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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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I feel almost helpless having to post here but you guys seem to give really good advice and i'm in two kinda weird situations right now that could go wrong if i don't make the right moves



1. Okay so this girl, we'll call her mary. she transferred to my school at the beginning of last year. I didn't have any classes with her, the sparse few days each month when i went out i never saw her. then she ran track and at an invitational like an hour away a good friend of mine introduced me to her. shes really friendly and we kind of hit it off. she's also one of the popular girls, hangs out with the cheerleaders etc. last year and summer i didn't see her. really not once. in cross country this year we started talking a lot and i have two classes with her. one day my friend asked me who i was taking to semi.. i thought i had a shot with her so i said her. he talked to her people and they said that she would say yes. when i asked her in person the next day she had gotten a date the night before :( but then we started talking more.. just in person not really texting or even FBing. then another one of my friends let me know that she thought i was cute. so then i started flirting with her more and as some of you know i'm a bit of a rapper so i wrote her a love poem somewhat as a joke and she was speechless after i gave it to her and really blushed when she read it. i really have no problem talking to her and flirting with her but there starts to be a a major problem.


I'm not really afraid to admit it. she's of a higher social standing than i am. she hangs out with the coolest kids. and though i am great friends with some of the "coolest" kids i still don't get invited to every party every weekend. I'm secretly a loner. i have a pretty weak communication network in that i don't find out about the weekends going ons unless directly from two or three of my closest friends. The truth is that I haven't really "talked" to a girl since i was going into 9th grade. i've had a few hook ups since then but this girl is worth so much more and i think i have a really good chance with her.


what hinders me from taking it to the next level are several variables:


please advise me as best you can based on these problems, you may have to read the above.


1. I don't have her phone number and i don't know how she would take to me randomly texting her.. before i text her i really just want to hang out or at least be in the same place outside of school. does that sound pretty normal or should i be more aggressive?


2. I don't have my license (80% of my grade does). she's getting her's within a month. which means a small get together with her would be awkward because both of us would have to drag along friends for rides.


3. I'm rusty on my texting skills: I haven't "talked" to a girl in a long time. though i am getting an iphone next week i can't say I'm familiar with what teenagers really text about and how to text without exposing too much about myself and my feelings(which kind of ruined a past relationship)


4. I'm not confident with my sense of style around girls. around the guys, i always get commended on my shoes. i kind of blend some preppy elements with sport brands and ski brands. its good for going out or the activities i enjoy the most (skiing, running). the bad part is that i usually just spray on some axe and i'm really insecure about my hair since my life-long stylist is taking a year off. Because my closet isn't full of current fashion i also have a ton of clothes from places that nobody in my school buys clothes from, namely aero and american eagle. Please suggest some brands.


5. I don't know how to start hanging out with her. this is probably the biggest problem i have. Of course this girl, if i start texting her, will want me to invite her places to hang out. I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. of course there is the generic movies but besides that i got absolutely nothing. what am i going to do? invite her to my friends house when its just a bro-fest? if she invites me to a party or something the fact of the matter is that if none of my friends will invite me i'll seriously have to resort to my parents for a ride.. to a party where there will possibly be booze.


Do you have advice for me? or am i overthinking this a little bit? please help guide a guy that has just been derailed from the whole dating process.



Problem number two(i'll make it fast):

After i had to find another date for semi, there were some decent girls still left to be taken. one of them ran cross country so naturally i choose her. the only problem is that i don't talk to her. at all. one of her friends came up to me today and asked if i would ask her. i said for sure i would. then i realized I DONT HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH HER AND CROSS COUNTRY IS OVER. how do i go about asking her? i don't want to offend her or act like its a burden but i don't want to be real creepy about it either.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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Time for me to go back to a fairly often-asked question. I'm beginning to think I grow attached this girl, but the one problem is that she's just over 2 years younger than me - I turn 18 in February, she turns 16 in April. I'm really not sure about whether I'm personally "okay" with that kind of an age gap, mostly because she is younger. So, anyone care to start up the whole age debate, to see if it will help me make up my mind? I'll probably decide in two weeks anyways, but it's always nice to get these things out of the way, less to worry about, and then I can start working on what I want my relationship to become with her (Being friends or dating).


