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Do you ever think about it?




We are at war in Afghanistan and Iraq because of terrorism and 9/11, but do you guys actually think about it very much?




Personally I don't because I have many more things to worry about, and the chances of dying from a hijacked plane are very rare compared to a serial killer or drunk driver.

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Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism or 9/11.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Yea nobody thinks about Afghanistan anymore. Seriously, the news doesn;t say nothin'. However, I regularly find it highly ironic that we invaded Afghanistan mere years after severly ridiculing the Soviet union for doing so. :shame: Shame you, America, and your double standards.


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Yep, terrorism is an interesting topic. :)


I do not support the United States in their "War on Terror" -- I believe that it is making the situation much worse.






Here are some interesting articles you may want to check out...




The Iraq effects have increased terrorism sevenfold:


http://www.motherjones.org/news/feature ... ect_1.html




Noam Chomsky interview about the United States as a "terrorist state":


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I could go into a half-hour writing spree and bore you to death with my view on America's history regarding ideologies it doesn't particularly like, but I won't.




Put simply; you tried to defeat an ideology (Sovietism) by arming extreme Islamist militant groups to prevent Soviet forces from advancing and enforcing Communism into their countries. This problem is half your own creation, and what's even more laughable is there are still people, such as my good self, on the extreme left-wing.




You couldn't destroy an ideology in the Cold War, what makes you think you can do it now?




Needless to say, I in no way support this war on terror, even through the claims of "democracy". Democracy forced through the barrel of a gun? Likely story...

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I didn't think about it much until 9/11 happened. I always thought those kinds of people and problems would stay to the east of the Atlantic (Europe, Middle East, Africa). Nowadays it's easier to grasp the concept that an attack can happen really anywhere.


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I could go into a half-hour writing spree and bore you to death with my view on America's history regarding ideologies it doesn't particularly like, but I won't.





In this half-hour writing spree would you concerntrate soley on the USA or would you recall that Britain and France were also guilty of this crime after World War 2? It is injust to blame the USA completley for stamping out ideologies when all the allied forces divided up Europe into zones of influence and set up governments for their own needs. Russia is guilty as well, the only difference is that Russia's collapse of power over its puppet regimes finally completly collapsed nearly twenty years ago now, and that collapse was hardly a bloodless transition.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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First of all Iraq wasn't the source of terrorism. They all appeared suddenly after the invasion and when the situations went so badly (in 2004).






Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism or 9/11.




That's true. Iraq was only at blockade at that time. Baghdad was invaded in 2003. In the first year it wasn't that bad but after 2004 it went into very bad situations because of terrorists. They are killing thousands of women and children and millions of them are being injured. That all happened to Iraq because of the previous government and the existence government too. They both didn't and don't treat the iraqi nation in a respectful way and don't even pasture their feelings. They are all after money and oil -.-. I don't really involve myself in politics that much but I really hate terrorists because of what they have done to my country. Shame on them to have suicide bombers and killing millions of innocent people. May they burn in HELL!




By the way, don't believe every single article, some of them don't trasnport the actual situations and the main reasons behind it.

*Started Runescape in 1st of August 2005*.



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They are all after money and oil -.-. I don't really involve myself in politics that much but I really hate terrorists because of what they have done to my country. Shame on them to have suicide bombers and killing millions of innocent people. May they burn in HELL!


It's ironic that the United States was also after money and oil, and that they have killed THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi lives as well.




By the way, don't believe every single article, some of them don't trasnport the actual situations and the main reasons behind it.


Could you elaborate?




The invasion of Iraq was a mistake that the entire world now must suffer from. :(

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Yea nobody thinks about Afghanistan anymore. Seriously, the news doesn;t say nothin'. However, I regularly find it highly ironic that we invaded Afghanistan mere years after severly ridiculing the Soviet union for doing so. :shame: Shame you, America, and your double standards.




the only people who think about it is us in Canada. Our media treats the war a lot differently than your guys. Every single soldier who dies or is injured gets a public burial and articles in every major paper. There's almost daily editorials about whether we should be there; there's intense critisism of Stephen Harper for going along with George Bush.




Saddam Hussein was president of Irag from 1979. The Iran Iraq war occured in 1980-88 and The Persian Gulf War occured in 1991. From 1987-88 over 100-200,000 Kurdish Iraqi's were killed, and it was defined as an act of genocide before a court in the Hague. And yet America did not invade Iraq and displace Hussein until 2003.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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They are all after money and oil -.-. I don't really involve myself in politics that much but I really hate terrorists because of what they have done to my country. Shame on them to have suicide bombers and killing millions of innocent people. May they burn in HELL!




It's ironic that the United States was also after money and oil, and that they have killed THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi lives as well.





Specifically true, I just didn't want to involve every specific detail because I was talking about another matter ;). Iraqi people suffered alot, during the war and even more now. That's why i left it in lately 2004.




By the way, don't believe every single article, some of them don't trasnport the actual situations and the main reasons behind it.


Could you elaborate?




The invasion of Iraq was a mistake that the entire world now must suffer from. :(




Well the previous government wasn't good either, no freedom but it was safe "80% - 90%" (in the streets etc...).




You don't have to bring unfamiliar sources :P. Don't believe the TV either, not all the occurrences are true ;). I can elaborate by saying I've lived there 15 years so pretty sure I know information more than you ::'.


It's better to read from the proper and genuine sources :).

*Started Runescape in 1st of August 2005*.



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The war on terror is great. There was never a more efficient use for money in the US of A. We're not really spending that much, I mean the conservative estimates are what, 2 trillion? And it's really effective. We've charged untold 0s of people with terrorism-related crimes (although thousands have been arrested).








