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What charities do you donate to?


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Hey guys, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s been a while since I posted and I apologize for that, been pretty hectic in my neck of the woods. Anyway, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m just curious if any of you (besides the late Bubsa) actively donate to any charities, this being the Christmas season and all IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m wondering how much a typical person in high school or college gives.




I also want to put in a shameless plug to my thread on general, a huge fund raiser of which the basis of it started on this board in June with my Malaria, killer of men. thread from my ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åten days ten threadsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Sadly, I don't donate to much except shoving my loose change into collection tins. I would like to, but getting by isn't always easy for me anyway, so i'm often left with little choice. I get talked to by a lot of charity workers in the street who always want details, and it annoys me. I give my old clothes away to barnandos (sp?), I give money to tin collectors - what I really dislike is feeling like I can't walk through the street without being hassled for personal info, it puts me off giving to charity a lot.


that said I probably give about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 a week to charities, mostly air ambulance/local community charities cause they're the ones who collect through tins!

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Well your thread in General will certainly be a test of ethics for tip.it. I commend what you are doing.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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4000 dollars!?


Anyway, going to a catholic school, they always have little charities and fundraisers going on. Usually it's just like canned food or some money for whatever, but it's better than nothing =)


And then we get stuff from the children's hospital nearby (like cancer or whatever it is), and I always toss in like 20 dollars or something.




And being a kid, I don't exactly have a steady source of income :(

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We did a big football thing at work for Children in Need last month. We only raised a few hundred quid, but it was fun.




Personally, I don't give regularily to charities. I often pop change in a collection box, but beyond that I don't really do much personally.

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honestly, i don't. :cry:




when i get out of highschool/college or whatever, have a steady job etc etc. then i can probably easily donate to charities. :)


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Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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Incidentally, I donated properly for the first time the other day, other than just giving loose change to tramps/collection boxes.




I had won ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 playing poker (which is rare for me!) and feeling rather generoud decided to give half to the UN World Food Programme. I suppose it's not alot, but every donation counts.

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Not really any charities, but I give a few bucks to a homeless guy if i ever see any. Which really isn't too often. :?


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can't afford to




i got 500 dollars to my name...and that's for taxes at the end of the year. all my money went to college :?. no loans tho :). couldn't afford presents either ;\.




so i just do 100 hours of community service every semester(or try to anyway...sometimes it doesn't happen). just a few projects i'm involved in:




1.) i am a chair for Habitat for Humanity at Virginia Tech...our first official build next fall baby :). i'm so excited.


2.) i go to the Animal Shelter and Wild Life rescue on some sundays (assuming i am not swamped with work)


3.) I chaperon middle school dances...it's always fun haha. i try and help the guys go get a dance but they're always scared O:)


4.) a program called SHARE. we go to this warehouse at like 5:00 AM and sort through food and deliver it to churches/families.


5.) i wanna get involved with Tutoring but that's always during the week...engineering takes up so much time <.<


6.) Designated driver on certain weekends. it's kinda fun cause of the stories you get to tell from the drunk people #-o


7.) Kids Karnival. Like a festival each year for the kids at Blacksburg Elementary school. i love kids so much... they're cool 8-)




bunch of other junk...that's about it. i hope to join the Peace Corps after my life is settled a bit. (staying single for a while).




edit: Indy i love you so much for that comment <3:

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Now you've made me feel bad with myself. I know I don't have any source of income, and I'm still too young to donate blood, but I haven't donated anything important. It's great to see other people do donate when they can.

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Now you've made me feel bad with myself. I know I don't have any source of income, and I'm still too young to donate blood, but I haven't donated anything important. It's great to see other people do donate when they can.




time is free, time can always be donated (well not always lol), and it can be donated by anyone....and it feels great :D

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Now you've made me feel bad with myself. I know I don't have any source of income, and I'm still too young to donate blood, but I haven't donated anything important. It's great to see other people do donate when they can.


Oh, butterbiscuits, you're never too young to donate blood. What do you think happens to the stuff lost during accidents? Age doesn't matter.


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Now you've made me feel bad with myself. I know I don't have any source of income, and I'm still too young to donate blood, but I haven't donated anything important. It's great to see other people do donate when they can.


Oh, butterbiscuits, you're never too young to donate blood. What do you think happens to the stuff lost during accidents? Age doesn't matter.


Butterbiscuits? Is that some kind of innuendo or something? :shock:




No, really, you need to be at least 18 y.o. to donate blood here. About donating time, I'll try to think about what I can do.

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Recently we adopted a needy family in our community through my school and supplied them with a lot of food and whatnot for the holidays. Delivering it was the best part. We had to go to a not-so-good part of town and I was pretty nervous. We knocked on the door and an elderly woman answered. Turns out that she lives with her daughter and her granddaughter along with two of her mentally challenged sons. They were all crammed in a 2 bedroom house. It was pretty eye-opening!




My father, brother, and I went to a small village in Mexico in November of this year and rebuilt the local one-room schoolhouse. We painted it, assembled bikes for the kids to ride to school, installed ceilling fans, and put together packets of school supplies. Today, I'm trying to organize a mission collection at my school for their community. I'm awaiting an e-mail back from the organization that we worked with telling us the address of the school. Hopefully I'll get it soon!




Other than that, my family always serves at the local drop-in center on Thanksgiving.


We also donate frequently to St. Jude Research Hospital. We especially give to this because I had a lot of problems as a kid.




Well, I guess the only other thing that I give to is the missions every week at school. ::'




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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World Vision is the main charity we (My family) support. We're doing a sponsorship program for 3 children, I think.




Also, when I used to work at a Chinese Shop, a homeless guy came in every week and got a free container of food from the buffet.


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I don't donate squat, apart from a buck or two a week in homeroom collections.




Now, community service I do. Last week I delivered a couple dozen pounds of canned foods directly to someone's home, and next week I'm going back to a clinic to help fix up the place and save them the couple hundred bucks they could be using to help eliminate poverty in the area [Housing Rehab program]. I got to make shelves and carry around heavy boxes last time :o!




Eh, going to a Catholic school makes it easier to do this crud >_>.




[side-note: Go to same school as Dadiesel currently.]

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Please go to this link.




This is what I support.




I personally know the founder of it and he's an incredible guy. My dad is on the board of this charity. The staff raises their own support separately so you know the money you give is going directly to those in need.




If you want to help people and don't trust those tv charities(I don't) I can guarantee that this is a great charity and I guarantee your money will go straight to helping people instead of paying for salaries and promotions. If anyone has any questions shoot me a message and I will find the answer for you if you are interested.

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I give 1% of my approximate yearly income to charity. Never to anyone on the street or to TV fund-raisers or whatever. I sit down once a year and make a decision based on facts, rather than the latest fad or the clever emotional marketing of a TV campaign.




I think that this is a good habit to get into. Everyone can afford 1% of their income, and the amount you give grows as you grow older (and hopefully richer). Also, if you donate money 'officially' rather than just giving to some guy on the street, in the UK the government will even add 23% to it (Gift Aid, which recognises that you've already paid income tax).

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