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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Not necessarily a request for advice, but I learned a valuable lesson: Turn off your ipod/zune/etc. when having sex. The Power Rangers theme song started playing at some point lmao.


Adrenal: It's from xkcd!




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Not necessarily a request for advice, but I learned a valuable lesson: Turn off your ipod/zune/etc. when having sex. The Power Rangers theme song started playing at some point lmao.


Adrenal: It's from xkcd!

Really? I didn't know, I just thought the theme was awesome enough to throw on my ipod, into a playlist called "Music to kick ass to."

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Ok, the whole I'm 15 thing was a bit of sarcasm, and 15 is different than 5. I'm just not gonna try to be friends with him, problem solved, thanks for the help.

I think you should give it a try, if it really doesn't work out then drop it, but you should make a valid effort.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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[Edit] oh, I need to stop double-posting.

[Edit] And I'm too slow. OK I'll stop posting, delete if you wish

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Yeah, I tried. I just apologized to him and we came to an agreement to not be friends, but also not be enemies. I'll just have to deal with it.

#61 Maxim Afinogenov :]

It's ok, I'm a Bills, Sabres, and Mets fan...I'm used to disappointment.



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Yeah, I tried. I just apologized to him and we came to an agreement to not be friends, but also not be enemies. I'll just have to deal with it.

Good, that's better than nothing :)

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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[Edit] oh, I need to stop double-posting.

[Edit] And I'm too slow. OK I'll stop posting, delete if you wish

if you're partner notices what song is playing in the background then you're not doing your job right. just saying :ohnoes:

also you could make a playlist of love songs


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[Edit] oh, I need to stop double-posting.

[Edit] And I'm too slow. OK I'll stop posting, delete if you wish

if you're partner notices what song is playing in the background then you're not doing your job right. just saying :ohnoes:

also you could make a playlist of love songs

What guy would have that :razz:.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Not necessarily a request for advice, but I learned a valuable lesson: Turn off your ipod/zune/etc. when having sex. The Power Rangers theme song started playing at some point lmao.



If the sex is bad she may think it was because of the bad music, not you.

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Could be worse. I guy I know, very ugly and never looks after himself hygiene wise, had a really good looking girl. He left her in bed for 2 hours to play WoW instead of sex then walked out to watch Master Chef. She told me last week "He's the worst boyfriend any woman could ask for"


...yeah I can see why...


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I need some advice concerning this girl I met.


I met this really cute girl and dated her for a few weeks, then the relationship became serious. She eventually confided in me that she was actually male and then lunged at me, grabbed me by the cheeks, and kissed me. At first I resisted, but I gradually began to enjoy it.


Anyway, I'm confused. I have never felt this way toward someone who is technically a male. Does this make me gay? Is it a perverse relationship, or is it something that we should both continue to pursue?


This is like the real life Crying Game...



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I need some advice concerning this girl I met.


I met this really cute girl and dated her for a few weeks, then the relationship became serious. She eventually confided in me that she was actually male and then lunged at me, grabbed me by the cheeks, and kissed me. At first I resisted, but I gradually began to enjoy it.


Anyway, I'm confused. I have never felt this way toward someone who is technically a male. Does this make me gay? Is it a perverse relationship, or is it something that we should both continue to pursue?


This is like the real life Crying Game...

I guess the best thing to do would be to try to continue on with the relationship. If it doesn't feel right after a little while, then call it quits, but if it ends up working out, then definitely stick with it. That's most likely what I would do if I were in a similar situation, but then again I'm far from being an expert on the subject.


Anyway, I hope that everything turns out all right.

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What a [cabbage]y past couple of months...


April 7th, 2010. I get my first girlfriend. She is amazing. Blonde, shoulder-length hair, smart, funny, caring, everything a guy could want. She had just been dumped by a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago, and so I thought I would ask her out. Things go great, I ask her to prom and she says yes. We talk all of the time, every day, hold hands in the halls, see each other whenever we can, etc etc. Prom rolls around, and she looks stunning in her dress. We have a good time, I find out I can sort-of dance, and later that night I sprain my ankle at post-prom. We are forced to leave early, and we go back to my house to wait for her mom to come pick her up. My first kiss is that night.


