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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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How do you ask a girl out btw?




Depends. I've had girls where we both obviously liked each other so I just asked her straight up to go out with me. Then there's my current gf and we went out on a date or two before she actually asked me to be her boyfriend (though in a general "will you be my boyfriend" way). So either ask her to do some things with you a few times or just hit her straight up with the question ("Will you go out with me/be my girlfriend/[your own variation]").








Also, Ginger thanks for the advice on being open with her. I've been trying this and it seems like we get through little things a lot smoother than before. Today marks 2 months of dating (which is actually my longest relationship haha).

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Anyone know how to tell if a girl likes/hates you?




I like this girl and I'm not even clear on whether she has a boyfriend or not, so I'm at square one...




Talk to her. If she flirts with you, she might like you. If you get a swift kick in the groin and the finger as she walks away, she might hate you. But definitely find out if she has a boyfriend before you start putting the moves on her ;)

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Anyone know how to tell if a girl likes/hates you?




I like this girl and I'm not even clear on whether she has a boyfriend or not, so I'm at square one...




Talk to her. If she flirts with you, she might like you. If you get a swift kick in the groin and the finger as she walks away, she might hate you. But definitely find out if she has a boyfriend before you start putting the moves on her ;)




Call me dumb but I never really understood the whole "flirting" concept. Does going up to a girl and asking "How's the weather" considered flirting? Or must I talk about something that is related to relationships then it's considered flirting.








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^^ I consider flirting as laughing at your jokes (even if they're not funny), looking into your eyes when you speak. And on the [bleep]ty side of course there's always deliberately bending over in front of you. It depends on what she's like.




Right now for my own problem... Technically not my problem but meh...




[hide=]I know this girl who broke up with her boyfriend two months ago and she just won't get over him. They went out for 11 months, which I admit is a long time, but now she has just become obsessed over getting him back, and it's clear that he's taking her for a ride and treating her like [cabbage].




He pretends to be nice to her and gets her hopes up and then drops her again and treats her like [cabbage] again. Yet she carries on being hopeful that he'll take her back again, which he clearly won't.




It just annoys me so much that he's hurting her and she can't see what's going on right in front of her eyes. And it hurts me knowing a friend is getting hurt continously. She doesn't even know i'm posting here on her behalf.




I've tried being nice and supportive with her, i've tried being harsh with her to get her to see the light but she insists that she loves him and can't let go of him. I've suggested a million and one things for her to do but i'm more than certain she hasn't even considered doing them.




And if that wasn't bad enough she's slowly losing all her friends because of her obsessive nature over him. I really don't want to have to fall out with her over this, but it's getting out of hand and I feel like I can't do anything to help her anymore.








Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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Anyone know how to tell if a girl likes/hates you?




I like this girl and I'm not even clear on whether she has a boyfriend or not, so I'm at square one...




Talk to her. If she flirts with you, she might like you. If you get a swift kick in the groin and the finger as she walks away, she might hate you. But definitely find out if she has a boyfriend before you start putting the moves on her ;)




Call me dumb but I never really understood the whole "flirting" concept. Does going up to a girl and asking "How's the weather" considered flirting? Or must I talk about something that is related to relationships then it's considered flirting.




How to flirt






Li Chef, that's a similar problem I had with a friend of mine. You can't change the way your friend feels about her ex, but maybe a chat with him might do some good. Maybe he's unintentionally getting her hopes up because maybe he still has some unresolved feelings for her. If you can't talk some sense into her or get him to back off, then there's really nothing you can do but be there for her when she falls again.

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Really, the only thing that you can do yourself is to stick by her. Even when she's giving you the cold shoulder because of this obsession. If she's gonna get herself this deep into feelings then she needs someone to pull her out the hole she's digging.




Frankly, it's not that uncommon for teenagers to want to delve that deep into feelings. It's part of growing up, being curious about emotions, defining 'love'. Clearly though, she's confused about what it means and it's developed into a feeling that this boy is the 'one'. Either two things will happen:




1) She'll realise this ain't worth it, and it's emotionally illogical to love someone who constantly hurts her that much.


2) He'll leave her for good.




