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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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So, my question is: Is she super jealous of the fact that I've moved on to someone else already? Does she really expect me to talk to her like I would have two weeks ago when I liked her? Does she really think she can control me?




I read all of it and here's my conclusion. Why the hell haven't you blocked her yet? She is acting like a complete immature b*tch and she's not even worth your time of day. Next time she asks "will you laugh with me now" say "HAHAHA actually I'm laughing AT you, you immature b*tch now [bleep] off." And if you really want pay back for playing with your self esteem add in "Oh and my girl is way prettier than you, I only wanted you for one thing. And it wasn't a relationship. You're not even relationship worthy! :D". And then BLOCK HER. Block her from EVERYTHING. Buy a new sim card, they cost like 2 dollars!! change your phone number, don't respond to any messages if she finds you. Completely ignore them. I'm so dumbfounded at how you're actually gullible enough to reply to her messages and keep her on your list. And now you have a new girl, you're still talking about her. Say GOODBYE! It's not hard.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Why go through the hassle of changing your sim card when you can just block her number?




You could...but what's stopping her from using a friend's phone/house phone/pay phone?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Why go through the hassle of changing your sim card when you can just block her number?




You could...but what's stopping her from using a friend's phone/house phone/pay phone?


What's stopping her from getting your new number?


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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If she amazingly got your new number other than using some sort of John Edward's gig, then you should question your friend base and proceed to ignore. Or my personal favourite... If she rings, answer the phone, leave it on the bed and walk away. I helped create a phone bill debt a few hundred dollars when Brent pissed me off, 2 years ago.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Final word on this story...




[hide=]Here's an interesting story about my life that is developing as I write this:






I met a girl a couple weeks ago. She is 16, I'm 18. She and I hit it off pretty quickly, but she frequently made and then canceled plans for the first week I knew her. I would ask her to come hang out with me, and she would agree. The next day she would pretty much ditch out on me to do something more interesting. FINALLY, she stuck to a plan, and her friend (whom I have known for a while now) came along with us. We had a blast. Everything went great. She and I flirted quite a bit and we "cuddled" for a bit.




I shared a couple of feelings with her. I told her that there is definitely something good going on between us, and she agreed that she had a feeling or two for me. I told her I hoped I would see her again soon. She was enthusiastic about it.




SIDE NOTE: She mentioned that she was still unhappy about the relationship she currently has with her ex-boyfriend. She feels like she is always judging her, and she said that she was "comfortable with being unhappy". I told her that she should continue to come out with me, and I'll show her a good time, without pressuring her into dating me.




That was five days ago. Three days ago, her and I went out on a casual affair. We took a drive, I bought her some food, and we went on a two hour drive. We listened to music and talked, both seriously and jokingly. The feelings conversation was brought back up. She mentioned that she really didn't want to tell me anything about her feelings. She said she wasn't ready to share anything with me. I pressed the issue a bit, but gave it up pretty quickly. I wanted to know how she felt really badly, but I stopped myself. I changed the conversation as soon as possible and the night went on.




Now here's where I trip up. She went down to visit a college with her friend and her friends mom. I know she has a really good guy friend down there, but I seriously doubt anything went on between them.




Today she came back and didn't want to talk to me about anything, or so she said. I said (Via a text message) "maybe I'll call you later" and she agreed that this could happen. Eventually she texted me again, and a conversation ensued. Somehow, some way, she brought up the feelings thing again. She told me I'd "never understand" and that she "couldn't explain" even though she said she wanted to. I instantly started thinking she did something with another guy, but that idea was quickly disposed as I looked into it a little bit. However, that thought still somewhat lingers in my head.




She begins to tell me how she doesn't want anything in terms of a relationship. She doesn't want to talk about it. I don't know where this came from because I didn't even bring it up, but nonetheless it happened. Our relationship went straight into the can. Somehow it got to the point where she didn't even want to continue talking to me. She did, though.




This "situation" ended with me telling her the following: "Oh. One more thing. Did you lie when you said that there was something good between us?" She simply said: "No".




I also said something like: "I wish you would just give me a chance"




Her response was: "I want to, but I just can't. I'm sorry. I want to explain it but I can't."




I said: "Don't be sorry. Just be you. I like you for you. I'll be here when you realize that being happy is worth taking chances with your emotions."




She sent something back, but I had said what I wanted to leave her with. No communication since. This was about three hours before this post.








