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A psychological decision


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Spirrus and highlanders, you sure you guys would do that? Whats bad about a little insanity? You are gaurenteed to make it through pretty much, and you could always go into rehab after 20 years. Also after seeing some of the responses on 4chan, there are possibilities built into there that you dont know of. Perhaps you can wish for money, and be the richest person after you get out? We dont know that, but it could be possible.




If the living conditions in A were a little better ( no naked clones....god no) then maybe I'd have second thoughts about it. And even if I were to make it through, I'd be 35 and have to spend some more time in rehab and my life is pretty much wasted.

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Spirrus and highlanders, you sure you guys would do that? Whats bad about a little insanity? You are gaurenteed to make it through pretty much, and you could always go into rehab after 20 years. Also after seeing some of the responses on 4chan, there are possibilities built into there that you dont know of. Perhaps you can wish for money, and be the richest person after you get out? We dont know that, but it could be possible.




If the living conditions in A were a little better ( no naked clones....god no) then maybe I'd have second thoughts about it. And even if I were to make it through, I'd be 35 and have to spend some more time in rehab and my life is pretty much wasted.




You can get some clothes and order the clone to put them on. Nothing said that was against the rules.

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I would choose A. Since it would be too boring not speaking (the utterance of intelligible speech) to anyone/anything I would request a J.R.R. Tolkien clone and have him teach me the unintelligible language of elven.


Tolkien is a she.




I'm going to be the fourth person to respond to this. It's that funny.








Fifth person.




OT: I'd probably choose option A, and spend the twenty years having sex with zombies, practicing acoustic (and electric if allowed) and reading/writing literature.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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I don;t understand why everyone is calling them "zombies". Nobody said they were unintelligent, clumsy beings hungry for brains. They just can't talk. So is Steven hawking a zombie? :shame:




Anyways, I would request a Chuck Norris clone. one kick and the entire building would be demolished, as well as everything in a 500 mile radius :D


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Room A: Request a lockpicker clone, then IN A SEPARATE REQUEST, request all the tools (s)he needs to crack the lock. Then have the clone crack Room As lock, go into the main room, have him crack Room Bs lock. Then, take the gun and bullet. Shoot the camera in Room A, and hide the gun. Then request ammunition (Since ammunition ALONE can't be used to kill/escape).Request a billion dollars in a check. Request an extremely heavy item (A steel girder), and request Superman. Have Superman X-ray ALL walls in Room A, B, and the main room, to determine which wall is the thinnest. Then have Superman throw the steel girder at the thinnest wall. Be sure to take the billion dollar check and the gun. Hold up the scientists at gunpoint, and force them to let you go.




There you have it! You leave one billion dollars richer, and it only took a few minutes. Plus you got to meet Superman!


Because scientists are just that stupid.

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I just thought of something for door A to add on. If you could choose any real human being who is alive at the moment and can talk and function as a human being to be in there with you, would you? The person would have to stay the full 20 years, however, and would be living under the same conditions as you. Would you make another person suffer through it with you, inevitably making your stay easier, or take the hit alone?

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I just thought of something for door A to add on. If you could choose any real human being who is alive at the moment and can talk and function as a human being to be in there with you, would you? The person would have to stay the full 20 years, however, and would be living under the same conditions as you. Would you make another person suffer through it with you, inevitably making your stay easier, or take the hit alone?




The clone can be changed very month.


Sig by Ikurai

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The clone can be changed very month.




Huh? Thats not what I was saying at all...


I was just thinking an interesting question if the scientists let you have one actual, real person with you that can actually talk and do everything that person would normally do because it IS that person[such as a family member, friend, loved one, etc], as well as all the existing conditions, would you take that person's 20 years away to lessen your hardships? The person would be under the same conditions as you [could choose a clone, etc], except would have to choose door A because that's where you are.

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I would have to put a lot of thought into this one. I am inclined to go with door A to start, because I can do fine without electronics, one of my favorite hobbies is reading and i could just get a new book every day. I could have anything I want to eat, be very very rich when I am finally released, and leave a very good life.