Honestly, the entire war situation has been severely mishandled, and has allowed the executive branch of the American government to overstep it's boundaries, and a congress (with a 95%+ reelection rate) is more concerned with being "politically correct" and "staying in power" than fulfilling the constitution they were sworn to uphold.




It's nam all over again. And not just the fighting insurgents/(freedom fighters). It's the gulf of tonken resolution. The American congress foolishly allowed the president the same, unrestricted war-making powers 3 decades later.

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Yea nobody thinks about Afghanistan anymore. Seriously, the news doesn;t say nothin'. However, I regularly find it highly ironic that we invaded Afghanistan mere years after severly ridiculing the Soviet union for doing so. :shame: Shame you, America, and your double standards.




Very different from Canada then where it makes the news almost every day. We got stuck with Kandahar (because we waited so long to join the fight) which is one of the most dangerous regions. Not a week goes by without an armoured vehicle hitting an IED injuring or killing someone in the process. I have a cousin who is leaving the army because this is not the war he joined to fight. He joined to participate in peacekeeping, and what we are doing is definatly not peacekeeping, its war. Our government is under extreem pressure to pull out ASAP or our minority government risks loosign the next election (and I don't want the liberals or worse the semi-socilast NDP to be elected even in minority).




I really am tired of the war, I wish the Americans could would just use a big [wagon] bomb and blow those mountains to hell and their occupants along with them. Of course that woudl reqire a nuke and even though the mountains would contain the effects, that is not an acceptable option (though there are times I wish it were :( ) I just think the major nations shoudl stop policing the world. If the Underdeveloped countries want to blow them selvs to kingdom come then by all means let them blow themselves off the face of this planet so we can get back to other things like solving our own problems.

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If there was a real war on terror then we would be killing Bush and his helpers. We have no right to continue this, and the only thing our presence is doing is enraging the citizcens and causing them to fight back against our troops.

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If there was a real war on terror then we would be killing Bush and his helpers. We have no right to continue this, and the only thing our presence is doing is enraging the citizcens and causing them to fight back against our troops.




People I speak to who are in the US army and have served in Iraq tell wildly different stories than that.




There was even one instance when an Iraqi civilian threw himself at a suicide bomber before he could reach a Coalition and Iraqi held position, and died along with the terrorist for his trouble. But of course people like you never hear stories like that because you're too busy listening to hardcore anti-war propaganda.

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The US Department of Defense defines terrorism as "The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



"The best defence is to stay out of range" - French proverb

Bad luck happens. Learn and get over it.

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I could go into a half-hour writing spree and bore you to death with my view on America's history regarding ideologies it doesn't particularly like, but I won't.





In this half-hour writing spree would you concerntrate soley on the USA or would you recall that Britain and France were also guilty of this crime after World War 2? It is injust to blame the USA completley for stamping out ideologies when all the allied forces divided up Europe into zones of influence and set up governments for their own needs. Russia is guilty as well, the only difference is that Russia's collapse of power over its puppet regimes finally completly collapsed nearly twenty years ago now, and that collapse was hardly a bloodless transition.


France didn't actually participate in the conference which decided the fate of post-war Germany. It was Churchill, a dying Roosevelt and Stalin that decided that.




Heh, that's strange because I don't seem to recall ever justifing our actions post-War either, nor blaming America completely. In fact, I'm a lot more generous to the Americans in regards to WWII than more Britons. I at least acknowledge we could not have won that war without the help of the US or USSR. We couldn't have been defeated either, but we wouldn't have won and Hitler would have been allowed to continue until such a point the USSR and Germany would have gone to war.




Where America does have a fault though is its perception that Democracy is the defence against fanatical extremism. Let's not forget Hitler was actually voted into power. Of course you have a right to defend yourselves, but that doesn't give you the right to invade a forgeign country and spread a terror of your own on the grounds it might spawn anti-American terrorists later. Surely, your money would be better spent investing into your intelligence services?




No more so is that shown than in your stance towards Iran. Your foreign policy attacks them on the grounds it is run by a dictatorship, instead of focusing on the fact Iran contains terrorist cells. It's therefore perhaps not hard to see why a significant proportion of Muslims see you as a nation that just wants to force your ideology onto them.




Counter-phobic reactions have the risk of provocking more anti-American feelings. You need to change tactic; a president which takes the uber-Patriotic stance "You either with us, or against us" isn't helpful to creating a peaceful environment at all.

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They are all after money and oil -.-. I don't really involve myself in politics that much but I really hate terrorists because of what they have done to my country. Shame on them to have suicide bombers and killing millions of innocent people. May they burn in HELL!


It's ironic that the United States was also after money and oil, and that they have killed THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi lives as well.




By the way, don't believe every single article, some of them don't trasnport the actual situations and the main reasons behind it.


Could you elaborate?




The invasion of Iraq was a mistake that the entire world now must suffer from. :(




Not to get off topic, but here's a intresting thought. Many people say the government attacked Iraq for oil which the oil business you can accumulate ALOT of wealth FAST.




American alone uses 25,000,000 barrels of oil a DAY. I tried to visually see this in the Crysis editor by place 25 million barrels but it only let me get up to 600,000+ objects, but let me tell you, THATS ALOT OF OIL AT STAKE.




So then with the government lieing to us, attempting us to believe Iraq has WMD's, terrorists, and all other sorts of things going on, their hidden agenda was to capture the oil.




So why do 9/11 consparicy's(sp?) get shot down? Yes, it does sound dumb to attack your own buildings, but like someone else said. More people die in the streets due to proverty and crime in America in a single day than 9/11.

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