Until she snaps out of Romeo and Juliet mode, you just have to stick by her and make sure she's not ruining her social life beyond repair over this.

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Anyone know how to tell if a girl likes/hates you?




I like this girl and I'm not even clear on whether she has a boyfriend or not, so I'm at square one...


Is it really that hard to bring it up in conversation? The second point, anyways.

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Is it really that hard to bring it up in conversation?


For me, it is EXTREMELY hard to start a conversation. -.-


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

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Is it really that hard to bring it up in conversation?


For me, it is EXTREMELY hard to start a conversation. -.-




I have the same problem. I don't mean exclusively with girls, even with my close friends I can never think of a single thing to say.




That was happening a lot to me last year, with my close friends, but now it doesnt happen much anymore, wish I actually knew why so I could try and help.



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Is it really that hard to bring it up in conversation?


For me, it is EXTREMELY hard to start a conversation. -.-




I have the same problem. I don't mean exclusively with girls, even with my close friends I can never think of a single thing to say.




When you do talk, what do you like to talk about? Also, reading the newspaper (or online equivalent) every couple of days can give you some good conversation starters starting with, "Did you hear about..."

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Is it really that hard to bring it up in conversation?


For me, it is EXTREMELY hard to start a conversation. -.-




I have the same problem. I don't mean exclusively with girls, even with my close friends I can never think of a single thing to say.




When you do talk, what do you like to talk about? Also, reading the newspaper (or online equivalent) every couple of days can give you some good conversation starters starting with, "Did you hear about..."


I talk about scientific theories, the LHC and Apple shares.




God, now I see why I don't have a girlfriend.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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I hear a lot of racist comments here on tipit. I have been going out with my Indian girlfriend for 3 years and she makes me happy. this is relationship advice, what are your thoughts in interacial relationships? she has already had some issues with her family and her seeing a white guy.






She's hot.




What I mean is... I think we're way past the age for racism. If she's okay with it, and you're okay with it, what anyone else says shouldn't matter a single bit.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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I hear a lot of racist comments here on tipit. I have been going out with my Indian girlfriend for 3 years and she makes me happy. this is relationship advice, what are your thoughts in interacial relationships? she has already had some issues with her family and her seeing a white guy.





I think the racist comments around here are more or less for comedy than serious racism. As far as interracial relationships, I think it's good to see people of different races coming together rather than trying to stay separated.

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Ok here is the problem.




Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up soon, and you probably know that girls ask guys. I'm a sophomore also. There is this junior named Kendra who likes me a lot, but I don't really like her back. She is a little weird lol. She texts me a lot and stuff like that, and she just texted me and asked me to sadies with her. I don't want to go with her, I am waiting for someone else, Maria, to ask me so I can go with her. I know she is gonna ask me I just don't know when. I want to say no to Kendra, but I don't want to be an [wagon]. Any ideas?




Thanks :)


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Ok here is the problem.




Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up soon, and you probably know that girls ask guys. I'm a sophomore also. There is this junior named Kendra who likes me a lot, but I don't really like her back. She is a little weird lol. She texts me a lot and stuff like that, and she just texted me and asked me to sadies with her. I don't want to go with her, I am waiting for someone else, Maria, to ask me so I can go with her. I know she is gonna ask me I just don't know when. I want to say no to Kendra, but I don't want to be an [wagon]. Any ideas?




Thanks :)


Don't text her back yet, and claim you didn't get it if you need. Hang out with maria, and give her opportunities to ask. Try to avoid kendra as much as you can until maria ask you, since your in different grades it shouldn't be hard, but don't make it obvious.



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Ok here is the problem.




Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up soon, and you probably know that girls ask guys. I'm a sophomore also. There is this junior named Kendra who likes me a lot, but I don't really like her back. She is a little weird lol. She texts me a lot and stuff like that, and she just texted me and asked me to sadies with her. I don't want to go with her, I am waiting for someone else, Maria, to ask me so I can go with her. I know she is gonna ask me I just don't know when. I want to say no to Kendra, but I don't want to be an [wagon]. Any ideas?




Thanks :)




Say "you idiot, texting is the worst way to ask someone out, ever."

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