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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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It's wrong. There are very few things I apply blanket rules to but no, that is wrong.




I'm not even talking morals here. I'm saying there's not much chance (hardly any) of it actually working. You can't "love" someone after one night out, so it's not really like you can claim that either.

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I'm sure you've felt that way in the past, deloria, but I think you shouldn't be dating her. You can't compare a 25-year-old to a 28-year-old in this situation. 18 and 15 are incredibly different. I believe you've already graduated high school, right? That means she's a freshman or sophomore. She's probably a lot less mature than you. It's just...Wierd.




Think about a 13 year old and a 16 year old. Very different.




Of course, it's always stranger for a younger girl-older guy situation. Probably because girls can be hurt and taken advantage of (not that you would) so much easier.




I just think you shouldn't. It probably will not end well.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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As long as you don't do anything illegal with her. (Don't know the age of consent where you live)




AOC is 16 where I live and I don't plan on trying to get in her pants before then. Last thing I need is the popo on my trail.




It's wrong. There are very few things I apply blanket rules to but no, that is wrong.




I'm not even talking morals here. I'm saying there's not much chance (hardly any) of it actually working. You can't "love" someone after one night out, so it's not really like you can claim that either.




I never once claimed to love her. I said we hit it off as in we got long well and we're going on a date, not falling in love. I doubt this relationship will amount to much, but it'll be fun for the time being.




I'm sure you've felt that way in the past, deloria, but I think you shouldn't be dating her. You can't compare a 25-year-old to a 28-year-old in this situation. 18 and 15 are incredibly different. I believe you've already graduated high school, right? That means she's a freshman or sophomore. She's probably a lot less mature than you. It's just...Wierd.




Think about a 13 year old and a 16 year old. Very different.




Of course, it's always stranger for a younger girl-older guy situation. Probably because girls can be hurt and taken advantage of (not that you would) so much easier.




I just think you shouldn't. It probably will not end well.




I'm actually a high school senior. One of the oldest in my class. She's currently a sophomore. You're right, there is a difference between 18 and 15 year olds. But over the past few weeks I've been cleaning up my act and maybe if nothing else comes of it, I can be a positive influence on her.






Edit: I looked into it and there's an exception to the age of consent (for 14/15 year olds) where I live as long as the partner is less than 4 years older.




Also, I just told my dad about me having a date with a 15 year old. For a minute he was all worried I was going to go to jail, but then he gave it a little thought and basically told me not to get myself in trouble. Lol :P




Edit#2: Didn't feel like making a new post for this. This girl and I aren't even technically a couple yet and I'm already happier with her than with any previous relationship. She actually notices the little things I do, she doesn't want me to pay for her when we go somewhere, she's actually willing to pick what we do (previous gfs always ended up with "i don't care"), and she compliments me (which I'm totally not used to in relationships). Finally, a relationship I can enjoy and have fun with :)

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yo yo=)


I need some help. well more advice.


I have a habbit of quickly putting myself into the "just friend zone" with girls when i meet them. I just met this girl in one of my classes in school who i think is wicked cool and shes showing atleast some interest in me.


How do i avoid going into friend zone with her? what should i specificly not do? Why havent i downloaded fire fox on this computer so i can spell correctly?

Look its rob!

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yo yo=)


I need some help. well more advice.


I have a habbit of quickly putting myself into the "just friend zone" with girls when i meet them. I just met this girl in one of my classes in school who i think is wicked cool and shes showing atleast some interest in me.


How do i avoid going into friend zone with her? what should i specificly not do? Why havent i downloaded fire fox on this computer so i can spell correctly?




1. Keep a little distance between the two of you. Show her you're interested in her.


2. Don't be a super awesome best friend. At least not yet.


3. I don't know, but consider it lol

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Deloria, there's something wrong with it because at this age it's just so [bleep]ing wrong, there's no reasoning I have between it but corruption and games are played so easily with that age gap.




When I was 16 I dated this 20 year old, and boy was it [bleep]ed up. :lol:




My heart has never been the same (and her face has never been the same)


[hide=]Only kidding, my heart was the only thing that was left in ruins[/hide]


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Just curious.. What's everyones' opinions on an 18 year old dating a 15 year old?


I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. When my parents met, my dad was 21 and my mum was 14. They started going out a year later, and they've been married for almost 30 years.


And seeing the post above me, good luck with the relationship. :)


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Always nice to here good things about peoples relationships.




On the age thing the difference between my parents is 5 years.




As long as your ok with it then I dont think it matters but im sure peoples opinions change about the age gaps once you get older for some reason.

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Always nice to here good things about peoples relationships.




On the age thing the difference between my parents is 5 years.




As long as your ok with it then I dont think it matters but im sure peoples opinions change about the age gaps once you get older for some reason.




11 year old-Elementary school, innocent, still a child.


16-High school, driving, mature.




At that age, the difference might as well be 50 years, no one considers that okay.




