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A few questions


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These a bit weird but often play on my mind a lot...




1. From a young age my hearing has always "[bleep]ed" - i'll be sat around not doing a whole lot, and suddenly the hearing in one of my ears will quickly deteriorate, and i'll hear a huge ringing sound. 30 seconds later, it's gone - for some reason I used to think I was picking up radio signals and they were getting stuck in my ear, hahah! Anyone ever had this?




2. I've always also been able to see things floating around in my line of vision, like really small grey blobs, and sometimes clear shapes, but when I look directly at them, they move. Any ideas?




3. Sometimes I get really confused - i'll be doing something, and i'll get this horrible mental feeling that something bad is going to happen to me, or that i've been in this exact situation before and my brain can't handle it, but 5 seconds later, everything returns to normal. My train of thought literally goes off the track, like i'm in someone elses' mind for 5 seconds or something. Once again, any ideas? :)

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1. Try going to an audiologist (hearing doctor) if it's that serious. However, a normal doctor might be able to help.




2. Try going to an optometrist (eye doctor) and telling him/her what's going on.




3. Can't really help you.




It can't kill you to just make a trip to the doctor (Isn't health care free in England anyway?) . If you have health problems, that's where you go. I don't believe anyone here is qualified to give you medical advice. Not sure why you're asking here, of all places.

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I have 1 and 2, and I think I have a different version of 3. It's probably normal, but number 1 really frightens me sometimes. My dad and my grandfather both had brain tumors removed (my dad is deaf in one ear because of the surgery), and they've experienced that ringing sound which turned out to be caused by the tumor. So, yeah. :?

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About 1. I dont get ringing, I get the same electronic sound you hear when a tv turns on. I can pretty much some times hear electronics turning on or off.




I can always hear electronics too, especially TV's. I'm pretty sure that's normal.




Well i'm not asking for medical advice, just wondering if anyone else gets it and if its normal or not or anyones got any advice to share on it, that's all.




Oh ok, I understand.




1. Well, ringing in your ears is perfectly normal.




2. As far as the things you see, it's probably just something floating in the air. Doesn't seem to be anything serious.




3. Never experienced anything like it.

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About 1. I dont get ringing, I get the same electronic sound you hear when a tv turns on. I can pretty much some times hear electronics turning on or off.


Yeah, i can hear electronic stuff as well. For example, if i am going upstairs and there is a t.v. turned to standby in my parents or sisters room, i can hear a kind of high pitched noise, which isn't there when the t.v/whatever is turned completely off.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

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Yeah, i can hear electronic stuff as well. For example, if i am going upstairs and there is a t.v. turned to standby in my parents or sisters room, i can hear a kind of high pitched noise, which isn't there when the t.v/whatever is turned completely off.


Most people can hear that, unless they're older than around 40. It's just a high frequency.


As for #2, those are probably a mild form of floaters. You notice them when you're looking at a light solid color, like the sky or a white ceiling? I'd bring it up with your eye doctor but it's probably nothing.

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As for #2, those are probably a mild form of floaters. You notice them when you're looking at a light solid color, like the sky or a white ceiling? I'd bring it up with your eye doctor but it's probably nothing.


It sounds like simple afterimages to me :-k .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


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Yes to all 3 and even with some wild imagination the grey blobs and shapes turn to finer detailed images :)




I'd say it is normal just people who are more liberal, a bit of a dreamer or creative probably would have it occur more often, or should I say are more aware of it?




Usually people who are musically gifted or artists etc, my 2 cents worth.




Btw for number 3 I've decided they're mini panic/anxiety attacks, I know exactly what you're talking about.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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#1 sounds like subjective tinnitus, which is caused by a whole bunch of reasons. It's usually pretty normal. I get it a lot, too.






#2 sounds like a minor case of floaters. I've never had them, but I've heard about them. It's pretty common.






#3 sounds like it could be a very minor case of depersonalization. I've had this feeling many times, but mostly while high on drugs or in deep meditation. The first few times were downright scary, but I've learned to ignore the fear and simply enjoy the feeling of being temporarily detached from reality.








All in all, nothing to worry about. Most of these things (on the level you are describing them) sound completely normal. If the problems get more noticeable and/or frequent then you should talk to a doctor about it.




I agree with IGoddessI, you sound like a creative type. :)

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I get #1 and #2. Though I get a different version of #3 where different voices come into my head very strongly (I know weird) generally to do with incidents of the past.

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I get #2 when im tired and been looking at something bright for too long (including monitors)



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I get #1 and #2.


#3 maybe - sounds something similar to what I get when I'm tired and I've found that I get it more when I'm more stressed, mostly get it when I'm lying in bed at night. It's difficult to describe and it's not particularly nice, though I can always like 'click' myself out of it when it happens.

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I have 1-3 as for three, i usually see myself in an airplane crashing into the ocean. 2 is only when i'm not really focused on anything. 1 happens when i'm on the computer such as right now. I'm not really concerned about it because the majority of my friends have those things happen to them too.

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