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My hat is in Massachusetts and has been delayed, again, because of the snow.


It's a freaking Ushanka. The thing probably just said "Man, [bleep] that [cabbage]" and started walking.

Then it'll crash through my bedroom window while doing the Spetnaz hatchet back flip attack on a ninja hiding in the shadows of my bedroom.

We'll be bros for life. :thumbup:

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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i'm the only one in off topic old enough to buy a beer? Nice


I was old enough to buy beer at 15.


But if you mean legally, alcohol becomes legal to buy at 18 here :thumbup:.

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ive been friend-zoned today

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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ive been friend-zoned today


lift weights and hook up with all her friends.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I just started an awesome new job. Overpaid, underworked, rostered days off every fortnight, 10 minute drive to work, best training in the southern hemisphere and future employers know it, everything paid for and I can request equipment, tools, car expenses etc, and I can get paid to do further study/licences of my choice often if they aren't even relevant to the job.


Had a 2 day induction and was congratulated about 10 times by different people because it's so damn competitive.

i'm the only one in off topic old enough to buy a bear? Nice


fixed, and no.

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I can now rebuild the wall :D


This is good.




Well, today was Wednesday, and that is pointless. Waste of a day at my school. But when I got home, I finished up my Bio assignment. Might add a little more to it tomorrow (due Friday) and it shall be good.




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6'0, 190. Yeah, I'm huge.


(It's muscle)

~5'11", 210. I'm huge, too.


(It's not muscle)


Also, in response to the age thing, I have been able to buy beer for over 3 years now. I still haven't, though.


And last night my line didn't run, so they made me dump pails of peanut butter into a vat for about 3 hours, then check sundae cup labels to make sure they're right/there.

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You know what I've never done in my life? Stay up most of the night/early morning, with the lights on and not have to creep about or be quiet. Or lightly step down the stairs and slowly shutting doors when I want a midnight snack.


That would be soooo relaxing and stress free. I long for that.


Don't like this household very much. I got told off for going to the bathroom at night. It was the bathroom! Should I just wet the bed instead?



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@star: college? Could be worse...lol. My fiance is from this reallly strict family. Apparently on her first night of university, her parents gave the security strict orders to make sure she wasn't out partying....

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Where are you from, out of curiosity? My school calls it a form too, never heard of another school calling it that.


I'm from England :thumbup:


Today, I've had a sore throat which sucks as I think I'm getting a cold. :thumbdown: But to be honest though, the last time I was ill was when I had Swine Flu and that was back in 2009.


Apart from that, my new wireless keyboard and mouse arrived! :smile: So far, it's great. Much better than my previous keyboard and mouse (when I'm typing, the keys don't make a lot of noise).

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Had a pretty awful day. And I realize I hate Macs.


My group had made a PSA for alcohol, which we worked hard on, and guess what? The format we used DOES NOT WORK WITH FREAKING IMOVIE EVEN THOUGH WE MADE SURE IT WORKED WITH QUICKTIME (sorry for caps). So, my friend took it home and edited it on his PC. He stayed up till 4 AM trying to get it to work correctly on Macs. He never succeeded.


So, basically, we failed the project. My teacher has a "no excuse" policy, so yeah, I have a D for the quarter, and I've never had a grade under a C.


God, I hate how my teacher INSISTS that her Macs are perfect, even though she spent $2,000 on them and they only have i3s.


This is the second time Mac has screwed us over. The first time we almost flunked because the video wouldn't work with Mac.


I hate how Mac is the herbivore in the pack of omnivores. It's SO picky on what file formats it takes. If my teacher had a class full of PCs, we would have no problems whatsoever.


And my teacher is no help either. The first project we made, she just said, "Oh, well figure it out yourself or you flunk".



It just irritates me to no end.


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A native quicktime format should work with mac's considering mac's use quicktime as their default video player.



Yeah I hate mac's but pretty much he [bleep]ed up. Also instead of staying up til 4AM dude could have just burned a DVD and just used that.



Had no class today. Probably have it tomorrow though as we didn't get the brunt of the snow that was supposed to come.

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The reason for the ban was "trolling."

God I hate the meaning of that word now. It's thrown around way too often now, on everywhere across the Internet.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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sup g


yay your back :D



unreated: Today I learned that if I get an 100% on all future assignments in Lit102 this semester, I could get a B- at best.


I have a straight 0 at the moment.






Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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