Btw, for anyone who's curious, the age/2+7 rule is not met, and I should mention that I'd be interested in a real relationship with her, not just friends with benefits, we talk for hours at a time, and I probably would be escalating with her, if it wasn't because I'm not sure whether her age bothers me.


[hide=Unnecessary side story]

Really, this is something I would go to my friends for, but this guy that used to be one of our friends ruined it. Long story short he pretty much has dated 14/15 year olds for the past 4 years. We're all almost 18 now, and he's at the point where it's just plain creepy. We haven't been friends with him for the past 3 years now, partly because of that, partly because he's just turned into a very "fake" person.


So yeah, he has what we refer to as his daycare, his collection of friends and girls he's going after, that are all about two years younger than him. Because of this, I'm just keeping my relationship with this girl quiet, not hiding it, but I'm not about to shove it in my friends' faces. Actually, I never do that anyways, I did pretty much the same thing with my last girlfriend; some of my friends were only just finding out we were dating, after we had already been dating for at least a month.


Don't you love it when your problems solve themselves? I'ma just keep on doing as I'm doing. Of course, feel free to give me your opinion on this girl, specifically her age.




tl;dr I'm considering dating a chick two years younger than my 17 year-old self, but not sure. What do?

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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1. I don't have her phone number and i don't know how she would take to me randomly texting her.. before i text her i really just want to hang out or at least be in the same place outside of school. does that sound pretty normal or should i be more aggressive?


That sounds a little backwards, actually. It might be easier to go about texting this girl before you hang out with her. Just so when you start hanging around her, it doesn't seem out of the blue.



2. I don't have my license (80% of my grade does). she's getting her's within a month. which means a small get together with her would be awkward because both of us would have to drag along friends for rides.

Maybe there's a place the two of you could walk to after school? Plus, if your houses are within walking distance from school, then driving isn't really a huge issue. You'd just walk to wherever, hang out a bit there and walk back home.


3. I'm rusty on my texting skills: I haven't "talked" to a girl in a long time. though i am getting an iphone next week i can't say I'm familiar with what teenagers really text about and how to text without exposing too much about myself and my feelings(which kind of ruined a past relationship)

Usually a conversation will go as follows:




"What's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

"Nah, not a lot."


At this point, it's typically up to you to get a conversation started. You could try asking a question ("Is there anything new with you?" and hope that they won't say no, and try and get a discussion started that way) or just bring a topic up, it doesn't matter really. If you're worried about saying too much about your feelings, just steer the conversation away from the topic of dating. (Including the topic of other couples or anything to do with it, really). Just try and think of that person as a funny stranger you just met at a coffee shop: You want to keep a conversation going, but you don't want to make things personal.


4. I'm not confident with my sense of style around girls. around the guys, i always get commended on my shoes. i kind of blend some preppy elements with sport brands and ski brands. its good for going out or the activities i enjoy the most (skiing, running). the bad part is that i usually just spray on some axe and i'm really insecure about my hair since my life-long stylist is taking a year off. Because my closet isn't full of current fashion i also have a ton of clothes from places that nobody in my school buys clothes from, namely aero and american eagle. Please suggest some brands.

I can't help you much here, but you should check out the "how to dress classy" thread.


5. I don't know how to start hanging out with her. this is probably the biggest problem i have. Of course this girl, if i start texting her, will want me to invite her places to hang out. I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. of course there is the generic movies but besides that i got absolutely nothing. what am i going to do? invite her to my friends house when its just a bro-fest? if she invites me to a party or something the fact of the matter is that if none of my friends will invite me i'll seriously have to resort to my parents for a ride.. to a party where there will possibly be booze.

Try and be creative here: I remember someone on this thread saying a public park can be an excellent spot to hang out. Or you could just meet her in town, and then just do whatever you guys feel like doing at the time. Do you live in a city? If you do, there are probably a huge number of places you could go to. If you wanted to wait 'till winter (which, you probably wouldn't, I know) you could invite her skiing.



I hope I helped, it's the best I can do in the middle of the night.

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This is a long one.




