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Is God real post your thoughts!


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That is when one animal (we'll use animals in this case) creates a whole new species right? Well wouldn't there have to be another of the new species to be able to reproduce and produce offspring.




Also pretend im a stubborn christian and try to make me an atheist.


Punctuated Equilibrium is a theory that states that evolution happens quickly over short periods over time, which is why there aren't many "in-between" fossils. Who's to say the last thousand years haven't been one of these periods?


Firstly; we are lucky to have any fossils at all. The sequence of events necessary for fossilfication are extremely rare! Even if we had no fossils, it would not matter. There is overwhelming evidence to support the theory of evolution in D.N.A. Therefore gaps in the fossil record are not evidence that contradict evolution.

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Ok think of it this way. If im one of the average obese Christians. What would you say to make me atheist?


Probably nothing. There are few other areas of life where people are so unwilling to change their beliefs as is the case with Religion. If you are an average Christian, then you know what it is like to be an atheist. You are an atheist because you do not believe in the Islamic God Allah. But why do you choose to believe in your Christian God when there is no better reason to believe in him? Do you think you would believe in your Christian God if you lived in Arabic countries?

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Neither side has defiant truth on the creation of man/evolution.





Wrong. Evolution is a fact and it has demonstrated how man evolved. Stop posting these ridiculous statements on a subject you quite clearly know nothing about.

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Neither side has defiant truth on the creation of man/evolution.





Wrong. Evolution is a fact and it has demonstrated how man evolved. Stop posting these ridiculous statements on a subject you quite clearly know nothing about.


Really people? Quite clearly pureprayer is just posting to have fun with you guys and doesn't really believe any of the stuff he's been posting.

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Neither side has defiant truth on the creation of man/evolution.



Wrong. Evolution is a fact and it has demonstrated how man evolved. Stop posting these ridiculous statements on a subject you quite clearly know nothing about.

Evolution is a theory




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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Wrong. Evolution is a fact and it has demonstrated how man evolved. Stop posting these ridiculous statements on a subject you quite clearly know nothing about.


Not really. There are still a good few missing links here and there. Plus, I don't believe abiogenesis. Some random strings of atoms "accidentally" coming together and forming sentience? No, no, no.




Probably nothing. There are few other areas of life where people are so unwilling to change their beliefs as is the case with Religion. If you are an average Christian, then you know what it is like to be an atheist. You are an atheist because you do not believe in the Islamic God Allah. But why do you choose to believe in your Christian God when there is no better reason to believe in him? Do you think you would believe in your Christian God if you lived in Arabic countries?


They're the same for one thing. And for another, God is different to everybody. You're just sounding ignorant of peoples' beliefs. PERSONAL BELIEFS. Blaaah.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Neither side has defiant truth on the creation of man/evolution.



Wrong. Evolution is a fact and it has demonstrated how man evolved. Stop posting these ridiculous statements on a subject you quite clearly know nothing about.

Evolution is a theory




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_ ... y_and_fact




Theories are NOT conjectures. Conjectures are things that people think of that, at least at first glance, seem to be possible and real. THEORIES are very well supported ideas supported by lots of facts. Just read that link I gave you. Furthermore, the theory of evolution is a very, very broad concept. You really have to disagree with PARTS of it, rather than the whole thing. (Because if you disagree with the whole thing, you are disagreeing with some of the FACTS that make up the THEORY).




You're going to have to come to grips with the fact that evolution is both theory and fact. So is the "theory of gravity".




Also, we're still uncovering evidence for evolution all the time. At least evolution is a theory which is gaining more and more support as time goes on. The only reason that it is not fact is because it cannot exactly be tested. The events that make up evolution usually take a very long time to occur. The closest thing we have are a few examples with birds on the Galapagos islands, and then of course very small things that reproduce very quickly, such as microbes. It's rare that we see it happen today with our own eyes just because it takes so very long to occur, or because it occurs on things which we don't come into contact with very often.