So, here's my question folks: What the HELL is going on here? My brother, who is 25 years of age, and has had countless tumultuous relationships has told me the following:




She's basically playing the drama card. This is what you need to do: Listen to her, and don't engage in any communication with her. Don't ignore her, but DON'T START ANYTHING. In two weeks, one of two things will happen:




1: Nothing. She could be trying to get with another guy and doesn't want you in the picture. You'd just have to move on with your life. It's not a big loss, really.




2: She will send you a text, or call you asking why you haven't said anything to her lately. All you've got to say is "That's what you told me to do."




He said #2 is usually what happens. To me, sounds like what will probably happen. I'm pretty sure this is her course of action. She just doesn't have her emotions in check, so she's pushing me away.




What do you folks think. Does the above seem to be correct? Would I be wise to follow my brothers course of action?[/hide]




It all ended a couple days ago, but I'm just getting around to writing about it.




I played the waiting game in accordance with most of the advice I received. She ended up being completely emotionally immature.




She texted me (about a week ago) asking if me if I hated her. I responded with no. Conversation stopped mostly until a couple days later where she facebook messaged me (Using the Facebook IM chat). She kept telling me that I shouldn't be upset about the situation. I told her I wasn't heartbroken or anything, just a little upset that I was led on and then denied. She told me to laugh with her. This sentence changed everything.




I refused to laugh. "C'mon. Laugh!" she would say to me. I saw nothing funny in the conversation. For the next ten minutes I was bombarded with her pleas at laughter. I constantly refused. Then, I started getting annoyed by it, so I told her the following: "You're not messing (I used a swear word there) with someone without self esteem. You can't push me around. You don't know what you're dealing with here. You can't control me. I'm not your anything."




I told her I was going out with friends, and she proceeded to ask me if my friends were imaginary. A low blow at best, but I wasn't phased. I enjoyed the fact that the tables had turned, and that I was now completely content with being without her.




As it stands today, I still get random messages from her. Today, the whole "Will you laugh with me now?!" started again. I told her I just don't care for her crap and signed off the messenger.




I'm getting involved with another girl now, and she ("she" being the first girl, not the new one) doesn't seem pleased about it. Jealousy? She asked me why I was "talking to some ugly girl" today. I responded: "Hm. Some ugly girl? Don't know her. Sorry." She said that her and her friend had a good laugh about it (presumably at my expense), and the laughing conversation started up again. Again, I logged off.




It seems to me she really wants my attention but can't suck it up and admit that she was wrong about me. Her only way out is to try to make me feel insecure about myself (something which just isn't going to happen). What to do? I'm trying to get her out of my life. One of my best friends even IM'ed her something like: "You're insane. Stop messaging [My Name]. You're not going to "get" to him. You're not going to make him feel bad. Quit being a little girl about this. He's better than you think. WAY better."




So, my question is: Is she super jealous of the fact that I've moved on to someone else already? Does she really expect me to talk to her like I would have two weeks ago when I liked her? Does she really think she can control me?




This is all laughable to me. I'd just like some more outside input :D.


Man, if I had a penny for every time I've heard stories like that I'd have well...A PENNY!


I've NEVER in my life seen a girl that was like that, but I must say, sir, that I commend you for handling yourself so well. She probably does think that she can control you. Way to prove her wrong. If I had to rate you story 1-10 (10 high), I'd give it a 20.




If I had a penny every time I heard that... I think I'd be rich #-o

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If she amazingly got your new number other than using some sort of John Edward's gig, then you should question your friend base and proceed to ignore. Or my personal favourite... If she rings, answer the phone, leave it on the bed and walk away. I helped create a phone bill debt a few hundred dollars when Brent pissed me off, 2 years ago.




That's why I text, as I get unlimited texts for $15 a month (the $15 is added onto my bill, but I would have spent $85 last month if I didn't get unlimited texts)

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Final word on this story...




[hide=]Here's an interesting story about my life that is developing as I write this:






I met a girl a couple weeks ago. She is 16, I'm 18. She and I hit it off pretty quickly, but she frequently made and then canceled plans for the first week I knew her. I would ask her to come hang out with me, and she would agree. The next day she would pretty much ditch out on me to do something more interesting. FINALLY, she stuck to a plan, and her friend (whom I have known for a while now) came along with us. We had a blast. Everything went great. She and I flirted quite a bit and we "cuddled" for a bit.




I shared a couple of feelings with her. I told her that there is definitely something good going on between us, and she agreed that she had a feeling or two for me. I told her I hoped I would see her again soon. She was enthusiastic about it.