So i went out with this girl for 5 month's her name is ''W'' We were active and really in love right. but she was jelouse like any other girlfriend. she used/still hates this one girl name ''M'' i guess we flirted i would leave her comments on her myspace how shes pretty etc right. and ''W'' thought i was cheating on her. We ended up having a nasty break up but we were still friends


I tried getting back with her but she needed space beacuse of the whole me lying to her and cheating etc.


She then went out with a dude named ''E'' i hated this guy he was a totally D BAG not beacuse im jelouse or w/e he was a D BAG.

anyway during her supposed relationship with ''E'' we would ''hookup'' and kiss and etc. so basically she cheated on him.

eventually he found out and we had a good old fist fight. Recently they broke up this monday and this whole week me and her have been kissing and you know spending way more time togather we carpool and she told me lets fix our relationship. ''E'' Is trying to get back with her and still acting like there going out but ''w'' wont have any of it and told him i need space.


Im trying to give her space and show her how ive changed acting like a gentlemen and respect her

[she said that i changed alot while she was dating ''e'' and its true] so im trying to show her the guy she fell in love with is back


The thing is i dont know when to ask her out if i do it too soon she say no cuz she barley getting over the guy [ they have like almost a year togather] they were supposibly engaged u know the little fake kind where oh yea were engaged and [cabbage] if i wait to much she might go back to ''E''


I Love this girl there is no doubht about it this is the one and Yea im young w/e but im seriouse shes the one.

yesterday she fainted while we donated blood and she was taken to the hospital and i was like in the waiting room

blood pumping etc concerned about her nothing else matters

and she is my number one priority like shes more important then my own family in short im in love with this chick.


So what do i do?

Two things.


Did you actually cheat on her, or did she just assume you did?


Also, she's already cheated on one boyfriend, and even if she cheated on him with you, then either she cheats easily, or isn't able to admit to herself that she was wrong - basically she's likely to cheat again if you two really aren't "meant" for each other, which I highly doubt. Yes you are young and I definitely think your feelings are being way to thrown out of proportion. First of all, the way you describe these things is very immature, your story reminds me of things that happened in grade 7/8. You need to just calm down about her, give yourself some time to decide whether you're really "in love" with her, or just you think you are.


But if you really want to date this girl, I hope you're still talking to her. Especially if there's this other guy trying to get with her (Regardless of being an ex, that actually makes it worse


Problem number two(i'll make it fast):

After i had to find another date for semi, there were some decent girls still left to be taken. one of them ran cross country so naturally i choose her. the only problem is that i don't talk to her. at all. one of her friends came up to me today and asked if i would ask her. i said for sure i would. then i realized I DONT HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH HER AND CROSS COUNTRY IS OVER. how do i go about asking her? i don't want to offend her or act like its a burden but i don't want to be real creepy about it either.



Find her in the halls and just straight up ask her if she wants to go to semi with you. Use said friend to find out where she is, and just ask.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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1. I don't have her phone number and i don't know how she would take to me randomly texting her.. before i text her i really just want to hang out or at least be in the same place outside of school. does that sound pretty normal or should i be more aggressive?

It sounds like you can just be talking to her and ask mid conversation, 'what's your number?' Do that.


2. I don't have my license (80% of my grade does). she's getting her's within a month. which means a small get together with her would be awkward because both of us would have to drag along friends for rides.

Public transport? Getting your parents to drop you off at a mall or something?


3. I'm rusty on my texting skills: I haven't "talked" to a girl in a long time. though i am getting an iphone next week i can't say I'm familiar with what teenagers really text about and how to text without exposing too much about myself and my feelings(which kind of ruined a past relationship)

I wrote a bit on txting in my blog.


4. I'm not confident with my sense of style around girls. around the guys, i always get commended on my shoes. i kind of blend some preppy elements with sport brands and ski brands. its good for going out or the activities i enjoy the most (skiing, running). the bad part is that i usually just spray on some axe and i'm really insecure about my hair since my life-long stylist is taking a year off. Because my closet isn't full of current fashion i also have a ton of clothes from places that nobody in my school buys clothes from, namely aero and american eagle. Please suggest some brands.

