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Fletching, Cooking, Firemaking: The Ultimate Race


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Kietaro, I want to note that if you do ONLY Attack, Strength and Defense while on Controlled you may be the first person (maybe not first, but one of the first) in RS history to achieve 4 99's in one hit (Hp, Att, Str and Def) as controlled splits the xp so every xp you get in Att/Str/Def equals the xp you get in HP.


But I still think you might lose.. Depends of the money-making skills of your challenger.




Anyways Gl..




I was thinking about it but I am sure that would slow me down :P




I will probably train on controlled to 60 or 70 then do defense to 99 and then attack thus giving me my 3 combat 99s.



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Good luck, combat racing guy. You will most probably need it. Fming, fletching and cooking goes so fast to train if you buy them compared to what combat does. Even if you no-life REALLY much I doubt you will win. But I wish you good luck anyway, since my hope is that you will win anyway and show that training those skills takes a lot of effort aswell!




And to "buy" these skills on a new account your going to use what? Buttons or beach rocks?




I think the point hes trying to makie is the skiller has to slave away earning money to "buy" these skills, hereas the Melee'er has the benefit of whatever drops he gets.




My money is on the Combat winning

I don't know which mod did this. I don't know why they did it. If they're looking for money, I can tell them I don't have any as I'm a student. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 4 years of RuneScape. Skills that I have worked hard for and people like them can't take them away. If they give me my particles back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for them, I will not pursue them. But if they don't, I will look for them, I will find them, and they won't like what'll happen

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I think this race sounds like a cracking idea and I hope combat guy wins! It sounds like the main bone of contention is that the skiller racer would have a useless account at the end. Its a shame trade restrictions wont allow us to reward the winner to compensate them for neglecting their main account. :wall: but Ill donate 3k :thumbsup:

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If it were possible I would gladly give the skiller the combat account as I will not have any interest in it once this challenge is done.




I know that it is a long shot but I will glady ask Jagex if it is possible and even if it isn't ;)



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To everyone saying so, just how are Cooking and Fletching useless at 99? Fletching is, well at least was, a good way of making money, so the 99 usually came in the progress. And if all people stopped Cooking at say, level 91, a lot of sharks would be burned. Not something I'd like, that's for sure.




Anyway Kietaro, great idea, I really hope you find a challenger, but it won't be me since I'm fine with my main already :P


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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Well I mean it is not as though my main has bad stats either. I feel as though I am a mid-high level player








and I know quite a bit about skilling. I am anal about money spent so most of my materials I have earned myself so I know how difficult it is to actually level those skills outside of buying them. And even if I did buy them, I earned the money so it was still work as I do not merchant or camp and certain type of mob. I have a decent crafting level, which I am proud to say I have not lost money getting (also have 850-ish battle staves to craft as firemaking has only allowed me to buy them recently). All of my stats are above 62 and I have 2 99s ('unworthy 99s' but 99s none the less) I have completed every quest only using guides a few times as I usually complete new quests on the day they are released. I have full lumberjack, full void, full infinity, and full BA gear. I think that my house is very impressive. In other words I feel as though my main (second main at that) is at least a decent account but for the flack that is often given about certain 99s, I am willing to put it on hold, train combat (Something I do not particularly enjoy) to prove that these skills deserve respect because whether bought or colllected, the 99 was still earned by the player.



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With level 15 mining I can earn more money per hour than you can using your combat stats at about 15 each.




With 85 mining, I can earn 300k+ an hour, while you can earn maybe 250k+ an hour with 85/85/85 (talking about solo combat, no GWD or insaine luck based scenarios)




Startup money is a joke. I can get my fleching up to the point where I make profit and just rip it up. No competition.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Blood I would be very interested to have you as my opponent. You seem very sure that you could beat me and that is something that would be very important to this challenge. I understand you not wanting to devote time to a worthless account but I would ask that you reconsider. You seem very sure that you could get the cash needed and I think you are wrong. For every hour you spend making money, I will have that hour to level my actual stats. And if you really think that you can hit 85 then 99,99,99 I think you are severely mistaken. I might even venture to say that if that was your avenue of money making, then I am sure that I could beat you. 85 mining is not quick at all and for every level you make on any other skill, that is a level I will make towards my real goal.



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To the other posters: I do not think this is something that can be calculated. The idea here is that a skiller has to go through collecting the materials to level a skill. Where as a combat player gets the benefit of drops, the skiller is left with little money after leveling his skills. All of the skills in this challenge are secondary skills (something people tend to forget) and as a result have to have a finances in order to get levels in them.


You're wrong. The time it takes to get the money required is just as easy to calculate as the time it takes to level the skill.

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I agree, that I think it is a waste to do this. I know your trying to make a point and i respect that, but IMHO i don't see anybody using up alot of time, just to make a point. All this really is, is a respect race, and we all know that Combat skills will always get more respect from the majority of people, wether you win or lose the race. Combat is just more useful as majority of Runescape is focused around Combat. Cooking, fletching, and Firemaking are just minor skills compared to combat. But good luck with your raise. BTW im not racing you if you haven't figured that out. ::'




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I think mining is the way to go as far as easy/fast money..




