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Do you ever use the"Self Sufficient" methods??


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Sometimes self-sufficiency is absolutely necessary. I couldn't do the following any other way without spending stupid money.




I need home tele tabs and fally tele tabs.


1. Karamja gloves to Shilo, mine gems until I have five sapphires.


2. Mine five gold, smelt them.


3. Make 5 sapphire bracelets, enchant them into clay braces.


4. Mine 140 clay.


5. Make the tele tabs.




Another thing I do is to make tuna-taters. I have farmed over 6k sweetcorn, so no worries there. I generally buy tuna from players - half the time they give it away as they don't see a use for it and just cooked it for xp.


But then, I pick and cook spuds and do the rest myself, as people can't help with the rest.




With fletching, I get all my own stuff and craft all the bowstrings and nats I need.




I draw the line at making my own vials or churning stuff which you can buy in the shops - that's just waste of time to me. Whatever floats your boat I suppose...I'm self-sufficient, but I'm not an island.

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really depends on whether ive the time or money...i try to gather all 2nds for potions by myself (blue dragon scale, fungi, snape grass, chocolate dust, eye of newt) but somethings i just buy off people such as limpwurt root SEEDS which i will farm myself for the root for sup str pots. but somethings are rather impossible to get such as getting full rune when u reach lvl 40 def at first unless u already have 99 smithing :-w

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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I'm pretty self sufficient :P. I mine everything that I wanna smith. Fish for my own food and cook it too, make as many of my own potions as I can, try to make my own weapons for treasure trails, like addy squares and whatnot :P, or get a friend to make them o.O .

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I try to be as Self-sufficient as I can. I never buy food, herbs and the like. I have payed for pots that I didn't have the herbs to make. But times like that are few and far between. Being as self-sufficient as I can be is what makes the game fun for me.

***Happily poking bears, kicking cubs and petting bobcats since 1967***


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Self-Sufficient + opportunistm If I can buy supplies cheap enough, I'll buy, but more likely to be selling supplies.




F2P, bit short of time now or I'd be going P2P to so some quest-bashing.




And that makes a difference, there is so much you HAVE to buy in, and so little that makes good money.




I've bought cooking levels with Tuna from the store - if I can make use of a cheap surplus, but the player market favours the seller, maybe quick & easy disposal through the exchange will improve things, higher trade volume without really trying, and maybe lower prices.

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I'm self-sufficient as far as buying stuff off other players is concerned.




It may take absolutely ages to mine XXXX pure essence, craft it all to nats without runners, chop XXXX yew logs, pick XXXX flax and fletch XXXX yew longbows, and finally alch the lot with the nats... but you get a good pile of XP in all those skills and a huge pile of cash at the end.


I find it a bit more interesting than working just towards a level in one skill.

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If I have the time and the goal in mind, I'll definitely harvest my own goods for my own practical uses.




[For me, it's not only cheaper than buying it all at once, but it's also faster, since money for me comes and goes like the tide.]

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Yup, not all of us are rich enough to throw money around. I do around 75% of things myself unless it's not worth my time since I lack that also. Some items are just better to buy than getting it yourself.

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

87/94 Magic~~84 Range

Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

CB: 107 Total: 1788+


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I virually always use the "self sufficient ways" of obrtaining items. I've been poor my entire runescape career (still am, by the way) so I don't have the money to spend buying raw meterials from other players.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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In my opinion, self sufficiency is MOSTLY un efficiency.




For me, I am a pretty rich player, so I can afford to avoid self suffieciency for speed methods of things. If it counts, I do use miscleania kingdom for my own seeds, but thats about it.




If i want a self sufficient skill to 99 (wc, fish, etc), I'd just powertrain it and make the cash loss back later.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Whenever I set myself a task, like making 10k bows for example, i do everything myself: cut the logs, pick the flax, spin the bowstrings, make the nats etc.




It's good for balancing out the levels, but it does take ages -.- .

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i kill for my own bones


how does killing some1 else help you get your bones out of your body :shock: lol lk


ot: i only buy things if i need them in huge amounts and are slow to gather, like 1k+ logs or ore, i also buy armor that is too hard to get for its starts and requirenments.

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Yeh i do everything myself, im a level 101 and only have 100k only had that much for the past 6 months (lituraly) and thats with playing a lot lol.




I find i dont need money cause i get what i need myself.




The only exception is pure ess which i buy then make the runes myself.




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