SIDE NOTE: She mentioned that she was still unhappy about the relationship she currently has with her ex-boyfriend. She feels like she is always judging her, and she said that she was "comfortable with being unhappy". I told her that she should continue to come out with me, and I'll show her a good time, without pressuring her into dating me.




That was five days ago. Three days ago, her and I went out on a casual affair. We took a drive, I bought her some food, and we went on a two hour drive. We listened to music and talked, both seriously and jokingly. The feelings conversation was brought back up. She mentioned that she really didn't want to tell me anything about her feelings. She said she wasn't ready to share anything with me. I pressed the issue a bit, but gave it up pretty quickly. I wanted to know how she felt really badly, but I stopped myself. I changed the conversation as soon as possible and the night went on.




Now here's where I trip up. She went down to visit a college with her friend and her friends mom. I know she has a really good guy friend down there, but I seriously doubt anything went on between them.




Today she came back and didn't want to talk to me about anything, or so she said. I said (Via a text message) "maybe I'll call you later" and she agreed that this could happen. Eventually she texted me again, and a conversation ensued. Somehow, some way, she brought up the feelings thing again. She told me I'd "never understand" and that she "couldn't explain" even though she said she wanted to. I instantly started thinking she did something with another guy, but that idea was quickly disposed as I looked into it a little bit. However, that thought still somewhat lingers in my head.




She begins to tell me how she doesn't want anything in terms of a relationship. She doesn't want to talk about it. I don't know where this came from because I didn't even bring it up, but nonetheless it happened. Our relationship went straight into the can. Somehow it got to the point where she didn't even want to continue talking to me. She did, though.




This "situation" ended with me telling her the following: "Oh. One more thing. Did you lie when you said that there was something good between us?" She simply said: "No".




I also said something like: "I wish you would just give me a chance"




Her response was: "I want to, but I just can't. I'm sorry. I want to explain it but I can't."




I said: "Don't be sorry. Just be you. I like you for you. I'll be here when you realize that being happy is worth taking chances with your emotions."




She sent something back, but I had said what I wanted to leave her with. No communication since. This was about three hours before this post.








So, here's my question folks: What the HELL is going on here? My brother, who is 25 years of age, and has had countless tumultuous relationships has told me the following:




She's basically playing the drama card. This is what you need to do: Listen to her, and don't engage in any communication with her. Don't ignore her, but DON'T START ANYTHING. In two weeks, one of two things will happen:




1: Nothing. She could be trying to get with another guy and doesn't want you in the picture. You'd just have to move on with your life. It's not a big loss, really.




2: She will send you a text, or call you asking why you haven't said anything to her lately. All you've got to say is "That's what you told me to do."




He said #2 is usually what happens. To me, sounds like what will probably happen. I'm pretty sure this is her course of action. She just doesn't have her emotions in check, so she's pushing me away.




What do you folks think. Does the above seem to be correct? Would I be wise to follow my brothers course of action?[/hide]




It seems to me she really wants my attention but can't suck it up and admit that she was wrong about me. Her only way out is to try to make me feel insecure about myself (something which just isn't going to happen).





Way to go. :thumbup: Basically, what happened is she is not used to guys not liking her. She cannot figure out why you don't like her anymore and wants your attention. Its a common girl thing. Just ignore her.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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I have posted this some time ago, but nevermind that. Here is the situation:




I like this girl and we only have two classes together. One class im not even sure if we will have it the next semester which is coming up soon but ill ask her. I like her and i think that she likes me back. We make alot of eye contact in the hallways and stuff like she looks at me then i look at her and then she looks away...




im pretty confident but im dont want to randomly ask her out somewhere when she doesnt expect it. I have chatted with her a couple of times and we had one really long one. The main problem is that i dont know really when to approach her or just start conversations. In the morning she is with her friends and they are all clustered together and in class it is difficult to hold up a conversation during a lecture. Im 15 yrs old btw just putting that out there.




the only way i guess to chat with her more would be through a phone (i dont have her # yet but i will ask her) and facebook (which i dont even have an account for :oops: )




So yeah... im gonna leave this out there and i would like some advice so far. I will post again with my progress but lately its been hard to chat with her because of midterms and we havent had class together in so long.




i will probably make a facebook soon... so i can just chat to people and i plan on getting her # but again i just cant find a good time to talk to her...




on a side note... if you are a highschool student and lets say make a facebook. do people find out and request to be ur friend or do u have to go on a spree to hunt down all your friends and ask them to be friends... i dont want to have like 5 friends lol but im sure i will have more because im pretty friendly with people.

