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Why is it wrong for males to hit females?


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Usually, because females are often physically weaker, so it's seen as 'cowardly'.




But even in very liberal cultures like nordic ones, family violence is a real issue as well. If a woman hits a man, they can expect to be hit back. Equality in every issue..?




Gender doesn't make you immune to retaliation in life... I'd need a really heavy reason to hit anybody at all now, but if a woman was picking a fight on me, why'd I just let her punch me and sit there turning the other cheek like a jerk and saying "calm down"?

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It's just one of those things...




Not that I'd ever hit a woman, but it does seem biased that they could hit us but not get hit back.


If that were to happen, I figure I'd just restrain her until she calmed down.

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I'd punch a woman if I had to. The problem isn't the act of hitting, since there are times when it would be acceptable; The problem is when someone uses an advantage in physical strength to dominate someone weaker.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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There's a point.




Is it wrong to hit a woman who could kick your [wagon] five ways from Friday?




The jury's still out on that one. For now, all bets are off on that one. Besides, mostly, it ends up in rape, mainly for dominance. If I got raped by some hot chick, I'd be thinking something along the lines of "awesome", and then report them, so I don't get in any trouble.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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There's a point.




Is it wrong to hit a woman who could kick your [wagon] five ways from Friday?




I don't think the specifics are important. The reasons for not hitting people, and the exceptions to them transcend gender. There's rarely a good reason to throw the first punch, but if the reason is there then it doesn't matter who the person is.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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There's a point.




Is it wrong to hit a woman who could kick your [wagon] five ways from Friday?




I don't think the specifics are important. The reasons for not hitting people, and the exceptions to them transcend gender. There's rarely a good reason to throw the first punch, but if the reason is there then it doesn't matter who the person is.




If a person caused the death of your family member, ruined your life, made you lose your job.. Would you spare the baseball bat just based on gender?




I don't think any woman would... Why should any man?

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I find it funny how it's acceptable in my school for a large kid to beat up a really small kid for no apparent reason, but it's frowned upon for a man to hit a woman of the same size regardless of how legit the reason is.

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They're considered the inferior gender in society. That's why




There not considered, just viewed, and looked upon. In 21st century, women lead the business world, and things like that. There's no reason men are higher above women. just because it was like that in history, doesn't mean it should be like that now. We need to learn from our mistakes.




I don't think it is wrong as such to hit a women, but i'm a scrawny kid, and most girls in my class could beat me up :lol: . If they throw the first punch fine, but you should not throw the first punch ever. Its called common sense. There is also a thing called Gentlemancy.

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Because women are generally weaker than men, and its sort of a taboo to hit them. There isn't really a real reason, except for the fact that we have been told to not hit women since birth and therefore subconsciously we may frown upon it even if the woman is a world champion kickboxer and she's beating the shibazz out of someone in the street.


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i'd like to know why its NOT a crime for woman to damage a guy. at school its above a bad thing because males ARE usually physically stronger but we also have balls too....aka hit it hard enough and enough time you just killed my off spring. to me, no human should do any acts of violence to another unless its 100% pure self defence. i mean, i dont want a girl coming at me with a katana. >.


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It's generally seen as wrong because females are the weaker sex physically. Taking advantage of that it frowned upon, and so it should be.




The thing that bugs me, though, is when certain facets of society take very seriously claims of abuse against women or rape of women, but not the opposite. Think the judicial system here. It's automatically assumed that men can't be abused or that men aren't the best choice for custody of the kids, etc.

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Its sick really, how women actually tend to get away with sort of stuff because of this one rule, if a women hits me, or pushes me over the edge (by saying something that really offends me), i would gladly use my fists to put them in there place.


I love this sig.

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