41+ mining earns around 300k/hour I believe:


so once you got to that point (which should only take you like what - 5 hours?) you only need


5(fm)+8(cooking)+2(fletching) = 15M which is around 50 hours..




Adding to that the time it takes to do everything, I think it netts around 200 hours...




Combat is a bit harder to calculate: it's hard to know how much money you actually made/hour: so when you can afford new better weaponry...


PCing seems the way to go: only problem is that it's not really worth alot at lower levels (and that's when you need money the most).

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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I think mining is the way to go as far as easy/fast money..




41+ mining earns around 300k/hour I believe:


so once you got to that point (which should only take you like what - 5 hours?) you only need


5(fm)+8(cooking)+2(fletching) = 15M which is around 50 hours..




Adding to that the time it takes to do everything, I think it netts around 200 hours...




Combat is a bit harder to calculate: it's hard to know how much money you actually made/hour: so when you can afford new better weaponry...


PCing seems the way to go: only problem is that it's not really worth alot at lower levels (and that's when you need money the most).


300k/hour? I'd like to know what you're mining :-s


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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I think mining is the way to go as far as easy/fast money..




41+ mining earns around 300k/hour I believe:


so once you got to that point (which should only take you like what - 5 hours?) you only need


5(fm)+8(cooking)+2(fletching) = 15M which is around 50 hours..




Adding to that the time it takes to do everything, I think it netts around 200 hours...




Combat is a bit harder to calculate: it's hard to know how much money you actually made/hour: so when you can afford new better weaponry...


PCing seems the way to go: only problem is that it's not really worth alot at lower levels (and that's when you need money the most).


300k/hour? I'd like to know what you're mining :-s




Its more like 100k-150k an hour, if your quick.




But, either way, its way better than combat at level 41, and the XP rate is astounding.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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I really do think the mele would win. People who are posting "oo i can make such and such per hr at this low lvl, this would only take like a month, etc etc" would never even participate, and none of them have gotten all 3 of these 99s from made specifically for them out of nothing. Its a lot harder than it looks and i understand all the points you make. I really hope you get a challenger.


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The main reason nobody has accepted is probably because it would take a very long time to do this and most people aren't willing to take the drastic time expense on their own runescape account.


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Rare Drops: Dragon Sq Half : 1, Dragon Med : 2, Dragon Claws : 2, Dragon Legs : 1, Dragon Boots : 60+, Granite Legs: 8

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I agree 100% that Fletching, cooking and firemaking should be respected, as u said they take time, and money, which also takes time.




But i doubt that you would be able to maxe melee an account, before someone could get 99 cook fletch and firemaking.




A friend / fellow tip.iter mad an account only 2 weeks ago, and today has already made the money for 99 fm, bought the logs, and is at 82 fm at the moment... in only two weeks. With a few hours a day they will have 99 firemaking within the first month of that accounts existence.




At that rat they could have all 3 of theese skills with in a few months.




I have extreme doubt that you would even be 80 80 80 in that time, even if you no life.




No i will not take your challenge, as it would be an exreme waste of time, which id much father spend even getting those skills on my main.




I hope someone does take this challenge, as it will be very interesting to watch.

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for those of you saying he hasnt got a challenger yet, check page 2....there's 2 there, and for the rest of you who keep saying the same thing over and over and over and over( im sorry but that's what it seems like to me) again:




"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"


"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"


"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"




just stop, either contribute to the topic or dont, because even though i respect everyone's point of view, dont keep saying what the person before you said.please




i would contribute but it would take me a few weeks to get ready, maybe near christmas, but not now.please read before posting about me being a hypocrite




also, for all of you saying its a major waste of time. before the trade cap people in runescape used to make lots of pure accounts and till now there are still people in the blogs section in tip it who are pures and still training on that account, so dont say "i'd rather not waste my time and train on main because the other acc would be useless" because i think that's a very narrow point of view.






phew....that was a mouthful










p.s. dont start flaming me and repeating the same thing again and again...please

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




^^^^The Best Melee Training Spot In The Game^^^^



^^^^The new Bandits^^^^


even i have the misfile craze!!!

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for those of you saying he hasnt got a challenger yet, check page 2....there's 2 there, and for the rest of you who keep saying the same thing over and over and over and over( im sorry but that's what it seems like to me) again:




"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"


"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"


"good idea, im not doing it!"


"bad idea, im not doing it!"




just stop, either contribute to the topic or dont, because even though i respect everyone's point of view, dont keep saying what the person before you said.please




i would contribute but it would take me a few weeks to get ready, maybe near christmas, but not now.




also, for all of you saying its a major waste of time. before the trade cap people in runescape used to make lots of pure accounts and till now there are still people in the blogs section in tip it who are pures and still training on that account, so dont say "i'd rather not waste my time and train on main because the other acc would be useless" because i think that's a very narrow point of view.






phew....that was a mouthful










p.s. dont start flaming me and repeating the same thing again and again...please










Umm, didnt u just do the exact same thing that ur ranting about?

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It's a cute concept, but I agree with those who advise the mathematical approach.