Don't go for brand names, they're over priced and most of the time they make you look like a [bleep]. I can't really advise stores unless you live in australia but brad P's fashion bible is a good read.


5. I don't know how to start hanging out with her. this is probably the biggest problem i have. Of course this girl, if i start texting her, will want me to invite her places to hang out. I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. of course there is the generic movies but besides that i got absolutely nothing. what am i going to do? invite her to my friends house when its just a bro-fest? if she invites me to a party or something the fact of the matter is that if none of my friends will invite me i'll seriously have to resort to my parents for a ride.. to a party where there will possibly be booze.

My parents drove me to parties with alcohol from when I was 15 to when I got my license. There has to be plenty of fun things to do in your area, the thing is just finding what/where they are.


After i had to find another date for semi, there were some decent girls still left to be taken. one of them ran cross country so naturally i choose her. the only problem is that i don't talk to her. at all. one of her friends came up to me today and asked if i would ask her. i said for sure i would. then i realized I DONT HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH HER AND CROSS COUNTRY IS OVER. how do i go about asking her? i don't want to offend her or act like its a burden but i don't want to be real creepy about it either.

Just go find her and ask her. Show some confidence.

Time for me to go back to a fairly often-asked question. I'm beginning to think I grow attached this girl, but the one problem is that she's just over 2 years younger than me - I turn 18 in February, she turns 16 in April. I'm really not sure about whether I'm personally "okay" with that kind of an age gap, mostly because she is younger. So, anyone care to start up the whole age debate, to see if it will help me make up my mind? I'll probably decide in two weeks anyways, but it's always nice to get these things out of the way, less to worry about, and then I can start working on what I want my relationship to become with her (Being friends or dating).


Personally I think it's creepy. When you're that young 2 years makes a big difference and you're going to have completely different outlooks on life, and wants. Big difference in puberty in 2 years also.

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This is a long one.




So i went out with this girl for 5 month's her name is ''W'' We were active and really in love right. but she was jelouse like any other girlfriend. she used/still hates this one girl name ''M'' i guess we flirted i would leave her comments on her myspace how shes pretty etc right. and ''W'' thought i was cheating on her. We ended up having a nasty break up but we were still friends


I tried getting back with her but she needed space beacuse of the whole me lying to her and cheating etc.


She then went out with a dude named ''E'' i hated this guy he was a totally D BAG not beacuse im jelouse or w/e he was a D BAG.

anyway during her supposed relationship with ''E'' we would ''hookup'' and kiss and etc. so basically she cheated on him.

eventually he found out and we had a good old fist fight. Recently they broke up this monday and this whole week me and her have been kissing and you know spending way more time togather we carpool and she told me lets fix our relationship. ''E'' Is trying to get back with her and still acting like there going out but ''w'' wont have any of it and told him i need space.


Im trying to give her space and show her how ive changed acting like a gentlemen and respect her

[she said that i changed alot while she was dating ''e'' and its true] so im trying to show her the guy she fell in love with is back


The thing is i dont know when to ask her out if i do it too soon she say no cuz she barley getting over the guy [ they have like almost a year togather] they were supposibly engaged u know the little fake kind where oh yea were engaged and [cabbage] if i wait to much she might go back to ''E''


I Love this girl there is no doubht about it this is the one and Yea im young w/e but im seriouse shes the one.

yesterday she fainted while we donated blood and she was taken to the hospital and i was like in the waiting room

blood pumping etc concerned about her nothing else matters

and she is my number one priority like shes more important then my own family in short im in love with this chick.


So what do i do?

Two things.


Did you actually cheat on her, or did she just assume you did?


Also, she's already cheated on one boyfriend, and even if she cheated on him with you, then either she cheats easily, or isn't able to admit to herself that she was wrong - basically she's likely to cheat again if you two really aren't "meant" for each other, which I highly doubt. Yes you are young and I definitely think your feelings are being way to thrown out of proportion. First of all, the way you describe these things is very immature, your story reminds me of things that happened in grade 7/8. You need to just calm down about her, give yourself some time to decide whether you're really "in love" with her, or just you think you are.


