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Now that Playerkilling is "out of the picture"


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i believe you can still make skull banner with abyss skull, and the mage arena is still there, just hope you don't run into reverants :D



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

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i believe you can still make skull banner with abyss skull, and the mage arena is still there, just hope you don't run into reverants :D






At those levels always keep enough to heal at least 60 - 100 of damage. At that level too they all have a nasty habit of teleblocking, meaning one needs to run all the way out.




Just because there's no more PKers doesn't mean those who enter won't get KO'd.




Revenants unlike most other NPCs (except bosses) also switch combat styles as soon as they stop hitting. So always be ready to switch prayers before they start doing serious damage again. They're healing rate is also like that of players so if you've PKed or anti-random PKers those killing skills will come in handy if you're going to do anything but run.




The feeling to me is more like that of Meiyerditch with over-powered NPCs with god-like powers seeking to take you down. Thankfully unlike the Vyrewatch they're not plastering the Wilderness with an incessant watch; if you hang around anywhere between hot-spots or do something for too long though they seem to come out.




I don't know what that means for the Wildy Agility Arena since that was a fun spot of mine to train relatively unnoticed.




Oh... and even if you get them off the square of the map... like PKers once did they will continue to hunt you at times too. They don't seem to be tied to one spot and may keep coming for some time.




So far I've managed to kill one at Level 22, but at higher levels I didn't have enough food to win the match.



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Do the remnants drop anything worthy if you manage to kill one?




I've killed 1 lvl 105 remnant orc so far with no drop.



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Do the remnants drop anything worthy if you manage to kill one?




I've killed 1 lvl 105 remnant orc so far with no drop.




Their best drops are 3k gp, Dragon Dagger and Clue Scroll.

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Do the remnants drop anything worthy if you manage to kill one?




I've killed 1 lvl 105 remnant orc so far with no drop.




Their best drops are 3k gp, Dragon Dagger and Clue Scroll.




I've heard there are 'clans' of Revernants running around the High Level Wilderness (at least one with 3 Level 126s and 3 Level 105s) that even the Highest Levelled players fear on their own.




With such difficult opponents, they need decent drops to make going up against them worthwhile. If they had decent drops it may make it worthwhiel for clans to go hunting these clans of 'super' NPCs.




At the moment though in these numbers it's best to flee even if you're a Level 126 yourself, since they're likely to easily kill a solo player.




It's something I will rant about myself once the spamming of Ratns stops on the ORSF. As Jagex admits these updates are not perfect and do need improvement. I say lets make sure these problems get fixed.




Revernants need far better drops.




I guess we've been ranting about wanting stronger nastier beasties :anxious:




Is it likely that there's any pattern to Revernants that can be marked on the new Wilderness map?




Maybe we need to gather some more information on these vicious gangs NPCs and their haunts, since they seem to roam far more freely than normal monsters that are restricted to the respawning hot-spots.











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Do the remnants drop anything worthy if you manage to kill one?




I've killed 1 lvl 105 remnant orc so far with no drop.




Their best drops are 3k gp, Dragon Dagger and Clue Scroll.




and 230 bloods




That'd be a nice drop. Too bad they're so annoying to kill.

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So is revanent or pker stronger?


Revenants, I;m sure.


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So is revanent or pker stronger?


Revenants, I;m sure.


Thats a laugh, pkers are stronger :roll:


Depends what kind of PKer you're comparing them to, even then, how many PK'ers Teleblock, Freeze, Range, and Melee you? And can attack you while you're attacking another monster? Pretty strong if you ask me, and if not strong, definitely annoying.

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So is revanent or pker stronger?


Revenants, I;m sure.


Thats a laugh, pkers are stronger :roll:




I'm not sure which one is stronger but I know that Pkers were much smarter and harder to run from since there were real people behind the pixels. I mine Rune and when mining in the old wilderness Pkers didn't hit often since I just ran away or logged out but Revenants can catch you right before you notice that they are there and they hit very High, a level 68 hit a 25 on me. <.<




There are still ways to kill other players and I don't usually train combat but I have tried the Clan Wars on my pure with a couple of friends/clan friends and it's really fun.

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So is revanent or pker stronger?


Revenants, I;m sure.


Thats a laugh, pkers are stronger :roll:


Depends what kind of PKer you're comparing them to, even then, how many PK'ers Teleblock, Freeze, Range, and Melee you? And can attack you while you're attacking another monster? Pretty strong if you ask me, and if not strong, definitely annoying.




I don't know many pkers who can attack through walls, or hit me when I can't even seen them on the minimap.


(Hitting through walls might be limited to the 126's, I've only seen them do it.)

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So is revanent or pker stronger?


Revenants, I;m sure.


Thats a laugh, pkers are stronger :roll:


Depends what kind of PKer you're comparing them to, even then, how many PK'ers Teleblock, Freeze, Range, and Melee you? And can attack you while you're attacking another monster? Pretty strong if you ask me, and if not strong, definitely annoying.




I don't know many pkers who can attack through walls, or hit me when I can't even seen them on the minimap.


(Hitting through walls might be limited to the 126's, I've only seen them do it.)




well I got a 105 behind a wall.. so it just teleported next to me <.< Then it teleblocked, poisoned (starting at 7), and maged me for a 22.. I immediately put mage prayer on and boom 24 with melee. I then got it down to 1/3 health, where it just healed back up to 2/3 health. Then I decided it wasn't worth it and ran :XD:

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I was almost killed by a reverent by the mage arena. The high level ones are postively more powerfull than any pker.


Atm, i can easily kill lvl 105 orc remnants, however, lvl 126 ones, i can barely touch...


Overall, I think that the lvl 105 ones are no where near real life pkers, while the lvl 126 ones are more of the lvl of real pkers (With full ahrims, dds etc)



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Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
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I had a level 74 revenant on me today, he wasn't very hard, just ook ages to stop him from healing. When I finally was on the winning hand, his level 126 buddy came helping him and did some 30's on me <.<




Atleast PKers on F2P worlds had a big deal of trouble with hitting 30, unlike these critters.

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