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His Dark Materials - Parental right violation?


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I respected you until you posted this. Honestly, you are being stereotypical in the last paragraph. Do not, I repeat, do not say that everyone is something or that everyone of a certain religion are like the other.




It would be like me saying "Atheists are snotty know-it-alls who think they know the anwser to everything" but I honestly do not think that.




You missed his point. He was saying that you are able to teach morals without using religion OR anti-religion. Basicallly, you don't have to use atheistic OR religious views to teach a moral code. He was listing examples of what you might say to your children when teaching either of the two standpoints.




EDIT: just saw that you fixed that :) .


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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".




The whole point of the series was to counter the religious views of C.S. Lewis which is honestly no reason to write three books other than the money, I suppose.




I've decided to look more into the movies and actually watch them I'm just trying to get the symbolism out of my head. :wall:

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I respected you until you posted this. Honestly, you are being stereotypical in the last paragraph. Do not, I repeat, do not say that everyone is something or that everyone of a certain religion are like the other.




It would be like me saying "Atheists are snotty know-it-alls who think they know the anwser to everything" but I honestly do not think that.




You missed his point. He was saying that you are able to teach morals without using religion OR anti-religion. Basicallly, you don't have to use atheistic OR religious views to teach a moral code. He was listing examples of what you might say to your children when teaching either of the two standpoints.




EDIT: just saw that you fixed that :) .




Hehe, sorreh. :-$

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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".




The whole point of the series was to counter the religious views of C.S. Lewis which is honestly no reason to write three books other than the money, I suppose.




I've decided to look more into the movies and actually watch them I'm just trying to get the symbolism out of my head. :wall:




Ok, what about people of no faith who couldn't care less with the Christian symbolism in Narnia? You don't think you're over reacting here a little?




The idea that you would at all focus on the writer of these books/movies and his views on despising religion and bypass the actual content says to me you're over reacting big time. Unless someone is actually acting out their views in a way I dispise, I ain't going to boycott their works. This guy has an opinion that rattles some cages and some people want to boycott his work because of it? That to me is just a weak attitude. Rise above your different opinions and see his work for what it is. Going by this thread, it sounds pretty good.

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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".




The whole point of the series was to counter the religious views of C.S. Lewis which is honestly no reason to write three books other than the money, I suppose.




I've decided to look more into the movies and actually watch them I'm just trying to get the symbolism out of my head. :wall:




Ok, what about people of no faith who couldn't care less with the Christian symbolism in Narnia? You don't think you're over reacting here a little?




The idea that you would at all focus on the writer of these books/movies and his views on despising religion and bypass the actual content says to me you're over reacting big time. Unless someone is actually acting out their views in a way I dispise, I ain't going to boycott their works. This guy has an opinion that rattles some cages and some people want to boycott his work because of it? That to me is just a weak attitude. Rise above your different opinions and see his work for what it is. Going by this thread, it sounds pretty good.




Read the ending, please. :)


The boycott is over IF I can forget the symbolism and just enjoy it as a movie/book. I'm not the one actually doing the over reacting.




I'm just here to hear other's opinions.

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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".


Note the "" quotation marks, signifying that those were their words, i.e., the school board's, not mine.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Actually I am surprised that more Christians aren't boycotting this... (massive spoilers follow if you haven't read all of the His Dark Materials books)






The first movie/book starts off quite tame, but in the third one 'God' is portrayed as a weak puppet that gets killed without the main characters even realising that it is God... Not to mention that it is the various divine creatures' fault that everyone that dies gets stuck in limbo, and their spirit isn't allowed to return to the Earth (not heaven or hell).




Then, of course, there's the wonderful love story between Lyra and Will (that has a big hint about underage sex, I might add), which is juxtaposed with the self-righteous priest who wants to kill them in their moment of highest love with a sniper rifle. And of course, the two good angels that help Lyra and Will are homosexual.... Witches are portrayed as good.... There's that wonderful chapter called "Marzipan" where the nun realises that there is no God and says, "The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake, that's all".. then she stops being a nun and follows science instead and likes worldly pleasures (as opposed to hating yourself for being human)... the list goes on.