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I have posted this some time ago, but nevermind that. Here is the situation:




I like this girl and we only have two classes together. One class im not even sure if we will have it the next semester which is coming up soon but ill ask her. I like her and i think that she likes me back. We make alot of eye contact in the hallways and stuff like she looks at me then i look at her and then she looks away...




im pretty confident but im dont want to randomly ask her out somewhere when she doesnt expect it. I have chatted with her a couple of times and we had one really long one. The main problem is that i dont know really when to approach her or just start conversations. In the morning she is with her friends and they are all clustered together and in class it is difficult to hold up a conversation during a lecture. Im 15 yrs old btw just putting that out there.




the only way i guess to chat with her more would be through a phone (i dont have her # yet but i will ask her) and facebook (which i dont even have an account for :oops: )




So yeah... im gonna leave this out there and i would like some advice so far. I will post again with my progress but lately its been hard to chat with her because of midterms and we havent had class together in so long.




i will probably make a facebook soon... so i can just chat to people and i plan on getting her # but again i just cant find a good time to talk to her...




on a side note... if you are a highschool student and lets say make a facebook. do people find out and request to be ur friend or do u have to go on a spree to hunt down all your friends and ask them to be friends... i dont want to have like 5 friends lol but im sure i will have more because im pretty friendly with people.


Stop her in the hallway to have a chat between classes, chat during the two classes. Just talk to her as much as you can.




As for Facebook: It's really easy to get friends. Just put your e-mail address in, and it'll tell you if any of those e-mail addresses are registered with Facebook. Then, if your friends have friends from your school on Facebook, those friends will be suggested to you. Very easy.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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I think you answered your own question. That's a good idea and my advice would be to go through with your plans. If you can't 'find time' to talk to her then talk to one of her close friends. Add that person to facebook and then more than likely, the girl you want will be on her friends list and you can just add her, then ask for her number.




When you become a member, you can add everyone on your msn list. Anyone else you will have to go searching for by name (first and last, check the pictures and location, find it and then add it). People do have to send you a request to be your friend (privacy).



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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thanks for the quick and helpful responses Latios and Goddess. I guess i sort of my problems easier for myself by solving it by trying to communicate more with her. I try to talk with her in school but it simply isnt good enough. maybe in between class like Goddess suggested is good. I think that will get me her phone number but i would need more time...




so i heard so so she told me that she is facebooking a lot and i want to make a facebook because i feel that i guess its time for me to make myself one. I will go ahead and eventually do it. Getting friends on facebook isnt really a problem because she would probably me more then happy to accept me as a friend and i could generally get friends on facebook because in my school people are generally nice and considerate and wont really say no unless they really dont know u. my friends bash me too for not getting a facebook :oops:




so i will try to do this... i will post later though. the midterms in our school works like this: we have two classes per day and i had my classes with her the first day. during the exam we smiled at eachother and stuff... now i just dont see her too often...




again sorry to blabber but yea i will definitely try to communicate with her more.




another thing... i already told my friend about this and she said that our relationship might not work because she is busy with sports... like really busy... she is implying that she wont have time for me. im also busy too but can it be true that we wont have time for eachother. :?




if she likes me back im sure she will make time for me... well not really but i should be able to go out with her a couple of times. no matter i just want to be with her first thing and then ill think about the relationship. i have feelings for this girl because she is attractive and has a nice personality. and im not one of those slobs that is just looking for sex. although sex is always nice.

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maybe in between class like Goddess suggested is good.




Latios suggested that one, not me lol thank him :P




another thing... i already told my friend about this and she said that our relationship might not work because she is busy with sports... like really busy... she is implying that she wont have time for me. im also busy too but can it be true that we wont have time for eachother.




What a load of crap. There is 24 hours in a day, the bee is praised the mosquito swatted. In other words you will always find time for the things most valued and anything annoying/irritating/that you don't want around will be left aside. Don't listen to them.




I used to walk an hour to the train station, catch the train to one station, wait 30 minutes for the next train to come, then 40 minutes on that train just to see my fiance' when we were dating. We then only got to spend an hour together, before I had to do the same thing to get back home.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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maybe in between class like Goddess suggested is good.




Latios suggested that one, not me lol thank him :P




another thing... i already told my friend about this and she said that our relationship might not work because she is busy with sports... like really busy... she is implying that she wont have time for me. im also busy too but can it be true that we wont have time for eachother.




