles. It just doesnt. Only the top of the range graphics cards playing Crysis or a moded to hell Oblivion or something is "Outstanding" graphics.


Do you play in HD on a 42" plasma TV? [/brag]




There are some really beautiful games in HD, such examples are mass effect, Gears of war (although i hate the game and the colour scheme, the graphics are awesome), Grid, Forza motorsports 2, etc.


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I love CoD4 and CoD5: Outstanding graphics and addictive online multiplayer. The campaign is fun, too. Of course, this is all just my opinion.




"Outstanding" graphics dont happen on consoles. It just doesnt. Only the top of the range graphics cards playing Crysis or a moded to hell Oblivion or something is "Outstanding" graphics.




It's relative to opinion. I think it has good graphics and I'm not complaining about anything.

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I love CoD4 and CoD5: Outstanding graphics and addictive online multiplayer. The campaign is fun, too. Of course, this is all just my opinion.




"Outstanding" graphics dont happen on consoles. It just doesnt. Only the top of the range graphics cards playing Crysis or a moded to hell Oblivion or something is "Outstanding" graphics.


Do you play in HD on a 42" plasma TV? [/brag]




There are some really beautiful games in HD, such examples are mass effect, Gears of war (although i hate the game and the colour scheme, the graphics are awesome), Grid, Forza motorsports 2, etc.




No thats not the point .. The word Outstanding just doesnt work with consoles no matter how good your tv. No I wouldnt even want a bloody 42" plasma in the first bloody place.

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