(I loved the third book)




Edit: I forgot the stuff about evolution from the animals that use the tree nuts as wheels.



For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".




The whole point of the series was to counter the religious views of C.S. Lewis which is honestly no reason to write three books other than the money, I suppose.




I've decided to look more into the movies and actually watch them I'm just trying to get the symbolism out of my head. :wall:




Ok, what about people of no faith who couldn't care less with the Christian symbolism in Narnia? You don't think you're over reacting here a little?




The idea that you would at all focus on the writer of these books/movies and his views on despising religion and bypass the actual content says to me you're over reacting big time. Unless someone is actually acting out their views in a way I dispise, I ain't going to boycott their works. This guy has an opinion that rattles some cages and some people want to boycott his work because of it? That to me is just a weak attitude. Rise above your different opinions and see his work for what it is. Going by this thread, it sounds pretty good.




Read the ending, please. :)


The boycott is over IF I can forget the symbolism and just enjoy it as a movie/book. I'm not the one actually doing the over reacting.




I'm just here to hear other's opinions.




I framed the boycott part more generally.




I think you were definitely over reacting with the idea that this guy is taking away a parents rights. That could only possibly be true if you forced them or their children to view his work, but it's up to the parents to buy it and what kids are exposed to or not is the full responsibility of the parent. Unless you want a sterile utopian society with nothing but one view on absolutely everything, it's the parents fault if they find their kids playing a Cannibal Corpse CD, a porno DVD or a heretic's books or movies.




That these unsightly things exist takes away no one's rights yet if they were banned, it would take away the rights of a band to make their music, a pornographic actor's rights to work and a heretic's rights to express his alternate opinion to a religious mainstream. Opressive dictatorship anyone?

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Guys, they are not boycotting it because it is ATHIEST. They are boycotting it because it's anti-religious and the author has even said "He despises religion".




The whole point of the series was to counter the religious views of C.S. Lewis which is honestly no reason to write three books other than the money, I suppose.




I've decided to look more into the movies and actually watch them I'm just trying to get the symbolism out of my head. :wall:




Just like religious people can openly despise atheism (and they do), atheists CAN openly despise religion and should not be criticized anymore than any religious person who dislike atheism.




Please, stop defending the religious peoples' stupidity. If someone hates God and wants to make a movie that vaguely has a story line portraying God negatively (from what I hear, God dies? Boo hoo?), he can do so.




O' hear all ye Christians! Pick up ye Bible!...and read the part where it says not to get involved in politics, which is exactly what you're doing.

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I was very suprised when a friend of mine was alowed to read that series. I guess his mom didn't know the books were anti-christ (slightly fundamental family).




I am christian and the books an dmovie dont bother me one bit. Its a movie. There books. Get over it.




If your faith is so weak that these movies are disturbing then...well I dont know...its just sad. People are entitled to their opinions. Rember, I go to church, I am more religious than a typical teenager and I still belive that religion has caused most major wars and conflicts (or more precicly different belifs).




This is like Harry Potter promoting witch craft. Pull your head out of your [wagon].

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the two good angels that help Lyra and Will are homosexual




I dont think the angels in are intended to be homosexual, their love for each other is on a different level to that as Balthamos saved Baruch from the world of the dead, its an underlying gratitude and a bond which they have gained from thousands of years of being with each other.

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I did some reading on the author a few days ago, and he's a pretty interesting person. One thing he said that I found funny is, and this isn't the direct quote, just the general idea, "I do believe that if there is a God, he's probably in hiding, ashamed of the things that the people that follow him have done in his name." It is ironic that the Christians that hate the movie will go so far as to boycott it because of the man's beliefs, and the beliefs that he incorporated into the movie. I myself am not a Christian, but the rest of my family and many people that I know are. Lately, we've been getting emails to "Boycott the movie" from the people we go to Church with, and I've gotta say, all that's done is lowered my respect towards them.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Most of what I have to say has been covered so i'm not going to resay it, but I really take issue with this paragraph and it's author.