As was pointed out, even on a new character, getting the necessary funds for those three 99's is nothing. It would even be perfectly possible to make enough money to buy the very best logs/fish. Especially your FM could be realised at an amazing speed if you're ready to splash the money. Most people who get these capes on their regular account don't splash, because they're thinking of other skills as well, but this account would be aiming for those three skills only.




At the 5 hour rate a day and 150k/hour (those with a nose for the GE could probably even do better), you could make 750k a day, more than 5M a week,...




Nevertheless, I agree that people may look down too much on those three skill capes. But it's the combination of their relative easiness and uselessness that makes them underrated. And I don't really have the feeling people look up to the combat capes that much either. There are too many of those as well to be considered truly "cool".

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A couple of things, if I may.




Those that have said they would at least consider this challenge, please message me.




I also want to say that I realise that this offers no reward to the victor but I would be glad to offer an incentive for anyone that would take me up on my offer, though that would take some trust on the players part but anyone from ego's vent can attest to my character. I do what I say I will do and I would be glad to give the player something for their time. This of course would be discussed between the player and myself.




The whole point I am trying to make is that flecthing, cooking, and firemaking are skills that many players accomplish, usually as a first 99 (as they are somewhat faster to achieve, I will not deny that). However they are not stats that players just shoot for out of the gate and as a result spend many months playing before they shoot for these goals (hell 6 years here). They take time and money and I feel as though people overlook these accomplishments simply because they 'bought them'. What seems to be missing is the fact that these are secondary skills, skills meant to be leveled on top of other skills (Woodcutting, fishing/farming, and even a little of crafting). That is why they offer quicker experience and also why they often times offer very few benefits of higher levels (though that adze has me watering...er steaming at the mouth). This does not however build a case for the accomplishment of the players. Now anyone can look at my stats and see that I have fletching and cooking as my 99s and I hope that they would not come to the wrong conclusions. Those were races between friends of mine otherwise I probably would not have a 99 because this is a casual game for me. The reason for that is because I feel like those are big accomplishments. Having put in the time and money management of getting those 99s I can honestly say that I feel good about them. Then when I come to the tip.it forums, a place where I feel as though I fit in, I hide the fact that I have these 99s, almost embarassed to have met my goals. What I would like for our little community to realize is these thoughts create an elitist mentality that pushes some members away.




These were not easy for me. The time to get the money, the time to get the materials (as fletching was before the GE and cooking was done through my kingdom), and the time to actually level the skill were all factors that made this difficult for me. It made me feel as though I really had accomplished something. Then there large chunks of the community that I am involved in that look down on it. Having worked that hard for something, I feel as though my time meant something and I refuse to think that someone that leveled combat instead deserves more respect. Granted I might be beaten in my ploy, I just want you guys to realise that these skills are a little more difficult than you seem to think they are. If nothing else, the effort to actually make all of those bows or burn this many logs makes this tedious, where combat can potentially be different ALL THE TIME! Tired of Dragons, just swtich to skeletons; fletching, cooking, and firemaking do not offer that ability making these skills more difficult to stick with. I know tons of combat players that cannot stomach getting 99s in repetative skills thus I feel like they deserve at least some respect.




Bottom line is there are many aspects of leveling these skills that I feel the players deserve respect for. I can say that because I have leveled them. Even if they are pointless to have at these levels (as some say though I respectfully disagree), the fact remains that the time and effort should get some props. You are basically saying that the time spent was wrothless and that the player wasted their time but in truth a combat 99 is no more impressive than a 99 in fletching, firemaking, or cooking because in my opinion it is more about having a community with other people that reflects a respect for other's accomplishments. Not to say that combat does not deserve respect but cooking, firemaking, and fletching deserve the same thing.




That is exactly why I am willing to show that combat is just as easy, if not moreso to level than cooking, fletching, and firemaking. Sure it maybe slower experience but you do not have to worry about making money, burning out, or having a community that makes you feel as though your time is wasted. I am worried that if I get a challenger, they will become burned out but if they did, I think it would just serve to prove my point. Anyway I hope that this was cognitive and that this is really about our community moving past such a small perspective.



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Like many before me i would start by saying i don't disrespect fm cook or fletch. Most of the people who disrespect those 3 skills have experience comb and skilling. When u switch from comb to skilling, you notice a huge difference in xp especially compared to those 3. The difference in xp is even greater if your are training comb with slayer as many do. There is no point in trying to gain respect to the 3 capes by using the method you proposed, since most players will train all their skills on 1 character using money from comb or other methods to train another 1 of their skill.




Another thing is the risk involved, in training comb u risk death whereas training the 3 skills that were mentioned does not expose your character to much danger apart from a few randoms. Among the 3 skill, fm is the most tedious as u must do 2 clicks for every log to burn. It is true that skilling is repetitive as u cook, fletch and burn the same thing over and over again. But then again so is comb because if u want the best xp only 1 monster will give u that.




As for who would win between a pure comb (att,str,def) and a pure skiller (fm,cook,fletch), i would say the skiller as making money to get the raw materials is quite easy. The comb pure would lead in the beginning but will be overtaken once the pure skiller has acquire the raw material and the lv require for the best xp.



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