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Manga/Anime Discussion


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Just finished watch Blood+ yesterday. It is aweeeeeesome.


The movie, Blood: The Last Vampire, has nothing to do with the actual anime does it? Is it worth watching anyone?


Also, Fairy Tail DDDD: Lisanna



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Jumping back and forth between the Rurouni Kenshin anime and Trigun. Trigun is pretty awesome, and so is the Kenshin anime, minus the voice actors, most of whom I don't feel fit the characters.

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Reading The Legend of Koizumi.


[hide= spoilers]Because The Pope, Vladimir Putin, Bush father & junior, the Japanese Prime Minister and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, all of them playing Mahjong against Hitler and his Nazis who have built an army in the moon is just too awesome.[/hide]


And I heard it's getting an Anime adaptation soon.

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[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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I grew facial hair while watching this epic promo video for Hokuto Musou.




Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Started reading Berserk. Pretty awesome.


I attempted to read it, but when it got to the main characters childhood it went on forever and I got bored.


Finished watching Trigun. It was pretty good, but I don't know why it places so high on a lot of people's favorite anime lists. The ending just sucked, the last episodes got kind of boring and not as exciting as the beginning.

Anime's I need to watch:


Cowboy Bebop

Tenchi Muyo

Big O

Ghost in the Shell

Trinity Blood


After those I'll find some others.

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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.


I've been watching old anime again now, I've started watching Yatterman.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.


I've been watching old anime again now, I've started watching Yatterman.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom got to you too huh?


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.


I've been watching old anime again now, I've started watching Yatterman.

Well give the D.N.Angel manga a chance. I love the manga but can't stand the anime.

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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.


I've been watching old anime again now, I've started watching Yatterman.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom got to you too huh?

Well I already watched G-force (Gatchaman) before the game, only ones that interested me were Yatterman. Then I figured out they remade it in 2008, time to look for the 2008 remakes!

Ippatsuman and Casshan don't really catch my eye that much.

I've also started Vocaloids, and I need to finish reading Claymore.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.

'Oh no, this anime is popular so I must simply be unique and hate it!'





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Best anime I watched for me was Death Note and D.N. Angel also Fairy Tail (only watched 7 eps tho :P )

Those are the "masses" animes, to common hence in my mind I think they are too stupid.

'Oh no, this anime is popular so I must simply be unique and hate it!'



I just don't like anime that has alot of those little chibi moments or those frustration crosses (#) or water marks, like Katekyo is a good example. The cover looks good, but after the first chapter I was like "Umm this is really stupid...."

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I'm finally done watching Hokuto no Ken. I've never shed so many manly tears in my life. It definitely kicks Gurren Lagann's [wagon] in terms of manliness.


And now for some epic sadness music fit for a man:




Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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http://preview.[Censored for time being].com/abespeaksout ([Censored for time being] because of censor)


I've always been a big fan of ABe, but I respect him a lot, lot more now. I wish someone would speak out like this in the UK; not so much about the subject matter contained here, but about the general state of affairs and if we want to live with things being banned (and surveillance) because people "don't agree with" them. It is a typically Japanese view on freedom of speech; it has its flaws, but nonetheless I still respect him a great deal for saying something.


Not directly related to anime or manga, but still.


I finished Manabi Straight. It is truly a masterpiece. I didn't really expect it to turn out like it did (I was expecting something like Lucky Star or Hidamari Sketch) so it even surprised me. Beautiful characters, beautiful setting, beautiful story, beautiful music, beautiful message. I cried girl tears over it and I'm not ashamed.

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I just don't like anime that has alot of those little chibi moments or those frustration crosses (#) or water marks, like Katekyo is a good example. The cover looks good, but after the first chapter I was like "Umm this is really stupid...."

Oh, I see where you're coming from.


I don't think Death Note falls in that category. It's utterly serious. (Granted I've only watch 2/3 of it.)



On another note:

I have yet to down load Touhou: Double Spoiler. I've been neglecting my toehoez.



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Death Note takes itself far too seriously for my liking. I generally like more light-hearted anime, mostly because I can wind myself down and relax with it; but something with a lot of drama can be just as good fun to watch. Also, those sort of slice of life shows that are in a similar vein to Manabi Straight and Aria; stuff that really fills you with a sense of well-being.


Also, I still have this lingering association that Death Note is watched and read by fourteen year old girls that are "obsessed" with "Japan" - there was someone like this in my high school class. She would dress up in Gothic Lolita or visual kei fashion outside of school and call things "kawaii" or "sugoi." Pretty much a walking stereotype. I bet she has grown out of it now.


I've been rewatching Hidamari Sketch. I would say it is my favourite anime, perhaps. It's a close contest between Hidamari, Aria and Manabi Straight. No series can really make me feel as relaxed and happy as Hidamari; I had really forgotten how wonderful I had found it, and I still have the latest season to watch.



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My Top Favorite Anime.


1. Rurouni Kenshin

2. Fushigi Yuugi

3. Yu Yu Hakusho

4. Naruto Shippuden

5. Bleach


My Favorite Anime Song is Yu Yu Hakusho Opening Theme: ''Matsuko Mawatari - Hohoemi no Bakudan"


2002 - 2003 RuneScape Classic Clans: Wild Dawgs (WD). Court of Dragons (CoD). BlacKnights (BK). Black Dragon Knights (BDK).

2009 - 2010 RuneScape 2 Clan/Team: Hardly Dead (HD). Ex-Team Silent Ember (SE).

~ Hmong Pride ~

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So what spring anime are people watching?


Definitely watching Angel Beats, Black Rock Shooter, K-On!! (s2) and Arakawa Under the Bridge. Going to check out Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o [cabbage]teiru and possibly Working!! if I want some Moe fix - though that'll probably be covered by K-On.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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