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*RuneScape will shine soon enough_


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The economy will not be destroyed, it will be damaged but quickly heal and take on a new form. It will be up to us to adapt, it's that simple. It will naturally be a rough transition, but if we can bear with the changes everything will stabilize and eventually settle at a new normal. We will still be able to buy and sell, it will just be slightly inconvenient.




This is what will happen if Jagex removes direct trading and dropping. In all likelihood this will never happen, but if it does we can adapt.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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The economy will not be destroyed, it will be damaged but quickly heal and take on a new form. It will be up to us to adapt, it's that simple. It will naturally be a rough transition, but if we can bear with the changes everything will stabilize and eventually settle at a new normal. We will still be able to buy and sell, it will just be slightly inconvenient.




This is what will happen if Jagex removes direct trading and dropping. In all likelihood this will never happen, but if it does we can adapt.




If you can't trade with other people or drop items how is the economy going to survive?

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If trade is gone, and Drop is gone, then they have strayed too far away from what we know as "Runescape". It would completely kill it.




My response would simply be quitting. It just wouldnt be worth my time or money anymore.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I will quote you on that on Tuesday...


Also it think they may limit the direct trading to an almost unusable point like duelling (so they can still claim they have direct trading in the game).




PS Since i assume it was my thread you (thread owner) saw the idea off can you please link it http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=718195 ?




Btw i guess its a nice positive spin on the updates, present and to come.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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The economy will not be destroyed, it will be damaged but quickly heal and take on a new form. It will be up to us to adapt, it's that simple. It will naturally be a rough transition, but if we can bear with the changes everything will stabilize and eventually settle at a new normal. We will still be able to buy and sell, it will just be slightly inconvenient.




This is what will happen if Jagex removes direct trading and dropping. In all likelihood this will never happen, but if it does we can adapt.




If you can't trade with other people or drop items how is the economy going to survive?




The economy will be contained in the Grand Exchange. Like I've said before, if more GE branches are placed in other cities then things will run almost as normal as they do now.




Compare these two scenarios:




1: The Current Economy




You're standing in world 2 Falador in the sea of traders and merchants. You're typing feverishly, shouting "selling X for X", but you're being drowned out by the flashing, scrolling, waving text. You spend half an hour to an hour trying to sell your wares. That is a lot of wasted time that could be spent skilling, PKing, or playing a mini game.




You then think, "I'll go to a less populated world and try selling in a bank", but there is a drawback. You are only reaching a very small audience, who are most likely not looking to buy what you are selling.




Next, you move to the forums, make a new thread and wait for a reply. The problem with this is that your potential buyer is not online and will find your thread after you log off.




With these methods trading is a game of hit or miss and very unpredictable.




2: A Central Economy Under the Grand Exchange




You have just finished fletching 5k yew long bows and you want to sell and get back to skilling. You walk to the nearest Grand Exchange location and put up your items for sale. While you're there you see a number of yew logs and bow string for sale and take this opportunity to buy the supplies of your trade. You get back to fletching in a matter of minutes.




With a central trading system players can more readily get the supplies for skilling and get back to training faster.








Both of these scenarios can be reversed and put in the perspective of a buyer and retain the same results.




Dropping Items




Players will still be able to drop items as they do now, but with one exception. If a player drops an item, it will no longer appear to others. It will stay on the ground for the normal amount of time, then disappear. This will give the player enough time to pick up an accidentally dropped item and prevent drop trading. Drop parties are already covered with the party room, this aspect will not be affected.




Drops from monsters will not be changed, if a player does not pick up their drop it will appear for others to see and pick up.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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Was I the only one that throughout the entire OP, all I could think about was how much of an ignorant idiot the OP is?




Perhaps you could elaborate and contribute to the discussion, rather than insulting the author.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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I don't think that Jagex will remove the trading option. That would make way to many RS players to quit, and they're not willing to take that risk.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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i agree, trading will probably be gone next week. i think rune is going through a dark time. once we get through the hump i believe things will be better. people saying they would quit or have lost their trust in jagex, don't you think they haven't given this alot of thought and will implement this the best way. its not all done yet, im sure they will make it work.




p.s. they will make the duel arenas cap higher eventually to, when they figure out a better number and make sure the rwt have given up.

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If you said this before the Duel Arena Update, I would of thought you were insane beyond anything...




Now, after the Duel Arena Update, this actually is a possibility. After seeing Jagex put the 3K Cap, knowing how little 3k is to the coummity, I wouldn't be surprised if they removed trading all together...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Wouldn't people just transfer items though pking? Think about it, two people who are trying to RWT set up a pkin fight and 1 deliberately dies to transfer the stuff.




I do have a rough time with change but hopefully if they do this it would be for the best. Ah well, the direct trading system had a very long run, but its time to end.




This would also anger people who like PC as they will no longer be able to do the 'Trade for 100+ world' thing.

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Are you insane? just because they improve safety measures doesn't mean they will get rid of player to player trading




The great exchange is stated to facilitate player to player trading, not replace it.

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The Grand Exchange will allow you to spend more time on the things you enjoy, providing a less time-consuming alternative to selling your items on the Forums or amongst the crowds of Varrock Marketplace.


