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Abyss rcing autoers now?


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I've been rcing lately and noticing quite a lot of lvl 50s-60s in addy armor or rune chain now. Some even wear full mith. By right those are armor that rcers around that range should wear. However, i noticed that some of those rcers had names similar to what an autoer would have (things like wfg45fg or tch9e5 stuff) and they are always walking, even in wild, which most rcers would be running.




Today I met another same kind of rcer, not running at all, slower response, autoer-like name. He keeps auto-typing and saying his own name every 2 seconds. I looked him up and saw his stats: only rc ranked, at lvl 92. The strange thing is if he's a legitimate player, why would he auto say his own name? Oh he also has that same autoer like face (bald with brown moustache no beard), make the probability of him being a autoer very high now.




So we are expecting abyss rcing autoers now?

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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50-70cb you say?




I might just have some fun then. Killing rc autoers lol.




But I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually autoing the abyss now.




Anyways, if it is so, Jagex better start liking pures as they will be the ones killing these guys. ;)

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i'd say kq autoing would be pretty hard... lol




But anyway if they are taking over rc... it may cause massive strain on the economy, a huge infux of runes will bring in quite alot of money




(alot more money being made from alches, as 'unlimited' nats from stores are about 300 ea?)




So this is DEFINATELY not good (although you probably knew that huh?)

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Wouldn't they need a reasonable level of mining or theiving to navigate the Abyss?




This is a very bad thing if it's true anyway.... this will bring even more PKers to the area, making life much more difficult for genuine RCers


No, if he said they were level 50-70s, then those who are 80+ mainly the rcers already existent will have n problem, just selling they may.

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Wouldn't they need a reasonable level of mining or theiving to navigate the Abyss?


The navigation obstacle don't seem to need any requirement to actually pass through, but obviously a higher lvl would help. Most of them wear armor up to 180+ stab/slash bonuses (way higher than what we usually wear) that keeps abbyssal mosters from koing them i guess.




What actually puzzles me is how they managed to get so high rc without getting mining or agility ranked at lvl 30 while using the abyss :?




EDIT: I may actually try and go stat spy a few suspected to be rcing autoers :-w

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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I doubt someone could write an auto program that complex, I think these are more gold farmers, like drag killers. But yes, I have seen these too. Best thing to do is get on a pure and make their lives a misery.


It's possible may take a few months, even with a team of 4-5 programmers.




It is possible though, just a lot of applications have to be executed, or enough patterns stored for any scenario. Algorithms. <3

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Maybe possible, but I think very very hard as the obstacles are not always at the same place and you dont enter abyss always at the same place.


In my Opininon there are too many differerent scenario.


Because of this, requirements would be too big to make sense trying.

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Maybe possible, but I think very very hard as the obstacles are not always at the same place and you dont enter abyss always at the same place.


In my Opininon there are too many differerent scenario.


Because of this, requirements would be too big to make sense trying.




cant believe someone actually implemented such a thing.


this goes way beyond the average bot-developing skills.

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well calm down people, it's only a like 3 people i saw today having those features of a possible bot, I tried hopping a bit for stat spy but found it pretty hard to spot any possible bots. So I'm giving up trying to stat spy for now :oops:




I'll keep a lookout tomorrow though when I rc..

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Oh noes remove RCing from the game!!11 Teh botz r teh RWTing wif it!!1!one




On a more serious note, I've seen a few like that, and I am afraid more will come soon. The trees are overpopulated and therefore not as big of a money maker as RCing.

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It's been happening for a while now. This past summer when I went for 70 rc, I encountered two or three autoers that rced from dusk 'till dawn the whole time. :boohoo:


The spelling and grammar of that email was that of an 11 year old palestinian goatboy who is speaking english for the first time
Quite simply, Facebook craps on Myspace. Then makes it eat the crap.
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There are hundreds of them. Around level 66 combat, high rc with level 60 theif and agility. I saw one the other day with 15m rc exp. Just look at the official forums, there are usually 8-10 people selling over 200k nats at a time. That never happend a few months ago. Nats are about 275 ea now and p ess bots have doubled. They destroyed Dragon hide prices, now they need to move on to a new skill. Have fun watching rc get killed like crafting did for me.

I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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What actually puzzles me is how they managed to get so high rc without getting mining or agility ranked at lvl 30 while using the abyss :?




Auto Miner mining while auto RCer RCing would be the most logical explanation. I mean if they're going to auto... they're going to do it to the fullest extent. Basically... they'll probably automine the essence and then trade the essence to the RCer.




EDIT: Guess you'd be referring to the obsticles too, sorry, it's a little early, not awake yet. The amount of EXP gained from it is probably insignificant enough that they might not be gaining much. Checking their Total lvls could give you an idea of what they might have, but that might not be very accurate.




EDIT2: For those saying that working the Abyss would be harder to program... WRONG. All they have to do is have the characters carry a pick, tinder box, and a axe. And then they can literally go to any one spot and pass.


R.I.P Shiva

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