What a load of crap. There is 24 hours in a day, the bee is praised the mosquito swatted. In other words you will always find time for the things most valued and anything annoying/irritating/that you don't want around will be left aside. Don't listen to them.




I used to walk an hour to the train station, catch the train to one station, wait 30 minutes for the next train to come, then 40 minutes on that train just to see my fiance' when we were dating. We then only got to spend an hour together, before I had to do the same thing to get back home.




oh woops sorry latios :oops: :lol:




and i also thought that was a load of crap too when she told me. i mean i know that she is big on sports and that she practices for a good 3-4 hrs a day but i guess so will i only when the spring comes (which is soon). If she likes me back and we like eachother we will surely make some kind of time for each other. maybe we wont get to be with each other in person on weekdays but im sure we will have time to chat and maybe on the weekends we can get together. im not sure why my friend would say that... i was aware that she is busy but then again everyone is... then there might be a twist: my friends (that is a girl ( but i trust her and we r good friend)) might be jealous... but nah.... im just putting that out there... but i dont really think so.

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So, my question is: Is she super jealous of the fact that I've moved on to someone else already? Does she really expect me to talk to her like I would have two weeks ago when I liked her? Does she really think she can control me?




"Oh and my girl is way prettier than you, I only wanted you for one thing. And it wasn't a relationship. You're not even relationship worthy! :D"




I took that way out of context.




I've got a bit of a puzzler for most of you here. There's this girl I like, she's cute, really nice, gives me hugs all the time, and all that nice stuff, we do stuff together, just one thing(or a few things): Her "internet friend". This guy lives about 12 hours away from here, in another state, and she apparently likes this guy even though they've never met in real life. Her mom seems to be pissed off at her since they've been exchanging naked pics, and all the drawn porn she has, so w/e. I really don't care about the fact they're trading pics or w/e, more or less how her mom handled it. On Friday, my friend and her mom got into an argument and it escalated to involving her getting a black eye and bruises. I talked to her the next morning, and she told me about the whole thing, since I told her I'd listen to her, no matter what. You don't [bleep]ing hit your kids, it's not reasonable. I'm not sure what to think. She's 16, and this guy is probably somewhere in his mid-20s. I don't want to involve social services though, since I'd probably never see her again. My friend and her mom don't have the best relationship in the world. I'd like to help out, and see about fixing this, but I'd probably be way in over my head. I really can't just sit around, since stuff will only get worse, but if I try to help, I might just make things worse.




All in all, I really have feelings for this girl, and I just don't want it to be ruined.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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The truth is out, I'm really a raging lesbian!! :lol:




But anyway, I gave you my 2 cents over msn so hopefully other people can add to that for ya *hugs*



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Americans are so weird. >_> you don't care if she's exchanging naked pics?? Nobody I know would do anything like that! Well, maybe a few, but they're pretty [bleep]ed up in the head.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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Teach me to make all kinds of friends.




Start smoking - You will hang out with the smokers.


Start drinking - You will hang out with the drinkers.


Find a hobby and you will find the people whom do the same thing.


Start gaming and you will hang out with gamers.




Its all about your interests.




I lol'd.




I have friends btw just not like "lets go do something random and fun" kinds :(


THEY are the cool ones :thumbup:

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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How can I tell if a girl I spend a fair amount of time with but rarely talk to likes me?

well she recognizes your existence, which is a start lol


But as sworddude said, you gotta initiate some conversation with her. When she starts laughing a lot or being flirty, then it's a :thumbup:

D: Does EVERY guy think that because a girl laughs it means she likes them?! I laugh at practically everything.. Oops. :wall:




So, my question is: Is she super jealous of the fact that I've moved on to someone else already? Does she really expect me to talk to her like I would have two weeks ago when I liked her? Does she really think she can control me?
Yes. Congrats btw, you don't need luggage like the "old girl", seriously. You should just block her/get her out of your life.




and im not one of those slobs that is just looking for sex. although sex is always nice.
:lol: Good luck with this one, you seem to know how to approach her. ^^;





I've got a bit of a puzzler for most of you here. There's this girl I like, she's cute, really nice, gives me hugs all the time, and all that nice stuff, we do stuff together, just one thing(or a few things): Her "internet friend". This guy lives about 12 hours away from here, in another state, and she apparently likes this guy even though they've never met in real life. Her mom seems to be pissed off at her since they've been exchanging naked pics, and all the drawn porn she has, so w/e. I really don't care about the fact they're trading pics or w/e, more or less how her mom handled it. On Friday, my friend and her mom got into an argument and it escalated to involving her getting a black eye and bruises. I talked to her the next morning, and she told me about the whole thing, since I told her I'd listen to her, no matter what. You don't [bleep] hit your kids, it's not reasonable. I'm not sure what to think. She's 16, and this guy is probably somewhere in his mid-20s. I don't want to involve social services though, since I'd probably never see her again. My friend and her mom don't have the best relationship in the world. I'd like to help out, and see about fixing this, but I'd probably be way in over my head. I really can't just sit around, since stuff will only get worse, but if I try to help, I might just make things worse.