This is what they said in the BTS so I don't think they will remove trading.

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If they do this I will seriously consider haning up my RS coat. This is something that I don't say lightly. After about 3.5 years of playing RS, I saw it getting better and better. Some of the updates were controversial but we saw in the end they didn't do much to what we loved, this will. JaGeX is not taking this problem with a scalpel, but a clunky axe. JaGeX, please, don't do it.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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What's to stop an autoer from selling to the Grand Exchange, then buying an item for an extreme over price from the person buying the gold via a website?




When it comes to the duel arena, the prices that determine if an item is stakable or not was taken from player prices.




What's to stop Jagex from using those player set prices to set the grand exchange?




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The Grand Exchange will allow you to spend more time on the things you enjoy, providing a less time-consuming alternative to selling your items on the Forums or amongst the crowds of Varrock Marketplace.


This is what they said in the BTS so I don't think they will remove trading.




Nice catch.




If they did it I wouldn't be so annoyed because I couldn't buy and sell things as easy, more because I couldnt lend my friends items if they forgot something ect.




Also they'd have to rework a couple of quests where your required to give an item to your partner.

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I truly doubt that they would get rid of direct trading altogether. What I do see as a possibility, sadly, is having a limit on trading. Possibly a max of 1mil or 100k per hour.




This would allow for people to trade so things, like anti poison/ food, while large items are taken to the exchange.

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The real interesting thing here is that this is actually a "doable" solution on how to solve both "mass macro" and RWT issues.




The idea itself is so flawless.




Private Dropping:


- Will fix all kinds of illegal "drop trades"




Grand exchange replacing P2P trading.


With a few tweaks (like setting up access points in every major city etc)


- Cripple players who abuse the market.


- Criple RWT completely


- Create a more stable and fair market




Introducing "New" P2P tading:


- ONLY allowed to trade UN-Noted Food, Potions, Tools (Chissel, Rope etc). NO money or armor/weapons are allowed to be traded this way. And must be traded trough the grand exchange (or trough shops ofcourse)






Duel Arena transformed to duel tournament arena :


- Will cripple last possible way to transfer money illegally.






You say you can still trade in the wilderness dieing?


Well. Jagex could easily implement a way to flag a person who dies in the wilderness with more than (example) 1 mil gp raw cash. If he does this several times a day/week he could ease be auto banned as a RWT'er.


I mean... who travels in the wilderness regularly with 1mil + raw cash? Even taking a single gp into the wilderness is a un-logical move in the first place, unless you are buying a wilderness cape.






This would also effectively stop the use of "auto-typers".


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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Its pretty obvious that Jagex will remove player-to-player trading soon enough, with LootShare, Request Assistance, making the party house F2P (for drop parties) and Grand Exchange. They will probably remove dropping as well (or replacing it with private dropping [suggested by aafftteerr]), because only removing trading would be pretty damn pointless. This will rid of 99.99% of autoers, gold-farmers, RWT'ers, pures/skillers/new accounts who drop trade, because they won't have any way to get money to their new accounts or to trade them to others.




If this hapens...the OoC dies...I hope this NEVER happens, the OoC is to awesome.

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so they destroy trading just to keep some people from buying a couple mil from a website.... <.<




Consequences of this update:




-Less people buying gold


-Because of less demand, less supply


-Less autoers at the yew trees/fishing spots/flax/etc


-Less Yew logs/lobster/swordfish/flax/shark/etc available


-prices rise


-f2p can now chop yews more efficiently


-More users chop yews, fish lobsters, etc to sell for the higher prices


-Prices decrease




-Less people buying gold


-Less people staking


-Less money to spend on rares


-prices of rare go down


-Less RWT getting banned after buying rares


-Less rares leave the community


(Same concept counts for high level armor and weapons)




Have you seen the number of autoers in f2p? This is a bigger problem than just "some people".




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RWT will still be able to carry on even if drops and p2p trading are stopped. I have thought of at least three ways:


1. sell ashes in GE for 10m, the autoer buys.


2. Autoer buys a rare (for full price so avoids jagex tracking system) sell to an out of the way general store, the shop price of rare is negligable, and partner buys and then sells rare for full price again.


3. wilderness. yes jagex can track people who take cash into wilderness and die, but it is easily hidden by taking valuble items instead eg rares.




with the last two, this will cause the price of rares to go up as increase in demand. this even helps the RWT'ers!


Jagex can put measures in place to stop these methods, the first 2 can be stopped by their detection systems being made specifically aware of them, the third would be much harder to stop as the RWT'ers can continually change the items they die with, eg one day die with 20 crystal bows, the next day die with couple mil noted sharks or whatever.


So here's a forth option for RWT'ers! again of the top of my head.




4. party room on an empty ish room late at night, and mask with lots of bots in the room also.




in conclusion, no matter what jagex do to stop RWT, they, as professional companies, will always look for ways around it, and so imo jagex will accept some level of cheaters so as not to destroy the game, as in rl compromise is always a must - now to convince the whining 9 yr olds of the same lol

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