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Everyone hates jagex


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I've noticed everyone ranting about the new updates or the steps jagex is taking to try to stop big problems in runescape.




Jagex tries to stop real world trading, everyone hates the update is not what they wanted.




Jagex tries to cut down on scaming and everyone hates that update. Yet everyone whines about rule brakers.




Jagex tries to get rid of autoers and skillers whine.




So What could be the best side of this? Jagex is trying to make runescape a better game, post other things you can think of that can come out of this.




Humans see the bad side all the time but look at the good for a change.

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For one, nobody hates Jagex. You are shining the wrong kind of light on this issue.




People are voicing their concerns over some changes that have happend that have hurt their gameplay. Is there something wrong to try to communicate to Jagex what you think is wrong? They feel like they are paying customers and they want to be heard.




People are not asking for unreasonable things you know. But to destroy staking and do various other draconian changes in an attempt to prevent real world trading (which they still havent) isnt the best solution.




They could have went about this whole buisness better and I think thats where most legitimate concerns are coming from.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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I've noticed everyone ranting about the new updates or the steps jagex is taking to try to stop big problems in runescape.




Jagex tries to stop real world trading, everyone hates the update is not what they wanted.




Jagex tries to cut down on scaming and everyone hates that update. Yet everyone whines about rule brakers.




Jagex tries to get rid of autoers and skillers whine.




So What could be the best side of this? Jagex is trying to make runescape a better game, post other things you can think of that can come out of this.




Humans see the bad side all the time but look at the good for a change.




Runescape a better game?Maybe thats the idea, but they are making it worse for those who try to earn cash through market. In other words...jagex made the game dumb for some.

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For one, nobody hates Jagex. You are shining the wrong kind of light on this issue.




People are voicing their concerns over some changes that have happend that have hurt their gameplay. Is there something wrong to try to communicate to Jagex what you think is wrong? They feel like they are paying customers and they want to be heard.




People are not asking for unreasonable things you know. But to destroy staking and do various other draconian changes in an attempt to prevent real world trading (which they still havent) isnt the best solution.




They could have went about this whole buisness better and I think thats where most legitimate concerns are coming from.





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Criticizing something that is done by someone doesn't mean you hate them.




If anything, there are too few people who criticize some of Jagex's worse moves. This game seems to be predominantly filled with fanboys who think Jagex can do no wrong.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Criticizing something that is done by someone doesn't mean you hate them.




If anything, there are too few people who criticize some of Jagex's worse moves. This game seems to be predominantly filled with fanboys who think Jagex can do no wrong.




We just dont freak out and make conspiracy theories and what-not, because of 1 or two miscalculated updates.

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I have to say this absolute atttitude is getting old. Play it like a mondless zombie without any right to express your concern or dont play!




Ill give you a hint, if we as players dont tell Jagex what we want how are htey to know which updates to release?




Problem comes in when you are not careful what you wish for. Jagex is justifying all these draconian updates as "players asked us to stop RWT."

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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I've noticed everyone ranting about the new updates or the steps jagex is taking to try to stop big problems in runescape.




They always do. The only update in the entire game that has peased everyone is the addition of the extra door in edgeville bank ::'




Jagex tries to stop real world trading, everyone hates the update is not what they wanted.




Only stakers hate the staker update. Everyone else either doesn't care or just has the "oh, kinda sucks for them" attitude. but they don't quit over it. Only some of the diehard stakers will




Jagex tries to cut down on scaming and everyone hates that update. Yet everyone whines about rule brakers.




They are just idiots, their opinion is not wanted.




Jagex tries to get rid of autoers and skillers whine.




It's simple, if the update makes it harder for skillers, skiller whine. Even if overall it's for the greater good. Also what is this update that pissed off the skillers?




So What could be the best side of this? Jagex is trying to make runescape a better game, post other things you can think of that can come out of this.




Humans see the bad side all the time but look at the good for a change.




The saying goes "you can please some people all the time, or all the people some of the time, but you can never please all the people all the time".




Changes in the game has winners and losers. Jagex is not trying to make an update with only winners they are trying to make an update with more winners than losers. Which is normal! (oh and btw, if someone plans to claim that staking update had more losers than winners, then whoever that is please shut up until you have some actual facts)

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I don't agree with all of Jagex's updates, but I really don't feel the need to spam up a massive sticky on the Rants forum when my opinion probably won't even persuade Jagex to rectify something I don't like. I never felt that strongly about the staking update, so it shouldn't be up to me to try and convince them against it. I would probably feel more inclined to write a rant if something actually annoyed me enough, but at the moment I'm not getting too stressed about updates to a game.

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The point is that the methods Jagex has decided to use to stop the rulebreakers are hurting everybody. Like qeltar said, they are destroying the cancer by blowing up the patient.






As for my part, it's nothing personal. Just gimme the candy and I'll like you Jagex. I'm not picky, I'm just asking you to fix your errors and get more clever ways to stop the rulebreakers - ways that won't piss everybody off. Or just don't do anything, and wait for a better way to do things.