We can't exactly test the bible. That's why so many people have a problem with it. We can't talk to God, either. It's quite simply that religion cannot be tested and so the "theory of religion", as it were, never gets more evidence than what it has. That's why apologetics is such a huge thing now...

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Not really. There are still a good few missing links here and there. Plus, I don't believe abiogenesis. Some random strings of atoms "accidentally" coming together and forming sentience? No, no, no.



Lol. Do you not see that this is an extremely vacuous statement? Your logic is faulty. There are missing links in many processes (my flat mate is one...). For example, we can not understand the precise series of events that lead up to a murder, but we can have enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that manbearpig did kill the small red pixie (probably for its money). There is so much evidence to support the theory of evolution that it is now regarded by many scientists as fact, even though there may be a 'few good missing links here and there'.


Secondly, because you can not understand a process, does not mean that it is wrong. I am not a very good mathematician (or speller!), but I would not believe something is wrong just because I do not understand it. Abiogenesis and evolution are two completely different forces, do not get them confused!




It is worth noting that there are many philosophers and scientists that believe that the universe is queerer than we can possibly suppose.

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They're the same for one thing. And for another, God is different to everybody. You're just sounding ignorant of peoples' beliefs. PERSONAL BELIEFS.


Different religions believe in different Gods. Personal beliefs are not enough to prove the existence of God.

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Lol. Do you not see that this is an extremely vacuous statement? Your logic is faulty. There are missing links in many processes (my flat mate is one...). For example, we can not understand the precise series of events that lead up to a murder, but we can have enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that manbearpig did kill the small red pixie (probably for its money). There is so much evidence to support the theory of evolution that it is now regarded by many scientists as fact, even though there may be a 'few good missing links here and there'.


Secondly, because you can not understand a process, does not mean that it is wrong. I am not a very good mathematician (or speller!), but I would not believe something is wrong just because I do not understand it. Abiogenesis and evolution are two completely different forces, do not get them confused!




It is worth noting that there are many philosophers and scientists that believe that the universe is queerer than we can possibly suppose.


Of course, of course. I'm just saying it isn't a flat-out fact, as has already been explained. Nothing is.




I know abiogenesis and evolution are different. I'm just pointing out why I believe something (ie, God) kick-started evolution or something. I don't care if it's stupid for me to not believe it because I don't understand it. I guess finding it "illogical" is worthier.




Different religions believe in different Gods. Personal beliefs are not enough to prove the existence of God.


Different people believe in different things. Religion is just something that loosely holds it together - can you not comprehend personal beliefs? And personal beliefs can prove plenty to a person. I, personally, believe my mother and father care deeply for me. Do I care if you rant and throw a fit that they don't? Not a whole lot.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Not really. There are still a good few missing links here and there. Plus, I don't believe abiogenesis. Some random strings of atoms "accidentally" coming together and forming sentience? No, no, no.




I agree. The scientific process involves mimicking some sort of occurrence to see what happens and in what conditions to find out truth. People have theorized about how life has formed, but they haven't mimicked it yet. Just because your theory is compatible with there being no god doesn't mean it's true. That's only assuming god does not exist. The scientific process says that the less assumptions there are for a theory, the more simple and the more likely it is to be true.




I got a question, and I don't necessarily agree with it's point but I'd like to see how some of you respond to it: If there are an infinite amount of causes for our universe, how does it exist right now?




It is worth noting that there are many philosophers and scientists that believe that the universe is queerer than we can possibly suppose.




If you accept that there are illogical queer properties for the universe, then what makes you not accept the properties of a god?

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If you accept that there are illogical queer properties for the universe, then what makes you not accept the properties of a god?


Our brains have evolved in middle earth. We interpret a wall as a hard solid object. If we were the size of neutrinos, we would think of a wall as mostly empty space. Because our brains have only evolved to interpret and process information of relevance to us, it may mean that there are somethings that the human brain simply will not understand or appear 'illogical' to it like quantum mechanics - theres that quote from the scientist whose name evades me; "if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."


I probably have not articulated myeself very well, but there is a very interesting lecture on it by Richard Dawkins that you can look at on youtube.