But if you really want to date this girl, I hope you're still talking to her. Especially if there's this other guy trying to get with her (Regardless of being an ex, that actually makes it worse




Find her in the halls and just straight up ask her if she wants to go to semi with you. Use said friend to find out where she is, and just ask.



I didnt cheat on her she just assumes i did

I talk to her everday and she assures me and to trust her

idk bro i just dont wanna get heart broken again

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Sorry I'm not commenting everyones problem tonight, I have work in the mornin...4 hours and I just finished writing my buddy a 15 page novel on how to handle his relationship better. I apologize to those who are left out of my commenting


Time for me to go back to a fairly often-asked question. I'm beginning to think I grow attached this girl, but the one problem is that she's just over 2 years younger than me - I turn 18 in February, she turns 16 in April. I'm really not sure about whether I'm personally "okay" with that kind of an age gap, mostly because she is younger. So, anyone care to start up the whole age debate, to see if it will help me make up my mind? I'll probably decide in two weeks anyways, but it's always nice to get these things out of the way, less to worry about, and then I can start working on what I want my relationship to become with her (Being friends or dating).


Btw, for anyone who's curious, the age/2+7 rule is not met, and I should mention that I'd be interested in a real relationship with her, not just friends with benefits, we talk for hours at a time, and I probably would be escalating with her, if it wasn't because I'm not sure whether her age bothers me.


[hide=Unnecessary side story]

Really, this is something I would go to my friends for, but this guy that used to be one of our friends ruined it. Long story short he pretty much has dated 14/15 year olds for the past 4 years. We're all almost 18 now, and he's at the point where it's just plain creepy. We haven't been friends with him for the past 3 years now, partly because of that, partly because he's just turned into a very "fake" person.


So yeah, he has what we refer to as his daycare, his collection of friends and girls he's going after, that are all about two years younger than him. Because of this, I'm just keeping my relationship with this girl quiet, not hiding it, but I'm not about to shove it in my friends' faces. Actually, I never do that anyways, I did pretty much the same thing with my last girlfriend; some of my friends were only just finding out we were dating, after we had already been dating for at least a month.


Don't you love it when your problems solve themselves? I'ma just keep on doing as I'm doing. Of course, feel free to give me your opinion on this girl, specifically her age.




tl;dr I'm considering dating a chick two years younger than my 17 year-old self, but not sure. What do?



I'm talking to 2 girls in a serious manner right now. I'm 18. One of them is 15. One of them turned 16 a month ago. It feels weird at first, but honestly age is just a number and between being 17 and 18 the only difference for me is my school hours got screwy-er [highschool to college]. I see it as no big deal. Then theres the (x/2)+7 rule. 18/2=9 9+7=16


You're good.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I think 16 is too young. Age gaps become more acceptable as you get older- like 18 and 20 is fine for instance but 18 and 16, not so much. It's up to you though, not a huge deal.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Thanks for the advice guys. I consider myself a confident person around girls but i just really fell off the dating scene last year (sophomore year). and now being one of the youngest kids in my class i'm often stuck if the activity isn't within running distance from my house (that is my standard of measurement) and no friends offer me a ride. I should be able to manage both situations though. i'll let you guys know how it goes.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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Yea it sucks, almost all of my friends do or will have their driver's licenses soon... and I'll be left out <_<

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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idk bro i just dont wanna get heart broken again


The only way you can really avoid that is to not date anyone.


Yea i know sometimes you just gotta jump.


Today is the day i asked her out when we first started dating


our supposed aniversory should i just ask her today or keep waiting

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idk bro i just dont wanna get heart broken again


The only way you can really avoid that is to not date anyone.


Yea i know sometimes you just gotta jump.


Today is the day i asked her out when we first started dating


our supposed aniversory should i just ask her today or keep waiting


Are you ready for a relationship?



Edit: Well that could have gone much worse..

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so then i started flirting with her more and as some of you know i'm a bit of a rapper so i wrote her a love poem somewhat as a joke and she was speechless after i gave it to her and really blushed when she read it.

Gonna stop you here. That was awww as [bleep].

i really have no problem talking to her and flirting with her but there starts to be a a major problem.