Fast-forward another week, and it is May 1st. I go to her house for the first time and meet her family, play some games and just generally help out, since her family is renovating their house and live on a farm. I have a great time, and am sad to leave. We have a little make-out session in her barn just before I leave for the night too, so :thumbup:. Little did I know it would be the last time I ever kiss her again. I truly feel that I'm in love with her. Not really so much that I'm thinking about marriage or anything, since she was 15 and I'm 17 and something like that is a long ways away. Sex isn't on either of our minds... (well it was on mine, but that's only because I'm a guy. I would never make her do something she isn't comfortable with.) I truly care about her and would do anything for her.


Fast-forward again two weeks, May 15th. The end of the school year is coming up pretty quickly. I can't wait for summer at this point, since it means we would get to see each other more and do stuff together since I'd have a car and job. That Monday I got my braces off (finally), and was pretty happy for that... then Tuesday happened. I waited for her in my usual spot next to her locker in the morning, but she didn't show up. The bell rings, and I haven't seen her. I don't see her all day, and start worrying (freaking out) that something is wrong. Over the next couple of days I talk to her, and thinking that she has just had a bad week give her one of my mom's necklaces, a gold amulet with a ruby and opal. Eventually I find out through her friend that she wants to break up. I'm devastated, and I finally confront her about it.


May 21st we break up for the first time.


I try for the next week to try and stay together, and eventually we do get back together on May 28th. She said that she wanted to take things slow, and not tell anybody until school ended, since apparently she "lost some friends due to dating." (another kid, who was a friend of hers, liked her and tried to ask her out, but found out she was dating me, and started to hate me lol.) We stay together for a week. I go to her house one more time. It doesn't feel the same...

June 5th. We break up for the second time, with her telling me that when she went to a graduation party for a friend of her's from another school, she saw a guy there that she "had a crush on for a few years.", and that she is afraid she will fall in love with him over the summer because "their families will be seeing each other a lot over the summer." That night we break up, and I'm devastated. But we get back together the next morning (June 6th). Broke up for the third and final time that day. I just plain asked her if she really wanted to stay together, she said no, and I ended it. She asks to still be friends, and I say no. She asks why, and I don't answer. She PROMISES me that she won't date anyone through high school, since both she AND her parents don't think she should be. Remember this for later. I try saving the relationship one more time, but to no avail. I take back the necklace I gave her, which I think really hurt her. The sorrow and emptiness I'm feeling at this point is unimaginable. Things over the years have just sucked, and now this happens.


June 8th. I stab myself due to depression. Everything of my past life was kind of crap to begin with, and then this happened, and just pushed me over the edge. In my room, I tell her that I'm planning on it, with no response, and then I stab myself with a sword I had. (I collect them.) I lie on the floor, realizing over the course of 20 minutes that I'm not going to die from this, and call 911. I get air-lifted to the hospital. I go into surgery, find out I missed any vital organs, and really only cut muscle and a nerve (can't feel half of my crotch lol.) I get out of surgery, and spend a day in a hospital room, before being moved to the child/adolescent ward, where kids who have "problems" go. 5 days of torture there, and I finally come home.


At this point it's June 15th. I really want to talk to her one more time, but I got my phone taken away because of the incident. So I decide to just write her a letter. I pour my heart and soul into it, asking to just talk to her one more time before officially saying goodbye. I mail the letter, and wait for a response. None comes.


I eventually get my phone back on June 21st on the condition that I not text, call or anything to her. I find out that her number was deleted from my phone, and the picture I took of her from prom is gone. I'm pretty saddened by the picture loss, but I get over it soon. I break the rules and text her a few things, try and talk to her on facebook, all of that. No reply.


Over the course of a week I slowly accept that she doesn't want to talk to me. I can't get her out of my head though, so I ask her to just say that we are done, for good. No chance for us in the future. I beg her to say it. No reply. I start to get angry at her for some reason I can't really explain.


