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3 December 2007 - Behind the Scenes - December


Which December update are you looking forward to the most?  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. Which December update are you looking forward to the most?

    • Clan Wars
    • Gravestones
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Letters/Gallery/Diary
    • Christmas Event
    • Wilderness monsters

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The Clan Wars will be the final nail in the F2P Pking coffin.




How so? This area will probably be members only. And if it isnt (which would be awesome), who cares if the wildy becomes less used? This thing sounds way better! After all you dont really clan pk for items, you go there expecting to die for your clan!




And dont forget multi-clan wars






If its members only, then it will be severely underused, as many clans are f2p.

No witty signatures for me :(

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spectral dark beasts :shock: :o i just realised this could be a new 90+ slayer monster and with it being in the wildy its gonna make it so unpredictable!dont forget now players have priority over monsters so these are gonna be twice as dangerous and an exponential amount more dangerous if its in multi combat areas.




Good point, I hadn't considered it could be a new slayer monster!


@ the people saying "gf wildy", you're idiots. This looks like a good month for player killing in general and it only stands to make things better.




And I reckon the tombstones are just decorative, not sure




I hope it's not a new slaying monster... It takes me an average of 14 hours to achieve a dark bow from Dark Beasts. I don't fancy spending 14 hours in the Wild with my best equipment in the distant hope that I'll get the best drop. Especially in those first few weeks when everyone will be dropping by, taking pot shots and honest slayers.




Add to that the pkers hungry for your items :P




And they would not notice us of this new monster unless it had some special drop

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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another thing to note about this bounty hunter minigame is the shadows.Are jagex being metaphorical about this or is this really shadows?If so this is pretty big because being able to hide in shadows without any way to detect you for example looking at youre minimap or right clicking could easily make this a rangers/magers minigame being simply allowed to take pop shots at people in the arena is gonna benefit those previousley mentioned hugely.




its a far fetched idea but it will play a significant factor in it if true.


it seems like a short month but considering that at most tehirs 2-3 weeks this month due to christmas its understandable and their is taht little thing called summoning.




to the people who are thinking that the wildy is gonna be eradicated because jagex are adding gravestones are way overeacting for such a small feature(teh irony after the shadows thing i was talking about :P )

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two new minigames




looks like bounty hunter will have a place on the hiscores too.




If you die while holding any items, you will reveal the fourth of our updates this month. A gravestone will temporarily appear on the spot where you perished, which can be read and admired by passers-by. It will even be possible to purchase increasingly impressive gravestones, all the way up to the ominous 'Angel of Death'.







i wonder what this will be like




edit: i think i figured it out, since they are working on stopping rwt and the wilderness is easily abusable for rwt, these gravestones will be a way to see what the player dropped, and if its a good drop it will give jagex clues - like if a lvl 3 dies and the gravestone says he dropped 50mil.




also you can purchase yourself better gravestones, angel of death will probably cost a ton to buy.


I wonder if you will have to purchuse certain level gravestones in order to be able to die with items of higher value...




So if I died with the cheapest gravestone and wearing a phat, I'd keep it?


Or i wouldn't simply die? Immortality ftw!




I really don't understand the idea.

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3 December 2007 - Behind the Scenes - December




Kicking things off this month will be Bounty Hunter. This dangerous minigame will take place in a dormant volcano, with three separate arenas for different Combat levels. Each of them will put you in the role of a Bounty Hunter with a simple task: to kill one randomly-assigned player in the same arena.




So, where is the danger in that, we hear you ask? Well, there will be others in the Bounty Hunter area who also have a simple task: to kill you! Will you have what it takes to reach your target and gain their loot before your nemeses find you?




The danger will not end there: far from it, in fact! Some players may choose to lurk in the shadows and attack other players, regardless of their target. These players will be 'rogue' bounty hunters, and will make your attempts to be the best hunter even more difficult.




Hand-in-hand with this update, we will be releasing two new Hiscores tables. Will you have the guts and glory to rise to the top of the Bounty Hunters table? Or will you ambush and backstab your way to the summit of our Bounty Hunter Rogues leaderboard?




Not far from the Bounty Hunter volcano will lie our other new minigame. Prepare for Clan Wars!




