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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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I'm shocked you haven't tried to kiss her before...


Do or die dude. Make your move asap!


I know man.. I didn't try to do it before because the last time I told a girl I liked her in that way, she basically started treating me like crap (or she just ignored me), which is worse than a "no". I don't want to go through that again. But yeah, maybe I should just do it. People hate to hear this, but there IS more fish in the sea... :P

Every path you have trod, through wilderness and through war, has led to this road...

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I've been single for...probly close to 2 years now. I haven't so much as touched a girl in...I don't know a month? 2 months?


All my friend's are chasing after girls they are really into, or recently got with the girl they recently fell for.


I'm lonely :/




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PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

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I've been single for...probly close to 2 years now. I haven't so much as touched a girl in...I don't know a month? 2 months?


All my friend's are chasing after girls they are really into, or recently got with the girl they recently fell for.


I'm lonely :/


I hear you. All my friends are getting together with people they're into, or are getting close to it. I can't [bleeping] get over my ex.


Which leads me to this question: How do I meet new people? Because right now my ex and I are really good friends, despite the fact that I still have feelings for her (She doesn't know I do). So I need a way to get over her without cutting off contact with her. Because honestly, talking to her is probably what I look forward to most every day. So I figured meeting someone new might let me get over her without having to stop talking to her.


I just need to find out how to meet someone new.



take it from me buddy, you don't want to be spending excessive amounts of time with your ex if she's not trying to get back together with you. You can still talk to her, but cut back little by little and use the time to meet new people. Being too close to your ex can be a huge issue for yourself, AND anyone else you try to date




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PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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That's the thing. Staying good friends with her and communicating with her is more important to me than getting over her and finding someone else for me. It's created issues for me, but losing her completely would create worse issues.


I guess I can't complain if that's my attitude towards things, but hey. If I can figure out a way to get someone to date and be able to talk to her, I'm happy.


That's putting a serious limit on your options, but it's still possible. I played that game for a long time...Of course...I ended up cheating on the one girl, and then decided relationships are lame eventually leading to where I am now where was talking to a bunch of girls, then hooking up with a few here and there, and now I'm lonely as [cabbage].


Not to say your life parallel's mine in anyway, i'm just saying it could happen




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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So, I just want to get this off my head.

There was a girl recently who I met during the start of the year and got a long really well with, we had some awesome conversations and got dinner together (at my hall of residence not going out anywhere) fairly often. Anyway she was fairly quiet and not as social as me (me being not that social myself) and really didn't do much except for sometimes hang out with her best friend. We were friends for a bit maybe saw her at meals every 2-3 days. Anwyay, during the second semester her best friend left the hall for some reason which I'm not too sure of and this girl I'm talking about ended up sitting alone alot. So for whatever reason I thought it was a good idea to go down to dinner later and sit with her, which she didn't mind as we were fairly good friends and got along really well. Then things went a bit wrong because I liked her quite a bit and then with about 2 weeks till the end of term she started sitting with this other random girl, which is when everything went kind of wrong. So my only guess is this new person didn't like me much or something because I was till turning up later on to get dinner with them. One night it snowed and this girl I liked and I spend hours together building a snowman and had an awesome time until half past 1 in the morning. Then I get lunch with her the next day and don't see her till next week. But the next week she wouldn't talk to me or reply to any texts and acted freaking weird around me whenever I tried to say anything. Anyway she does this the next day as well and the day after I send a text to ask if we could talk to which she just replied with a "no". Anyway I just wait till about a week later and try another text to go down to lunch and she replies with this text saying to stop texting her and stop sitting at dinner with her because it made her 'uncomfortable'. Anyway I thought it was complete bs because only about 3 weeks before she even text me to come to lunch with her and it was even more recent when we had the awesome time in the snow... Anyway then I did the stupidest thing and send some confused as [cabbage] upset/angry message apologizing and asking why she was acting like she was (not a good idea...). She replies with the [cabbage] "don't message me" stuff and then I unfriended her on FB because I told her friends didn't act like that.

Anyway it was the last week of term so a few days later I asked her if she would talk to me in real life because it shouldn't be hard to sort out, but she replied with "there is nothing to talk about". Tried texting her 2 weeks later, no response, then next term started but she's left the hall. then I tried a few days ago (like 1 1/2 months late) no repsonse.


Anyway, she lived in the same hometown as me so maybe I'll run into her sometime. I feel this other friend she met has made her think I'm a terrible person or something which sucks super hard. It sucks because the last time we even talked in real life we had a pretty good conversation. If she could actually get into my head I don't think she would feel this way about me, it just feels she's forgotten everything we ever did and everything I did for her (which is mostly keep her company, and I got her a birthday present...).