The problem with God, is that there simply is absolutely no evidence to support his/her/its existence. Nothing. I therefore can not accept that a God created the universe. Of course, I will accept that it is a possibility, but a very small possibility. I will say again; God does NOT solve the problem. Who or what created God? Did God have a choice when creating the universe? I do not know how the universe was created, but I do not pretend to know. God should NOT fill our gap in knowledge by default.

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Not really. There are still a good few missing links here and there. Plus, I don't believe abiogenesis. Some random strings of atoms "accidentally" coming together and forming sentience? No, no, no.




I agree. The scientific process involves mimicking some sort of occurrence to see what happens and in what conditions to find out truth. People have theorized about how life has formed, but they haven't mimicked it yet.






While we haven't mimicked the process in it's unbroken entirety, we have managed to mimick some of the key steps (one of which only recently; see [3]). It's a pretty active area of research - It's not all just theoretical hot air.




Sustained polymerization on mineral surfaces. [1]


Autocatalysis in biological molecules (they catalyse their own reproduction). [2] [3]




There is overwhelming evidence to support the theory of evolution in D.N.A. Therefore gaps in the fossil record are not evidence that contradict evolution.




Such as... (I already know the answer, I'd just like to see what you know).

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I don't care if it's stupid for me to not believe it because I don't understand it.






I suppose that was misworded. But, it's basically true. For a of the concepts that are way over my head, and are hardly ever brought up.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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There is overwhelming evidence to support the theory of evolution in D.N.A. Therefore gaps in the fossil record are not evidence that contradict evolution.




Such as... (I already know the answer, I'd just like to see what you know).




Punctuated equilibrium model?


Where accumulation of gene mutations only manifest in certain periods?




I'm unsure. Confirmation?

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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I know, I know...




Toast linked me to a page and I saw it on the side and decided to save it since it gave me a little chuckle. Anyone care to answer?


well this kind of relates to a conversation me and a guy(i think it was corncorn2 but not sure) had one day when I was training, im mormon and he is atheist and we got onto the topic of why god would let hundreds of people lose family members and suffer but even though the family and friends would suffer they know that they can see them again in heaven. I believe that our goal in life is to pass gods test to resist temptation(which we agreed to go through in heaven or we wouldnt be here) and when people die they arent gone forever they were just done with the test and god let them back into heaven. i hope that made sense my thoughts are kind of scattered.


Doing random stuff on runescape. Always happy to have a random conversation, just pm me.

It looks like a puke covered dragon face that is screaming
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I know, I know...




Toast linked me to a page and I saw it on the side and decided to save it since it gave me a little chuckle. Anyone care to answer?




It's called theology. A study which requires you to be open minded and willing to analyze and view opposing viewpoints out of your comfort zone. Something many people in this discussion would not be willing to study.




Not a question you can ask without doing your homework.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I know, I know...




Toast linked me to a page and I saw it on the side and decided to save it since it gave me a little chuckle. Anyone care to answer?




It's called theology. A study which requires you to be open minded and willing to analyze and view opposing viewpoints out of your comfort zone. Something many people in this discussion would not be willing to study.




Not a question you can ask without doing your homework.


Want me to post the Biblical answer for this?

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I know, I know...




Toast linked me to a page and I saw it on the side and decided to save it since it gave me a little chuckle. Anyone care to answer?




Think of god as a parent. They'll punish you. They'll piss you off. They're unfair. But in the end, they usually know what's best. That's just my take on it. I mean without negatives, how would positives exist?

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If a God truly does exist, he would not want us pampered.


He would allow terror and death to bury us, and we would then emerge stronger as a peoples.


An all-knowing God would not allow us to fester in a stagnant world without challenges.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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If a God truly does exist, he would not want us pampered.


He would allow terror and death to bury us, and we would then emerge stronger as a peoples.


An all-knowing God would not allow us to fester in a stagnant world without challenges.




While this is a rather grim take on it, pretty much. Read the few verses in Genesis about the expulsion from Eden.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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