Here, a clan will be able to war with another clan in a large arena, without the worry of interruptions. Organise matches through your Clan Chat system and prepare to face-off in huge all-out battles that only end when one team has wiped out the other! View the battle from your opponents' prison if you die, and hope that your clan can win the battle without you...




With no limits to the number of clan wars running simultaneously, there will always be an opportunity for a scrap in this exciting multiplayer minigame.




On the tails of these two updates will come an addition to the Wilderness. The spirits of creatures slain during the God Wars are returning to haunt the living, attacking anyone bold enough to stray near. Will you be able to hold back a spectral dark beast? Wander into the Wilderness later this month to find out.




If you die while holding any items, you will reveal the fourth of our updates this month. A gravestone will temporarily appear on the spot where you perished, which can be read and admired by passers-by. It will even be possible to purchase increasingly impressive gravestones, all the way up to the ominous 'Angel of Death'.




On a more serious note, many of you will be aware of our efforts to stop real-world trading and how some of our recent updates have been part of that. You may have questions about it: What does it mean? How does it affect the game? How big a problem is it? What are the ways of dealing with it? To answer these questions and more, we'll be releasing a very important Development Diary on the subject.




What would December be without Christmas? This year's event will see a more traditional approach, with the building and making of snowballs and snowmen! Don't worry, it will still be a very RuneScape Christmas, as there are surprises hidden up the snowmen's snowsleeves...




The website will, of course, have its annual festive feel, in keeping with the Christmas event, as well as some Christmas cards coming out the week before. As a gift to you, we will also be presenting you with another Summoning wallpaper and two more Summoning Development Diaries, alongside the customary Players' Gallery and Postbag from the Hedge.




All that is left to say, from us here at Jagex HQ, is have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It's been a fantastic 2007, and with Summoning just weeks away, it is going to be an even more awesome 2008.






Clan Wars could have potential. From the way it sounds, it will not be a safe game. Which considering the vast amounts of overly safe updates this last year, hopefully it will be a nice change.




As for the graves, my biggest question is what happens to the loot? It specifically says the graves only appear if you die with items, which makes me curious as to where the loot itself will go.




The RWT diary might be interesting. I am far from a fan of all these over protective updates int he last year or so, so I hope theres no more drastic changes planned.

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The only thing that remotely interests is the RWT diary thingy. I despise the inclusion of mingame highscores next to the skills ones, and more isn't going to help. Plus I dislike the fact that more clan related things are coming into the game. More updates now seem to be changes rather than extra content, and CHANGE IS NOT GOOD!



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Hmmm sounds like a good month, however it seems to me that Jagex are trying to take influence away from Pking in the Wilderness;.


For example, Clan Wars, no need for clans to go Wildy anymore. Bounty Hunter, sounds strangely like Pking to me thus no need for people to go Wildy again.


Also if both Bounty Hunter and Clan wars are P2p (as I expect) then it'll seem like the Wilderness will be populated with mostly F2p's. Though it's probably just my paranoid thinking :wink:



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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So, where is the danger in that, we hear you ask? Well, there will be others in the Bounty Hunter area who also have a simple task: to kill you! Will you have what it takes to reach your target and gain their loot before your nemeses find you?




Yay a new minigame! But wait, does it say loot? Does it mean I'll lose my items? Does it mean that this minigame is the same as the wilderness; place for the richest to take advantage of the poorer or less experienced players? Minigame that lacks the something that fight pits or castlewars have, that is only played because it raises your ranks in the hiscores?







What's wrong with a dangerous minigame? There's plenty of safe minigames already.. the only dangerous pvp in the game is player-killing, but it cant really be called a game as there's no restrictions or aims to it. I think a minigame where you actually risk your items sounds like a great idea.



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The Bounty Hunter is listed as dangerous, so I'm guessing you will lose items when you die, but the catch is, it will be a random target, so RWT will not be possible through this system.




The reason people are starting to mourn for the wilderness is not because of the gravestones, but because there will be an alternative form of PKing. This suggests that in order to stop RWT through PKing, Jagex will end up changing the wilderness in some way to prevent that. These minigames are alternatives to wilderness PKing, which suggests more wildy changes are coming.

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The Bounty Hunter is listed as dangerous, so I'm guessing you will lose items when you die, but the catch is, it will be a random target, so RWT will not be possible through this system.