We're lucky enough that people are actually complaining about the errors Jagex is making. If nobody complained to keep Jagex on their toes, Jagex would just ruin the game with no resistance whatsoever LOL.

2480+ total

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Yep, I play the game they produced with lots of fun. I might not agree with some updates they make, but thats no reason to hate them.




If someone would really hate Jagex he would boycot the game. I haven't seen anyone do that yet.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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i like jagex as the updates never affect me as i dont pk, i dont stake and i dont drop trade or anythgin like that

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The point is that the methods Jagex has decided to use to stop the rulebreakers are hurting everybody. Like qeltar said, they are destroying the cancer by blowing up the patient.






As for my part, it's nothing personal. Just gimme the candy and I'll like you Jagex. I'm not picky, I'm just asking you to fix your errors and get more clever ways to stop the rulebreakers - ways that won't piss everybody off. Or just don't do anything, and wait for a better way to do things.




We're lucky enough that people are actually complaining about the errors Jagex is making. If nobody complained to keep Jagex on their toes, Jagex would just ruin the game with no resistance whatsoever LOL.




You use words "everybody" and "everyone".


Notice that not even 10% of these forums have expressed their anger with jagex.




I have also felt no effect on my economy since the previous updates. Well I have, but only in the positive direction meaning I am richer now, than before. In fact almost everyone who isn't a staker is richer now than before.

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Criticizing something that is done by someone doesn't mean you hate them.




If anything, there are too few people who criticize some of Jagex's worse moves. This game seems to be predominantly filled with fanboys who think Jagex can do no wrong.




We just dont freak out and make conspiracy theories and what-not, because of 1 or two miscalculated updates.




=D> :thumbsup:


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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The point is that the methods Jagex has decided to use to stop the rulebreakers are hurting everybody. Like qeltar said, they are destroying the cancer by blowing up the patient.






As for my part, it's nothing personal. Just gimme the candy and I'll like you Jagex. I'm not picky, I'm just asking you to fix your errors and get more clever ways to stop the rulebreakers - ways that won't piss everybody off. Or just don't do anything, and wait for a better way to do things.




We're lucky enough that people are actually complaining about the errors Jagex is making. If nobody complained to keep Jagex on their toes, Jagex would just ruin the game with no resistance whatsoever LOL.




You use words "everybody" and "everyone".


Notice that not even 10% of these forums have expressed their anger with jagex.




I have also felt no effect on my economy since the previous updates. Well I have, but only in the positive direction meaning I am richer now, than before. In fact almost everyone who isn't a staker is richer now than before.




So ALMOST everyone is different from saying everyone? No, you are wrong, countless people are poorer now because of the update, not richer. Merchants and stakers aside, harvesters and skillers took a hit too, so I am GLAD that you are richer, I truely am, but you != everyone. And large chunk out of everyone dislikes the update because they are poorer now.




That aside, personaly, I dont care. I get my supplys for skilling one way or another and as long as rares remain in game ill remain "in power", but thats just me!




On the side note, I do have to say that the updates in november werent the best ones that Jagex has done. My one problem with them is the fact that they hurt poor stakers so bad because im sure certain players were saying something along the lines of "whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaa, this kid has 40385734857 gillionz monies and I have been playing for 2 weeks and I dont have a mil.... whaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa"




You all know how immature players can be, not only do they report you for no reason but they also demand certain changes to suit their incompitence.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Criticizing something that is done by someone doesn't mean you hate them.




If anything, there are too few people who criticize some of Jagex's worse moves. This game seems to be predominantly filled with fanboys who think Jagex can do no wrong.




We just dont freak out and make conspiracy theories and what-not, because of 1 or two miscalculated updates.

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The saying goes "you can please some people all the time, or all the people some of the time, but you can never please all the people all the time".




Changes in the game has winners and losers. Jagex is not trying to make an update with only winners they are trying to make an update with more winners than losers. Which is normal! (oh and btw, if someone plans to claim that staking update had more losers than winners, then whoever that is please shut up until you have some actual facts)




The duelling update did effect all RS players. You name what you do and i'll name how it changed your activities (even just slightly).




And no, you can't please the people all of the time, but you can displease alot of them, some of the time.




as the poem goes:




First they came for the Stakers


and I did not speak out


because I was not a Staker.


Then they came for the Merchant


and I did not speak out


because I was not a Merchant.


Then they came for the Pkers.


and I did not speak out


because I was not a Pker.


Then they came for me


and there was no one left


to speak out for me.[/hide]




I suspect that will forfill itself in due course.




Anyway; players do not criticise to anoy Jagex; players want to see a good game as much as Jagex do, we just give Jagex a different perspective on how their game is going, and try to save it.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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I love Jagex.




Most of the recent changes have been genious ways of disrupting not just bots and real-life-traders, but cheats in general.




Can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs. The changes have been for the overall benefit of the game.




They're making an already fanastic game, more enjoyable for the majority of us that obey the rules and enjoy a great community game.

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