All in all, I really have feelings for this girl, and I just don't want it to be ruined.



Exchanging naked pics.. you really should tell her to stop, what if they ended up all over the internet or something? >_> You should be concerned about that along with the relationship with her mum. Think about it from her mum's prospective though.. I can imagine my mum flipping out if I posted all these ..unnecessary pictures on the internet (not going to happen, don't worry). You should also try weening her off the internet guy if you can, if she likes him she will probably not consider you as a potential boyfriend.




I have friends btw just not like "lets go do something random and fun" kinds :(


THEY are the cool ones :thumbup:


What's so bad about the friends you have now?


Wait.. if you don't do spontaneous things ("lets go do something random and fun").. what do you do? Just sit there and play runescape together in Internet cafes?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Well looks like I need a little advice..




So last night I hung out with my girl and my best friend is now dating her sister. So we've walked in on them making out quite a few times, no big deal. But I guess last night my girl walked in on them going quite a bit farther than that, and they haven't been dating for even a month. So my girl called her sister a [bleep] for giving it up that easy and ended up fighting with my best friend for a while. He was a douche and brought up some stuff from the her past and basically accused her of cheating on me (which I know she's not). So I talked to her and tried to calm her down last night and it resulted in the two of us fighting. She basically said she doesn't want to hang out with me at all if my friend is gonna be there (because he usually rides over with me). Now I tried explaining that he has his own car and he'll get there with or without me, all it's going to do is drive us apart. I ended up doing 99% of the talking and eventually she just stopped talking to me altogether and got offline. Now I've always been so happy with the communication we've had with each other and how quickly we've been able to resolve problems but this one seems a little different. I got maybe 3 words out of her this morning and she's refusing to answer any of my texts since then (which she normally gets back to me almost immediately). It's so damn frustrating, I don't even know what to do. I think I should I just give up talking to her altogether and let her talk to me when she's ready. But it's so damn hard because she made me feel like she doesn't even care about me anymore with a few things she said last night, though she still claims to love me. Help me Tip.It..

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Give her a couple days to cool down.




Honestly, I'd say that you should go with what she says and don't have your mate around when you are with her, or don't have him come with you. You don't have to completely cut all communication with your mate, just don't have him around when she is there.




Most of all, I think she needs to calm down a little, but I see where she is coming from, the whole protective bigger sibling thing. A month is a little quick to be going a bit further (as you put it).




I'd say that they were both in the wrong. Him for (using your words) a douche, and her for well, over-reacting a little. If her sister is of the legal age, then theres nothing she can do.




Don't try to push conversation to about what happened, try to act like you did before (well, with a few changes). Its not if I'm saying that you have been trying to talk about it, just avoid your mate coming up in conversation.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Well she finally texted me back. She basically said there's a bunch of [cabbage] stressing her out, she just wants some time to herself, and that's what I'll give her. I told her to text me if she wants to talk tonight but otherwise I won't say a word to her.




And I can't like keep my friend and her apart when we hang out since we all end up in the same house. I told her we could always stay in a different room than them and she didn't say much but it's really our only option aside from not hanging out and throwing away everything we've built up.

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Well, I think the best course of action would be for your mate to apologise for the things he said.




True, she probably needs to apologise too since you've given us no real indication of what she said to him, but in the end, both of them are in the wrong, however I doubt she'll apologise first.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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If it's an issue like that, why are you texting/chatting online versus talking in person or at least talking on the phone? It's SOOO easy to misinterpret things via reading it versus hearing it.

May the presents of our lord and savior, Santa, be with you this holiday season!

First annual Clausmas - 2009 December 25

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Many reasons.




For one, people don't phone all the time, when texting it allows you more thought over what you want to say before you reply, same wiht instant messaging.




Secondly, talking in person is not always possible unless they live very close. And as Deloria said, he has to drive to get to her.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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