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just way too many inquisitive idiots

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Hmm, so I can read Ben-Hur and Chronicles Of Narnia, but not this?


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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In fact the author, Phillip Pullman, is against religion. Although I am Christian I enjoyed the movie because at first I did not realize the symbolism in which he intended for us to recogonize. This series is intended for children and young teens so why did he have to make his beliefs known? Is he trying to change the religion of children and defying their parent's right to raise them as they please? He is inderectly ruining the parenting process for whoever understands and chooses to follow his beliefs. (Not saying that many are like this)




I have chosen to boycott the "His Dark Matter" series not because it is anti-religious but that it is intended to affect the parenting process. Here are a few quotes from the article I read.




Quoted for idiocy, most things affect parenting, and if the parents are so keen on religion that they won't let their children experience anything anti religious then there is a problem, we wouldn't want too many children growing up blind now would we.


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For [bleep]s sake. I don't even want to hear anymore about this.


They're just books, and good books at that. They don't teach kids to become anti religious satanists by contradicting parents who are, frankly, fanatics in the first place, trying to tell us that anything that disagrees with them is wrong.

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I hate the people who get in an uproar about these things... it's a friggen book/movie. I liked the symbolism, and don't deny it, the catholic church held Europe in its grip for over 500 years and plunged us into a dark age by calling any ideas that went against religion blaphemy. ex. the Earth goes around the sun, someone was burned at the stake over that one. If you really want to rebell against something, do it against schools which teach them where the symbolism comes from in history class. I'm a christian (though I have buddhist, hinduist, and atheist friends) but, it was a movie and it symbolised some not so happy times in history and a great series of books.




ps. Shut up and get on with your life. There is snow outside and more important things in life than complaining, get out there and do something.

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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Sometimes I think that calls to boycott a film can increase the film's popularity. It makes life interesting and exposes the idiots who are too sensitive. Oh, and I'm probably going to see the film tomorrow.



~ W ~



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Sometimes I think that calls to boycott a film can increase the film's popularity. It makes life interesting and exposes the idiots who are too sensitive. Oh, and I'm probably going to see the film tomorrow.






Sadly this time around it didn't help. The film pretty much bombed opening weekend.



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He has his opinion on how to and what to make a movie on. Freedom of speech defends him and he will be a [wagon] about it till he runs out of money to support his belief.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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This is like Harry Potter promoting witch craft. Pull your head out of your [wagon].


The people who have said this have always struck me as idiots who feel the need to be i control of every little thing. I mean really, what happens if Harry Potter is ment to promote witch craft to children? What happens if some kid gets the idea to grab a stick, point it at another kid and yell "Avada Kadavra!"? Is green light going to come out of it and kill the person its pointed at? Hell no. And if you think it will, you shouldn't be reading those books. The fact is it's a story not reality.




This is similar to the Golden Compass series (of which I am a fan). Oh no! The book dismisses the christian religion as a "very powerful and convincing mistake." If you're worried about your child taking this as a truth, discuss with him/her why you belived it is wrong. Use it as an chance to learn, don't dismiss the entire book as athiest or anti-christian because of a few minor aspects. It's a great book, but it's not one that is directed at kids. The book is probably aimed for 13+ and will probably be understood fully people a few years older than that (I read the series at around 10 years old, but didn't really understand it untill the last time I read it(14)). By the time you understand the symbolism behind the book, chances are that you've allready chosen what you belive in. If you really don't like the book just dont read it and let the people who do like the book read it.




Thats my opinion on this, feel free to disagree because thats what this post is about, your right to either believe or disbelieve. :thumbsup:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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