Fast-forward to yesterday. July 5th (technically). When we broke up for the last time, I talked to her best friend about us, and kind of told her I thought she was to blame for us breaking up (I blamed my ex's best-friend for us breaking up.) We stop talking, and that morning (at 1:20 a.m. lol) I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about my ex. So I decide to text her best-friend and apologize. Later that morning, around 10, I get up and find that she has texted back. We make up and become friends again.


I find out my ex has another boyfriend. They had been dating since three days after my ex and I broke up. The day I stabbed myself because of her. After everything that had happened, after everything she had said, promised, she lied to me and got another boyfriend. And she doesn't even care that I tried killing myself because of her. I am mad beyond words for reasons I can't even describe. Because she lied to me? Because she lied to her parents? Because she isn't a virgin? Because she fell in love with the guy she broke up with me over... All of those reasons and more I guess... I text her about it, and of course, no reply. I get furious, start sending her meaner and meaner texts. I don't regret it. I call her a [bleep] (because she is... 3 guys in 5 months, and lost her virginity to the last one.), tell her that I am going to tell her parents, that she is a user, all of that kind of stuff. I truly hate her now. And I regret nothing. To me, everything I say to her, everything that happens to her, she deserves. I don't care if she cries, I don't care at all. In all honesty I think they will break up at the end of the summer, for the same reasons she gave me when we broke up. (That they will lose contact with each other over the school year since they go to different schools/she might fall in love with someone else/crap like that.) I almost HOPE she tries to make things right with me, that she asks me out one more time, just so I can see her face when I whisper "no" in her ear.[/hide]


And so here I am. Completely over her, heart broken, still slightly numb in the soul, about to go get Crackdown 2 today. I don't really know why I wrote this. I just wanted to get it out there. I'll be getting a job soon, so hopefully I'll meet someone new. I'm starting to think about joining the military once I graduate. I've always wanted to drive a tank lol...


So yea. Hate on me, call me a jerk for what I did, whatever. I don't really care, you won't change my mind. She is a [bleep] in my book and will always stay that way. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Funny thing is... the stab wound didn't hurt. At all. Not when it went in, not when I pulled it out. I guess it's cause I cut the nerve.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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What a [cabbage]y past couple of months...


April 7th, 2010. I get my first girlfriend. She is amazing. Blonde, shoulder-length hair, smart, funny, caring, everything a guy could want. She had just been dumped by a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago, and so I thought I would ask her out. Things go great, I ask her to prom and she says yes. We talk all of the time, every day, hold hands in the halls, see each other whenever we can, etc etc. Prom rolls around, and she looks stunning in her dress. We have a good time, I find out I can sort-of dance, and later that night I sprain my ankle at post-prom. We are forced to leave early, and we go back to my house to wait for her mom to come pick her up. My first kiss is that night.


Fast-forward another week, and it is May 1st. I go to her house for the first time and meet her family, play some games and just generally help out, since her family is renovating their house and live on a farm. I have a great time, and am sad to leave. We have a little make-out session in her barn just before I leave for the night too, so :thumbup:. Little did I know it would be the last time I ever kiss her again. I truly feel that I'm in love with her. Not really so much that I'm thinking about marriage or anything, since she was 15 and I'm 17 and something like that is a long ways away. Sex isn't on either of our minds... (well it was on mine, but that's only because I'm a guy. I would never make her do something she isn't comfortable with.) I truly care about her and would do anything for her.


Fast-forward again two weeks, May 15th. The end of the school year is coming up pretty quickly. I can't wait for summer at this point, since it means we would get to see each other more and do stuff together since I'd have a car and job. That Monday I got my braces off (finally), and was pretty happy for that... then Tuesday happened. I waited for her in my usual spot next to her locker in the morning, but she didn't show up. The bell rings, and I haven't seen her. I don't see her all day, and start worrying (freaking out) that something is wrong. Over the next couple of days I talk to her, and thinking that she has just had a bad week give her one of my mom's necklaces, a gold amulet with a ruby and opal. Eventually I find out through her friend that she wants to break up. I'm devastated, and I finally confront her about it.


May 21st we break up for the first time.


