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Brothers copy their older brothers nearly exactly? :P


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My little brother who is 10 is nearly exactly the same as me, same humor, music, games and hes not a noob, when i say that i mean he knows allot about basically everything about tech (hardware etc) and gaming and even considers himself a geek (i don't think that's a bad thing and i don't mean having no friends because we both have allot of friends) just like i do and hes very mature for hes age.. it's kinda cool having a little brother who is just like me :)




anyone else have something like this? I always hear about siblings fighting each other for some reason, could it be because me him and my older brother are atheist and they don't just say it because i do or anything, they know what it means and whats it about and my little brother even talks about us politics even though im Australian :lol:



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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I'm straigh, my bro is gay, :uhh:




lol I copy off his ability to contribute to a debate tho. Always copying his way of speech. Learning is fun! :thumbsup:

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Up to maybe ~18 years old (with my younger brother being 13), he copied me in almost every way since childhood.. Same interests, same music/film taste etc... It was quite irritating. :lol:




Or, when he'd steal clothes from my closet, or buy similar clothes to mine. I'd tell him "why do you want to copy me? Only monkeys copy everything they see", not seriously but just trying to tick him off. Then he'd get all defensive and say "No I'm not!" (While wearing all the same stuff as I do).




I guess some brothers are just like that. I know many families where brothers and sisters are totally the opposite and always sneer at each other though.

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My little brother (12) acts a fair amount like I do. He's a little more aggressive, but very imitative over all.




That, and he seems to get all his music off me. All of it. And I suck at picking out music :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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My twelve-year-old brother is nothing like me. At all. The only thing he remotely takes after me for is music, but that's because he wouldn't listen to it at all if he didn't hear it from my room :| .




And he's going through huge ADD/ADHD problems right now, and he's so emotional that he seems insane sometimes. He threw a freakin' stool at me the other day, bruised my elbow. It hurt like hell.


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Hi, I'm dsavi_x4's brother. No one here knows him because he only posts on OT, T&C and The Gallery. i hate to use caps so i never do.




Sigh. He's supposed to be my older brother. I had to type the first sentence for him to prevent him from spamming... :wall:


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Yes and no really.




Lets just say that he takes certain parts from me. For example, music. He still listens to all this emo stuff and popular rap but I got him into metal, and pretty obscure metal at times too.






Also I used to skateboard, so when I started I think he wanted to try too. Now he's a huge skateboarder and, although I quit, he still goes on with it.






He shares some of my same tastes in games too -- although he really doesn't play many that more. I was the one who got him into runescape years ago just to quit a bit later, and he stuck with it haha.










So sort of really.

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Nothing like my brother whatsoever. hahah.


Seriosuly, at all. He was never smart but worked, I was smart but never worked. He went into civil engineering, I went into music (artistic vs intelligence really.) he kept a part time job for 5 years, I kept mine for 3 months. We barely have anything to talk about together.


I don't fit in with this family. :)

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My brothers interested in buisness, where im more an engineer. Hes 5 years older than me and we have never fought. Maybe because of the age difference we have never had to hang out together and our more age specific inteests never overlaped much when we were younger.

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My brothers interested in buisness, where im more an engineer. Hes 5 years older than me and we have never fought. Maybe because of the age difference we have never had to hang out together and our more age specific inteests never overlaped much when we were younger.




Try to get involved in planning prisons and getting contacts with tattoo makers in case your brother gets in trouble with big money and gets framed for crimes he didn't commit :lol:

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My little brother is almost exactly like me personality wise... It's almost scary. He says I'm more of a mum to him than a sister in the fact that I'm always there for him and do anything to help him out no matter how bad it is and have practically raised him.




My older brother is a doofus and we don't get along very well. He walks in my dads footsteps and constantly seeks approval and always gets my dad to do everything for him. Sure he's 19 years old and buying a house soon because he's Mr. money bags but his personality stinks, he only cares about his self. On the other hand he can't do anything his self not even make a phone call because he's always asking my dads permission to do everything in life and it's lame.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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My brothers interested in buisness, where im more an engineer. Hes 5 years older than me and we have never fought. Maybe because of the age difference we have never had to hang out together and our more age specific inteests never overlaped much when we were younger.




Try to get involved in planning prisons and getting contacts with tattoo makers in case your brother gets in trouble with big money and gets framed for crimes he didn't commit :lol:


Are you asking for that? Because it can happen :twisted:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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3 sisters, no brothers. I r unfortunate...




I do know a lot about women thanks to them :D


The only thing I ever learned from my sisters was that women have a tendency to be deceitfully evil.




Eh, it's not quite as true in the outside world, but it does have a fair amount of bearing :-k .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Me and my bro have quite a weird relationship, hes 31, I'm 20. Hes been more like a father to me, which irks me, always telling me what to do, and bossing me round. I havea very implosive personality, if someone does something that annoys me, I'll let them until I snap. One day me and my brother had a huge fight, like punch up, which I regret, but it made him respect me more, doesn't treat me like crap anymore.




I have never really tried to copy him.

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