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So I just got a Twitter...


Not exactly sure what I'm doing.

Follow us.


Considering I have friends following me that have no idea I still visit a Runescape-based forum, probably not the best idea.


You guys are my dirty little secret.

Just say you go to the real-life section and avoid the actual RS section. :thumbup:


That's what I do anyway...

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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So I just got a Twitter...


Not exactly sure what I'm doing.

Follow us.


Considering I have friends following me that have no idea I still visit a Runescape-based forum, probably not the best idea.


You guys are my dirty little secret.

Just say you go to the real-life section and avoid the actual RS section. :thumbup:


That's what I do anyway...


Then comes the "You ACTAULLY used to play Runescape?" question.


But yeah, I'm following the Tip.it Crew one now, even though nothing really gets tweeted on it anymore.


I think following the Stellar Dawn one would be a little much. More because I probably won't play than anything. Still love you though Bows. <3:


And of course I love you guys. <3: :lol:


Anyways, I'm sitting here waiting for my girlfriend to finish up practice before we figure out what we're gonna do tonight. Probably not much because of last weekend's horrific ending. Also, it's her roommate's friend's birthday, so their friends will be getting extremely wasted tonight and tomorrow night. We'll probably end up having to take care of them. *sigh* When do I get MY weekend to party?




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Whoa. Stop everything. Bows is back. Also today was a half day. Which is good because I was seriously not going to control myself to not punch someone in the face through the whole school day.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I hung out with some friends and we got some Subway. Hung out and drank Cola, then we proceeded to film our PSA commercial about alcohol for our Info Tech class.

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Whoa. Stop everything. Bows is back. Also today was a half day. Which is good because I was seriously not going to control myself to not punch someone in the face through the whole school day.


Why were you going to punch someone? STORY TIME!


Anyways, I may just get up and walk out of my science class on Monday.


The class is one of the worst for people being unable to SHUT. THE HELL. UP. For five seconds of their lives, and the teacher is threatening to overhaul the entire lesson plan if they don't stop. It's boring now, but he at least tries to keep it hands on. If they continue to talk constantly, it will all be done from a textbook. Previous threats have been made leading up to it, and I know for a fact that they will not stop. I'm not convinced they can.


So I'm talking to the few people that actually keep their mouths shut when they have to, and we're going to have a walk-out if the teacher follows through on his threats (and this class will give him every reason to). We will not be punished because of the stupidity of others.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Whoa. Stop everything. Bows is back. Also today was a half day. Which is good because I was seriously not going to control myself to not punch someone in the face through the whole school day.


Why were you going to punch someone? STORY TIME!



[hide=It all started out this morning...] They dont pay me enough to tell you kids stories, GO FIND YOUR OWN DAMN STORY! *Waves cane* OW MY BACK! But in all seriousness, I was just in a really [cabbage]ty mood all day, despite it being a half day. I was pretty much an angry dome all day, till the afternoon.




"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Just went for a swim, Im convincing after my sisters baby shower, my parents let me convert the off-side rumpas room into my own bedroom so If im late home or w/e I can just go round the back instead of treaking thru the house and waking everyone up. (and personal reasons)




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So my girlfriend decides to go home for the night - probably because of all the craziness that is happening in her dorm as I type this. It's 11:20PM and someone's already gotten sick and I'm pretty sure there's some business going on in another room.


I don't blame her for going home, but it really messed up my plans for the night. I took one shot with them for the girl's birthday and went back to my room.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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@Diesel, Talk about mood killers, some of my friends get out of control in less then an hour and totally ruin it. (eg: my recent camping trip)


Going out to see The Green Hornet tonight, it'll be nice to hang with a mate away from home for a few hours.


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I am also one to keep my attendance here my own little secret. Not a soul I've encountered knows I post here.


Today I had Corona for the first time. It was "eh"


Shoulda swiped a lime...




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I am also one to keep my attendance here my own little secret. Not a soul I've encountered knows I post here.


Today I had Corona for the first time. It was "eh"


Shoulda swiped a lime...

Mexican beers are 'lol' if you understand. ;)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Had an awesome day. Just wrote a [cabbage] ton about it and then realized that there's no reason to detail everything I did. But the highlights are: girlfriend, mall, seeing my buddy insanely stoned, Wendy's, hockey game, movie, bringing the girlfriend home at 1, getting home at close to 3.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I haven't been giving you guys enough attention lately. :unsure:


Mum came home right when I was getting to the good part... uuuurgh. I'd say that I need my own place but meh, [cabbage] happens. Now I'm going off drinking cause I have Fridays off :thumbsup:

Just be glad you get the house to yourself sometimes. Thanks to my Mom, sister and her BF, I dont get an once of freedom until I move out. (Espec with a baby due in 5 weeks)

There's always someone at this house too. Since mum works at home it means she's almost always here. Some friends of mine actually have parents who don't consider that kind of behaviour a one-way ticket to eternal hell fire. They even make sure to get permission to enter and don't ask questions. I suspect my mum has issues about me kissing and cuddling with my gf on the lounge.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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So I've been having trouble with my weight lately. I started college weighing around 185 lbs, by Christmas break I was down to 175 lbs, and I just weighed myself today at 165. That's 20 lbs lost so far through the school year.


I haven't been working out, I eat 3-4 meals a day depending on if I go to Subway at night, and the other meals aren't too much smaller than the ones I would have eaten at home; I still eat until I'm full.


I have a doctor's appointment for later this week. Possibly going to get some bloodwork done. I don't know what's going on...




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Got accepted to my backup school today. Only 6 days after I applied. I'm hoping my first choice accepts me or even my second choice even though it's much more expensive.



Didn't see my girlfriend today, which was particularly hard after last night (which was really this morning).

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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For a second, I thought you meant Fahrenheit. I was like, "You're pretty BA to be swimming in freezing weather."


Then I realized that you meant Celsius, and it was less cool.


Spent most of today playing minecraft and guitar. Went out to eat as our fridge is broke down. Yeah, it's an exciting life.


But then again, it's Saturday. And I haven't had a free Saturday for 3 weeks. So idgaf. :D

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Was out on on the town tonight earlier with some friends. Had a spot of bother with some drunk as [bleep] arseholes which ended with the police getting involved but nothing major.

Going through to visit my sister tomorrow which should be pretty good. Been a while since I've seen her.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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My best friend's girlfriend of 2 years dumps him in a text message today.


what a [bleep].



much drinking and jailbait diving is about to occur.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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