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Let's talk jeans.


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So, over the period of the last few months, I've started to get into jeans. (Before that, it was shoes, I'm slowly turning very fashion conscious.) The thing about denim pants that really grabbed my interest was Selvedge, raw, or dry denim, (the difference between these three I'm not exactly sure about, tell me if you know, thanks), which is the kind of jeans which fade as you wear them. I had grown so used to see jeans in stores which already had whiskers and honeycombs when you bought them (lines on the thighs and the back of the knees, in that order), that the idea that you could make a pair of jeans which was completely unique blew me off of my feet.




Selvedge is the excess cloth that is on the of your jeans, or since it's hard to describe, it's this:800pxselvagedenimov5.th.jpg




If your jeans have anything that resembles that, there's a good chance that your jeans are of very good quality. In general, by saying selvedge denim, that means that the jeans will fade according to how you wear them. (No pictures, anyone have any?)




In order to make cool fades on your pants, you have to wear them for months straight without washing them, that's about all I know.


What the hell are you talking about?




I'm talking jeans.




I like sweatpants more; they're warmer and more comfortable. Who cares how I look?




Well, aside from the fact that I strictly believe sweatpants shouldn't be worn outside of the gym or the home (joking, or am I?), if you trip even once, there'll probably be a nice hole where you happened to make contact with the unforgiving ground. However, if you decided to wear a nice pair of say, Levi's 501's, there'll probably be some dirt, but that's it. Your jeans live to fight another day.




While sweatpants do a wonderful job of being thick and being like a blanket around your legs, they don't have enough pockets. Game.




Why should you care how you look? Because whether you want to admit it or not, people will make their first impression of you on how you are dressed. If you're wearing jeans, you look as if you're a person looking for fun, if you have sweatpants on, you're looking for a gym.




Anyways, now that you know why jeans are the #1 legwear, with sweatpants trailing at a distant second, I'll get back to the topic at hand.




If I managed to interest you in selvedge jeans, which I highly doubt, I recommend you start out with buying a pair of Levi's 501 STF for around $40.




Anyways, I really only posted this to see if anyone else likes selvedge jeans and if they could post a bit of how they work, as I'd be very curious as well.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Jeans means more than a person is "looking out for fun." Also used for cowboys, work, corporate casual ( :P ), comfort, style, and just a general pair of pants. Seeing as they are just something to cover your legs, I don't think that they make THAT big of an impression.




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I never thought someone could write this much about pants.


I stand corrected.


God, so true. And I almost only wear jeans, especially when I'm working at a ranch or rodeo. Jesus. I'm scared of Erk now.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I have never owned a pair of jeans.




lol neither have i, much more fan of the cargo pants so i can just toss my cell, wallet, ipod, pens\pencils, keys, glasses, and i can still golf with them




that or athletic shorts for running

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I have never owned a pair of jeans.




lol neither have i, much more fan of the cargo pants so i can just toss my cell, wallet, ipod, pens\pencils, keys, glasses, and i can still golf with them




that or athletic shorts for running


Heh, I'm exactly the same way.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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For me, the reason I prefer jeans over cargo pants is that a.) jeans are unique to whoever wears them and, b.) they last longer.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Well I really can't talk much about jeans except that I like them unisex and tight.




Anywaaaay.... I bought some black faded jeans for 50% off the other day for $25 and they basically have embroidered designs on the buttocks pockets and are intentionally frayed at the bottoms. They also have a distressed look. Got these from Burlington's Coat Factory.




Went to American Eagle and bought some $50 brown plaid shorts, generic plaid shoes (resemble Converse All-Star lowtops, but only American Eagle brand), and a white AE t-shirt. Ended up spending $125 on those three items alone. Then I went to Aeropostale and got a brown shirt and a golden yellow shirt off of the clearance rack. Spent $30 there.




Basically that's just a small starting kit for school. I'll be in my junior year in high school. Not exactly thrilled, but I just want to get HS over once and for all.




Anyway hope that satisfied your clothing obsession. lol



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I'd like to know....




Who on TIF was The Sweatpants Kid in elementary school?




I know I wasn't, but every grade had The Sweatpants Kid.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Jeans are the only pants I wear! Plus they are by far the sexiest clothing. <3:




Nothing about jeans is sexy.




Sorry for the bad news, but they are the definition of sexy. Blue and smooth... Come on!

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Jeans? Pshh. I haven't worn jeans for years. I sort of stopped completely once I started high school, since we're not allowed to wear them. Cargo pants FTW. Between school and Boy Scouts, cargos have taken over. Jeans are absolutely terrible for camping.


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I wear Levi skinny jeans. I'm tall and skinny, may as well dress to those facts.




They're pretty nice. I'm thinking that I'll end up being a kid who goes and pays 60 bucks for a pair of jeans, and I'm completely comfortable in that fact. This'll be the first year where I've done back to school shopping while having a job, so I've got an excess of money to spend on looking good. I'm by no means shallow, but hey, what the hell, why not?


It really has

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Jeans? Pshh. I haven't worn jeans for years. I sort of stopped completely once I started high school, since we're not allowed to wear them. Cargo pants FTW. Between school and Boy Scouts, cargos have taken over. Jeans are absolutely terrible for camping.




God I hate the Boy Scouts. -.- Their true motto is "Kickin' out the queers, Atheists, and those darn' people who can't decide if they believe in God or not."




Someone needs to really put the Scouts in their place some day. They claim to be about helping others, yet they are the most intolerant organization for young people. Doesn't shock me though, since they're all extremely sexist. I used to be a Scout myself until I just got tired of their bull and then denounced them and disassociated with every single one of them.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Jeans? Pshh. I haven't worn jeans for years. I sort of stopped completely once I started high school, since we're not allowed to wear them. Cargo pants FTW. Between school and Boy Scouts, cargos have taken over. Jeans are absolutely terrible for camping.




God I hate the Boy Scouts. -.- Their true motto is "Kickin' out the queers, Atheists, and those darn' people who can't decide if they believe in God or not."




Someone needs to really put the Scouts in their place some day. They claim to be about helping others, yet they are the most intolerant organization for young people. Doesn't shock me though, since they're all extremely sexist. I used to be a Scout myself until I just got tired of their bull and then denounced them and disassociated with every single one of them.


You're just as bad, all you do is act like someone's a backwards hick if they don't agree with your views.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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It might be different for you in the South, Serephurus, but Scouts aren't really like that in the north. Not much at all. I don't think they specifically tell people who they will let in and who they won't, but Scouts are a program for people who want to participate in all the events they offer and to have a good time with friends. I don't think it's a big deal. People don't go yelling out their sexual preference when they join, either.




I hate the rules they have, though. It's not very fair, and I can see why you wouldn't want to join. We can't force them to do anything, though. That would be wrong. We should always debate with them and explain our side.

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