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What do you do on airplane trips?


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I don't go on vacations by airplane often, so I'm curious what people do to pass the endless hours. What do you do, what do you bring with you? Need some help brainstorming ideas. Things I can think of include:




  • Sleep: Obvious one, but I don't think I can sleep at 1 PM. Also, how the heck can you sleep on those chairs?
    Eating: If there is nothing better to do, then just request some Ramen, even though that will only kill several minutes.
    Plane movies: Some airlines show movies on their rides, but it sucks if you already seen it.
    Listening to music: I think most of my plane ride will encompass this, but I'm going to assume my iPod won't survive long enough for the entire trip.
    Reading: I'll bring a book to pass the time, but reading the entire time isn't my thing.
    Games: Bringing a DS or PSP will help, but then it becomes dead weight since if you are going overseas, the outlets won't support the charger, and if you do, they provide a different number of Watts which may fry the system.




I'm interested to see what other people do during these tedious trips, and how you deal with the boredom. :wall:

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Um well I've only been on an airplane once. I was like 6 then. Anyway we went through a storm and there was a lot of turbulence. I was asleep the entire time, but my Dad freaked out and spilled Coca-Cola all over me. That's all I really remember though.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Take a book. Last year I finished all of my summer reading on the plane trips for vacation. And then left The Red Badge of Courage on the plane. Good riddance, I say.




Wish I had known I had reading to do this year back when I took a 30-hour round-trip car ride. Instead I read WoT and played Pokemon :lol:


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Well, I spent 18 hours on a plane a few days ago...What I did...


-Read. I had a bit of Wizard's First Rule left, and I had Stone of Tears with me too. Both are extremely long books.


-Eat. Don't know what airline you're taking, but on the Taipei -> SF plane, they gave us two meals and some instant noodles. And plenty of drinks. Of course, that meant I had to pee.


-Listen to music. I have a MP3, but barely any songs. Still, on the plane, they have a radio, with like 20 stations. Not the typical stations you get on the ground, but some random ones. I listened to the New Age stuff, in hope they would play May it Be or whatever Enya sang for the Lord of the Rings. (Though they ended up repeating the same songs over and over)


-I don't have a DS or PSP, but I saw quite a few people playing on them. Not just kids...I mean, it was a plane out of Taiwan.


-Study math. I doubt you're going to do this. But I have a math test on August 28 (Prior to the start of the school year), and I really need to study. Why not pass some time, while preparing? Killed two birds with one shot.


-Talk. If you're traveling alone, oh well. But I was with my sister and mom. Our conversations weren't too interesting (We do live together...), but passed a bit of time.


-Watch the map thing on the TV. The movies they had either sucked or didn't interest me. Mainly both. But I'm fascinated by maps and math, so watching the map, as well as the statistics they put up, was somewhat fun. (Okay, not really)




I think that was it. Not much to do. But for the record, I had my laptop with me, and a few hours of battery left on it. Sure, no internet, but I could've played some Civilization IV or Solitaire if I wanted to.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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In the one airplane trip I've been on, I simply looked at the scenery. At first I was concentrating all my energy on being deathly afraid, but then I realized that was silly, and stared out the window the rest of the trip.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I try to get the window seat lawl ::' I once took a photograph as we were coming back to NZ, dunno which island it was but it looked kewl and the photo came out perfect \'




Other than that I try to get a portable movie thingy (if they don't provide the movie service already) but even then I usually watch most of the movie and there's like 30 minutes remaining and we're nearly landing so I have to fastforward it and miss out all the words so I don't really understand how it ends lol - happened to me with the number 23? movie with jim carey in it

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Join the mile high club.


...at 37,000 feet?








Since I am tired of most of my posts in /ot/ being edited, I won't post what I was going to post. (wait, did I just use 4chan thing?)Hi 1337 mods!




I like to go into the bathroom......alone...and....watch.....youtube on my laptop.




I like to sit in the cockpit with the pilot and talk with them. ( I have an intrest in flying)


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Join the mile high club.


...at 37,000 feet?