....it specifically says that rouge Bounty Hunters can attack anyone. And anyone assigned to kill someone don't have to actually attack that individual. My guess is... if you attack and kill the person you're assigned to kill... you'll get tickets or something as a bonus. That way if a lvl 64 has to kill a lvl 115, they aren't forced to do so (since it's practically suicide).




Honestly, Bounty Hunting is the only in-game update that intrests me this month. And I hope it's a safe game, otherwise I probably wont bother. (anyone with moderate combat is bound to get dog piled)




And as always, people are blowing gravestones out of proportion. The way the text is worded... when you die, a gravestone will appear. That's it... And you'll be able to get more fancy gravestones for when you die. It's that simple.


R.I.P Shiva

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more hints to summoning (right click the piktur)




rooster photo: dreadfowl




gravestons sound preaty cool... so does the minigames..




maby they will add a highscores thing fr cw, like if you have a billion tickets then you would be in the highscores..


{DeviantART}{Last.Fm}{Join Sublime GFX, great community for artists!}

Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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Agreed with y2g about the gravestones thing. All they said in BtS is that a gravestone would appear where you die if you lost any items. Doesn't say that PKers would have to dig up their loot or anything...




Although perhaps this could mean that players will no longer drop bones, which isn't that big of a deal.






The minigames look great, might play them if they're safe, if not I won't bother.

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No quest this month, strange. This is what I think. jagex are goan release a huge quest that ejncorporates summoning, possibly mep3 or a continuation of the gnome storyline (gnome option more probable as theories about gnome magiks have been around more) at the start of january. i wish it was MEP3 though lol.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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No quest this month, strange. This is what I think. jagex are goan release a huge quest that ejncorporates summoning, possibly mep3 or a continuation of the gnome storyline (gnome option more probable as theories about gnome magiks have been around more) at the start of january. i wish it was MEP3 though lol.




I dont agree with you. MEP is a high leveled quest and summoning is something big like a skill, i don't think JaGeX will ruin teh game for skillers and other low lvl'ed fauna. O:) O:)

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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When I read that BTS what came to mind is.. the Wild is going "buh bye". Maybe not soon, but at some point. I could be wrong, of course.




How? I fail to see how you read any of that quote as wildy is going to die..




They're gravestones, nothing more, nothing less, just gravestones. Decorative gravestones.




EDIT: not just aimed at you but the other idiots that speculate wilderness is going to die too.




Well, we have Jagex on anti-RWT crusade, and we know the Wild is one way of doing it.




Now this month, *four* PvP-related updates?




Something is going down with the wild this month, I'd bet on it.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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No quest this month, strange. This is what I think. jagex are goan release a huge quest that encorporates summoning, possibly mep3 or a continuation of the gnome storyline (gnome option more probable as theories about gnome magiks have been around more) at the start of january. i wish it was MEP3 though lol.




I dont agree with you. MEP is a high leveled quest and summoning is something big like a skill, i don't think JaGeX will ruin teh game for skillers and other low lvl'ed fauna. O:) O:)




I didn't say it would be necessary to start summoning, I just said that either quest series could encorporate summoning.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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This month looks to be like a good one, i like the bounty hunter section. Seems to be very cool update, also the christmas event looks to be cool as well.






Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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I'm thinking the Angel of Death gravestone will let you save an extra item. But it will be very expensive. One thing Jagex has never done is a XP loss effect.




For example, you pay 10 Million gp (this is just a number) for the Angel of Death Gravestone. Now when you die you save an extra item at the cost of 2,000 Health XP.




Seems fair to me.

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The Clan Wars will be the final nail in the F2P Pking coffin.




I disagree. Random PKing will still be strong- this is just an opportunity for clans to have wars without having to worry about the risk of getting crashed.




On another note- I suspect gravestones will be another gold sink.. 10 mil 4 Angel of Death pl0x? :wall:





Can be looted to obtain a variable item and reobtain the imp jar. If you are insane, it can instead be exchanged for impling jars from Elnock Inquisitor.
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Looters offcially got owned, no loot anymore for them @ gravestones and clan wars will now be held in a arena so no more free rune sets




One word:






edit: after reading some other posts about gravestone saving 1 more item:


now rune pures can keep even more stuff like defenders, torso and others

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