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Starting to Smoke


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How is smoking cigs like drinking a gallon of gasoline in any way? You're dead within the hour drinking a gallon of gasoline.


He actually said smoking a gallon of gasoline. The flame would ignite the gallon of gasoline, and in seconds your face would be engulfed in fire.




A slight misrepresentation, if I may say.

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How is smoking cigs like drinking a gallon of gasoline in any way? You're dead within the hour drinking a gallon of gasoline.


He actually said smoking a gallon of gasoline. The flame would ignite the gallon of gasoline, and in seconds your face would be engulfed in fire.




A slight misrepresentation, if I may say.


Well, if you were one of those guys that stuffs-in-mouth-and-smokes 50 cigarettes at once, it could very well happen.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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How is smoking cigs like drinking a gallon of gasoline in any way? You're dead within the hour drinking a gallon of gasoline.


He actually said smoking a gallon of gasoline. The flame would ignite the gallon of gasoline, and in seconds your face would be engulfed in fire.




A slight misrepresentation, if I may say.




Well, you're both pretty slow tbh.




Smoking a pack of cigs is like smoking a gallon of gasoline he said, correct?


That only means they both cost about the same, and using cigs is a waste of money, and just as much of a waste as getting rid of a gallon of gas. He only means that they're both a stupid waste of money, he isn't going to light up a gallon of gas.. #-o



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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I would recommend weed before I recommended cigarettes. Seriously. Cigarettes have been scientifically proven many many many times to be far more harmful than the effects of marijuana.




You mean when you compare a pack of cigarettes a day to a less than chronic marijauna user, say once every other day?

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I would recommend weed before I recommended cigarettes. Seriously. Cigarettes have been scientifically proven many many many times to be far more harmful than the effects of marijuana.




You mean when you compare a pack of cigarettes a day to a less than chronic marijauna user, say once every other day?


Quite. Most marijuana users don't go by 20 or so doobies a day. And instead of recommending a drug that has a high chance of getting him in trouble with the law, why not recommend, I dunno...Doing neither?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Guys, a moderator has already told us that we cannot talk about or suggest elicit drugs, which four out of the last five posts were about.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Guys, a moderator has already told us that we cannot talk about or suggest elicit drugs, which four out of the last five posts were about.






Fight the powah. Or, rather, pyro. [From what, three pages ago?]

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Guys, a moderator has already told us that we cannot talk about or suggest elicit drugs, which four out of the last five posts were about.




Fiiinnneee. I suggest buying a motorcycle and riding it to relieve stress. I should have one (hopefully) within the next six months. I can't wait! :thumbsup:

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People who start smoking with the exact same reasons you have are those who become chronic, addicted smokers. Out of all the people who progress to heavy drugs (excluding MJ), these smokers make up the majority. You'll be smoking for all the wrong reasons, and it could lead to a bad lifestyle. If someone thinks i'm full of bologna, go read The Tipping Point by Malcom Cladwell or something.




Anyways, the best way to get out of your conundrum is to talk to your parents about it. I also worked during my high school years to help out with the bills but one day in grade 11 I sat down with my folks and told them about my problems. They obviously understood and acted as if they could manage without me working. So if i'm correct and our positions were once the same, your parents will value a good education and won't mind you quitting so long you give good reasons and show academic improvements.




It was the best move i'd done in a long time. Talking about these kinds of things when there is so much strain and tension in a family does wonders. Now you can go along smoking and doing other things in order to get a nice view of the world without any unhealthy addictions.



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Oh you're feeling so pressurised by work you decide to put yourself under a huge financial burden to slowly kill yourself. Great method of releiving stress/pressure! :wall:




Have you ever smoked before? People only feel relaxed by smoking because they've been smoking for a while and become dependant on nicotine. Your first smoke will probably cause you to splutter/cough or even wretch.






Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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my first smoke was fine. didn't really do much for me, but no coughing or anything. that was probably at about 11 or 12, don't exactly remember why i did it, probably cause that was the age where i was eternally pissed at my parents and stole them from my dad. then i got in trouble (not for smoking) for "playing with fire" cause i was using matches to light them >.> then i used to have a cigar every once in a while at like 16-17, birthdays and such with my friends, then i started up again at around midnight of november 11/12 of 07, right after a modest mouse concert. i just had a huge urge for one so i bought a pack. haven't really felt like quitting yet although i know i should.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

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Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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People only feel relaxed by smoking because they've been smoking for a while and become dependant on nicotine. Your first smoke will probably cause you to splutter/cough or even wretch.




If you smoke it properly, I don't think that is so likely. If you swallow the smoke (common mistake for beginners) you're going to get a terrible stomache ache or vomit (quickly make yourself burp if you swallow the smoke). If you put your lips to the cigarette and inhale, you'll end up coughing/choking because the smoke it going to be constantly going down your throat and that's not a good feeling. But if you pull the smoke into your mouth, move the cigarette away from your lips, then inhale you're going to be far less likely to cough/choke but you still need to pay attention so you don't swallow the smoke. I had been smoking marijuana for a while before I started smoking cigarettes so I knew what the smoke felt like going into my lungs, it was just a little different to smoke because I always used a pipe for the marijuana.

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Smoking isn't going to help that much. Being busy will mean that you won't have a time for a smoke and then you'll have intense urges for it which will just build up the stress even more. I'd suggest not doing that.


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