I could email her, thugh she may think it's a bit weird that I know her email address (it was on her fb page which I added a long with all my other friends to a contact list, I'm not that weird :P). But I don't know and I don't think I could say what I really need to say though email, because I think the whole problem is she's acted on a huge misunderstanding.


The worst part is I had a chance with 2 other girls during this whole thing - one asked me to a ball and the other my friend tried to hook us up because the other girl thought I was cute. Awesome regrets everywhere!


Anyway - Not a very interesting story but I just need to get it off my head because it has been driving me crazy and my confidence is half shattered lately. Need to go out there and be awesome and get over this stupid stuff. I don't know where or when or if I'll ever meet another cute and quiet girl like her though... Or how haha generally things just happen in my life.

I've just been thking about it a lot because my friend (who's a girl but goes out with one of the best people I know) was saying that I should have a girlfriend because I'm really nice and apparantly I'm cute (possibly not the best compliment for a guy >.<...), and I don't know, it got me thinking I guess.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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*sigh* Women... Can't live with em, can't live without em amirite guise

Dude, your right. :shades:


My roommate thinks one of our girl friends is super hot, and he keeps trying to get me to go out with her. Thing is, I don't find her that attractive. She's pretty, but just not my style, I guess.


She's been saying hi more often to me (we were friends last year and I rarely talked to her), and is talking to me more. I'm really hoping she's not into me, because that'd be the worst thing for me right now: the opportunity to display affection, but not wanting to.


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*sigh* Women... Can't live with em, can't live without em amirite guise

Dude, your right. :shades:


My roommate thinks one of our girl friends is super hot, and he keeps trying to get me to go out with her. Thing is, I don't find her that attractive. She's pretty, but just not my style, I guess.


She's been saying hi more often to me (we were friends last year and I rarely talked to her), and is talking to me more. I'm really hoping she's not into me, because that'd be the worst thing for me right now: the opportunity to display affection, but not wanting to.


What is your style then?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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*sigh* Women... Can't live with em, can't live without em amirite guise

Dude, your right. :shades:


My roommate thinks one of our girl friends is super hot, and he keeps trying to get me to go out with her. Thing is, I don't find her that attractive. She's pretty, but just not my style, I guess.


She's been saying hi more often to me (we were friends last year and I rarely talked to her), and is talking to me more. I'm really hoping she's not into me, because that'd be the worst thing for me right now: the opportunity to display affection, but not wanting to.


What is your style then?


His style is Emma Watson. Only...Emma Watson




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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[bleep] it Doomy, when chicks start acting like that it's not even worth your time. It's not always as easy as it sounds but you just have to move on, the more you pester them, no matter how illogical they are being, the more desperate you seem.



I'd say just get out as much as you can, meet as many people as you can and take any opportunities that you can get :thumbup:

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Often the way to attract a girl is to act the opposite to how you would think you should act.


But if she's acted like that for a month, it's a pretty clear sign she's not interested. Move on.


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*sigh* Women... Can't live with em, can't live without em amirite guise

Dude, your right. :shades:


My roommate thinks one of our girl friends is super hot, and he keeps trying to get me to go out with her. Thing is, I don't find her that attractive. She's pretty, but just not my style, I guess.


She's been saying hi more often to me (we were friends last year and I rarely talked to her), and is talking to me more. I'm really hoping she's not into me, because that'd be the worst thing for me right now: the opportunity to display affection, but not wanting to.


What is your style then?


His style is Emma Watson. Only...Emma Watson

Har har.


If you really want to know, I like thinner girls. This girl is relatively thin, and would obviously be described as hot by many guys. I'm just not attracted enough to her to consider a long relationship with her. I'm just not crazy about some of her features. Nothing wrong with that. :P


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Ok may as well share.


Earlier I said I kind of had a girlfriend, I was seeing this girl heaps but we never made it official. Which is good, cos a while ago we kinda of stopped seeing each other so much, so I pretty much figured things were off.


Anyway I've gotten with a couple of girls since then, neither of them were anything special, as shallow as that sounds. I thought about trying to get back together with the other girl, but didn't bother cos I went out drinking instead.


This weekend I got with this girl who I recognised from some of my classes, we were talking at a bar, then we left with our two groups of friends, but somehow we lost them all. So we ended up hanging all night and having a good time :thumbup:



tl;dr - Teeing up a really cool girl who isn't too bad too look at either.

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incorrect sir! I'm just a sloppy typer tonight.


watch out the second week of November though. Having a 5 day straight house party. Cant wait hahaha




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Pfft 5? American is a 7 day party!~

All that aside I just went through about 10 pages of this topic and I just want to point out that the problem I see is that people infatuate too quickly and have problems moving on.

The second problem is that some people don't seem to realize the difference between love and lust.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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