I'm not really afraid to admit it. she's of a higher social standing than i am. she hangs out with the coolest kids. and though i am great friends with some of the "coolest" kids i still don't get invited to every party every weekend. I'm secretly a loner. i have a pretty weak communication network in that i don't find out about the weekends going ons unless directly from two or three of my closest friends.

Not a problem, you'll be introduced to new groups through her.


what hinders me from taking it to the next level are several variables:


please advise me as best you can based on these problems, you may have to read the above.


1. I don't have her phone number and i don't know how she would take to me randomly texting her.. before i text her i really just want to hang out or at least be in the same place outside of school. does that sound pretty normal or should i be more aggressive?

This isn't a problem either, just ask her her phone number and she'll eagerly give it.


2. I don't have my license (80% of my grade does). she's getting her's within a month. which means a small get together with her would be awkward because both of us would have to drag along friends for rides.

You'll figure something out, hang after school or something. Or tell her you want to hang but you don't know when, and figure it out with her.


3. I'm rusty on my texting skills: I haven't "talked" to a girl in a long time. though i am getting an iphone next week i can't say I'm familiar with what teenagers really text about and how to text without exposing too much about myself and my feelings(which kind of ruined a past relationship)

It's the same thing as flirting. Say what you would say in person, simple.


4. I'm not confident with my sense of style around girls. around the guys, i always get commended on my shoes. i kind of blend some preppy elements with sport brands and ski brands. its good for going out or the activities i enjoy the most (skiing, running). the bad part is that i usually just spray on some axe and i'm really insecure about my hair since my life-long stylist is taking a year off. Because my closet isn't full of current fashion i also have a ton of clothes from places that nobody in my school buys clothes from, namely aero and american eagle. Please suggest some brands.

She doesn't care, in my opinion. Not a priority right now.


5. I don't know how to start hanging out with her. this is probably the biggest problem i have. Of course this girl, if i start texting her, will want me to invite her places to hang out. I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. of course there is the generic movies but besides that i got absolutely nothing. what am i going to do? invite her to my friends house when its just a bro-fest? if she invites me to a party or something the fact of the matter is that if none of my friends will invite me i'll seriously have to resort to my parents for a ride.. to a party where there will possibly be booze.

Be the attraction. A girl would rather you walk around and have some funny small talk than go to the movies. Anyone can take a girl to a funny movie. Not everyone can make her laugh.

Do you have advice for me? or am i overthinking this a little bit? please help guide a guy that has just been derailed from the whole dating process.

You're overthinking a lot. Don't worry too much, it really looks like you're in the right direction. I wouldn't say you've been derailed at all...


Problem number two(i'll make it fast):

After i had to find another date for semi, there were some decent girls still left to be taken. one of them ran cross country so naturally i choose her. the only problem is that i don't talk to her. at all. one of her friends came up to me today and asked if i would ask her. i said for sure i would. then i realized I DONT HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH HER AND CROSS COUNTRY IS OVER. how do i go about asking her? i don't want to offend her or act like its a burden but i don't want to be real creepy about it either.

Do you really need a date?



[Edit] Oh word. I got caught up and didn't read the thread, eh? This is all because I awww'd at the beginning. My bad. Oh well I didn't write exactly the same thing.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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416 pages of nerds seeking advice about relationships, tells me I'm hardly alone in this world.


I'm not a nerd!


...nerds are smart...


I prefer geek :B



I had a chance to meet up with my girl that never has time for me tonight, but with my luck i came down with the flu. [bleep] me, right?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I had a chance to meet up with my girl that never has time for me tonight, but with my luck i came down with the flu. [bleep] me, right?

Man, I had this gnarly-ass cold last week. I rubbed my eye because I was tearing up, and right as I pressed it my right nostril sort of "let go". I had no tissues, I was in the bus, with the contents of my nasal cavity running down my face, and my only friend on the spot thinking it was really all very funny.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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How can I tell if I'm using my girlfriend?

Go on...

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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How can I tell if I'm using my girlfriend?


If shes in love with you, you don't give a rats ass about her, but you continue [bleep]ing her anyway....You're using her.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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