Here the cons to door A for me: No human contact would be torture. Sure, I could have clones of people, but they can't talk and that would just annoy me very badly. Another problem would be the size of the room. It's so small that living there for 20 years would make size a nuisance for me. I would definately want a bigger room. I would also have difficulty adapting to the world once I was released. 20 years would have HUGE advances in technology. I wouldn't know anything about the world and be utterly useless. Also when I am released I would'nt know ANYONE! I wouldnt know where to meet up with old friends or my family or know who is alive or dead.






I would definately have to think about this for a while. I would really want to go with door A to live out my life fully when I am released, but then there are a lot of cons to it. Wow, maybe i'll post here again tommorow. (I'm gonna think about this like I actually have to do it :-k :wall: )

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A fo shure




A new book everyday, some new sexy model every month and a guitar.


I would be 33 when I got, start my own band from my 20 years of guitar practice and be an amazing guitarist. Then live the last 40+ years of my life very rich and with a real life hot model.




Sounds fun actually, but a 6x6 room wouldn't be so great. Or like some other people said get some tranqs and be out for days at a time.

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Room A: Request a lockpicker clone, then IN A SEPARATE REQUEST, request all the tools (s)he needs to crack the lock. Then have the clone crack Room As lock, go into the main room, have him crack Room Bs lock. Then, take the gun and bullet. Shoot the camera in Room A, and hide the gun. Then request ammunition (Since ammunition ALONE can't be used to kill/escape).Request a billion dollars in a check. Request an extremely heavy item (A steel girder), and request Superman. Have Superman X-ray ALL walls in Room A, B, and the main room, to determine which wall is the thinnest. Then have Superman throw the steel girder at the thinnest wall. Be sure to take the billion dollar check and the gun. Hold up the scientists at gunpoint, and force them to let you go.




There you have it! You leave one billion dollars richer, and it only took a few minutes. Plus you got to meet Superman!




HA :XD: :XD: I thought that was cute.




Pitty they will probably see the heavy item as an item to kill yourself with #-o



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I would probably take door A, then try to request tools so that I can mine away at the walls, so I have better living space. I would write books, play an instrument (maybe learn more ones like the piano), and I could communicate by writing. Suicide does not appeal to me at all. I know that if I went into room B, I would pick up the gun, point it at my head, then fall to my knees wishing I had chosen door A.




Hang on. If you chose door A, would it still keep open? You could live in two rooms, the button room and Room A. Of course, I would do something to cover up button B to prevent being trapped in the button room.

~ W ~



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I would choose option A and use it as a tool to improve my knowledge and skills. The biggest problem for me is that I would be losing the best years of my life and I'd come out approaching middle age.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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No electronics= no runescape. So I pick door B :lol:




I hope you're a religious fellow.




Don't need to be.




Shoot yourself in the foot and you get out.




It really is the cowards way out, a coward being too scared to face 20 years of solitude.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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The clone can be changed very month.




Huh? Thats not what I was saying at all...


I was just thinking an interesting question if the scientists let you have one actual, real person with you that can actually talk and do everything that person would normally do because it IS that person[such as a family member, friend, loved one, etc], as well as all the existing conditions, would you take that person's 20 years away to lessen your hardships? The person would be under the same conditions as you [could choose a clone, etc], except would have to choose door A because that's where you are.




Hmm, so at the beginning of the experiment I could choose either to have one real person be entered into the experiment with me, or choose to take the clone route? Anyways I would still choose the clones, I don't really like people anyways and I couldn't live with the same person for 20 years. I get annoyed way to easily. Plus I couldn't bring someone else into that situation, I just don't think I have the right to make that decision for them.



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Hmm, so at the beginning of the experiment I could choose either to have one real person be entered into the experiment with me, or choose to take the clone route? Anyways I would still choose the clones, I don't really like people anyways and I couldn't live with the same person for 20 years. I get annoyed way to easily. Plus I couldn't bring someone else into that situation, I just don't think I have the right to make that decision for them.




I meant you get both a person and a clone, but that's also an interesting take on it.

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