I try for the next week to try and stay together, and eventually we do get back together on May 28th. She said that she wanted to take things slow, and not tell anybody until school ended, since apparently she "lost some friends due to dating." (another kid, who was a friend of hers, liked her and tried to ask her out, but found out she was dating me, and started to hate me lol.) We stay together for a week. I go to her house one more time. It doesn't feel the same...

June 5th. We break up for the second time, with her telling me that when she went to a graduation party for a friend of her's from another school, she saw a guy there that she "had a crush on for a few years.", and that she is afraid she will fall in love with him over the summer because "their families will be seeing each other a lot over the summer." That night we break up, and I'm devastated. But we get back together the next morning (June 6th). Broke up for the third and final time that day. I just plain asked her if she really wanted to stay together, she said no, and I ended it. She asks to still be friends, and I say no. She asks why, and I don't answer. She PROMISES me that she won't date anyone through high school, since both she AND her parents don't think she should be. Remember this for later. I try saving the relationship one more time, but to no avail. I take back the necklace I gave her, which I think really hurt her. The sorrow and emptiness I'm feeling at this point is unimaginable. Things over the years have just sucked, and now this happens.


June 8th. I stab myself due to depression. Everything of my past life was kind of crap to begin with, and then this happened, and just pushed me over the edge. In my room, I tell her that I'm planning on it, with no response, and then I stab myself with a sword I had. (I collect them.) I lie on the floor, realizing over the course of 20 minutes that I'm not going to die from this, and call 911. I get air-lifted to the hospital. I go into surgery, find out I missed any vital organs, and really only cut muscle and a nerve (can't feel half of my crotch lol.) I get out of surgery, and spend a day in a hospital room, before being moved to the child/adolescent ward, where kids who have "problems" go. 5 days of torture there, and I finally come home.


At this point it's June 15th. I really want to talk to her one more time, but I got my phone taken away because of the incident. So I decide to just write her a letter. I pour my heart and soul into it, asking to just talk to her one more time before officially saying goodbye. I mail the letter, and wait for a response. None comes.


I eventually get my phone back on June 21st on the condition that I not text, call or anything to her. I find out that her number was deleted from my phone, and the picture I took of her from prom is gone. I'm pretty saddened by the picture loss, but I get over it soon. I break the rules and text her a few things, try and talk to her on facebook, all of that. No reply.


Over the course of a week I slowly accept that she doesn't want to talk to me. I can't get her out of my head though, so I ask her to just say that we are done, for good. No chance for us in the future. I beg her to say it. No reply. I start to get angry at her for some reason I can't really explain.


Fast-forward to yesterday. July 5th (technically). When we broke up for the last time, I talked to her best friend about us, and kind of told her I thought she was to blame for us breaking up (I blamed my ex's best-friend for us breaking up.) We stop talking, and that morning (at 1:20 a.m. lol) I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about my ex. So I decide to text her best-friend and apologize. Later that morning, around 10, I get up and find that she has texted back. We make up and become friends again.


I find out my ex has another boyfriend. They had been dating since three days after my ex and I broke up. The day I stabbed myself because of her. After everything that had happened, after everything she had said, promised, she lied to me and got another boyfriend. And she doesn't even care that I tried killing myself because of her. I am mad beyond words for reasons I can't even describe. Because she lied to me? Because she lied to her parents? Because she isn't a virgin? Because she fell in love with the guy she broke up with me over... All of those reasons and more I guess... I text her about it, and of course, no reply. I get furious, start sending her meaner and meaner texts. I don't regret it. I call her a [bleep] (because she is... 3 guys in 5 months, and lost her virginity to the last one.), tell her that I am going to tell her parents, that she is a user, all of that kind of stuff. I truly hate her now. And I regret nothing. To me, everything I say to her, everything that happens to her, she deserves. I don't care if she cries, I don't care at all. In all honesty I think they will break up at the end of the summer, for the same reasons she gave me when we broke up. (That they will lose contact with each other over the school year since they go to different schools/she might fall in love with someone else/crap like that.) I almost HOPE she tries to make things right with me, that she asks me out one more time, just so I can see her face when I whisper "no" in her ear.[/hide]


And so here I am. Completely over her, heart broken, still slightly numb in the soul, about to go get Crackdown 2 today. I don't really know why I wrote this. I just wanted to get it out there. I'll be getting a job soon, so hopefully I'll meet someone new. I'm starting to think about joining the military once I graduate. I've always wanted to drive a tank lol...