100-old, mature, old


95-old, mature, old




The opinions should definitely change as age progresses. Some university should do some huge study and make a chart :anxious: .




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Always nice to here good things about peoples relationships.




On the age thing the difference between my parents is 5 years.




As long as your ok with it then I dont think it matters but im sure peoples opinions change about the age gaps once you get older for some reason.




11 year old-Elementary school, innocent, still a child.


16-High school, driving, mature.




At that age, the difference might as well be 50 years, no one considers that okay.




100-old, mature, old


95-old, mature, old




The opinions should definitely change as age progresses. Some university should do some huge study and make a chart :anxious: .


No need, age/2+7 works in most cases.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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yo yo=)


I need some help. well more advice.


I have a habbit of quickly putting myself into the "just friend zone" with girls when i meet them. I just met this girl in one of my classes in school who i think is wicked cool and shes showing atleast some interest in me.


How do i avoid going into friend zone with her? what should i specificly not do? Why havent i downloaded fire fox on this computer so i can spell correctly?




I can help.




Generally that's the problem of creating too much comfort. Now whilst comfort is a good thing, if you make too much of it too early on in a stage you're basically screwed. Keeping a bit distant could help.




Show your interest earlier (as deloriagod said) and this shouldn't happen as much. If it does, you move on. Honestly I don't know if you can try again but don't insist. Just move on.




Keep in mind that there is no full-proof system either. Twice I've been friend zone'd and I have a theory that shy girls are more likely to friend-zone. The first really bothered me because I was all like "what the hell did I do wrong!? How did I screw up?" when in fact the girl was the one being way too insecure about relationships. The second time was probably telegraphing too much interest but I didn't feel as bad because I didn't get as attached to her (and she was very shy). So even if it doesn't work, asking out early on can keep you getting too attached to her (which makes it hurt less if she does reject/friend zone you).




FYI guys I'm not on as much due to college work/parties/whatever.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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I hate asking for help. I truely do. But I just honestly am at loss of my own advice and at my own tears.




Basically, here's what happened. I introduced my girlfriend (We'll call her Jen) to Counterstrike and she enjoyed the game. We've been dating for about 10 months now. She recently started talking to people from Counterstrike outside of the game, which I thought was ok because I talked to people from my clan. Well, she got the hots for one guy. They talked a lot for the past few days and she told me crying, that she had


[hide=Mature Audiences]Sorta like phone sex. They really just masterbated on the phone.[/hide]


Well, for one thing, she said she was sorry. She was crying, which I don't think was a sham. She did for the most of today. I'm really hurt though. I know it's so socially unacceptable for a 15 year old to say he's in love, but I am. And I know she loves me too. I think she just stumbled and wandered a bit. Thing is though, she still kinda likes him.




Well... What should I do? Break up, try to fix it, let he do her own thing?


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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Ah! He's back! Head for the bunkers!

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Ah! He's back! Head for the bunkers!




Are you talking about me?




You're be a huge jerk if you didn't take her back after she said she was sorry to your face and cried about it all day. Besides, you're only 15 and it isn't a serious relationship, forgive her and get on with life.





Thing is though, which I forgot (Will edit now). She still kinda likes him. And I do love her and she loves me. I know nobody can believe it because we're young (Making us inept to having feelings?).


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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Nah, it's just uncommon for us youngsters to truly have love for each other. Your case seems genuine, or at least close to genuine.




Anyways. She sounds like she'd never do it again.




Maybe you could ask her if she wants you to do stuff like that? :?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Nah, it's just uncommon for us youngsters to truly have love for each other. Your case seems genuine, or at least close to genuine.




Anyways. She sounds like she'd never do it again.




Maybe you could ask her if she wants you to do stuff like that? :?




We have. I just don't wanna lose her, but I don't want to get hurt. Ya know what I mean?


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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Nah, it's just uncommon for us youngsters to truly have love for each other. Your case seems genuine, or at least close to genuine.


I doubt you could read that from one post by someone you don't even know, let alone the girl. No offense or anything.




I say nay to the love, yay to the forgive her and whatnot. Just remember, if she does it a second time you're permitted to rape her.





[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Just keep it going. Ask her if she'd be so kind to stop liking this other guy. Or flip a coin, or something.




Or, rule of thumb.




Nah, it's just uncommon for us youngsters to truly have love for each other. Your case seems genuine, or at least close to genuine.


I doubt you could read that from one post by someone you don't even know, let alone the girl. No offense or anything.


I know, but based offa that, it's closer than "me and this girl met yesterday online and we're in love".




And she plays Counterstrike. With him.




How is that not true love, reb.





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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First time posting on here




But ya! On with my questions




I have 2 girls that I really like and would like to ask out. But I am friends with both of them and I don't want to ruin that. Also I cannot choose between the both of them




The first girl is kind of shy, But I really like that from her, she's really smart and has some of the same interests.




The second girl is really funny and cute and is very social. But has some [bleep]y friends (I can deal with that tho)




So what should I do Guys/Girls?

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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