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What would it take for you to quit RS?


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last year mid march i finally achieved one of my high goals




these were:


99 firemaking


99 mage


99 crafting


and to own a purple partyhat.




after playing for 3 years i finally acheived these goals, i myself thought i was the greatest player runescape had ever seen haha (joke) but non the less i was very happy with my account, the amazing group of freinds i had accumulated.




on june 4th last year this account was banned. i had accumulated 8 black marks from when i was combat 20-30ish, at being 114 combat at the time, i had wizened up to most rules. no offences for around 2 1/2 years. after being banned for real world trading in which a player reported me for dropping goods to my brother as we only have one computer between us, i quit. for around a month.


disheartened and let down by jagex i pursued other ways to solve my boredom between shifts at work and at the weekends. eventually i came back and made the account i have now. the sole purpose of it being to pk.


i was as well known as i could have been without posting vids on youtube, pking with the likes of tzhaar own and v control v. i was happy again, i hunted down most of my old freinds, goodbye and goodluck to those i didnt, i cherish the good times we had.




so as a closing thought...nothing will make me fully quit.




GF jagex (you tried)

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last year mid march i finally achieved one of my high goals




these were:


99 firemaking


99 mage


99 crafting


and to own a purple partyhat.




after playing for 3 years i finally acheived these goals, i myself thought i was the greatest player runescape had ever seen haha (joke) but non the less i was very happy with my account, the amazing group of freinds i had accumulated.




on june 4th last year this account was banned. i had accumulated 8 black marks from when i was combat 20-30ish, at being 114 combat at the time, i had wizened up to most rules. no offences for around 2 1/2 years. after being banned for real world trading in which a player reported me for dropping goods to my brother as we only have one computer between us, i quit. for around a month.


disheartened and let down by jagex i pursued other ways to solve my boredom between shifts at work and at the weekends. eventually i came back and made the account i have now. the sole purpose of it being to pk.


i was as well known as i could have been without posting vids on youtube, pking with the likes of tzhaar own and v control v. i was happy again, i hunted down most of my old freinds, goodbye and goodluck to those i didnt, i cherish the good times we had.




so as a closing thought...nothing will make me fully quit.




GF jagex (you tried)

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"eigen schuld dikke bult!" as we dutchies say


well....good bye!


Eigen schuld, dikke bult = you've made your bed, now you must lie




Why dident you post on this on the "what it would take to make you quit" thread :shame:

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Hmmmm.... This is difficult.... Well, I've quit for over a year before, but I always go back. I guess the only way I could quit is either if a better, more enjoyable game came along, or if Runescape was totally destroyed. The addictive qualitives Runescape keep me going, like my goals, and the feeling that I have accomplished something in like, all of my work payed off. But that's all I could quit for. (Wow, getting something done in Runescape is an accomplishment for me lol)

"I walked into a McDonald's the other day, went up to the counter and said, 'I'd like some fries'. Then the lady at the register said, ' Would you like some fries with that?'" - Jay Leno

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ElvenPro, i moved your response here, instead of it having a thread of its own. You must've clicked new topic instead of reply. ::'

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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Getting enough money to afford games on the DS or the Wii which actually require more than one iota of personal skill.




Seriously, it isn't hard to play RS. I was thinking the other day, "What do achievements say about a person?", and the answer was "nothing". You don't even need patience. 99 Cooking can be done bit by bit over years.




When you break achievements down, all they are is a measure of either:




A) How lucky a person got with drops; or


B) How much time they've spent online/how many times they've clicked their mouse.




I could train a monkey to sit at a computer all day clicking things.




I want something that tests and challenges me. RS just doesn't do that.

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Lack of anything to do for me. I left the game about a month ago since i literally have nothing to do anymore. All my skills are at a useful level, i have all the money and items i could want, i've killed every boss in the game solo and in a team and i have 8 skillcapes under my belt. Nothing will replace my slayer cape so i dont see the need in training another skill to 99 just for the cape.




PvP was the only thing really keeping me in the game, but it's quite lacking at the moment. These 3 new games coming this year will possibly tempt me back, i'll certainly resub to try them out. I realised it was time to leave rs when for about 3 days in a row i'd log in, look at my bank for 5 minutes, realise i had nothing to do and log out lol.




I think all the recent updates have a lot to do with me leaving too, not that they're terrible updates, it's just the game is so different now to the game i fell in love with. I liked the old shoddyness of the graphics, and things like world 2 fally, w22 duel arena, w18 edge etc and i think without them, a lot of the character of the game is gone. Also, ever since the graphics update, the interfaces seem clumbsy and unresponsive.. small niggle i know and it might be down to my computer, but the bank especially really annoys me. It seems to take forever to recognise clicks and doesnt seem as intuitive as the old one.



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I'm a summer warrior. I can say that I haven't played in a long time but to really say that I quit? Well, I suppose school, work, and volunteering and whatnot drives me off the game for only 9-11 months per year but never all 12 months. I'd probably have to have my main permabanned to quit. No wait, I'd just come back under an even more ridiculous game-based name, most likely Raw Cowhide.

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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There are pretty much two things that would make me quit:


1) Literally nothing new for me to do or anything that was fun


2) Rl responsibilities are too often for me to play




I have goals, so neither of these reasons should happen anytime soon. I might quit around the time Jagex focuses more on mechscape, but that's only if they don't come up any more updates except fixing bugs and whatnot.

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If i were to be banned.


I would not make a new account, because it would too boring. And i've already experienced the best period in RS, which was RSC.


Atm, i'm not playing more than maybe 3-5h a week. I'm really bored at grinding, and crappy slayer tasks all the time that needs to be nerfed.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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