So yea. Hate on me, call me a jerk for what I did, whatever. I don't really care, you won't change my mind. She is a [bleep] in my book and will always stay that way. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Funny thing is... the stab wound didn't hurt. At all. Not when it went in, not when I pulled it out. I guess it's cause I cut the nerve.




I've been there more times then the moon has shown its face; It's terrible, damaging, and you begin to live off of the pain as a medicine. Seriously, if you must scream into a pillow until your vocal cords hurt, punch a beanbag/bed mattress, have someone slap you if your desperate, just dont resort to self harm.


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She did nothing wrong to be honest, other than lying to her parents perhaps. I don't think she deserves that kind of treatment.



I feel really sorry for you though, sad story. :-?

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She did nothing wrong to be honest, other than lying to her parents perhaps. I don't think she deserves that kind of treatment.



I feel really sorry for you though, sad story. :-?



If she doesn't like you, fine - she's proven to you she wasn't worth it anyway. You can't beat yourself up over it, you'll find someone else.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I stopped reading when he said sex wasn't on either of their minds. That alone shows that he doesn't know too much about 15-year old girls. Hell, 15-year olds in general. But after that, it isn't hard to figure out what happened.


Move on...

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I have moved on. I'm done with her and her [bleep]y ways. She'll find someone new at the end of summer, and the cycle will repeat itself.


Oh, and I guess I should've clarified on the whole sex thing. I told her one night that I've had dreams about us having sex, but just dreams, and she said that was kind of weird and that she didn't feel "ready" for that kind of thing, not for a while. Then I told her that I wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't feel comfortable with. Guess it was another lie to add to the many thousands she's told me.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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[Edit] oh, I need to stop double-posting.

[Edit] And I'm too slow. OK I'll stop posting, delete if you wish

if you're partner notices what song is playing in the background then you're not doing your job right. just saying :ohnoes:

also you could make a playlist of love songs

What guy would have that :razz:.

frank sinatra never fails


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I have moved on. I'm done with her and her [bleep]y ways. She'll find someone new at the end of summer, and the cycle will repeat itself.


Oh, and I guess I should've clarified on the whole sex thing. I told her one night that I've had dreams about us having sex, but just dreams, and she said that was kind of weird and that she didn't feel "ready" for that kind of thing, not for a while. Then I told her that I wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't feel comfortable with. Guess it was another lie to add to the many thousands she's told me.


I advise you to read what my signature says, and follow that closely with other girls. ;)

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And stop making sex such a big god-damn spectacle. You should definitely not approach it with a girl you barely know unless she approaches it first - even then, it can be a bit of a trap. Particularly if she's very good looking - part of the elimination process. If you're going to approach it, approach it like a man. It isn't a big deal at all, until it's actually happening. Then, you should care.


I get enough of the "WOW [kitty] AWESOME" at my own school.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I have moved on. I'm done with her and her [bleep]y ways. She'll find someone new at the end of summer, and the cycle will repeat itself.


Oh, and I guess I should've clarified on the whole sex thing. I told her one night that I've had dreams about us having sex, but just dreams, and she said that was kind of weird and that she didn't feel "ready" for that kind of thing, not for a while. Then I told her that I wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't feel comfortable with. Guess it was another lie to add to the many thousands she's told me.



No offence, but that is something to be saved for when you are already actively engaging in intercourse. While it's good to be honest, and I bet there are many women out there looking for an honest man, it's also invaluable to be tactful, and couth.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
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sex can be intimate and emotionally valuable but at the same time it's something that people do because it's fun like going to the movies or playing video games. people can have sex just for pleasure, plenty of mature people actively look for this, it doesn't always have to be 'make sure you love each other before you get into something serious.'


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Not the best advice to give a 17 year old that barely understands girls. I know too many guys that don't understand people in general, and are so bitter because everyone else has had more sex than them.


Yes, totally an allusion to that stupid bunny song.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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