Since I am tired of most of my posts in /ot/ being edited, I won't post what I was going to post. (wait, did I just use 4chan thing?)Hi 1337 mods!




I like to go into the bathroom......alone...and....watch.....youtube on my laptop.




I like to sit in the cockpit with the pilot and talk with them. ( I have an intrest in flying)




are you allowed to do either of those on a plane? O.0

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Join the mile high club.


...at 37,000 feet?








Since I am tired of most of my posts in /ot/ being edited, I won't post what I was going to post. (wait, did I just use 4chan thing?)Hi 1337 mods!




I like to go into the bathroom......alone...and....watch.....youtube on my laptop.




I like to sit in the cockpit with the pilot and talk with them. ( I have an intrest in flying)




are you allowed to do either of those on a plane? O.0




I've been on a flight where I knew the co-pilot. Apparently one of the stewardesses was close to getting her pilot license thing so the captain went against rules and let her cover for the guy while he came back and hung out with me and my friends (unnoficial school field trip to New York).

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I've been on a flight where I knew the co-pilot. Apparently one of the stewardesses was close to getting her pilot license thing so the captain went against rules and let her cover for the guy while he came back and hung out with me and my friends (unnoficial school field trip to New York).




Why would the Captain risk his license and career like that?


Seems pretty stupid to me.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Write for my book.


Read,if I have a DragonLance with me.


Play the in-flight thing.SIA is ftw with that.


And poker with family members/passengers seated near enough.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Pray nothing happens.




Not from terrorists hijacking, but anything. Gah I hate heights and being on a plane is no exception. :ohnoes: Last time I went on a plane it was for 5 hours when I was like 12 or 11. Just waited and did nothing the entire time; got used to it while being on several road trips.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well I had an hour or so flight earlier this summer to Berlin, but I was just talking to my friend mainly, and we got free food so that occupied a few minutes. On the way back we also talked to the person sitting next to us.




When I went to Florida 8 years ago it was a 9 hour flight, mainly watched the TV/films they had on the built in screens and slept, but that was because we flew out at about 5am in the morning and I had to wake up at like 2am to get to the airport.




I had a 7 hour coach journey to get back home from uni where I played my DS, on the way back up I watched a few films on my laptop (Which I got for Christmas). Just listened to music on my MP3 player too, just normal stuff.

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Join the mile high club.


So can they actually do anything if they catch you, other than embarassment?




Not much for me to do on an airplane. Except not look at the guy next to me, who's usually about 300 pounds and snoring loudly/listening to loud music. I don't try to sleep, never know what someone on the flight might try to do to you. So i usually turn on my own loud music to drown out the inevitably screaming baby(ies) while staying alert.




On a really long flight, though, I might watch the movie or read or something, but it only gets about half my attention. Yea, I really can't enjoy a flight. Unless it's a really late flight, all the lights are down, just such a great atmosphere.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Join the mile high club.


So can they actually do anything if they catch you, other than embarassment?







Are you kidding?! You get in BAD trouble.




Anyways, I can never really sleep in an upright position so I try to watch the in flight movie. On shorter flights, I always read a magazine that I bring or one provided on the place.




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I glare at my "dinner" that they gave me.




Anyways, I recommend buying a book or something in an airport book store directly prior to boarding the plane. I did this on my way back from Japan, but with 3 mangas. Lasted me at least half of the 8 hour flight.




By the way- If you don't want food poisoning, take your own meals.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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I generally take a laptop and a good pair of noise - canceling headphones and either read an ebook or watch a movie if i'm on a commercial flight. If I'm riding on a private plane, I generally go up and sit in the cockpit and talk to the pilot or eat snacks.

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I glare at my "dinner" that they gave me.




Anyways, I recommend buying a book or something in an airport book store directly prior to boarding the plane. I did this on my way back from Japan, but with 3 mangas. Lasted me at least half of the 8 hour flight.




By the way- If you don't want food poisoning, take your own meals.




You can't do that anymore because the terrorists supposedly ruined it for us by mixing different chemicals together during the flight and made a bomb...




Darn terrorists! They're EVERYWHEEEREE! Especially the Muslimbs! [/hillbilly accent] :roll:



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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